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54708760 No.54708760 [Reply] [Original]

Every meme coin associated with 4chan rhetoric is getting people serious gains.
Instead of struggling to find the best current one, why not look for new coins on dextools and get in on the first day? My pick is frog.
You think this is a good strategy? And let me know your picks in the thread.

>> No.54708764

Picrel btw

>> No.54708793

Cool thanks street shitter

>> No.54708832

It is pretty funny that the new altrun is 4chan memetokens yet you'd never know that if you skimmed /biz/. Fuckin bots and shills are on a fuckin mission here lately. Anyway it's not the worst strategy anon. I aped into pepe and bought pepl and then fren a couple hours ago. Doomer chart shows about a 2x every 24 hours and last I looked hushdoge seemed like it had legs. Best of luck brother.

>> No.54708921

Nice! I remember aping into shib when the pullback went only halfway down. Did you go into pepe at the start or when it started making the rounds?

>> No.54708960

These are pajeets. No one “apes” into scams. Lol

>> No.54708976

Tell that to the people who got on shib and pepe in the early days ranjeesh. The kind of memecoins pump and dump within first few days. Good luck getting 20x from memecoins that have already 100x by now

>> No.54708980

Zoomer mutt slang is absolutely repulsive

>> No.54708987

get in tg alpha groups like @armyofshills
thats where you find shit early

>> No.54708992

lol the street shitter shills are pathetic

>> No.54709000

I bought pepe this morning lol. I'm not expecting more than a 2-3x really but if its crabbing in a week or so and I'm up, I'll dump it. Ironically I got shib from a /pol/ poster late at night and got in pretty early. I got link under $1 as well. I blew most of my shib gains on more shitcoins and never cashed out any link so I'm still here kek. Do you have a dextools link for frog?

>> No.54709040

Check my buy in and the price now, within minutes. Shame on your who doubted. Salute!

>> No.54709045
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I got fucked with cope

>> No.54709052

heh these guys are too obvious

>> No.54709105


>> No.54709111

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.54709122

>scam deployed 8 hours ago
Lol these shills have no shame

>> No.54709146

Bro im not a shill im just suggesting a bold strategy which im kindly sharing. The evidence is there, this is 4chan meme season. Buy or don't I don't care.

>> No.54709158

okay thanks pajeet. buy an ad next time

>> No.54709161

i'm never buying anything (memes/dog coins trash) except for pepe..
I've been rugged twice and that's too much for me.

FUCK Telegram shills
fuck pajeets
fuck jannies

>> No.54709166

Yeah, this guys also a jeet’
>claims won’t buy X
>self promotes another scam

>> No.54709187
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>> No.54709260
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in fact i lost money on PEPE because i sold at the bottom like a fool and i'm trying to swing to recover my loses..i still can't believe the pumped to my entry position a few hours later
I need at least $4k and i'll be happy.

>> No.54709271

what’s up with all these pajeet shills lately? damn man, you’re either a pajeet shilling a scam, or you’re an idiot for buying something shilled here.

>> No.54709316

I'm not seeing much on the contract and the tax combined with the crazy high orders for a brand new meme coin spooks me.

>> No.54709330

this is a paid shill

>> No.54709368

moonman is the most racist

>> No.54709390

kek coin
2 d old
find it, bag it
soon we shill

>> No.54709402

Geez, the shills get worse

>> No.54709771
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>> No.54709795


How To Report Cryptocurrency Scams

Report fraud and other suspicious activity involving cryptocurrency to

>FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov

>Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) at CFTC.gov/complaint

>U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) at sec.gov/tcr

>Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at ic3.gov/Home/FileComplaint



You just report their domain, and details there to law enforcement. End the pajeet spam.

>> No.54709835

nah sirs jeet coin got that covered

>> No.54709850

Same pajeet shills, different coin lol

>> No.54709863

I wish I were a NEET. I literally don't have time to comb through shitcoins, find 4chan ones and buy dumps/sell pumps. I know this is why I'm NGMI but I have a 9-5 and have to pay the bills

>> No.54709877

i posted four words you dumbfuck thats not enough information to infer anything from

>> No.54709881

So after 5 check new listings that have 4chan type names, buy if looking legit and new. Not hard anon

>> No.54709888

Yeah, you’re this pajeet >>54709632

Buy an ad for your shitcoin. You got a website? I’ll report that to the SEC or whatever your country’s law enforcement is

>> No.54709904

LOL thats what I was talking about! Holy shit, these dudes come strong

>> No.54709919

>buy/sell my me me coin token
HOLY FUCKING BOOMER buying and selling is so cringe boomer bro

15 minute cities are going to save us me mes not needed

>> No.54709964

>My pick is frog.
Nice, anon. Add some Kermit if you haven't already. Strangely enough, Elon and Conor McGregor have been liking and posting Kermit related things lately. Check their Twitter's or Instagram's (or search Kermit cashtag and you'll probably see it).

>> No.54709968

>frogbots are back again
frogbots are back again
>frogbots are back again
frogbots are back again
>frogbots are back again
frogbots are back again
>frogbots are back again
frogbots are back again

>> No.54709970

Very cool pajeet. Still not buying it, despite how many times you spam this.