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54703921 No.54703921 [Reply] [Original]

This is it, I'm sick and tired of waiting for this piece of shit to pump while shitcoins left and right are pumping 100%+. I'm done, I just sold all my LINK holdings. What should I buy? I'm thinking either Aptos or Arbitrum.

>> No.54703957

No idea what you should buy, but I totally agree about your decision to sell link. I did the same thing.

>> No.54704122

Nice. What are you holding right now?

>> No.54704138

I’d just dca into eth and flip at the levels until that plus the profits go under water and stake that so you can maybe 3x4x your cash before locking it up

Keep like 500 links just in case but yeah I’m
Done with it it’s annoying as Fuck to even listen to now

>> No.54704152

Thanks for playing. How much did you sell? Didn't you get ARB for free in the airdrop?

>> No.54704183

I solded about an hour ago

>> No.54704194

>sick and tired of waiting for this piece of shit to pump while shitcoins left and right are pumping 100%+
>wants to buy more crabbing shit
based retard

>> No.54704243

Alright, thanks. Not holding any of this shit, already filtered it.

Sold 12K LINK. I still have my free ARB that I will never sell.


But at least they're new, I can actually look forward to their price action in the next bullrun unlike LINK.

>> No.54704339

Only Bitcoin matters

stop buying shitty altcoins, they will keep bleeding sats

>> No.54704407

That's a big sell. Entire holdings? What was your initial buy? I get the funny feeling you've just sold near the bottom for the next 1-2 years.

>> No.54704427

I will never make it holding BTC alone.

Yup. My average was $35.

>> No.54704452

You have got to be kidding anon
You held all the way down from $35 and you're selling now?

>> No.54704477

chainlink will never reach $30 ever again

Same as IOTA, Vechain, Bcash, Monero, XRP and all other shitcoins. They never make a new all time high

>> No.54704490

Anon, LINK was $6 when BTC was $15K. BTC went to $30K and LINK barely broke $8. I'm not waiting for another dump to $5 when BTC dumps to $20K. I need to put my money elsewhere, can't take another day holding this shit. It's so frustrating. I had so opportunities to make money in the last two years, but no I married my shitty bags.

>> No.54704517

I feel like a cuck holding link

>> No.54704650

fucking yikes, sorry you took such a massive L... but I mean you literally bought high and sold low lmao.

Why did you start buying LINK so late? This board literally shilled it before ICO. I'm holding from 2017 myself.
IMO when you buy into a massive pump like that and don't sell the absolute top, you need more patience and expand your timeline for positive returns...not sell at the fucking bottom of the dump

>> No.54704668

>Used & needed
>Unused & unneeded
all the other shit you mentioned

>> No.54704674

That could be true, but that's not my point
If you buy something at $35, have enough conviction to hold it down $5, it doesn't make sense to sell it at $7.
This is a huge mistake that only a novice investor would make

>> No.54704677

Not a single Link marine /madeit/

The only person who got rich was Sergey, you're clinging to your shitty 2017 bags because you've deluded yourself that holding an altcoin for a decade is a smart decision (it's not lol)

>> No.54704706

Maybe not be a latefag? Kek holy shit mein neger, but if you do zoom out link is still taking a raunchy shit on eth and Btc in terms of return.

>> No.54704874

I got into crypto in 2021, wasn't here in 2017. I bought LINK because it was hyped as the next ETH. How would I have known $50 was the top? People were calling for at least $250.

>Maybe go back and time and change things you can't change!

>> No.54704887

I did just that a few months ago and then bought back in as it pumped as was afraid id miss out after holding for years.... then it dumpe. So as you see I've tried anon and there is no way out of here, we are in hell for sure

>> No.54705101

The “usage” isnt correlated with the coin price though, so it doesnt matter now does it…in b4 one of you fags posts muh TVE metrics

>> No.54705632

the biggest mistake was treating LINK like a proper investment instead of a PnD shitcoin

>> No.54705825

when anons say they bought 2017, what they mean is that they bought a little amount and then averaged up so their entry is around $15-20, so they are down as well. the 2017 thing is just a coping mechanism, they are afraid to calculate their real entry

>> No.54705882

anyone who says "holdings" is gay

>> No.54705907

i bought at 15 cents and didn't average up

>> No.54705910

Damn, stay safe, Anon.

They're literally using the "oh, you didn't buy at ATL? Pfft what a scrub" thing. It's so stupid.

Anyone who calls others gay is gay.

>> No.54705916

i can smell the bottom signals the despair the pain. Soon we rise and never go back.

>> No.54705937

so you stared at a stack of like 1000 link for 6 years? that's rough

>> No.54706548

I bought 5000 LINKs at $0.40 and never bought or sold after that. I am the dumbest smart motherfucker alive.

>> No.54706620

meh it could be worse, most shit from 2017 is dead
even eth is only up 25% in usd from then

>> No.54706629

Thanks just market sold 100k

>> No.54706841
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you bought 12k link at an average of $35 per link. your telling me you spent $420,000 on a cryptocurrency that you don't even understand on a chinese basket weaving forum because it had funny frog posts?

If you are going to make up a story to fud at least make it believable

>> No.54706968

I just saw a reddit post about what people are accumulating and none of the 35 comments mentioned LINK, maybe check that for ideas faggot

>> No.54706981
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