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54703254 No.54703254 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so fucking tired of """middle class""" people saying shit like "money doesn't make happiness" and "people who are focusing on money aren't nice to be around" and shit like that while complaining they gotta bend over backwards for mr. bossman so they can keep their job or get their negligible raise. They're too fucking stupid to understand the only reason they have a job is because mr. bossman is making more money off them as a form of leverage. They are nothing but a fucking tool and they don't understand. They get wrung out like a sponge until used up and messed up and useless and then "retire" or whatever the government minimum wage provides after a life of slavery holy shit. They're like niggers covered in mud in third world countries not knowing any better.

If you're selling your time on this planet to survive, you're a slave and nothing more. You're a tool to be used so people who "get it" make more money, if you no longer make them more money, you're a useless consoomer only lining the pockets of people who actually thought about their future.

I'm so fucking angry at the amount of idiots in the developed world what the fuck caused this? Do they not understand the word "capital" stand central in the word "capitalism"? It's not called laborism for a reason. Work means nothing. Capital allocation means everything. The word "interesting" has "interest" in it for a reason, people in the past worked with their equity and got interest on it. That's the meaning when you say something is "interesting" or not. Either it can give you interest or it can't.

>> No.54703316

Absolutely based post

Fuck poorfag wagies

>> No.54703358

I really hate middle class monkeys as well.

They say things like 'real rich people doesn't buy anything that isn't necessary' so they act like the cheapest persons ever capable of stealing money of their own family to buy a new car or pay travelling once a year because they feel so inferior if they don't.

>> No.54703377

100k is literally nothing

>> No.54703443

They don't know better because they can't be better. Animals and machines can do better hardwork than most humans, doesn't mean it makes them the store of that value. Most plebs need to be plebs or else they would die, they need society. Tho this doesn't mean the system was or should be built around them, why should it?

>> No.54703459

Find it funny how both marxists and traditionalists hate the middle class

>> No.54703476

This is the lower class perspective well summarized. Only desperation yields these this disproportionate desire for security and status. You can make money, but thinking like this, you will always be in an impoverished state, mentally.

Middle class wage slaves realize there’s more to life than money & just accepts that work is a given, & seeks equilibrium between relatively low-stress stable work & a comfortable life.

High class doesn’t even ever think about money, bc others handle that. Finances and business is for the upstarts, urchins & nouveau riche scum that won themselves a little lottery winning and foolishly think they’re people now.

>> No.54703479

Spoken like true nouveau riche

>> No.54703490

Another beautiful day in paradise. Time to make the doughnuts

>> No.54703532

I'm not nouveau rich, I'm from old iberian (basically germanic simce iberian nobility never relay existed on its own, since the natives are idiots) aristocracy. I do have, unfortunately bourgeois blood

>> No.54703606

stop using the word capitalism and you will stop being retarded
capitalism is imaginary concept created by marxists
capitalism ain't exist
there's free market and nothing else

>> No.54703630

>money will make me happy
is just poorfag cope
nobody wants to be around someone who thinks like this, or whose only goal in life is to "grind".

>> No.54703677

>foolishly think they’re people now
if you make more money in a year what the other 99% make in a lifetime you're the slavedriver
if you can't accept that reality I feel sorry for you anon

>> No.54703709
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>ctrl + F "Jews"
>"no responses"

Cya, shlomo!

>> No.54703727


$1 billion is nothing.

>> No.54703745
File: 1 KB, 405x51, 3xBZ1NC[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your macbook is broken
time to take it to the geniuses at the tech support team in the iStore

>> No.54703746

then give me a $50,000 grant and have Biden cancel my $50,000 student loan since 100k is literally nothing

>> No.54703781

I get it anon. Just let those people be. We need them in order for the system to function properly. It’s ok work these menial shit jobs for shit companies if the alternative is sitting on your ass with nothing. Just make sure you’re not one of them in the medium and long run.

>> No.54704124

Every salary slave knows they're getting fucked. They are either resigned to it, hope to get out early, or hope to stop being the bottom and become the top

>> No.54704160

if someone isn't interested in money, fine. stay broke, hope you are happy. Just don't complain about being poor when you have made no efforts to make money and have it multiply.

>> No.54704394

Falling for memes like "money doesn't buy happiness" and "do what you love and the money will follow" literally ruined my life.

>> No.54705111

You are probably very young anon. On a fundamental level that is correct, but that does not mean money is not important. I never had more money than I do now, but in the same time, I never had less friends, less fun and less motives to carry on. So I never felt more miserable than now, when "I've made it".

>> No.54705365

> money doesn't make happiness

Funny, why are the wealthy so happy and care free and the homeless are always miserable?

How many times have you seen a homeless person smile? Name one time anons?

Middle class dumbasses repeat these trope’s because they think if they repeat the lies of the system, the system will reward them. It will t and frankly should not. A slaves mentality is all they have

>> No.54705521

I litterally dont care. And It doen't make sense to be mad about anon

I have decided to be one of the people "who get it" and accumulate capital.

The more waging middleclass comsoomers who don't get it, the better for those who actually bother to learn how things really work.

The more stupid people, the less competition.

I might fail, but its better to try than not to.

>> No.54706892
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My mom died 2 years after retirement. My dad died 4 years after going on disability (spine issue caused by the job). I've enjoyed being part of the leisure class for 10 years, and it was the most IMPORTANT time of my life. The leisure class demonstrates their economic superiority by not working, but if you're clever, you can be part of this social class while making 15–30k a year.

>> No.54707624

It's not odd when you realize what both mean by the term in its historical context, which is the merchant class and its values, what was actually the middle class before the revolutionary period. What today passes for the middle class is properly speaking the upper working class, or the lower middle class, depending on their fidelity to those merchant values. The essence of those values could be summarized as "money is the measure of all things".

>> No.54707796

This. They literally call it the human race
>human race
>you should try to win