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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 69 KB, 546x700, D1F6CC0C-78E0-4B32-A72B-C1B53BAB8C4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54699584 No.54699584 [Reply] [Original]

I’m getting sick af of the half-politicial posting here. No one cares to read constant slav shilling for their failing government, nor do we care about the economic implications of gender, or any other stupid ass political spam you want to force down our throats. Keep that stupid shit where it belongs, and keep this board focused on money making ideas. You are the cancer that caused people to miss out on quality gains in shitcoin land with your stupid ass bud light controversy and whatnot.

Jennys, clean it up please.

>> No.54699588
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wrong site, tranny

>> No.54699592
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And while we’re at it, how the FUCK are there still 20 link topics on this board, when if any other crypto did that they’d catch a filter ban *immediately*. It’s a stupid ass random eth project that hasn’t done shit in years and continues to dump on holders to prop itself up. How the fuck is this allowed? Fuck link and fuck the shills who won’t shut up about it and drown out quality advice. We do. not. care.

>> No.54699599
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>> No.54699619

Nice try, but I will stick to hating jews.

>> No.54699625

I hate LINKers too

>> No.54699656
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>>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584 >>54699584

>> No.54699708

niggers and jews, bad news

>> No.54699780

It's simple.
#1 add flags
#2 add idena proof of human identity

>> No.54699792

ive only read the first sentence. You cant have finance without politics though.

>> No.54699808

>and when some other user brings up politics

>> No.54699874
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>>54699584 >>54699588 >>54699592 >>54699599 >>54699619 >>54699625 >>54699656 >>54699708 >>54699780 >>54699792 >>54699808

>> No.54700169

>poo id
>poo pic
>offended by flags
Nothing personal Rakesh

>> No.54700503
File: 1.75 MB, 498x272, 1646314033083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
