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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54698538 No.54698538 [Reply] [Original]

How to profit from this?

>> No.54698603

>twitter post thread

Can we honestly start banning people that post stuff like this? No, Argentina's Central Bank hasnt ran out of US dollars, that just a straight fucking hyperbole lie. And actual they are slated for normal wokring operation on Monday. Dont believe everything you read on the internet folks.

t. Argentinian; stop trying to fucking scare people, everything is fine. No the world isnt collapsing please fucking stop

>> No.54698611

The only reason someone would react like this is if they were really scared that the banks were in fact collapsing.

>> No.54698618

Literally no one gives a fuck about the banking sector of an irrelevant spicoid shithole you retard, it could all collapse tomorrow with 0 contagion in the rest of the world

>> No.54698622

only retards store their dollars in a bank here

>> No.54698627

it is written by someone who believes that all is fine and well and normal in a country that has strict bank withdrawal limits for its population.

>> No.54698633

it's called bailing in

>> No.54698635

WTF is wrong with Argentina?

>> No.54698643

time to take a vacation to argentina and get that sweet argenTEEN puss for only $1.50

>> No.54698652

>is it really sweet?

>> No.54698658


>> No.54698663

I don't get why more brown retards aren't more invested into crypto

>> No.54698671

this. I need these shitskins to pump my bags

>> No.54698673

Bitcoin is surpassing the fucking dollar in Africa though

>> No.54698677

>How to profit from this?
short Argentina peso and bonds

>> No.54698754
File: 338 KB, 657x527, 1627870925179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sweet argenTEEN puss

>> No.54698789

Kkkkkkkkkk cope

>> No.54698793

>central bank

>> No.54699090

Inflation only 104%? What are they complaining, economy is GREAT!

>> No.54699112

Because even their shit 3rd world fiat currency is better then crypto

>> No.54699172
File: 83 KB, 702x243, percentage-of-argentinians-that-own-crypto-Google-Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over half of argies already own some crypto. also in turkey it's around 20% despite it being outright banned.

>> No.54699550

What should be happening, they will pass onto Yuan
Quite obvious

>> No.54701701
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>> No.54701710
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>>54698603 >>54698611 >>54698618 >>54698622 >>54698627 >>54698633 >>54698635 >>54698643 >>54698652 >>54698658 >>54698663 >>54698671 >>54698673 >>54698677 >>54698754 >>54698789 >>54698793 >>54699090 >>54699112 >>54699172 >>54699550