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54695461 No.54695461 [Reply] [Original]

how do i unironically get a gf as a 23 yo?
i drive a 10 yr german sedan that a girl told me it looks from 2017
live with roommates in a city, one room but it looks new & modern
work in sales

all zoomer girls will tell you they hate dumb guys, which means rural trade guys in their eyes
all girls my age date 26-33 yo guys? so my chance is 18 year olds?

>> No.54695477

unfortunately, you're at the age where it's time to enter the incel self improvement phase that lasts until you're 30

then you can think about dating

>> No.54695479


>> No.54695512

Be physically attractive, it's literally that simple.

>> No.54695627
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Do you make good money? Sales can be a fantastic career if you're good at it.

>> No.54695630

>how do i unironically get a gf as a 23 yo?
Start by getting one ironically and work your way up from there.

>> No.54695735

its aight
but isnt having a gf about having enough money to fill your tank, and going out for pasta or pizza
getting ice cream and affording netflix to watch in bed
occasional shopping of course

>> No.54695777

find a few milfs who dgaf and bang on the side. A gf is better for settling down which you aren't ready to do anyway. As a young guy you can pull the 8/10 milf with no effort, then switch to the younger girls once you're older with more money and experience.

>> No.54695788
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Check out PUA stuff that the internet is full of. Ignore the random gimmicky shit but learn the underlying fundamentals. Actively approach women and try to get to date them. Focus on your career/getting a well paying profession. After you start earning well and accumulate wealth, even high value women will want you. As you try your luck with more and more women your social experience will grow and women want a man with experience. Cut out all porn, forever. It kills your libido and increases your standards when they don't need to be high. Also approach all kinds of girls. Don't get too focused on looks because in sex psychological > physical. So mid looking girls can give you the best sex of your life and be really interesting to hang around with in general.

As the anon said, getting women gets easier the older you get because you gain experience and accomulate more wealth. Every minute you spend browsing internet, playing video games or watching porn results in you gaining less experience and money than you would have had, so avoid those as much as possible. I'm not saying that you can't get women now, but it will be easier in the future as long as you keep improving yourself. 5-7 years might sound like a long time but it will go by in the flick of an eye. That's pretty much all you need to know, happy hunting!

>> No.54695811

Get a slampig practice gf to build confidence then move up to a thin ethnic girl, then trade her in for an ugly thin white girl, finally getting a pretty and thin white girl

It’s just like grinding an mmorpg

>> No.54695825

I also second this. Fuck a few hot milfs just to see what's it like to be with a really good looking woman, or a woman with a good big ass, or big tits ect.

>> No.54695832
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This is the best advice in this thread, unironically

>> No.54695845

I wouldn't put looks that much on a pedestal. Personality matters more than looks, both in sex and in liking a person.

>> No.54695860

i asked out a girl and she ghosted me
internally i struggle with the image of actively pursuing several girls at once
giving several different girls attention at the same time doesnt seem genuine to me i default to staying dormant
i do have to get rid of that belief right? there isnt a way forward without a little self corruption right

it really seems like i am at age where i am technically falling into self proclaimed incel terrority, but at the same time i shouldnt be angered about, because you actually just need a fucking edge to compete in my case, which i dont have...

>> No.54695879
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32 and never had a gf

the one hint i can give you, dont be me

>> No.54695890

or better said guys my age that embody somethings i also do, are just worthless. as it sounds. how can a human be worthless? idk but the reality shows the signs

>> No.54695892

You're gonna have to ask a lot of girls out to get that experience. You can just try one girl at a time but after she doesn't want you, go for the next one. But yeah you get that edge with time and experience, that's how it has always been.