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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54689935 No.54689935 [Reply] [Original]

For all the tranny fudders in the previous GMX/LINK threads, it is now very obvious this proposal will pass with flying colors (likely because as high IQs theorized, the deal was done before it even hit governance).

CELO recently dedicated over $2.5MM to SCALE.

Every week more and more projects are joining BUILD, utilizing PoR & price feeds, etc. Yes, most of these are going to be probably failed projects/companies but the point is it's obvious LINK now has a stranglehold on the market & is going to be generating a LOT of funding/revenue this year. They will easily secure $500MM+ via various payment methods for their services, making a $3.7B valuation absurdly undersized.

This is a pressure cooker right now. I think once the lid blows people will have very little time to react, and I'd expect things to begin to reveal themselves fully in Q4.

>> No.54689954

>desperate incel manifesto
didn't read; not buying

>> No.54690069

Yep. Its p/e ratio is totally being ignored. Even tech companies dont have p/e ratios nearly as good. Even at 500m collection from these initiatives per year(probably will be more) thats a P/E ratio of about 7 as it is. Tech companies cant come close to that as it is… crypto companies are usually in the 70-500 range.

>> No.54690115

all true but the problem is that between now and q4 there will probably be some serious clowning in the tradfi markets that tanks everything else with it
second problem is that the fuddies really killed investor sentiment so link will correlate down with everything else

but after that yes its a pressure cooker, especially since those fees are now being calculated on bearmarket low volume no market participation in defi, when this current clownshow is over volumes rise again and fees skyrocket

remains the question do you wanna gamble on a lower entry in the next half year or are you just happy to be able to buy in right now for these prices
i am no trader and i am quite happy with my stack desu

>> No.54690159
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I legit don't get it. Why is no one paying attention? Why isn't the team reacting?
Where are the VCs? It's like it's completely invisible. Hiding. In plain sight.
I haven't seen a single crypto """influencoor""" acknowledge any of it.
I haven't seen any VC acknowledge the SWIFT announcement, the DTCC or
Schmidt talks or the significance of the SCALE and BUILD programs,
multiple blockchains just cutting gas fees for Chainlink entirely,
new startups just offering 5% of their entire supplies to stakers.

I haven't seen any so-called security researchers acknowledge the Goerly Rinkeby ping pong,
the Burrata rental demo, the FSS swap. Multiple cutting edge technological or bizdev breakthroughs,
ach mind blowing in their own way. It was like seeing tcp ip being demo'd in front of 12 bored nerds.
Overly significant but under exposed. No one is talking about the implications
of staking on the circulating supply, the genius simplicity of OCR2 or the anti fraud network.

No one acknowledging that a top 10 hedge fund joined the network a few days later.
Another 500 millions hack a few days later, once again proving the case for CCIP,
hello?! All these actual metrics re adoption, monopoly, billions secured, thousands of customers,
they power the majority of defi, none of that shit matters? Meanwhile decentraland has 10 users and no one bats an eye,
binance chain gets hacked and doesn't dump, quant holds a toilet booth and makes a guide
pdf to an event they're not invited to and they pump?? What the fuck is going? Are they accumulating?
Are they suppressing it on purpose? Still seething they missed it 5 years ago? Is it the macro conditions?
Is it the (((market makers)))? Or is it the market that's just genuinely this dumb and blind at this point?

>> No.54690168

>he cannot even entertain the possibility of link being a gift, it HAS to be external factors!11

>> No.54690172

the word you're looking for is "grift," esl-kun

>> No.54690309

thanks weeb bagholding trannie

>> No.54690400

I didn’t know Chris Blec had 64k GMX

>> No.54690424
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It is just one of those things man. Todays crypto market is literally just scam bagholders and retards (myself included) chasing scam pump meme coins like $pepe and $wojak.

LINK is building for the future, scam coins and the retards that buy into them are tiktok brained retards who know basically nothing about crypto. Those who do know and try to share their knowledge are basically drowned out by the noise and demoralized into quiet contemplation.

>> No.54690429

Eh don't worry about it. We know we're right and we are the ones who will be reward incredibly handsomely in due time. Just practice your smug face and get yourself ready to be stonkingly wealthy in the mean time.

>> No.54690436
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it's just 1% goyim what are you complaining about 2% it's only 3%

>> No.54690542

Where have you got the 500mm figure from?

Are you assuming more projects will constantly join build and offer 3-5% of their supply?

>> No.54690547

I don't know how you go from 2.5M from CELO and a similar amount from GMX, so 5M, into 500M.

Where are the remaining 495M coming from exactly? You're going to have to explain your maths.

I also would like to break down a few things.

Chainlink's strength is that it can be a neutral service provider, servicing different competing blockchains, and different competing protocols running on these blockchains. But the reality of the markets is that only a handful of blockchains and only a handful of protocols grow to profitable adoption in their respective market shares, and these markets therefore consolidate around like 5 or so top players. Do you understand where the glass ceiling limit to Chainlink increasing revenue is?

Chainlink's neutral/agnostic market capture may be infinite in theory, but in practice it's bound by the reality of markets consolidating around only a handful of top players.

There are 100s of L1s, but only Eth remains, with a few weaker ecosystems, depending on hype/VC cycles and how long VC funding can sustain them until they dump on retail, bail, then repeat the cycle the next bull season. Case in point, Solana drying up since SBF got rekt.

CELO: this is a ghost chain L1. Won't be around 5 years from now. Another VC scam that's unsustainable, and I don't know why chainlink is wasting time integrating with a dead ecosystem even if they're getting paid. This won't lead to further profit.

SCALE Revenue isn't profit. It's to minimize node subsidies for on chain txs.

GMX is currently a top 5 fees earning protocol. It's an outlier, an exception.

Chainlink only has like 10 customers with real earnings potential and GMX would be at the top. 1% model applied to their biggest users like SNX, Aave and Compound would only bring in another 1M-5M. They can't pay more because they're not generating more.

99% of their remaining users are unprofitable scams that'll rug or implode 6 months later. Crypto reality. They can't pay 2M each.

>> No.54690569

The irony is that chainlink has to build the tools which will allow more profitable projects to exist that will allow chainlink to extract more value from them.
The entire market basically waits on chainlink to move the space forward while everyone else just focuses on settlement, as if blockspace isn’t absurdly cheap and abundant already.

>> No.54690576
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is 3k enough to make it

>> No.54690619

It's a really complex and long term chicken and egg game that Sergey is playing, and it's rather tragic that only a handful of autists on this Chinese cartoon forum can see the big picture, but the industry as a whole or the crypto community on other networks fails/refuses to see it. Chainlink is really the enabler for the entire space to keep growing and move forward but it is a thankless position to be in in the earliest stages. Sergey wants to grow the whole pie, while everyone else is busy fighting over small slices.

They have to keep enabling more value so they can capture some part of it. If it does keep growing then chainlink will be uniquely placed, as its value capture potential will scale with industry growth as a whole. But currently it's stuck in the awkward stages. Even now, after chainlink carried the space forward with subsidies, few acknowledge its importance.

VC and MEV mafias are truly the cancer. It all boils down to chainlink having escaped their control and them being mad at missing it at the ground floor so they'd rather pretend and not acknowledge it.

>> No.54690627

sounds a lot like 2020, we have seen this movie before

>> No.54690650
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Pic related. Swift is already gonna use link, but these things take time

>> No.54690721

Bullish for xrp

>> No.54690737

I literally juat figured out a way to print money off this crabbing, typical

>> No.54690745
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It's a good stack but you should be buying more. Imagine it's 2011 and bitcoin is worth dollars. You can never have too much Link.

>> No.54690982

>so they'd rather pretend and not acknowledge it
they also try to do more scam projects to leech money since they can't win the serious projects

>> No.54691178

That’s 2 projects for $5MM, they already have ~100 total BUILD/SCALE projects and the DeFi fees are just kicking off. We are just entering Q2. You should imagine right now they have minimally $100MM of value already secured and they began collecting like a month ago. Imagine the deals they come to with protocols like Aave who have already publicly committed themselves. Imagine over the course of the next 6-9 months they come to terms with all of their current 1,000+ clients and additionally are getting new deals with probably another 500+ programs.

You don’t think finding another $400MM of business possible in 1500+ customers? Even if 90% of them are total trash you have 150 at $2.5MM and you’re there.

>> No.54691318

Yes re-read the end of the previous post, 99% of the 1500 customers aren't able or willing to pay this much because they are low effort scams that just run with the money after 6 months. Are you new to crypto or something?

And that includes 99% of the BUILD partners. The idea is that if just one or two end up becoming somewhat legitimate and successful like perhaps Space and Time, then it could offset all the others going nowhere. But that's still a precarious strategy to generate profit. Most of the BUILD projects are low quality.

>> No.54691336

>Most of the BUILD projects are low quality.
Same with most of the projects built on Ethereum.

>> No.54691535

>Most of the BUILD projects are low quality
Care to elaborate? Sounds awfully like fud to me. To make a generalisation like that, you must have examined these projects? Can you share some of your insight into one or two of them, and explain how they are 'scams'?
Also, if indeed they were scams; why would they be bothering with joining Build at all? Wouldn't they be looking to max out their profits before cutting and running?
Looking forward to your answers.

>> No.54691586

Anon, you’re being disingenuous. Some of these BUILD projects will be $500MM+ mcaps and result in well over $10MM-20MM alone for a single project. And we are in an industry where even bad projects are capturing hundreds of millions of dollars in trade revenue or have tokens with absurd valuations for what they’re delivering. I honestly think I’m being conservative with my estimates. If we enter any kind of bullish zone by the end of this year a lot of these things will easily be shipping $10MM+ to Chainlink.

>> No.54691587

>150 projects at 2.5mm a year

Bro GMX is a cream of the crop fee maker top 1% fee generator, 150 projects might add up to the output of GMX alone. I love link, but you got your head of your ass and are breathing straight hopium. We need the market to grow and we need more blue chip products like gmx/snx/aave.

>> No.54691653

It’s also the folks like two sigma and galaxy and the nba that used chainlink or provide data and don’t advertise it. there’s zero real marketing being done. Ask yourself why serg never gets on Bloomberg in front of tens of millions of eyeballs, or gets a cover feature on Wired. Seems purposely suppressed

>> No.54692117

>Most of the BUILD projects are low quality.
BUILD / SCALE partnership framework was put into place to keep out grifters like Celsius. Space and Time is backed by legacy big tech, if you're going to FUD try harder than just stating the exact opposite of reality - be more subtle, I would NOT pay your wage for this quality of posts and if I find out who you work for you will be out of a job, fuddy.

Do better, please.

>> No.54692155

they're scams. you'll get over it.

>> No.54692196

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.54692211

like ht other anon said give 5 that are clear scams and explain why, shouldnt be too hard out of a pool of a 100 right

you shouldnt be surprised link is an infrastructure project it needs real adoption by devs for it to work, hyping up the token price with holders is completely pointless to both the function and adoption rate of the project
this is why ct will call it a random event that nobody could have predicted when it does eventually moons

>> No.54692240

>to keep out grifters like Celsius.
How does it help? Sergey himself was shilling Celsius.

>> No.54692333
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I hope you guys realize you're on a list. We're going to find you and never let you forget it before this saga is over.
Chainlink was open to anyone who wanted to use the tech, that phase has ended - you are either being disingenuous or are genuinely dumb, either way it's not our problem.

>> No.54692403

The BUILD projects are way less likely to be a typical scam you faggot. Scams playing the long con have absolutely no need and definitely no desire to put so much of their supply into Chainlinks hands when they know Chainlink will be either dumping their token to cover costs or airdropping it to stakers who will dump it. A large supply of tokens to be dumped out of their control is exactly what scams desperately try to avoid happening.
Idiot. Soon its going to be a barometer of a new project proving it is legit just like integrating with LINK was an attempt to do the same back years ago, except this is way more legit way

>> No.54692435

Checked but you’re an idiot
Celsius wasn’t some random company that “used” Chainlink
Sergey was actively shilling the project
You’re being disingenuous and it’s unbecoming that you immediately switch to ad hom attacks when someone questions you

>> No.54692564

you're right. The internet will never grow beyond some funny cat websites- there's no way it will have an impact anywhere near the fax machine. There is just too low a glass ceiling. Wait, we're talking about crypto?

>> No.54692585
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>> No.54692610

Chainlink is unironically a cult

The only person who actually got rich is Sergey, all the other LARPing faggots on /biz/ still haven't made it after bagholding for 6 (SIX) fucking years

>> No.54692720

Speaking of revenue, where is Coinbase’s L2 Base? Didn’t they join?

>> No.54692796

you are fucking delusional if you think profits will be share with token holders.

>> No.54692808
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Celsius was shilled just as much as any other project of tangential size lol. You're an idiot and it is confirmed with every subsequent post you make.

Here's all you need to know, loser; no one who is mentally healthy FUDs like this for free, so I hope you're getting paid, otherwise enjoy being my entertainment for the next 5 years because I'm making it multiple times over off of Sergey's Vision.

Get dumped on? Fail to sell the top and rebuy your position? Locked tokens in scam projects? Cry more, cut yourself, keep posting, keep seething.

>> No.54692837

I’m sorry are you really going to come in here and just drop some token not needed bullshit? Unsubscribe.

>> No.54692849

I am not going to disagree that Chainlink “shilled” Celsius, but there is no way they knew how irresponsible Celsius was being with their customer funds. You can’t expect them to understand the ins and outs of every project that uses them. That’s ridiculous. It’s an unfortunate side effect that most of the space is littered with grifters and low IQs larping as competent business people.

>> No.54692879

>second problem is that the fuddies really killed investor sentiment
team did that them self's by producing nothing of value this whole time. That and Link pool rug
dumb ass the image collages have been out since 2017. Everyone knows, then they look if there is any value in the token and there isnt.

>> No.54692904

they did know and pulled their money out this is all in the archives. Stani knew about the shorting too and so did bancor. They all fucking knew about it

>> No.54692931

This does nothing to pump up the price of the LINK token.

>> No.54693377

holy based I love incel manifestos

>> No.54694143
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Insider here, word from upstairs is that Sergey will be using a keynote at Google io to make a big announcement. Congrats marines, you made it

>> No.54694156
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literally token not needed

>> No.54694210

Why do nolinkers always have to seethe so hard lmao

>> No.54694323

Highly doubtful

>> No.54695104

Are you a 14 year old girl?

>> No.54695168

im a neet with no income

>> No.54695273

Any proof he’s even talking?

>> No.54695431
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1k sui 10k make it. stake half your stake when next version of stakingcomes out. you will be comfy.
and yet defi is paying for it

>> No.54695459
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I hope so... I used to have 9k before bancor scammed me. Ive been so tempted to buy pepe to try and make it up the past week.... but so indecisive. Im deadly afraid of losing more.
man this has been a brutal 6 years of holding. I think I deserve a break after 6 years of this stress man

>> No.54695515

not your keys not your coins.
you need to own multiple hardware wallets.
split your holdings between multiple hardware wallets and a cex, so you always have an option.
don't stake 100%.
pepe or moonkek or hw

>> No.54695527

or whatever, there's always a new shitcoin, check the contracts usually liquidity is shit and whales will rug you - it's why I never trade more than $200 of doge at a time bc whales can gigadump it.
If you understand link's potential, you won't gamble your stack going forward.

>> No.54695528

I have a ledger, one hardware wallet is enough, its already 200% safe

>> No.54695748

>you will be comfy.
Kind of.
I hope it's worth it. I might convert to MNI for a few reasons that I believe will be beneficial and prolific if it ever comes through.

Same here, just that I had a big ball to dare into Pepe when it was shilled. Thanks to the retard Chad, who made it possible.
Just have big balls between the legs to dare.
Mind you, we are entering another decisive run that will be epic, and a lot of innovative concepts have been emerging.

>> No.54695760
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are you a cuckold?

>> No.54697376

get 2. in case 1 is damaged or you get hacked somehow

>> No.54697482

>not your keys not your coins.

You still had the ability to withdraw your tokens. Bancor's issue was that it flat out was a broken and unsustainable protocol from the start. Celsius Network trying to move so many funds out at once exposed the flaw in the protocol.

And I don't blame link marines who got caught up by Bancor; it was shilled a lot and had been presenting at Chainlink conferences where the latter gave it an aura of legitimacy.

>> No.54697504

I agree with you on everything you said, but for me many are potential catalysts. Consolidation is the norm, but if crypto of any kind continues gaining traction link stands to benefit. Consolidation in tradfi is real, but the money flowing through the exchanges bought by bigger exchanges like the cboe merely concentrate activity, they don’t limit activity. Irl smart contracts have lots of avenues but many are still in the future, like ai to ai transactions.

>> No.54697729

Is that your go-to insult...?

>> No.54698380

How could chainlink have known about it? It's like saying the getaway car manufacturer is responsible in some way for the bank heists, since the robbers themselves knew. That's a complete non sequitur. Total bs. If you have ANY evidence of that you'd share it. You do not.

>> No.54698588
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Linkies just don’t understand that no one gives a flying fuck about any of that. It’s been what? 6 fucking years now. If it would’ve happened it would’ve happened. It’s time to start investing in tokens with real fundamentals like Pepe, Wojak or pleb. Pepe the frog is unironically a way better fundamental than literally any of this schizo bullshit. It has a use far beyond anything link ever will.

>> No.54699940

> Google


>> No.54699967

Just imagine what will happen in actual bullrun. The amount of LINK fees generated will be insane. It will mini moon well past 1K before the happening.