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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54677268 No.54677268 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54677275

good morning sirs

>> No.54677286
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>price of homes drop slightly and he suddenly can't use his homes as collateral for his loans on his other mortages

>> No.54677308

that's a canadian

>> No.54677314

>interest rates go up slightly
>income now -200k per year

>> No.54677345
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Well, it seems that Chuds are having a bit of a tough time accepting that individuals can actually succeed without resorting to the white nationalist love child that is cryptocurrency. Despite the fact that traditional means of making it have been around for centuries and continue to be perfectly viable options for many people, it appears that you crypto-obsessed Chuds just can't seem to wrap your heads around the idea that success can be achieved without the use of your beloved digital currencies and blockchain technology. Perhaps it's time you to take a break from masturbating to BBC and realize that hard work, determination, and good old-fashioned perseverance can still take you a long way in this world. Who needs crypto when you've got good old-fashioned blood, sweat, and Real Estate?

>> No.54677375

The only race that can get $200k a year and still be hated by women lol

>> No.54677415

That's like $5400 per property a year. That's a terrible investment.

>> No.54677422


Poor guy is still unattractive and out of shape. Money really cant buy you everything.

>> No.54677490

Those 37 homes did cost him $10 million dollar. He earns $200.000 dollar a year from all tgose houses.

At this rate he'll have his investment of $10 million back in 50 fucking years.
And within those 50 years, if a house burns down or any damages it will take far more than 50 years to get your $10 million back. Maintenance has not been included and you can geuss what 37 houses cost in maintemence every year. I would say an extra 10 years.

So spend $10 million on 37 houses.
Earn $200.000 a year on those.
Get your $10 million investment back in 50/60 years.
>fuck that

>> No.54677528

It's Australia, they don't allow fixed term mortgages as well.

>> No.54677544

Yea but in 60 years he would still have all those 37 houses and get his money back.

>> No.54677563

Average home price in Oz is like $750k AUD. He's not going to get that back in his lifetime as we're talking about debt in the 20-25 million range.

>> No.54677567

>Yea but in 60 years
he'll be long dead

>> No.54677737

Being a landlord have always been retarded to me.
Not only do you need DECADES to get your investment back ( more if got the house through a loan due to interest ), but you also need everything to go PERFECT, as in no damage/flooding/turns out tenants are niggers etc... And all that for said DECADES.

Meanwhile, you can dump your jewish asspaper on buttcoin and at worst you'll get a x10 by the time the landlord retard got back his investment and actually start to rack in profits.

And remember that you risk financial ruin by DESTROYING THE HOUSING MARKET FOR NEW FAMILIES.
It's not a coincidence most landlords are literal jews, it's a cohencidence.

>> No.54677769

Because the coins keep dropping in price ser.

>> No.54677826

spoken like a true poor person lol

>> No.54677961

>200k from 37 properties
Jesus that is fucking shit, hes leveraged balls deep and any downturn is gonna wipe him out

>> No.54678106

Real estate is heavily oversaturated and about to crash

>> No.54678292

I didn't spoke i typed you retard.

>> No.54680207

>realize that hard work, determination, and good old-fashioned perseverance can still take you a long way in this world
imagine saying this even as a joke