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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5467619 No.5467619 [Reply] [Original]

Please tell me it's gonna be ok. I got in at 1600

>> No.5467664

no it's a scam and you have maybe 5 minutes to hand the bags to somebody else before it goes to zero

>> No.5467685

You'll be fine anon. Sit tight and strap in. Commits are finished on the github.

>> No.5467711

lolololololollol biz summed up in 2 posts

>> No.5467732

The coin has no functionality and is soundly beaten by Monero, Zcoin and Zcash. .

>> No.5467759

GOD your SO fucked.

*Says Ironically*


>> No.5467853

*Teleports behind you*
Don't you have reading to do during your Christmas break, son?

>> No.5467888

I'm crying. XVG was my last chance. Now I'm down 80% on my initial investment

>> No.5467893

Its not going to be ok. Seriously. Everyone who fell for this deserves it

>> No.5467954

lol McAfee taught u a lesson! Happens to all of us when we r noobs! Good luck in your next investment

>> No.5467988

hahah you saw the reddit post now huge dump incoming

>> No.5468116

you didn't vet this investment at all

you could have looked at the code repository on github

you could have just read about it, it's a dogecoin fork

why would you put money in this

>> No.5468123
File: 27 KB, 400x266, 1454469593805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell that dogecoin fork shitcoin and get put whatever you have left into DGB

organic growth during this crypto boom season besides mcafee tweet, but no known P and D groups manipulating as of now

actually has good tech and has a US founder

working product used globally because of reliability and speed

proven track record

was over 2k sats earlier this year so you can atleast 4x

updates being released soon active twitter

>> No.5468164

bye bye verge marines

>> No.5468170

cant believe if you guys arent in on COSS yet. seriously, we are looking at 10x+ potential

make sure to get in on COSS
use my link and i'll suck your dick


sign up with link and buy some. thank me later.

>> No.5468187

itll be find stop listening to the monero shills

so much FUD lately , chill out, its a the dip and its christmas , wraith protocol will be release either today or tomorrow, and then GG , VERGE 1$

>> No.5468210

Welcome to crypto, Vergens. Now that you got the shilled up shitcoin buy out of your system, maybe you will listen to us when we tell you it's a scam.

>> No.5468298
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>bought in at 1920

>> No.5468340
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>> No.5468346

>down 60%
holy shit hope you guys are ok

>> No.5468349
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What did the whales mean by this?

>> No.5468354

Bought at 1800 and just shorted at 1100, feelsbadman

>> No.5468379

fucking hell it just keeps dropping

>> No.5468384

Lmao you don't know anything about XVG before it got shilled hard? It was a piece of shit for YEARS anon, YEARS. The only reason it was going near 100 sats is because devs promised some wraith shit and failed to deliver several times. The only reason it pumped was because of the shillering

>> No.5468388

this is brutal

>> No.5468389
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>> No.5468478

Goodbye /biz/. I'm killing myself

>> No.5468487

Holy fuck that dump is insane.

I remember back in the summer I bought in a Verge pump and lost like half my portfolio in one day. The pain was brutal. I stayed the fuck away from Verge. Even up until this point watching it pop, I still stayed away.

>> No.5468491

how did you guys let it drop 50% in 2 mins wtf

>> No.5468505

>Commits a blank file
Wraith incoming

>> No.5468540

Somebody yesterday on reddit gave a really long and detailed post on why if you are holding Verge you need to get out immediately. I can't be bothered to find the post but he said their chief marketing executive has been awol from the company for over a month and over 40 members of their staff quit this week, the remaining staff have been trying to keep this quiet but the news finally got out.

Normally when a coin tanks I just say hold it, but this is one of those rare times where if you are holding this coin you need to get out now, regardless how large your bags are, because they are going to get bigger real soon. I've never seen a coin this big tank so hard so quickly.

>> No.5468568


>> No.5468590

Get out fast and get into ENG or ICX. Both are Slated to have a good 2018.

>> No.5468599

Glad I stayed away from this obvious scam. Might buy some when it gets back around 300 sats

>> No.5468605

Its already going back up, I hope you didn't submit to your weak hands. Last chance to get it under 20 cents.

>> No.5468608

I just found the post, I'ts worse than I remembered. Their only developer is the one who went AWOL 2 months ago, 40 other people quit.

>> No.5468620
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>> No.5468622

share it

>> No.5468634

LMAO oh my what a day. Still pretty calm buying in at 2 pennies

>> No.5468644
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More like the Japanese Navy. Get those soduku swords ready. The red hasn't even started.

>> No.5468650

It has never, ever been taken remotely seriously by people with a technological understanding of privacy coins. It has a public blockchain and a visible rich list. There has never been any suggestion that it will be used on something like a DNM.

It is a hopeless shitcoin with disingenuous shill developers and the unbelievable moon this month is just cynical fuckwits selling bags to naive newcomers. Leaves a bitter taste even though the only time I bought XVG it was 14 sats.

>> No.5468665
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>> No.5468668

No, are you a literal retard? It's a pumped shitcoin, you fucking idiot. It will fall to where it was before.

>> No.5468702

dat dead cat bounce

>> No.5468711

This is what you get for sending (known amounts). You would have been fine if you just stuck to sending (unknown amounts).

>> No.5468802


Verge Marine reporting in. Got in at 150 Sats, hodling to a $1 at least no matter what. I will not sell these bags.

>> No.5468821
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Nigga what? 10000% Nwhs increase? Bitch you be fine

>> No.5468883


>> No.5468906
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omg i put in 300$ way back and was up profit $10k now its only profit $6k do i sell not sure weak hands pls halp

>> No.5468954


dont be fucking stupid, you can always make money on another coin

>> No.5469003

REKT. Die with your bags now.

>> No.5469019

>1k now
Oh shit bro

>> No.5469053
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I bought a bit very high...

>> No.5469079

knew it was only a time before this pnd folded

>> No.5469089
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>> No.5469139
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Thank god i sold last night

>> No.5469157
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Bought this at 100 along with trx when it's 100 too.
I could make more profit if i just sell them at 1600-1900 but i decided to be greedy and hold, lesson learned, still got profit but this hit me pretty hard

>> No.5469308

I honestly can't tell if I was shilled into thinking this was going somewhere or if I'm currently getting fudded.

>> No.5469325

you are fucked anon

>> No.5469607

I don’t think you understand “shorting”

>> No.5469615

Take it as you will, but the majority of the people who bought in only bought in on the idea that it would get pumped. The dump has happened. Whether you want to hold and see what happens or take your profits now, go for it. But I can speak for myself and say I bought into this shit without knowing a goddamn thing about it other than the fact it was going to make me money. It made me money, and so now I'm out. Could it have made me more? Sure, maybe, but I'm not waiting around to find out.

Best of luck to you if you're HODLing.

>> No.5469650

bought by mistake at 1912 thinking it was REQ, bought again at 1554 on purpose, ah whatever

>> No.5469788

I do, this shits crashing to zero, stop holding this shit

>> No.5469827

be greedy when others are fearful

>> No.5469853
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>mfw I see all these verge threads full of retards actually falling for this scam
Though if you got out and made your profits, props to you.

>> No.5469869

eventhough its a shitcoin, it will go up again for a bit. dont sell on the low yet

>> No.5469897

See thats what I thought

>> No.5469907
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Hahahaahahahahahah we told you it was a scam since September.

Oh, right, you XVG fags didn't even know what Bitcoin was on September

>> No.5469920

Verge WILL skyrocket within the next week like weve never seen https://discord.gg/x6xa8kg

>> No.5469923

biggest scam since confido

>> No.5469949

Honestly, only newbs would fall for this shit. We all gotta learn.

>> No.5469969
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>Reddit post deleted
>already going up

>> No.5470056
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>bought in at 1050
Plan on selling at 1500 but if the rise is quick maybe ill raise my limit.

>> No.5470148

Says a lot about biz, never listened to them and never will, made my 50k without their advice, I'm just here for the banter and pink wojaks

>> No.5470195

Is he the new director?

>> No.5470336

i gave up on xvg and moved my bags to icx. no regrets

>> No.5470448

Thanks to you I just caught the falling knife, lets hope I make back my losses

>> No.5470536

Dogecoin mktcap is 1 billion
Dogecoin Dark with Tor thats a legit 3 billion, maybe 6 if it moons another 2x.
This is only legit, right?

how retarded can you be

>> No.5470578

I forsee a lot of hate going verges way from people who bought at the top, just like Tron haha

>> No.5470605
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it's ok dude, the dev already confirmed that was bullshit, just wait for the wrait.. HAHAHA

>> No.5470641

>tor = 3x

>> No.5470644

No this is a shitcoin, I just want to recoop if theres another pump

>> No.5470694

Why did you go in so heavy withotu researching it? People were consistently stating how verge was a pure shitcoin. dogedark lmaooooo

>> No.5470705

>tfw did both

time to die

>> No.5470748

I just sold everything. Something's wrong. Can't go on.
Can anyone please tell me what red flags were announcing this? I made some research but couldn't find anything, everything looked good to me but I'm not a tech person. I should probably learn but anyone can hint at some points as to why XVG was doomed...

Also, what are the alternatives to XVG? the only ones I see are bigger ones like Dash, Monero, but I'm looking for smaller solid privacy coin.

>> No.5470817


FUck off lying to yourself. You bought because McAfee shilled it hard. The only thing that looked good to you were the memes and circle jerk.

Poor work history & deadlines not getting met by the devs is a decent indicator of a shitcoin

>> No.5470859

I bought way before Mcafee dude.
But not early enough to notice about
>Poor work history & deadlines not getting met by the devs
I guess.

But what caused such a sudden dump tho? I mean it was going down since yesterday but that was violent all of a sudden.

>> No.5470919

Give me some contact and I will tell you, won't post it here because biz is flooded with pajeets

>> No.5470948

What the fuck is going on, why all the hysteria about this coin all of sudden?

>> No.5470950

ZenCash and if you want to go real bargain hunting luxcoin which is sort of mooning now

>> No.5470965
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It was fud, devs responded on twitter and XVG is mooning again

>> No.5471031


Damn none are on Binance, not sure about Cryptopia, thanks for the tips tho

Hmmm I'm going to look deeper into all of this.

>> No.5471086

You're done

>> No.5471094
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So glad I walked when I did. What a wild ride. Could have had 30 grand two days ago but oh well. Live and learn. Still a great investment for 500 bucks. I'm up over 20 grand. Gonna cash out 5 grand and expand my portfolio with the rest. What does biz recommend?

>> No.5471132

i'm planning on long term hodling anything over my trading budget, i suggest you do the same.

>> No.5471192

Knew the price bought low sold high and since I'm not like the rest of /biz/ I didn't advertise it in my discord to the rest of the neet investors like biztards like to do, a lot of the people shilling here are scammers who just want the price raised.

>> No.5471205

LMAOing at everyone who sold.

>> No.5471221
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well it goes kinda like this
>2 days ago appears a shitpost about how 95% of verge is in the top 100 wallets
>It's actually their inability to program a piechart, the number is 66% (still fucking high for no premine/ico, devs go full "b-but its the exchanges")
>verge blockchain explorer is out all day yesterday
>it comes today and top 100 now have 75% of the coin
>most of that 9% increase is in the top 25
>a reddit post appears telling that pic related, VP of marketing or something is saying this on the coinbase post
>massive FUD and drop
>xvg whale in full damage control talking not only about wraith but smart contract functionality
>some telegram screenshots appearing
>coin slowly going up
something like that, it doesn't change the fact that wraith is going to be fucking nothing new but it was fun to watch the panic sell

>> No.5471239

Christ alive she's hot

>> No.5471275
File: 154 KB, 498x407, 2039402030323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon verge is a scam.

wallet went offline yesterday and 10% of the total supply moved into the top account holder's wallets.

>> No.5471321

this anon gets it.
everybody read this.

>> No.5471385
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>> No.5471477

Fudded out guess I have to live with my 6x gains

>> No.5471501

Made 130% on this and cashed out. Was depressed I didn't stay in. Never expected such a ridiculous moon but glad I didn't fomo for once at the top.

>> No.5471628

I sold a bit too early, creating the same case as yours.

>> No.5471761



>> No.5471839

FUD or not, if you're still holding, good job to you. Whether or not those are bags or lambo tickets is all in the timing and whether or not you'd like to wait. You can be sitting around for months until it actually starts to pump on its own accord without McAfee shilling it for no reason, and at that point, you could've 2xd on multiple other shitcoins. Nobody knows, it's all speculation.

I'm out because if you've read the whitepaper, which I'm assuming a lot of normies didn't and just bought into the hype, they're way behind on their deadlines and have yet to truly accomplish anything that they said they would by the time they said they would as well.

I bought in, made my profits, and got out. I personally don't see how Verge is anywhere close to any kind of competition for other privacy coins that are better established. If it dips back to the original price when I bought, and the devs aren't still dicking around, I might buy. But there are plenty of other coins that are worth HODLing because you can trust that they're on schedule with the things that they are trying to accomplish. I'm not going to waste my money and time holding onto something that may or may not make me money years from now. I could be in lamboland before this shit reaches a dollar.