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File: 6 KB, 332x121, taxman-cometh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54675823 No.54675823 [Reply] [Original]

how is this legal again? we take all the risk, they get a 30% cut of profits.

>> No.54675831

because jews. first time you heard of them ?

>> No.54675836

More than that. You pay taxes on your income AND every time you spend on something.
I just hope blue state trannies stay where they are and don’t shit up all the no state tax states.

>> No.54675839

Nice ID Jpan

>> No.54675842

>exchange charges 1% fee on all trades
>sell $1,000,000 worth of bitcoin
>exchange takes $10,000
>wtf but i took all the risk

>> No.54675843

>state tax
Thank God I'm a Florida-boy.

>> No.54675845 [DELETED] 

They are coming, and they are very numerous.

>> No.54675844

Do you drive on roads?

>> No.54675846

>gets to use roads for free
>gets the help of firefighters for free
>gets the help of the police for free
>gets defended from outside threats for free
>hurr durr why taxes legal I'm retarded

>> No.54675850

i never filed for last year, and i never fully paid my taxes for the year before that. oh well

>> No.54675857

>he thinks taxes above city/county level pay for services

>> No.54675861

Go back

>> No.54675887

>gets defended from outside threats for free
the American government doesn't defend its own borders though. stop being bluepilled.

>> No.54675893

should have been the end of this shitter thread

>> No.54675930
File: 34 KB, 541x437, 1678327268036190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets to use roads for free
It's not free if you're paying taxes for it, fucktard. Also, what is road tax/gas tax/car tax? We already pay that shit. Why are income taxes paying for that too?
>gets the help of firefighters for free
No, you get a big fat fucking bill a couple months later for their service and you best hope your insurance covers it.
>gets the help of the police for free
Oh yes, it only costs me my dog's life.
>gets defended from outside threats for free
You and I both know that isn't fucking true. Military will not come and save you in a crisis, they'll at best tell you to evacuate before bombing the shit out of you. And if you're an expat (who still pays american taxes btw) you're fucked. Can't even go on bases to eat at a Chili's or whatever.
>hurr durr why taxes legal I'm retarded
Income taxes are retarded. The only thing worse is maybe inheritance taxes. I'm all for consumption taxes if it is used for what it supports (hint: it's not). Maybe we should have a CBDC after all and it should be a completely open and distributed ledger like BTC so we can see where every, single, little dollar of tax money goes.

>> No.54675942
File: 1.47 MB, 1168x664, 847596218457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54676001

Consumption taxes are inherently regressive and disproportionately affect the poor. Any taxation scheme that doesn't account for income will inevitably exacerbate inequality and lead to further concentration of wealth. And don't delude yourself into thinking you're just a displaced millionaire.

>> No.54676012

What you’re gonna do about it? Pay up & shut up

>> No.54676024

kill yourself low IQ shit colored creature
it makes me happy knowing that you will be poor and miserable all your shit life, nonwhite scum

>> No.54676035
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reported to internet police.

>> No.54676045

No they're not. You can exclude necessities like food and provide credits for the poor. And in the US income tax is pretty regressive with payroll tax and how advantaged long term and qualified dividends are taxed. A consumption tax is probably straight up better than income tax because its far less complicated and easy to do right, but its a shit show transition from income to consumption, because you end up double taxing people and disrupting costs, cash flows, existing business/trade contracts.

>> No.54676090

Believe it or not, many of us with 6 figure salaries are perfectly happy paying our fair share. We wouldn't be where we are without the infrastructure and institutions that our tax dollars support.

(It just boggles my mind how red states that complain the most about taxes are the ones receiving more in federal benefits than they contribute in tax revenue.)

>> No.54676122

So you made around $165k?

>> No.54676130
File: 86 KB, 750x500, 1641176557588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can survive on that if single

>> No.54676145

Where's the deduction for the tip?

>> No.54676157

I paid the government to fuel a brother war of my own race this year

>> No.54676189
File: 162 KB, 1125x1043, 1664579640267421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very few people tip during tax. i always tip 30% to avoid audit but not everybody know this.

>> No.54677107

bro dont we get hit with bigger taxes here?

>> No.54677184

The real horror happens when you start looking into how the fuck you avoid this…you know if you leave the U.S. you still have to pay taxes to the U.S. even if you’re making money elsewhere? Not if you decide to scrub toilets in Mexico, you get tax credits for that, but if you make your money in markets and you live in Brazil, the U.S. will still tax you. You literally can’t fucking escape. And they also make the filing process punitive and absurd. The U.S. and Eritrea are the only 2 countries on Earth that tax based on citizenship. You can’t get off the ride. You can sort of do a work around by establishing an S corp and doing some hacky shit to make it so your reading income is “foreign earned income” but it’s also a pain in the ass to do this. Most people have no idea how inescapable the cage is.

>> No.54677188

Nothing is free anon.
The fact you're sperging out at other anons about being poor as if you can't be poor and be responsible with your finances is much more telling about the way you handle money than anyone else here ITT

>> No.54677192

Do you use roads, anon?

>> No.54677396

>gets to use roads for free
This post must have been written by a fucking child who has never seen a toll booth before. How fucking sheltered can you be.

>> No.54677419

You didn't list them killing mods
Therefore no good reason to pay your taxes
Eat my ass boomer

>> No.54677440

The phillipines also taxes based on citizenship.

>> No.54677445

Not all states even have toll roads. Show me a single toll road in Oregon, you can't.