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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54674018 No.54674018 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else genuinely enjoy working, hustling, and investing? So sick of these "I want to make 10 million dollars and retire at 25" redditors.

>> No.54674029


>> No.54674036

what else is there to do? Research, risk taking, risk managing, taking profit realizing losses

>> No.54674054

Nop, I'm tired.
Money only made everythibg worse unironically. People hate me because they are jealouse and I hate people because they hate me and only want tp take advantage of me. Tupac was right when he said more money more problems.

>> No.54674070

Fuck no

>> No.54674082

>Tupac was right when he said more money more problems.
That was biggie smalls. Not Tupac.

>> No.54674096

Yup, I make 300k and would probably keep working even if I had 5 million dollars. I would only stop working once my NW gets to the point where the passive returns generated by it would dwarf any amount of money I could make by working, so it would take tens of millions. I also like nice things and want the big ass house, Porsche, hot women, etc and would choose that instead of retiring with 2.5M but needing to live frugally

>> No.54674131

no matter how deep you dig, niggers gon nig

>> No.54674149


Can you hire me? I am looking for job and I already got an application for McDonald’s but everything is welcome too.

>> No.54674952

Yes I love working changing jobs and industries, always learning new skills, investing and starting businesses. When I "retire" I want to buy a farm and work from sun up to sun down every day until I die unironically.

>> No.54675015

I would love and adore working if I were allowed to go my own pace

>> No.54675151

>ummm that was tupac
>no sweaty...that was biggie smalls
imagine being this much of a wigger

>> No.54675164

Kek you got me thete buddy. But it's true. Success comes with a price in this niggerworld

>> No.54675238
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>> No.54676054

Why can't I work while knowing I can retire at any moment? I can do what I enjoy and fuck off under any maltreatment.

>> No.54676063
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yes. the more money i make to my boss the more happy i am

>> No.54676065

That's all well and good. I encourage you to accumulate wealth. We're all here to make it, king.

>> No.54676200

Back when I was 16 I repaired and teached computers for a lot of elderly. The ones that retired early really were much worse off mentally and physically.
It's a shortcut for your grave.
>but I'm going to do x
You won't do shit you lard

>> No.54676255

Everyone in this thread saying no is delusional. By the time you're 50 you'll want to work again. Maybe it won't be full-time, or hard labor, but you'll miss it out of boredom. I've seen it time and time again. There's a 70yo woman working at my job, she says she has nothing else to do.

>> No.54676281

Grandchildren, Being a member of the HOA, selling real estate to all the connections you’ve made through the years, golf, cracker barrel, meeting up with friends, getting on your boat, being an active member at your church, playing bridge, playing bingo, working on projects around the house man there is so much stuff you can do. What do you think old people did before walmart?

>> No.54676345

You need rich friends

>> No.54676502

You are right, I'm surrounded with shit people.
I don't know any in my hometowm. I think I'm gonna move.
I'm self isolating , it's actually driving me insane.

>> No.54676514

you're supposed to slow fade your old friends as soon as you make it

>> No.54676541

I disappeared from everybody man. I don't talk to people anymore, not even my family, it's crazy.

>> No.54676582

>Does anyone else genuinely enjoy working, hustling, and investing?
Out of those only investing is kind of enjoyable to me

>> No.54676590
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perfect, now that you've lost everything, you're free to do anything.

Find your own waifu if you haven't yet and create your own family. Bonus points if she hates people too.

>> No.54676606
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It comes in waves, I get really motivated to make money or work on inventions and then reality will hit and I realize I likely won't make big money. Even if I did in the end its meaningless, but at the same time being poor is hell and no matter what people say about money not leading to happiness, there is undoubtedly correlation.

I still talk with my family but I only talk to four friends still, two of them regilarly.
It's pretty nice when I don't need to be accountable to anyone but my immediate group. Less to worry about overall, albeit lonely from time to time along with the inevitable FOMO.

>> No.54676653 [DELETED] 

Thanks fren but waifu? I already found THE ONE but she somehow managed to
break my heart.
She hated everybody tho she was perfect for me.
I'm ghosting her, I liked her too much. Maybe she is reading this. You fucked up real bad miss.

>> No.54676656

Yep. I have a job and a side hustle just because I like working and keeping busy. I don't even spend money. I live in a 3 bedroom house that is paid for, alone, and in the entire house I have a TV, a couch, a bed and my computer. I have a total of 6 t-shirts and trousers I rotate every week for casual wear and a suit that barely ever gets worn. I brought in around 250k last year and spent around 15k total. I don't even save much, I just throw my paycheck in a checking account and donate a large part of it. I just enjoy working for the sake of it.

>> No.54676667

You never want to retire if you love what you do. I'm a gay fluffer.

>> No.54676706 [DELETED] 

Thanks fren. Found THE ONE. She managed somehow to fucked up our relationship breaking my heart. Now I'm truly alone.
Now I don't even want to look for more heartbreaks. At least not for now. I'm like a recovering addict, I'm ghosting her cause I like her too much. It's over fren.
I guess it's time for me to move on and live this whole shit behind.

>> No.54676720

I loved your work on Seabiscuit.

>> No.54676813

I'm sure you'll find another that will make you forget the last one, and sometimes things come full circle and people from before come back around.

But the world is your oyster man, you got this.

>> No.54676840

I would enjoy working if I knew of something on which I could work that would make money... I don't enjoy working for other people.

>> No.54676927

I enjoy it

Don't be like these fucking boomers who don't know how to retire and work forever. Nothing sadder tbqh

>> No.54677212

You ate right, I must move on.
The world is mine.

>> No.54677242

Hell yes I can do what Im good at on my own time.
my little brother plays with our money so he takes care of that

>> No.54677444
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I don't have time for investments, that's why I'm shorting shitcoins like KOY that gives me fast money, gtfo future investors