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File: 23 KB, 696x449, ethbet-696x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5466240 No.5466240 [Reply] [Original]


Obvious shilling thread of course, however, you might want to stay to listen to what I have to say.

Ethbet (EBET) is a betting platform. However, unlike other betting programs, this is peer to peer. To sum it up, there is no house edge which automatically makes it the best betting program.

Here is a list of pros and cons of the ethbet platform and the price it is currently valued at.


-Low market cap which means it has a lot of room to grow.

An other ethereum based betting platform called Etheroll has a market cap of $20.154.801. Ethbet currently has a market cap of $730.911. Keep in mind that Etheroll is not peer to peer and has a house edge, which makes it less of a fair program, which could possibly mean the market cap of Ethbet will be even higher then that of Etheroll. If all goes well we might look at at least an x30 ((20.154.801/730911=27.5)+better program).

-Active community

The backbone to any project is a good community willing to support it. If you go to the official Ethbet site and scroll down you will see a plethora of ways to become part of this community. I have found that the discord especially is very active, with even a developer anwsering my questions about the platform

>> No.5466247


-reliable developers

In this day and age 75% of ICO's are after your money and don't really care about the product. This might also be true for this platform. Either way it does not matter. This is because of how the program works. There is no house edge so the developer does not make any money using the platform. The way he makes money is through the fact he holds a portion of the tokens you need to use to bet on the platform. However, he can only sell his tokens 6 months after the crowdsale ended, so he will have to work te make the tokens be worth more so he can make a decent profit.

-low market cap and EBET prices are really low. a small amount of money can move the price of EBET up a LOT.

The market cap of Ethbet is currently around 700k. Most of the whales that bought into this are holding, which leaves a small amount on exchanges. Currently, only $8.5k will make the price x2.5. Also, if the EBET price will remain low, there is a big chance the whales that bought EBET will buy more to increase the price to protect their investment. Also, the EBET price is currently beneath ICO. Especially if you have small amounts of money I would suggest buying EBET.

-Easy to use platform.

The developers already put an Alpha version of the platform on their site. It seems easy to use and simplistic, which makes it user friendly. The platform is also open source which means there is no shady business going on.

-There is a clear roadmap with a lot a future plans

According to the roadmap (you can find it in the Ethbet whitepaper) the platform will be ready around Q1 2018. However, the developers are making a lot of progress and it might be ready earlier.

There are more pros but I don't feel like writing an entire paragraph. A con might be that it is currently available at only 2 exchanges (hitbtc and etherdelta)

For more information you can go to their site: https://ethbet.io/

>> No.5466277

Definetly buying this coin in binance. The name is close to EBT? You know what that means? Free money.

>> No.5466317

It's not that one, it's this one


And it is not on binance

>> No.5466458

Delete thread u fuck, im still accumulating. Everything 4chan touches fucking dies. This is a guaranteed 100x coin. Look at that fucking marketcap

>> No.5466890

really interesting one. will consider

>> No.5467057
File: 31 KB, 584x413, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 hour volume
>$524 USD

>> No.5467213

$524 volume is for sure not true. seems like CMC is not updating

>> No.5467319

try harder shill

>> No.5467332

Dead project. BitDice killed it.

>> No.5467354

i know you want to get in on the gains :)

>> No.5467452
File: 402 KB, 485x723, 9dK42gz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot to change accounts, Pajeet

>> No.5467580

Seems pretty cheap desu, ill prob throw 1 eth at it to see where it will go. Would kick myself hard in the legs if this somehow goes x10 without me after seeing it here.

Ill kill you if you scammed me op

>> No.5468036

I'm cautious about this one... keep swinging either way and can never decide whether to buy a small amount.

I'll probably regret that I didn't in a month...

>> No.5468082

super obvious shills

>> No.5468328

shitty ones, too

>> No.5468372

its ethbet. Its not on Binance. Buy on Hitbtc or etherdelta

>> No.5469177

EBET will moon so hard you boys are gonna regret not taking it seriously
I'm 10k deep in EBET, best feeling ever desu

>> No.5469215

Can some of you nerd help me with my printer? My son used it for something and now it doesn't work, he said "ask the nerds on 4chan to help" it's a HP ENVY 4526 All-in-One

>> No.5469458

I bought this on ICO I’m down by hundreds many times over. Probably lost 3000%. I’m a bag holder but fuck these obvious pajeet shills.

>> No.5469538

Why this over FUN?