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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54666817 No.54666817 [Reply] [Original]

Verily, /biz's cherished offspring, esteemed by jannies and mods, dreaded by fudders and cherished by d0br0s.

4 million market cap, 41 thousand holders. A tithe of 10% is imposed upon all transactions. 5% is disbursed to d0br0s merely for grasping their tokens, and 5% is annexed to a perpetually sealed liquidity pool to enhance price stability.

Thus it is ordained.

>> No.54666892

I hope D0B0 skyrockets eventually.

>> No.54667259
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>I hope D0B0 skyrockets eventually.

Hail, good sir! I doth declare unto thee that "d0b0 shall launch and it shall be most fair, rising higher than any could e'er imagine."

What manner of thing is this "d0b0," I know not. But if it be true as you say, then it shall be a wondrous sight to behold, soaring to great heights surpassing all thought.

In sooth, it shall rise higher than aught else in the land, shining bright as the sun on high. And all those who witness its ascent shall be amazed by its glory and majesty.

So be of good cheer, good sir, and pray that it shall come to pass as you have foretold. Hail!

>> No.54667527 [DELETED] 

I don't even want to check, I just assume it's a scam. And I have my fav. Will be enough to make us a good, stable income

>> No.54668252
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Verily, to be unaware doth not render thee witless, but to be unwilling to learn doth make thee a fool.

>> No.54670308
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BNB is dumping and so is DoughBeaux, but i still feel comfy. Gongo up soon.

>> No.54670312

This board is shit

>> No.54670332
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>> No.54670815
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NEVER going to give up on this fucking shitcoin that refuses to die. I love the fudd. The seething that will fill this shitty board when D0B0 moons again will be delicious. Bonk on motherfuckers

Correct, it is filled with retards who reeeeee incessantly because they're still salty they missed the first D0B0 run and refuse to see this is the time to get ready for the second. 90% down from ath? No shit that's why I'm buying lol

>> No.54672621
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Ah, fair maiden or brave sir, thou speakest of D0B0, a crypto coin of much resilience and fortitude. Despite the slings and arrows of naysayers and doubters, this coin doth persevere and endure. Verily, thy love for D0B0 shines as bright as the sun on a summer's morn, and thy steadfastness in the face of adversity is a true testament to thy unwavering spirit. Mayhaps, when D0B0 doth ascend once more to the heavens, the bitter tears of those who did doubt shall be as sweet nectar to thy tongue. Keepeth the faith, brave soul, for thy dedication to this cause shall surely be rewarded.

>> No.54672705


>> No.54672886
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How much you guys holding? I've been away from crypto but thinking about picking up 1 billion

>> No.54673121

500b in multiple wallets buried in my back yard

>> No.54673191
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Never forget

>> No.54673225


>> No.54673728
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Relevant again

>> No.54674157

lol, just looked at the chart

>> No.54674324
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>thinking about picking up 1 billion
... $7 worth? Push the boat out, make it 100 billion!

Yeah, dipping like every other crypto chart, therefore you should buy some of everything.

>> No.54674364
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>lol, just looked at the chart

D0B0 down, market low.

Harald Spenner
I need shakespeare style answer who has looked at d0b0 chart, which is down at the moment, and doesnt realize whole market is down and it has been like this whole year because of bear market

My dearest sir or madam,
Methinks thou art inquiring about the chart of d0b0,
And dost not comprehend the market's current state of woe.
Forsooth, 'tis not merely d0b0 that hath fallen low,
But the entirety of the market doth suffer a bearish blow.

Indeed, throughout this year, fortunes have not smiled upon us,
As bears doth roam and bulls doth fuss.
The market hath been mired in a dismal trend,
And many a trader doth struggle to comprehend.

Therefore, take heart, dear friend, for thou art not alone,
In thy plight, for many a trader's portfolio hath flown
Into the red, like autumn leaves in the wind.
But fear not, for such times doth always come to an end.

So bide thy time, and hold thy nerve,
And perhaps soon the market's fortunes shall curve.
Until then, let us strive to learn and grow,
And let our trading skills ever more glow.

>> No.54674853

I'm diamond handing 80bil
Probably not gonna buy more until the market recovers though

>> No.54675041

This manne of virtu hath in excess of 1 trillionth of dogge withe batten coine

>> No.54676340

You're really good at old English. I like that.

>> No.54676508

58 billion here