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54662906 No.54662906 [Reply] [Original]

Sell your Chainlink.

>> No.54662912
File: 85 KB, 925x1081, 1652541707840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i will

>> No.54662916

I cant it's all staked

>> No.54662922

I would but I'm down 95% in sats on them and believe they will ever recover

>> No.54662941

What's crazy is how you can lose 95%, and then lose 95% again.

You can even lose 95% again after that.

>> No.54662960

I can't
I never bought lmfao

>> No.54662962
File: 223 KB, 1440x2752, 1681867538673489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know you fags are desperate to make me sell but ill just keep buying
you can make like 12 more posts in the next hour and every single one will make most people think "someones really upset over link, i should probably buy more"

>> No.54662972

wow you're really poor and determined to stay poor
good for you lmfao

>> No.54662980

Good goy

>> No.54662989

and you get really upset when people say they're buying an asset you dont hold for some reason
thanks for the reminder to buy more

>> No.54663002

>i'll never breed and i'll stay poor and that makes you mad!

>> No.54663017

literally not possible
there is no amount of power in the universe that will result in my linkies being sold (staked)

>> No.54663022

>coping and seething because people bought
thanks for another reminder to buy more link
i dont think i needed one but you're always trying to help

>> No.54663037

Literally no one holding this is up in sats besides sergey

>> No.54663038

>just watch me lose another couple thousand of my $17k life savings
>that will surely make you upset

>> No.54663148

>"i-it doesn't upset me, that's why i seethe about people buying link 24/7"
so... buy more link? got it

>> No.54663178

you ran out of money huh
use those link tokens as collateral to buy some more and make a post again to own the bulgarians
don't bother with another reply if you aren't going to post proof of more buys

>> No.54663183

so the one thing you don't want me to do for some reason... is buy more link?
ok ill buy more link

>> No.54663194

already did back in the 40s and 50s
imagine still holding this pnd kek

>> No.54663200

>incel is broke and coping
you aren't fooling anyone
have fun with your growing losses =)

>> No.54663220

>more seething because i'll buy more link
its ok anon ill be buying more link

>> No.54663251

Please dump it to like 5 dollars so I can go all in.

>> No.54663292

>Being so obsessed with link holders that you sit there getting triggered by them constantly.
I'll buy more link because of your dedication as well, fudcuck.

>> No.54664114

I'm buying weekly and have been for the last year. Thanks for fudding.

>> No.54664160

Oh, in that case someone already sold them for you.

>> No.54665617

chaincuckolds are so broke they can't afford to feed sirgay anymore
nastyslob isn't gonna like this chaincuckolds

>> No.54665650

>seething and coping because he spends 2000+ hours a year posting link fud and the only thing people do in response is buy more when they notice him at all
aw poor diddums

>> No.54665658

>still hasn't bought more
>can't afford to buy anything
>waits 6 hours for a response
>replies within minutes
this is pathetic even for chaincuckolds

>> No.54665683

>fudcuck seething and coping because i saw a notification on my phone that a fudcuck made in reply to my 7 hour old comment
>"well why dont you spend unlimited money on it right now? GOTCHA"
you're in shambles, Coomer Fudd
and sorry - still buying more
youve wasted thousands of hours of your life for nothing lmaoooo

>> No.54665689

>the board's newest chainlink baggie is still chimping out
nice try jeet, you're losing
loser lol

>> No.54665706

>still seething and coping because i bought link
thanks for reminding me to buy more

>> No.54665712

>still won't buy more
>can't afford it
LOSER lmfao

>> No.54665715

>"well why dont you spend unlimited money on it right now? GOTCHA"
you're in shambles, Coomer Fudd
and sorry - still buying more
youve wasted thousands of hours of your life for nothing lmaoooo

>> No.54665732
File: 63 KB, 900x900, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell low IQ linknigger to buy more
>low IQ linknigger refuses to
>linknigger chimps out all night saying he will buy more but not now, life savings is gone
thanks for the laughs chaincuckold

>> No.54665743

>starts writing seethe and cope blogposts about how upset he is that someone said they were going to buy more link
thanks for the reminder to buy more link
you should make a few dozen threads about it today to remind other people to buy as well

>> No.54665770

you are so poor it's hilarious
watching you lose money is great, nigger

>> No.54665781

>up $390k
>losing money
uh sure thing fudcuck
thanks for reminding me to buy more link with all your posts
youve wasted thousands of hours of your life for nothing lmaoooo

>> No.54665795

>$17k lifesavings is dwindling
>I better make up some number so anon doesn't think i'm poor
this is some potent newfag chaincuckold cope

>> No.54665810
File: 1.56 MB, 1399x1622, 1673949343938573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How have you been, Thomas? Still a suicidal porn consumer like the rest of your friends on here? Have you peeled back all the layers of your "porn identity" yet?

>> No.54665812

>12 pbtid
>Doesn't care about chainlink

I will also be buying more

>> No.54665816

>seething and coping over someone else's investments
>cant even imagine making money so he assumes it's just a larp when someone bought early
thanks for reminding me to buy more link with all your posts
youve wasted thousands of hours of your life for nothing lmaoooo

>> No.54665831

buy more
but you can't =)

>> No.54665844

>I'll buy moar1!
das rite muhrine, PAY UP

>> No.54666105

I keep buying more. I used to only have 2,000 link

>> No.54666120


>> No.54666144


>> No.54666218

How can you lose more than 100%?
He can only lose 5% after hes already down 95%, retard.

>> No.54667221

Staking is a based strategy to stay afloat despite market conditions anon. I do that on my Crt and Ride tokens for an APY of about 20%, definitely better than just holding.

>> No.54669067

nobody cares about your scam staking

>> No.54669190

Yet you cared enough to respond to his post about staking

>> No.54669306

okie doke

>> No.54669521

i have been bested
you win, good sir

>> No.54670042
File: 593 KB, 742x590, 1652304441233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell my Chainlink? Never.

>> No.54670642

What is the make-it stack anon? Thinking of adding it to my Near and Sylo bags for gains when the bulls take over the market.

>> No.54672445

Ain't selling web3 cryptos, LINK and ORE are good picks.

>> No.54672692

If pajeets could enjoy many interesting features on a gaming model, CHUNKS will be a hot one to buy as much as possible.