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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54655335 No.54655335 [Reply] [Original]

>small boat price is $15K
>small cruisers at 50-70K
How I am supposed to afford a big boat without being rich?

>> No.54655379

Don't buy a boat unless you wanna pay 40% of its price annually to use it.

>> No.54655865

10% if you buy quality, 40% maybe if you’re buying some old used piece of poorfag shit

>> No.54655886

>never owned a boat

Maintenance and fuel costs are ridiculous for every type of boat.

>> No.54655901
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I own two boats and the figure is closer to 5% if you do the work yourself.
>waaa my water maker is broke that's like 10k
But if you look its probably just a filter that needs to be changed and you can order the parts and do it yourself for fiddy bucks - if you're on a cruiser you're living on the boat anyways, do the work yourself, feel better and save lots of cash. Also you're not a man unless you know some plumbing, electrics, woodwork, and how to make structural repairs. You shouldn't be thinking of buying a boat unless you know these things.
>but making it means that I don't have to work
Who you gonna call when you're in the middle of the Indian ocean?

>> No.54656115

>Who you gonna call
Gh.. Ghost Busters?

>> No.54656163

I bought a boat with the intent to repair it and I ended up just moving half my house into it and keeping it up on the hoist in my yard and working on it slowly but surely. I spend more time in the boat than I do in my own place tho to be fair this place is a bit small and could use more space. Luckily I live in this out of the way town that basically only people show up in summer to use the lake so I can sit and be unbothered in my boat for days on end unless the one neighbor stops in and visits. nice old man in his 90s who likes to wrench on his lawnmower and ride it all day (his yard is huge so he's always working on it) anyways thanks for reading my blog

>> No.54656181

How big of a boat do you need to cross the Pacific/Atlantic?

>> No.54656230

You don't need a big one, people have used small boats before

>> No.54656253

Being on a boat is one of the most enjoyable things about life. Get out of the "invest conservatively till your 60 and can finally enjoy life" mentality and realize you might die tomorrow.

My boat is expensive, I've spend tens of thousands of dollars on it, and I don't regret a single penny. It is by far the most enjoyable experience.

>> No.54656423

Cruising is my dream. How'd you do it Anon? What boat do you have?

>> No.54656438

how do they depreciate?

e.g. 50k car probably goes down 10% yearly too

>> No.54656612

Well you can't go in a speedboat you'd run out of fuel, whats realistic bare minimum? I ain't sailing.

>> No.54656658

I had an extraordinary dream of owning a boat and fishing out at sea. It truly felt like I was in heaven. Tell me, do you fish in the sea?

>> No.54656671

pics or gtfo

>> No.54656685

If you can't afford a 500k boat, then you shouldn't own a boat, of any kind.

>> No.54656703

Just my opinion but boats are retarded unless you live somewhere that you can use them year round. I live in the midwest and use to do a lot of fishing so had a fishing boat for about 10 years and towards the end there my boat was becoming a storage bin for junk for 6+ months a year. Even in summer the weekends are a zoo on the water. The only real benefit of a boat is getting away from crowds but i suppose a kayak could do the same.

>> No.54656770

Yes and no. It can be very enjoyable, but weather and boat traffic play a role. I live on the Mississippi River that is packed on summer weekends. Pontoons as far as the eye can see. Most sandbars get taken. The river water isn't the cleanest. Every city along the river dumps their waste into it (treated). Back in the day i did enjoying just drifting and casting wingdams for bass--just using the trolling motor to move around. Also don't forget you need a truck or car to tow your boat and somewhere to store it.

>> No.54656810

>? I ain't sailing.

That's literally your choice if you're slusing a small boat

>> No.54657024
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Sea fishing is really dangerous because of the krakens and monsters and such. It is best left to the professionals. Have you considered a shrimp tank? For just a few dolloars out of pocket you can grow and harvest shrimp right in your living room.

>> No.54657361

Just don't do maintenance retard. You think the pirates of old did modern maintenance on their ships?
Lol what a pleb just get a sailboat. Keep a full tank as an emergency solution and just sail on wind. Fucking pleb.

>> No.54657414

People cross the Atlantic in kayaks all the time and idiots on /biz/ think you need to pay $10k per year in fuel just to fuck around on the US coast or Mediterranean Sea.