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54655842 No.54655842 [Reply] [Original]

> really attracted to her at first
> We become bf/gf
> A month goes by I see her every day
> Suddenly don't like her face anymore

Wtf is wrong with me. This has happened before by the way. Can a /biz/ness bro advice? Humans aren't naturally meant to form long relationships isn't it? Nature says impregnate and walk away?

>> No.54655874

Have you fucked her ass yet?

>> No.54655925
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I don't put my pp in assholes.

>> No.54655954

Pheromones. Focus on that and how good she feels to hold. I've never gone from being attracted to not unless it's a drastic personality or weight shift. Sometimes I can find nuances of a persons appearance better over time.

Maybe focus on the specific features you do like and ignore the plainer ones. I always like one striking feature like either eyes, lips, smile. Someone where every feature is ok isnt as attractive to me.

>> No.54655979


>> No.54656032

I would be physically attracted to almost any woman that calls herself mommy in the third person.

>> No.54656287

Your instincts are in pump and dump mode. When you're ready to hold territory aka be a father you'll feel differently. Basically you see yourself as a pussy always on the retreat from powerful men so you don't want to stake your claim.

>> No.54656567

you need to deepen intimacy most likely
get to know her more and reveal more of your inner life to her

>> No.54656783

Similar story.

>Meet girl
>She's in love with me
>Give gifts and she's aggressive to give me her number
>Go by and she is blatantly flirting with some random dude to fuck with me.
>Who the fuck is this?
>She now talks shit about me

I literally did nothing and this bitch managed to build up some retarded drama before we even kicked off a single date.

>> No.54656886

Breh she's my gf and we slept together everyday for 3 months. You didn't even go on a date. I am trying to say I sometimes dislike her face cause maybe I saw it too much. Tfw :(

> Want gf
> Get gf
> Dont really know if I want her
> Feels bad man

I'm gonna stick with her cause I broke up many times in the past and then regretted it. Or is it like a sign from God I'm not supposed to be in a relationship.? I'm mega redpilled and hyper aware so no girl will ever have anything interesting to say for me. It's all mundane b.s idk

I just become unattracted after a while. Usually a short while

>> No.54657005
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>met girl in class and I'm like the only guy there in a class full of roasties
>shes sitting behind me
>she always tries to start conversations asking me stuff about my life
>keeps touching my hair
>in other classes she always sits next to me
>keeps following me to the parking lot
>often hints towards me driving her home (I live in the other direction so not driving her anywhere)
>she invites me to lunch, decline because I dont want to eat goyslop
>invites me several times always decline
>other girl is also into me and they both start fighting over me (I dont want any of them)
>eventually drop out and become a NEET
>live in isolation for the next 9 years

>> No.54657037

Do you regret not trying a relationship?

>> No.54657072

I get fed up after a month or so as well, the shit tests start and you have to be on guard 24/7. Fail the tests and she hops on another guys dick and in justifies it all in her twisted female logic.
I don't have the patience for all that.

>> No.54657104

>get gf
>like her and everything
>am good for a bit
>knock her up
>constantly want to fuck everything in site
>look at my gf and start wondering if I made a mistake
>nothing about her has gotten less attractive
>constantly wonder if it's just grass is greener, if I would look at my gf and feel the same way towards her as I do with the random thots I see at the gym if she WASN'T my gf
>only way to know is to lose my memory of her and see if I would covet her while I date another girl
>wonder if any girl would ever be enough and that I wouldn't get bored of her eventually
Being high test is a curse. But alas, she will be the mother of my children soon so I've settled for convincing her to do 3somes.

>> No.54657123

no, woman are evil demons.

>> No.54657127
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You're a young man. That feeling will pass.
Enjoy your libido whilst you still have it, OP.

The jews want you docile and married at 22. Men gain power through promiscuity. Sleep around, let your ego grow, and see how your life improves.

>> No.54657158

Low T. Forcing her down and licking her butthole

>> No.54657214
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For me it’s tying them up with rope and then burying my face in their ass.

>> No.54657350

IF you and your girl are white, you need to fetishize pregnancy IMMEDIATELY.
>Get high and goon to pregnant porn.
>Compliment your girl daily about how she looks.
>Encourage her to stay fit, and work her hips, thighs, and pelvic muscles, "for the baby."
>10g of quality dark chocolate a day, to encourage emotional and mental growth for the embryo
>Don't man up, DAD up
Then... then when you have her 3+ months along, you can convince her that you just want other girls because they're "fertile soil."
She'll be instinctually driven to do ANYTHING to keep you, and keep having your kids.

If you want the conspiracy-level info, convince her not to have a spinal block when she gives birth. The pain of birth is a bonding agent between mother and child, a sort of "we both survived this" permanent bond.

>> No.54657593

Unironically in a serious relationship with a woman who does this. She's also told me that unless I agree to her locking me up in chastity to which she'll have all the keys, the relationship can't continue. Wtf do I do bros? We've been together 1.5 years and I love her