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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 650x488, dfea514ae97dfd2417d87c83c7109fb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5464408 No.5464408 [Reply] [Original]

Face the cold hard truth /biz/

You will never become as rich as the legendary and wise Erik Finman.

You are destined to trade shitcoins for the rest of your miserable NEET life before you decide to kys.

Bow to your emperor NEETS.

>> No.5464438

You have an unhealthy obsession with this loser.
He's so dumb he hasn't cashed out any. Just wait for bitcoin to go to zero and this little fag will hang himself.

Case closed my jellydonut anon

>> No.5464442

I would spin his jaw if I saw him IRL

>> No.5464462

rick and morty

>> No.5464537

Why are you so jealous anon?

>> No.5464574

Ok man but you just bought bitcoin early on a tip from your brother its not really all that impressive. stop shitposting

>> No.5464680

But hes not even rich? 1.7m or what was it?
That diesnt even allow for a particukarly lavish lifestyle

My networth is more than double that and I live a normal life without being a faggot in public.

>> No.5464784


Where do you live

>> No.5464822
File: 86 KB, 1178x1170, 11651651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made money buying BTC when it was cheap
>N-notice m-me S-senpai

>> No.5464833

his face looks like its made out of play doh

>> No.5464841



>> No.5464850

It was funny the first time. Now it’s just annoying. Learn when to walk away on a high note kid.

>> No.5464859


Erik Finboy will never be Ryan Eagle

>> No.5464879

he has such a punchable face

>> No.5464894

a western country why

>> No.5464910

Literally who

>> No.5464938

t.Erik Finman

>> No.5465094
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1514111789517s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you reach around 18-20 Eric, you will realise 'trolling people' and 'acting in a way that makes people embarrassed for you' are very different things. Enjoy your money kid, but don't alienate yourself from everyone by acting like you're some kind of God. 2M is really not THAT much money. I have 500k and I am absolutely nobody, I certainly don't pose with fucking fake guns and money

>> No.5465108

"The investor offered either $100,000 or 300 bitcoin, which had dropped in value at that time to a little more than $200 a coin. He took the lower cash value bitcoin deal because he believed it was "the next big thing." "

>not taking the money and BUYING even more bitcoin
this kid dumb as shit, and so are all the people reading/knowing about him

>> No.5465154

>Implying it's not Erik Noseman posting this himself every day


>> No.5465164

fucking kek, did that really happen?

>> No.5465236


>> No.5465623

This bait isn't even good, you're overdoing it.

>> No.5465674

Nice try Erik, now go back to your instagram

>> No.5465716

>Through selling companies and other investments, he now has 403 bitcoins — worth more than $1 million

thats it?

>> No.5465723
File: 33 KB, 465x465, Satoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is heavier, Eric.. This bag with a pound of feathers, or this one pound rock

>He picked the rock

>> No.5465732


>> No.5465739

An embarrassing thread made about an embarrassing person. This board sucks dick.

>> No.5465761

The guy is a fucking loser who got lucky with his parents money.At least i will never be as ugly as him.

>> No.5465770



>> No.5465818

Thanks for making my day. I choked in my coffee

>> No.5465823

He said he believed in btc, so why not take the cash and buy $100k in btc?

Or would you say a rock us heavier?

>> No.5465865
File: 41 KB, 499x499, 1514146014395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become a millionare
>still crippled by insecurity over being a needle-dicked fruit fly
>make 'troll' threads/posts daily
>everyone is vaguely annoyed and embarrassed

>> No.5465886
File: 42 KB, 490x323, ......jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the post god damnit, fuck, some of you really are retards

>> No.5465900

that's what the other purple id said

>> No.5465902

Stop posting Erik

>> No.5465910

He took 60k in BTC...

When he could have taken the 100k cash, and bought 100k in BTC.

Are you retarded?