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File: 156 KB, 1280x720, linkscam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54650817 No.54650817 [Reply] [Original]

Let me tell you why LINK is an obsolete scam:

The say the don't have a scalability issue, sure because it runs on ETH chain, LINK is not even a L2 but it's a DAO, like gnosis for example, with the difference that offline feed are ran by private entities, now why some should trust LINK due diligence while they could use HTTPS outcalls directly from source? All th compatible "chains" are evm based and are L2 ETH sidechains. Wake up retards, chainlink is njust a bunch of smart contract linked to offline feeds ran but who knows what. So why should I use chainlink when I can take feeds directly from Nasdaq.com? Linkies are too emotionally involved with their bags in irder to really realize what obsolete and pathetic scam LINK is, my advice would be to sell its top at next run or dump into irrelevance next bear, screencap this. Facts are unrefutable, stop being emotionally attached to your shitty bags, is just a smart contract talking to an amaterurly ran feed while https outcalls is the direct source used by the stock market. You retards are clueless enjoy getting scammed by sergey nazarov

>> No.54650839

>when I can take feeds directly from Nasdaq.com
>he doesn't understand the distrust amongst banks themselves, thus the reason for repo market jerry-rigging
you clearly have no idea of the IMMENSE problem chainlink solves. why do you think swift and the dtcc work with them? what could they _need_ to fix? yea, i just told you above

>> No.54650846

You deliberately miss the entire point rajesh

>> No.54650914

>it runs on ETH chain
Protip: no it doesn't.

>> No.54650927
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>> No.54651139

it's all a marketing stunt
it does, it runs on EVM tech, the token was born on eth mainnet and they bridged on sidechains, link is nothing more than a smart contract dao, you're all ignorant retards to not realize this or deny

>> No.54651144

hello tyson

>> No.54651159

>it runs on EVM tech
lol by that logic ETH was Bitcoin because both were PoW until a few months ago.

>> No.54651177

ETH actually runs on BNB fuddie

>> No.54651196
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Who's gonna read this wall of the usual shit frens?

>> No.54651493

shills liars

>> No.54651707

If your posts aren’t satire you are actually retarded and should lurk for at least 5 more years before posting again

>> No.54651805

>40+ inorganic fud/shill threads pop out of nowhere
>flip da switch
>strap in
>link dumps

>> No.54651807

>>link dumps
You mean Bitcoin dumps

>> No.54651838

no I mean link dumps
>-4% down in sats
>-2.5% down in gwei
>below 30k sats
>barely at the 0.004 gwei level

>> No.54651872

Alts are always dragged down a little more whenever Bitcoin takes an acute dump.

The point is Bitcoin always acutely dumps whenever Link went up against Bitcoin.

>> No.54651962

the point is whenever you people spam it here it dumps like a textbook jeet PnD

>> No.54651975
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>whenever you people spam [Chainlink] here [Bitcoin] dumps

>> No.54652000

>The point is Bitcoin always acutely dumps whenever Link went up against Bitcoin.
but link has cratered in the past months, almost exactly one month ago it was firmly above the 30k sat level
what are you talking about jeet, all I'm saying is that there's a clear strategy of people shilling extra hard right before the dump

>> No.54652015

>link starts pumping
>people get excited and make threads because biz is a link board
>btc dumps and takes link down with it
It’s that simple

>> No.54652021

or it's an organized small PnD exit pump

>> No.54652026

By dumping bitcoin?

>> No.54652028

>when I can take feeds directly from Nasdaq.com

What the fuck are you talking about? You have a middleman in ICP with HTTPS outcalls through the subnet nodes. This is literally why they have a page dedicated to consenus.

I've attached a screenshot from the ICP documentation for you as you will be too retarded to even know how to open their wiki.

Why are these ICP shills who are trying to fud chainlink so immensely retarded?

>> No.54652034

no, by dumping link
btc was at that same price level it is today all week and link was below $6, you're grasping at straws at this point

>> No.54652057

Bitcoin dumped from 30k to 29k and took link down with it. This literally happened 2 hours ago

>> No.54652065

btc was at 29k and 30k a week ago, link was close to $7
btc was also 30k on March 2022, link was close to $20
a clear pattern emerges of link constantly losing value against btc while it essentially remains stable

>> No.54652084

Kek, some faggot (you) spent hours on that lame CNN tier graphic

>> No.54652093

That has nothing to do with what we’re talking about

>> No.54652125

constantly bringing up the btc pa has also nothing to do with my point, either, which is that all this inorganic shilling/fudding always precedes a link dump

>> No.54652346

>what are you talking about
Link goes up, Bitcoin crashes.
It's not hard to understand.

Checked btw

>> No.54652410

>no, by dumping link
You may want to look at the Bitcoin chart right now.

>> No.54653093

you shitheads think there is some deep conspiracy against LINK while in reality is just NEO or NANO 2.0, ya'll in denial retards. CHAINLINK is a smart contract feeding from an external source that is less valid than the official stock market sources, nothing more

>> No.54653143

Sounds like you're very aware of the uncanny and predictable nature of these events, and are trying to rationalize it for yourself.

>> No.54653229

You seem fundamentally retarded and not understanding Chainlink. You don't even seem to understand blockchains or smart contracts.

>> No.54653286


literally kill yourself you pajeet ICP baggie

>> No.54653306

My god man. HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS. selling all of my Chainlink (ticker: LINK) this very second!

>> No.54653312

I understand them you're just circlejerking

ETH L1 main chain
Chainlink smart contract running on the main chain
L2 sidechains is all LINK can provide "oracle" services too since they're ETH sidechains, even if initially advertised as mainnets, see Vitalik referring to BSC and BSC decentralized exchange rather than smart chain.

You're the tech illiterate one here, or you're a shill, fact is LINK is just a smart contract connected to an offchain system that is less reliable than HTTPS outcalls directly from stock market providers such as NASDAQ.com.

I work in this space btw and ran a startup from 500k capitalization to 20m and sold it what about you basement incel piece of shit

>> No.54653321

>ETH L1 main chain
>Chainlink smart contract running on the main chain
ETH and many others

>> No.54653342

L2 scams (which are only sidechains like goerli testnet, see BSC, ARB, AVAX, HUOBI and the likes)
smart contracts (link is here)

>> No.54653352


they really let anyone post on 4channel these days, huh

>> No.54653355

hence smartcontracts.com you fucking retard inbreds

>> No.54653365

liar newfag

>> No.54653473

if your chainlink bs is the future why projects are already building their own oracles to not pay chainlink? because its fucking smart contracts and they know how to code, it's not a breakthrough tech, sergey scammed ya'll retards

>> No.54653486

kill yourself tranny. This thread is pathetic

>> No.54653542

sure, the inevitable facts will sink in, market makers already know, LINK will never reach ath again

>> No.54653572

I'm a senior software engineer at a global computer factory and my crew has thoroughly reviewed the chainlink node code base and we were all shocked they haven't even patched the blatant vulnerabilities in the ERC token buffer flow meaning any black hat could drain their entire token liquidity via this simple centralized vector in the mainframe system, their pipeline feeds can also be easily compromised by hacking into the data servers at the root source with just a few command lines in a Linux terminal, it's only a matter of days until chainlink implodes from such technological incompetence

>> No.54653644
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>it runs on eth
no, chainlink has it's own network of oracles that serve many different blockchains

>chainlink is a DAO
nope, chainlink isn't a dao it's a oracle network ran by different corporate entities (i wish it was a dao though)

>you could just use direct https outcalls (thats a icp fag wording)
eth itself allows for direct http outcalls, but that doesn't guarentee that the data is trustworthy becausd api endpoint can be tempered with, or could change location or format

>chainlink are a bunch of smart contracts
no, chainlink has an onchain and an offchain component, the onchain component is an sdk that allowd you to interact with the oracle network, the offchain component is a network of nodess the chainlinkn oracle that allows node operators to service different chains to provide em with vrf, deco, ccip, price feeds, prof and many more oracle services

>i could just use feeds from nasdaq.com
that's the problem you'd be entrusting your smart contract which is trustless to a http endpoint that could manipulate your dapp and steal funds or whatever.
you are missing the point of the oracle problem

>> No.54653670
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>> No.54653682

retard, it runs on evm compatible chains which are just different rpcs like goerli testnet, they're all based on Ethereum consensus, the onchain component is smart contract and the offchain component is centralized system that is less accountable than the same endpoints used by the stock market trading trillions of value, you're just a shill go fuck yourself

>> No.54653690

wow a fudder actually bothered to write out something with a modicum of effort, that is a huge improvement from the last 9 months of toddler-tier MSpaint memes and incessantly repeated fud catchphrases.
Props for the effort, anon.
I mean, it's incoherent ESL nonsense, but I fully approve of the energy expended.

>> No.54653707

just run an eth full node and do your own "chain" which is a sidechain, hence why chainlink can't do shit on non evm networks, and btw you can call it oracle network but it's an hybrid system made of smart contracts (same technology of DAOs) and a centralized offchain component that is less accountable in terms of regulatory and disclaimer purposes than some retards "approved" by chainlink to run USD feeds, retard baggie

>> No.54653734

>they're all based on Ethereum consensus
Nearly all blockchains are based on Bitcoin consensus.
This includes Ethereum until the merge.
Stop embarrassing yourself like this pls

>> No.54653748

fuck you i am giving 0 effort, I am ESL and I have more money than you all combined and my english is better than most of you I am just not putting the grammatical effort because who gives a shit, I am just thrilled to see so many retards losing their life savings because they can't move on since they're emotionally attached to their scam investment, smart money already sold

>> No.54653772

try to circljerk again, it's fine i dont give a shit i will stop replying to you retards, by that I mean that they run on ethereum technology, what you're talking about is the mWerkle tree retard. In any case you shills will cherry pick something and go on but the truth sinks in and that's inevitable

>> No.54653794

>by that I mean that they run on ethereum technology
Nearly all blockchains are based on Bitcoin consensus.
This includes Ethereum until the merge.

>> No.54653808 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 719x1275, Screenshot_20230419_154818_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ir runs on evm like chains
no, just like eth guses getch to run a node, chainlink nodes are something else, they dont run on eth it's a whole different network.

chainlink nodes are COMPATIBLE with evm chains, but that's because alot of blockchains are evm clones, chainlink have plans to become compatible with other chains, so of course they will offer their services on different types of chains.

the offchain componant isn't centralized it's a decentralized oracle network (DON) Where each node is a well known corporate entity and the data they push is fully visible onchain plus there is a consensus that decides on the final result that is pushed to the blockchain.

you can view them at work here :
funny how you have no clue of what chainlink issr0kt

>> No.54653824

Yes on proof of work but each one implements its own consensus technology which is what those rpc nodes are using, hence ethereum. From the way you put it youre saying every chain runs on bitcoin consensus, which in reality is based on bitcoin consensus and runs on a given technology implementing that consensus, are you happy now 3rd grader retard

>> No.54653856
File: 228 KB, 719x1275, Screenshot_20230419_154818_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it runs on evm like chains
no, just like eth uses geth to run a node, chainlink nodes have their own software developed by chainlink labs that was derived from town crier.

chainlink nodes are COMPATIBLE with evm chains, but that's because alot of blockchains are evm clones, chainlink have plans to become compatible with other chains, so of course they will offer their services on different types of chains, for now evm chain are just a priority because they secure more value.
the offchain componant isn't centralized it's a decentralized oracle network (DON) Where each node is a well known corporate entity and the data they push is fully visible onchain plus there is a consensus that decides on the final result that is pushed to the blockchain.

you can visualize them running live here :

funny how you have no clue

>> No.54653861

chainlink is scam

>> No.54653878


based on and runs on have two different meanings retard, probably deliberately saying it to circlejerk again, but thats a sub 80 IQ TAKE >>54653794

>> No.54653885

>Yes on proof of work but each one implements its own consensus technology
Same with different EVM chains.

>> No.54653897

they just forked eth and running a full node like 90% of scams in this market, solely EVM compatible = copied = scam

>> No.54653911

no, the node vode itself is towncrier, but linkpool used to use geth nodes no push oracle data to ethereum for example.

but the oracle nodes themselves are something different

>> No.54653919
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>6 years after its ICO
>still trading at single digits

>> No.54653989

here you can read on what town crier is here;

>Town Crier system is an authenticated data feed for smart contracts, a.k.a. an “oracle.” It was created by students and faculty at The Initiative for CryptoCurrencies and Contracts (IC3).

chainlink acquiree towncrier like 4 years ago, making it private tech, and the implemented the chainlink network using it.

then later ari juels from kornell tech joined chainlink as head of research, and he is responsible for the chainlink development

>> No.54654002

>muh town crier from 2018
SGX technology, aka the whole premise of Town Crier, has been completely abandoned due to numerous vulnerabilities, Town Crier is literally vaporware

>> No.54654022

I'm the CEO of bitcoin you fucking pleb I sold it to Elon Musk for $400 billion you dumb faggot shit dick

>> No.54654053

>chainlink is scam
Never gonna suck Sergey's flaccid red dildo again. Making a way to my portfolio recovery with Altcoinistdao crypto reviews

>> No.54654112

they had to scam people and buy university tech with the money, imagine how incompetent they are and town crier is bs anyways
i didnt cash in 20m i capitalized from 500k to 20m and made an exit, you basement dweller don't have a clue and think it's big money, poorfag.

>> No.54654126

value capitalization not actual net capitalization but who am i talking to, poorfag

>> No.54654143

this, town crier is bs, it took sergey 4 years to code some smart

>> No.54654191

Town crier was an initial attempt at oracle networks, and SGX is just one layer of security that Chainlink abandoned a long time ago for DECO, a software-level encryption. However, I am just sharing the history of Chainlink, which it seems that you are not aware of.

Chainlink takes time to release its products because they are not forks of already existing products. Instead, each of their products is a fully developed product derived from research conducted by extremely intelligent individuals. The Chainlink team has some of the brightest minds in the industry.

Here are some publication citations for the Chainlink Labs team:

Ari Juels: 46,805
Dan Boneh: 98,399
Mike Reiter: 38,136
Farinaz Koushanfar: 25,555
Christian Cachin: 16,943
Dahlia Malkhi: 13,837
Christian Catalini: 8,365
Toal: 248,040

>> No.54654206

>moves the goalposts to muh appeal to authority
fuck off you shill, "just sharing the history guise"
nobody's falling for your bs

>> No.54654230

I know what you did you rugpulling pajeet shit skin faggot know kys

>> No.54654253

The citations provided for the Chainlink team were not meant to be an appeal to authority, they were presented to demonstrate that the Chainlink team consists of highly qualified people who have conducted extensive research in the field (you can go verify yourself)

plus, sharing the history of Chainlink is not meant to be misleading or deceptive. It's always important to understand the development and evolution of a technology in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities and limitations.

and here you are just flailing shit around like ape you are

>> No.54654339

whenn it comes to fud i think you should just stick to :

>chainlink holders are cuckolds
>the chart is dumping
>chainlink logoq with poo on them

if you want to enter into a real discussion on the tech, you will get btfo very single time.
your approach isn't good if you want to fud, if you want i can help you make brainlet fud adjusted to your level so you can atleast appear like you know something.

>> No.54654673

you're just doing some homework, exposing a publication, how does that refute that chainlink is an obsolete scam based on smart contracs that anyone could deploy and their actual added value is an offchain network whose validators are approved by chainlink due diligence, now explain me why i shouldn't turn over the responsibiltiy on to feeds that are already being used on major stock markets so in case they go to shit i can blame it on nasdaq and say that even the nyse suffered that issue rather than looking like a retard to my clients because muh chainlink is a decentralized oracle, which is not, it's a set of decentralized smart contract that rely on trusted off chain sources that are less to be trusted than legacy feeds that are in this preent moment moving trillions of dollars. My advice is sell and move on after the next scamwick

>> No.54654848
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>Chainlink is an obsolete scam based on smart contracts that anyone could deploy.

This is a baseless claim. Chainlink provides a decentralized oracle network that securely connects smart contracts to real-world data and off-chain systems. The technology has been adopted by numerous enterprises and has a growing ecosystem of developers building on top of it.

>Their actual added value is an off-chain network whose validators are approved by Chainlink due diligence.

The off-chain network provided by Chainlink is a key component of its oracle network. Validators are selected based on their reputation, expertise, and other factors that are determined by the community. This ensures that the data provided to smart contracts is accurate and reliable

Legacy feeds that are in this present moment moving trillions of dollars are more trustworthy than Chainlink's off-chain sources.

You are repeating yourself, Chainlink's off-chain sources are carefully vetted to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data they provide. In addition, the decentralized nature of Chainlink's oracle network ensures that there is no single point of failure or control. This makes it a more secure and reliable option than legacy feeds that are vulnerable to manipulation or hacking.

>Chainlink is not a decentralized oracle, but a set of decentralized smart contracts that rely on trusted off-chain sources.

Chainlink's oracle network is both decentralized and secure. The use of multiple independent oracles and the use of cryptographic proofs ensure that the data provided to smart contracts is accurate and tamper-proof. The trusted off-chain sources are also carefully vetted to ensure their reliability.

your arguments are either baseless or misinformed. Chainlink provides a secure and reliable oracle network that is being adopted by numerous enterprises and developers. Its decentralized nature and careful vetting of off-chain sources make it a trustworthy solution

>> No.54654965

>21 1pbtid raging ESL incoherent ramblings
>[words words words]

Settle down third worlder, your superiors command it.
Why aren't any of your post effective at all? People/anons are still buying LINK at much faster pace than EVER BEFORE, you can check it in the volume.

>> No.54655073

when reality inevitably sinks in you'll cry the bitterest tears, remembering that anon who tried to warn you, chainlink looks like the guy trying to build a rocket with a screwdriver and a hammer, they look like the flintstones unironically, going to desperate bagholders and scammers and amateurs in order to train them in running some feeds that are already ran and available in the stock market, it's a ridiculous piece of shit

>> No.54655084

trillions of dollars will be entrusted to potheads just because chainlink says trust me bro

>> No.54655113

just like deloitte says trust my muh consultants, pathetic af

>> No.54655366

>when reality inevitably sinks in you'll cry the bitterest tears, remembering that anon who tried to warn you

warn me about what? reality is, chainlink is the most trusted oracle in whole of crypto and gmx just agreed to give out 1.2% of their total fees to the node operators and stakers. and thats just the beggining, think about CCIP, PROF and the anti fraud network that uses ai when they are released, more time passes more projects will either jlin chainlink SCALE or chainlInk BUILD, in SCALE projects pay the fees to node operators so the dapps don't charge extra fees to their users, and in BUILD projects that don't have a big enough marketcap, will give up 4 to 5% of theirtotal supply to chainlink.

>chainlink looks like the guy trying to build a rocket with a screwdriver and a hammer, they look like the flintstones unironically

chainlink has released the most high iq papers in whole of crypto, and they hired the most qualified professionals to implement those paper weitten by the brightest minds in crypto graphy

here are their citations:
Ari Juels: 46,805
Dan Boneh: 98,399
Mike Reiter: 38,136
Farinaz Koushanfar: 25,555
Christian Cachin: 16,943
Dahlia Malkhi: 13,837
Christian Catalini: 8,365

>going to desperate bagholders and scammers and amateurs in order to train them in running some feeds that are already ran and available in the stock market, it's a ridiculous piece of shit

like i already said the decentralized nature of Chainlink's oracle network ensures that there is no single point of failure or control. This makes it a more secure and reliable option than legacy feeds that are vulnerable to manipulation or hacking.
so beside making yourself look like a fool what else do you have to say?

>> No.54655675

>trillions of dollars will be entrusted to potheads just because chainlink says trust me bro

you are wrong again, node operators and stakers will be responsible for the data that is pushed to the network, but not without responsibility, node operators will stake chainlink tokens that will be used as collateral in case they misreport or give out bad data, node operators and stakers will have skin in the game and they will have to use their chainlink as collateral to prove it. this ensure that sybil attacks cannot happen, as the cost of bribing nodes or stakers will be too high

>> No.54655755
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>just like deloitte says trust my muh consultants, pathetic af

chainlink has no control not any affiliation with the node operators running the network. chainlink has an oracle reputation system that takes into account all metrics onchaon and offchain.

your argument is ludicrous, because you are suggesting that Tsystems, huobi, kaiko, swisscom, infura and many other recognized entities work for chainlink labs.

it's flattering to think chainlink has such control, but you are wrong yet again

>> No.54655764

Thats a lotta words. It would be a shame if I.... didn't read any of them.

Also I can't sell hehe I'm fully staked hehe

>> No.54655819

i did read anf i answered, im waiting for more of his arguments it's like playing with a toddler

>> No.54656121

>I don't give a shit
>24 pbtid
Thank you for caring about my financial well being, eslanon. I will market sell my LINK (ticker: LINK) on Binance immediately.

>> No.54656180

As soon as you hear someone in crypto mention "Swift or DTCC" you know with certainty that you are being feed bullshit. The person talking is either trying to dupe you, or they have been duped themselves.

>> No.54656295

what about this then?

>> No.54657118

Awh did you get mad he blew you the fuck out retard?

>> No.54657159

how much are chainlink labs paying you for these posts? Realise its even more pathetic that you're shilling a substandard oracle solution for free.

>> No.54657250

>have no arguments

they are paying me exactly 1 link per day for my 7k link staked

>> No.54657263

man these shills are either paid or delusional af
the deloitte reference does not imply he controls them directly i am saying that chanilnk business model is similar to those companies, why the fuck i should trust chainlink due diligence when i can use what is already industry standard and if something goes wrong i say hey top markets are using that same outcall, why the fuck should i chose some potheads in a basament over that, you'll see what will happen, sergey is just building a huge marketing scheme off of amateur providers because that's what it is the security argument is that muh we have many operators and we cross check the data, who the fuck cares, is it nasdaq.com? it's not

>> No.54657282

>have no arguments
What arguments are you looking for. Chainlink has been refuted as early as 2018, but I doubt you were here then, newfag.

>> No.54657333

4 years to build this bullshit, let that sink in, smart contracts on chain taking data from a centralized system ran by trusted chainlink partners, go fuck yourself, and your infura reference is pathetic because they provide an rpc like they do with dozens other projects but they are not providing data feeds. sure they are partners in the same way bmw is partner with samsung for the OS (example) but the engine is bmw, in chainlink case half of the engine is some newcomers that are to be trusted because of muh cross checking and chainlink due diligence which is inferior to NYSE due diligence when it comes to prices, fuck off retard shill how much is sergey paying you to spout this bullshit nonsense, it's well written but it's scam talk as usual with linkers. Chainlink was a huge marketing operation but their core business isn't technology is onboarding as much idiots as possible to enlarge the ponzi cartel, i will stop replying to you idiots fuck off, as i said reality will sink in, market makers already sold and SWIFT is just pumping its bags

>> No.54657354

how much would you've made if you sold the day you staked, your ERC token, retard.

>> No.54657401
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>fuck you i am giving 0 effort
>24 posts by this id

>> No.54657442

>Why the f*ck should I trust Chainlink due diligence when I can use what is already industry standard?

Chainlink is a trusted and proven solution for providing secure and reliable oracle services, the only real oracle standard is chainlink, i'm waiting to see other "standards"

>if something goes wrong, I can say hey top markets are using that same outcall, why the f*ck should I choose some potheads in a basement over that?

Chainlink has a proven track record of providing secure and reliable oracle services, and the fact that reputable companies are using Chainlink demonstrates its trustworthiness. Additionally, Chainlink's decentralized architecture reduces the risk of a single point of failure and makes it more secure than centralized solutions.

>The security argument is that muh we have many operators and we cross check the data, who the f*ck cares, is it nasdaq.com?

the security argument for Chainlink is not just about having multiple operators and cross-checking data, but also about the verifiability and transparency of the data. Chainlink's use of blockchain technology allows for secure and transparent data transmission, which is not possible with centralized solutions.

Chainlink's unique features and capabilities make it a valuable solution for many decentralized applications.

>> No.54657508 [DELETED] 

>4 years to build this bullshit, let that sink in
Building a reliable and secure decentralized oracle network is a complex and challenging task that requires significant research and development efforts. Chainlink has been constantly improving its technology and adding new features to its network to provide high-quality data feeds to its users.
>smart contracts on chain taking data from a centralized system ran by trusted chainlink partners

Chainlink's network is decentralized, which means that it is not controlled by a single entity. The network consists of multiple independent nodes that collect and verify data from various sources to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data. Chainlink partners with many data providers to ensure that its users have access to high-quality data.

>infura reference is pathetic because they provide an rpc like they do with dozens other projects but they are not providing data feeds

Infura is one of the most popular Ethereum nodes that provides access to the Ethereum blockchain. Chainlink uses Infura as one of the data providers in its network to collect data from the Ethereum blockchain. Chainlink also partners with many other data providers to collect data from various sources to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data.

>their core business isn't technology is onboarding as much idiots as possible to enlarge the ponzi cartel

Chainlink's core business is providing a secure and reliable decentralized oracle network that enables smart contracts to access external data and off-chain resources. The network is built on cutting-edge technology that ensures the security, reliability, and scalability of the data feeds. Chainlink has a strong team of developers, researchers, and experts who are constantly working on improving the technology and adding new features to the network

>> No.54657563 [DELETED] 

>4 years to build this bullshit, let that sink in
Building a reliable and secure decentralized oracle network is a complex and challenging task that requires significant research and development efforts. Chainlink has been constantly improving its technology and adding new features to its network to provide high-quality data feeds to its users.
>smart contracts on chain taking data from a centralized system ran by trusted chainlink partners

Chainlink's network is decentralized, which means that it is not controlled by a single entity. The network consists of multiple independent nodes that collect and verify data from various sources to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data. Chainlink partners with many data providers to ensure that its users have access to high-quality data.

>infura reference is pathetic because they provide an rpc like they do with dozens other projects but they are not providing data feeds

Infura is one of the most popular Ethereum nodes that provides access to the Ethereum blockchain. Chainlink uses Infura as one of the data providers in its network to collect data from the Ethereum blockchain while Infura is also providing quality data to the blockchain through chainlink oracle.

>their core business isn't technology is onboarding as much idiots as possible to enlarge the ponzi cartel

Chainlink's core business is providing a secure and reliable decentralized oracle network that enables smart contracts to access external data and off-chain resources. The network is built on cutting-edge technology that ensures the security, reliability, and scalability of the data feeds. Chainlink has a strong team of developers, researchers, and experts who are constantly working on improving the technology and adding new features to the network

>> No.54657590 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 720x1441, Screenshot_20230419_203418_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to add pic, infura is a chainlink node operator

>> No.54657649
File: 381 KB, 719x2139, Screenshot_20230419_203824_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>4 years to build this bullshit, let that sink in
Building a reliable and secure decentralized oracle network is a complex and challenging task that requires significant research and development efforts. Chainlink has been constantly improving its technology and adding new features to its network to provide high-quality data feeds to its users.
>smart contracts on chain taking data from a centralized system ran by trusted chainlink partners

Chainlink's network is decentralized, which means that it is not controlled by a single entity. The network consists of multiple independent nodes that collect and verify data from various sources to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data. Chainlink partners with many data providers to ensure that its users have access to high-quality data.

>infura reference is pathetic because they provide an rpc like they do with dozens other projects but they are not providing data feeds

Infura is a chainlink node operator participating in the chainlink oracle network.


Infura is one of the most popular Ethereum nodes that provides access to the Ethereum blockchain. Chainlink uses Infura as one of the data providers in its network to collect data from the Ethereum blockchain while Infura is also providing quality data to the blockchain through chainlink oracle.

>their core business isn't technology is onboarding as much idiots as possible to enlarge the ponzi cartel

Chainlink's core business is providing a secure and reliable decentralized oracle network that enables smart contracts to access external data and off-chain resources. The network is built on cutting-edge technology that ensures the security, reliability, and scalability of the data feeds. Chainlink has a strong team of developers, researchers, and experts who are constantly working on improving the technology and adding new features to the network

>> No.54657883

LINK is higher than it was when staking went live anon (for now). Update your script accordingly.

>> No.54659120

Chainlink is relaunching on the Terra Classic network. It is now CHAINLUNC (ticker:CUNC)

>> No.54660197
File: 136 KB, 519x624, 16533446997766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah senpai, truth is, L2, Oracles and Verifiable Credentials are unironically the future and anyone who doesn't think the same is retarded or stupid. Its first the EU and now the FEDs, we need this kind of tech just like we need CHEQD and true value projects that really squeeze what the blockchain can do.
It's the reality and you're either in or you're out

>> No.54660249
File: 384 KB, 1080x789, 42-sS5wrsJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
