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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54647443 No.54647443 [Reply] [Original]

My wagie job isn't going so well guys.

>> No.54647458

I have a salary and I'd rather wage for 30 hours a week.

>> No.54647470
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When you feel bad about your job just remember you aren't selling "incense burners" to totally rational and productive members of society

>> No.54647485

Just quit. I walked off a job I had for two years. I once got a job at Kohls and the managers were these fat bitches who just sent you around the store with zero direction. Scheduled me every day at 7:30. I called up my second day and quit. I also walked off a good cashier gig because they wanted to make me wear a mask. It has not once affected my ability to get another job.

>> No.54647488

I used to get abused by the labour manager. Overnight, off open for 2 weeks straight was the worst incident. I'll take a salary thanks.

But heres the catch. I wouldn't sign the contract. I don't believe that anything can be made to be "standard" I wholly disagree with what employers offer and so I don't have to work a day in my life every again.

People shouldn't be mad at leeches, they should be mad at employers. There aren't any real jobs anymore, it's all slavery.

>> No.54647538

I had a cashier job in a really ghetto part of town where we would have to verbally announce, "welcome to [brand]"
I ghosted the day they wrote me up for not saying it

>> No.54647571

Whats wrong op

>> No.54647616


Haha is that a crackpipe? Do you put incense inside in case you get caught or something

>> No.54647626

What do you do now?

>> No.54647659


I can't quit. I was a neet for years and just got out of it.


Took a job in production and things are turning out kind of shit since it's a new business. Work environment is shitty because we're losing money.

>> No.54647662

mines ok

>> No.54647701

Just get your money bro. Find another job and fuck outta there if you don't like it. Get the paycheck. There's always another job, except during a financial collapse.

>> No.54648556

I kind of fucked up at work today. Annoyed some of my co workers by posting a question that didn't provide full details and was a non issue that wasted some of their time.

Why is it the little things that bothered me the most?

>> No.54648721

The incense comes with it for plausible deniability if a cop finds it in store or a customer's car.
I told an obvious crack head "we ran out but the dollar store down the street sells incense and you can drop them in beer bottles" and he freaked the fuck out

>> No.54649422

lmfao you fucking retard, do something you actually enjoy and it's not fucking slavery. You're just a retard that can't find a cool ass job that also pays well.

>> No.54649495

its the little things that can be important sometimes

>> No.54649523

Most of America is spicniggers, and spicniggers deserve to be enslaved.

>> No.54650071
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since you're on biz and this is probably you, my only advice to you OP is... start investing into something while you're looking for a job, or else you'll end up on a huge debt and totally poor lol
Try with KOY, that shit gave me good results recently, might be good for you to start