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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54645990 No.54645990 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck are burgers going to buy and sell any crypto if even the most regulated red tape exchanges leave the country? What a fucking disaster Gensler has been.

>> No.54646004

Coinbase is a sleazy fucking shitcoin exchange good riddance

>> No.54646716

use my kraken account

>> No.54646734

all according to keikaku

>> No.54646819

Normies can buy BTC and ETH at Fidelity. Coinbase leaving US is bullish for bitcoin and eth, bearish for shitcoins

>> No.54646929

Regulatory clarity is for pussies. The SEC don't fuck around like that. You wake up one day and there's an SEC complaint in your mailbox saying everything you've been doing for the past 10 years has been illegal. Next thing you know you're trying to qualify for the kosher meal program at Otisville. Clear?

>> No.54646971

Good luck with that, 84% of their business is in the US.

$COIN is already dead.

>> No.54646984

>Regulatory clarity
I think what they mean is
>Stop being a little bitch and threatening to regulate us, either be about it or stop talking about it

>> No.54647003

I already know where gensler and a bunch of his family live. Many people do.

>> No.54647004

To me it sounds, goybase is screeching about other exchanges being unregulated and threatening to leave if they aren't

>> No.54647023

Oh no. Regulatory agencies are keeping Americans from being scammed by crypto bullshit.

>> No.54647048

That defeats the purpose of self custody which defeats the purpose of Crypto all together. If the US government doesn't outright limit or restrict self custody via legislation, 99% of their normie customers won't know how to move their crypto around anyways, being forced to or opting Into Wall Street firms "keeping" their assets for them. It's the same song and dance we've seen from banks and exchanges going under the past year.

>> No.54647113

If coinbase leaves US how will this affect US customers?

fuck you lol. coinbase is where i base my coins

>> No.54647139

If Fidelity doesn't allow bitcoin withdrawals then it's a scam.

>> No.54647157

normies don't care about "having crypto" beyond possibly making more USD/other fiat, you mention hardware wallets, self-custody, and anything bout BTC beyond 100x they'll just stare at you with that normie stare

>> No.54648588
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>> No.54648602
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Rope fag

>> No.54648613

Normies don't drive Bitcoin. Most of those that hold Bitcoin have it in their own custody.

>> No.54648639

burgers will just use unregulated sketchy exchanges, which is going to cause more problems for americans lol

>> No.54648870

Are they just another Venmo? What a shame

>> No.54648950

so, you're telling me that ZCASH is going to moon and tornado cash v2 will launch this Summer. Cool. I'm tired of this corruption.

>> No.54648971

I want the SEC to fuck off. Why can rich people invest in certain investments but I can't? The game is stacked against us, fuck those cunts

>> No.54649093
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big fuckin deal. embrace binance supremacy and use nwc to guide you on what to buy. that's it.

>> No.54649198

They said they are going to enable withdrawals in the future.

>> No.54649335


>> No.54649362

sup glownigger

>> No.54649429

This is getting scary. Bittrex ditched the US and Gemini is on the verge of collapsing. My 7 figures of crypto will be worth virtually nothing if I have no off ramps in the future.

>> No.54649469

I think if america decides to kill crypto, big things will happen.

>> No.54649605

America won't kill anything but a once in a century opportunity. Shoring off exchanges is only the first step in essentially banning the use case of crypto in attempts to stalwart the collapse of the USD, which is being pressured on both sides domestically and on the periphery. It's easier for the Feds to target crypto than it is to keep foreign trade partners walking alway from the USD all together.

>> No.54649614

okay but will happen if america becomes a distant number two? is that going to happen this year, 2025, 2030?

>> No.54649630

They don't want people to become wealthy with crypto or have the means to work for themselves because it chips away at their working class tax cattle.

>> No.54649656

Chainlink price pump incoming…..

>> No.54649719
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be forward looking

>> No.54649753

Same complaint Binance has, they did exactly what they were told to and still get slapped with bullshit charges while kikes like SBF didn't. It's a racket.

>> No.54649763

with any luck, Sam's mother will murder his father after catching Sam's father gaping Caroline. With any luck, all of this will be captured on an assortment of Ring and Eufy security cameras.

>> No.54649781

i have a stack on basedbase and they keep fucking restricting me from withdrawling like every day... impossible to get all my money off

>> No.54649801

A slow decline that doesn't stop until after you're dead. Right now the EU is #2 and they're not gonna try taking america's spot anytime soon. China is a meme, the yuan is a shit tier currency and they would need a miracle to catch up to the west in tech. Trying to take taiwan won't help either, there are plans in place to prevent china from gaining control of tsmc.

>> No.54649831

CB is licking the FED and JPs hand. This is probably just a media stunt to appear weak and make the fed look strong. The criminals may try to outlaw crypto to the wage slaves, but internally they're itching for control themselves, and ultimately, make us use their own shitcoin.

>> No.54650035

Death to america

>> No.54650075

You first faggot

>> No.54650085
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>> No.54650098
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lol the US is fucking itself with this whole crypto thing. I don't get why it's so hard to just open the gates and tax it at cap gains rates like stocks. Staking income can be treated like dividend income. Done. Simple. There's the money for Shaniqua's abortions.
The US is gonna get left in the dust by other countries by not embracing Bitcoin.

>> No.54650163

You do know that fidelity can just turn this off before the end of the day right? Has these past two years taught you nothing?

>> No.54650198
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remember, Brian just says that the company is considering it. packing up and going overseas is expensive; more expensive than just staying put and not trying to call a security a security by any other name

>> No.54650226

America is literally the great satan and americans are his minions.

>> No.54650528

Ok Gensler.

>> No.54650674

Its to slow down adoption by any means possible by purposely creating unnecessary roadblocks with abuse over the lack of regulatory guidance, other countries don't have their own currency as the world reserve medium of exchange. Crypto can't be banned but it can be neutered enough to where competition to the USD or any future CBDC can be managed

>> No.54651328

>irrelevant opinions on self custody that i dont give a shit about
Retarded anons triggered by the mention of an exchange they dont like. Im busy making money over here, and coinbase news is still bullish

>> No.54651416

It blows my mind that you have this victim mentality about shitcoins, when you could be making a ton of money with regular futures, without all this stupid legal ambiguity shit and scams.

>> No.54651441

If you think crypto will have anything to do with potential weakening of USD, then you really don't understand anything about how the world works. Even Chinese yuan is a manlet compared to USD. Even if, and that's a very big if, US loses it's global dominance, USD will still be a leading currency for a while simply because it's so well established.

>> No.54651461

Future is the scam. Fuck off literal monkey, it will stop existing in a few decades because it's bloat

>> No.54651488

Usd has infinite supply. It will hence disappear one day, bitcoin will replace everything. Some countries could create currencies on top but there's little point. They'll probably just rename bitcoin into whatever garbage word there is in their language. Bitcoin will survive the dollar which will devalue to zero and if it's not clear to you it means you have no clue.

>> No.54651684

Leaving the US isn't the issue here, decentralization of IDs, rights, and assets is.

>> No.54651760

BTC and ETH are going to be bullish, that's a sure thing. However, cryptos that connect web2 identities to web3 are going to be the new go-to for anon

>> No.54651779

>activate the coinbase FUD when market is shaky

Armstrong is short and CZ knows it.

>> No.54651815

Awww... Privacy tokens are going to be a force to reckon with, also protocols like ORE, NEO, and AZERO could be up to something.

>> No.54651834
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>Binance about to get banned in US
>Coinbase leaving because their probably bankrupt and want to get out of US so they don't get fuck by US Government when it all goes down
CRO Bros, we about to be #1, few understand.

>> No.54651903

CHAINLINK is a good one, everything crypto is looking stable atm. Cryptos that connect web2 to web3 and protect IDs and rights, cryptos that aid developers build dapps, and crypto payment platforms, are all very stable.

>> No.54651935

No you’re just a nigger living in your little nigger world. Good god fearing Americans will shit on your shithole nation wherever the fuck you live retard.

>> No.54652092

you build statues for niggers

>> No.54653525

they can't compete with binance they won't leave US kek

>> No.54653641

wow cool, can't wait until you get all your big bad guns together and go do nothing as usual

>> No.54653652
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I mean, I made a few threads saying you should short goybase March 30th?
Bittrex voluntarily shuttered serving US customers, and cease serving them end of this month.
but the SEC charges against Bittrex they brought forward yesterday, they could apply to any CEX, Bittrex acted in customer interest, no fraudulent activity, but the SEC is charging them.
well, this is all part of "operation chokepoint 2.0", which the objective of is to prevent Americans from buying/selling cryptocurrency, without actually making cryptocurrencies illegal.
e.g. silvergate, kill the banks servicing the CEX on/off ramps for fiat.
now, step 2 is to try to just kick the CEX's out of the US.
goybase won't be able to run as a global brokerage, 75% of their customers are american, so their business will just fail.
and step 3 is, make it illegal for you to use a VPN and buy cryptocurrency.
step 4 is we implement a CBDC. (hedera, hello future)

>> No.54653886

Like FTX and Luna? They are doing a great job.
Also not giving you a (you)

>> No.54653979 [DELETED] 


>> No.54654006

Surely you can get around the kikery in another way. Nothing can essentially stop you from using an offshore platform (or even some janky shit like pancake or pooswap) to get whatever it is you think you need, go travel abroad, and essentially cash out there

>> No.54654193

You’re missing the point: it’s not to kill crypto because they know it’s a losing battle. It’s to keep as many burgers tied to the USD as possible. While it’s not a staggering amount, to a certain degree the reason there are more job openings right now in the US are attributed to a lot of factors. One of them is in fact the 2021 blow off top. A decent amount of burgers were able to cash out at a good enough time for them to essentially stop working, or at the very least only work some bullshit job they can quit at anytime for any reason.

>> No.54654247
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>How the fuck are burgers going to buy and sell any crypto
I don't know how these guys keep flying under /biz/'s radar.
Yeah, the exchange interface is shit, but they're safe to use.
They're 100% custodial, so they're not doing anything with customer funds that's getting the other exchanges in trouble.

And they're a fiat (USD) on/off ramp.

>> No.54654301

>How the fuck are burgers going to buy and sell
We still have PayPal

>> No.54654313

I used Binance US based chink CZ will never abandon me. He does not fear US kikes.

>> No.54654363

why would you think Gemini would endure while every other CEX serving US customers will be shut down?

>> No.54655275

Wtf are futures? I'm not even talking about shitcoins, I'm talking having to be a "qualified investor" to make some investments, not anything about shitcoins

>> No.54655670

>>54648971 because people got their life savings scammed in the early stock markets, it wasn't retards on an indonesian yacht making forum, itw as blue collar wagies and their family savings getting rekt, the SEC was created to "protect" them.
the result of course, is the steady erosion of the middle class. the SEC could have just ruthlessly hunted down scammers and still let people invest freely.

>> No.54655681

if america ditches crypto, smart money will flow elsewhere.
get your passport burgers.

>> No.54656474

Americans just want to own and tax their crypto, just evil pieces of shit on their government

>> No.54658020

Ah finally, a new frontier for good old blighty to pioneer.

I bet we fuck it up. Massively bases on current measures.

>> No.54658878

everything except bitcoin and monero are securities, how much more clarity do they need?

>> No.54658972

All crypto is either a security, a commodity, both, or neither, depending on how Gary Gensler feels that day.

>> No.54660245

Yup, I use them with confidence. Fucking Anglo-Saxon ballers playing the responsible long game. The quieter the better.

>> No.54661523

>If coinbase leaves US how will this affect US customers?

It blows my mind that this would be the case but it would actually cause me to consider leaving America.

>> No.54661619


How will Coinbase leaving the US affect current US based Coinbase customers?
Anyone here is welcome to answer :)

>> No.54661670 [DELETED] 

yo crypto season is back, if you’re a based high IQ autist with an interest in riddles/creative/tech/marketing and want to make some money or just have some fun drop by to our /biz/ group, we’re brainstorming /our/coin

t me/+BnqamKBx6pc0ZDI8

>> No.54662357

Kraken will probably follow. They CEO already complained about LAniggers stabbing his employees on the sidewalks for the effierums.

>> No.54662383

they lock your account if you're registered in the us, that's it.
kinda like bittrex, you'll have till the end of the month to get your coins out and then it's over

>> No.54662384
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underrated post.

>> No.54662455

Hmm, I wonder. Better keep all your coins locked up there, no reason to worry whatsoever.

>> No.54662556

>How the fuck are burgers going to buy and sell any crypto if even the most regulated red tape exchanges leave the country?

Silvergate solves this.

>> No.54662685

Silvergate? You mean the bank that just imploded before sbny and svb?

>> No.54662714

I know about all the tenets of the bitcoin religion. I also know that my grandmother uses the names of her two dogs as her password on everything, and her sister gave her SSN to a phishing email. as much as I want it to be true that self custody is the only way, there are too many people who don't know how to use a computer who just can't do it.

>> No.54662861

Coinbase should get tf outta US. They never played any better role than Binance US or Okx. I don't even need them anymore. With those tether in my ledger yielding returns through Spool protocol, I can't go disappointed from shady CB.

>> No.54662879

>Why can rich people invest in certain investments but I can't? The game is stacked against us, fuck those cunts
This Anon gets it.

>> No.54662990

P05T 4 P1C VV1TH H15 4DDR355 VVR1TT3N 0N 1T PL0×

>> No.54663015

Like the Argie Lainposter said; front-end & Back-end financial transactions is the new meta

>> No.54663130

>big things
Lmaoooo even

>> No.54663233

muh crypto security

>> No.54663269

gee i wonder what L1 that was mentioned by the SEC is important enough to make armstrong consider moving

>> No.54663764


>> No.54664982

because the only reason those places are getting fucked with is cuz they kept adding a million coins, doing staking shit, etc. that guys saying all gemini does is hold your coins and let you buy and sell select ones. if you had an exchange and all you did was let people buy and sell bitcoin and send it to and from your site, the SEC would leave you alone