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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 145 KB, 1170x784, DAVE RAMSEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54643737 No.54643737 [Reply] [Original]

Dave Ramsey is calling you a disgrace if you rely on mom and daddy to pay your way in life. Also sitting next to him is his daughter, Rachel, who Dave pays over 1 million usd a year salary .....

>> No.54643859

nobody cares anon, sorry. /thread

>> No.54643894

For a lot of people the options are:
>Parents pay some bills
>You move back in with your parents
>You become homeless
If 50% of the population has this problem, it's probably not a disgraceful moral failure.

>> No.54644014


His entire career is a scam. He went bankrupt in the late 80's flipping houses. Then claimed he NEVER took on debt again after that. Then he became a "financial Christian" and pulled the classic "buy my book, I'm a financial guru" scam (the Robert Kyosaki playbook) and then charged people $600 a pop to take his courses. He somehow made millions of dollars again being a real estate agent, before becoming a radio host. The whole story sounds like bullshit.

Nothing he says is even interesting. It's all basic bitch shit you can learn reading a single book from a library, or going on YouTube for 15 minutes.

>> No.54644047

Also /thread

>> No.54644313

kek. Keep seething. Just know that there are millions of successful guys doing it all by themselves while mommy wipes your ass and bakes your fish sticks.

>> No.54644327

in le big bad soviet union you were guaranteed to get your own home/apartments at around 30 as long as you had a job

the only thing I'm guaranteed in my 30s is depression

>> No.54644345

what part of /thread did you not understand, bitch boy

>> No.54644358

He also advocates paying for your child's college. It's one of his 7 baby steps.

>> No.54644378

I live with parents and I'm mid 30s.
I will never be able to afford a home.
I pay my way here, I don't leech 100%.
Many such cases.

>> No.54644397

I live on my own and am doing well for myself. That doesn't preclude me from noticing the financial state of people around me. If half of my peers are utterly failing at being an adult, that's probably indicative of some societal level problems.

>> No.54644428

Your consumerist ass would be just as depressed in the USSR.

>> No.54644471
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first, no, i wouldn't
second, having your own place and being depressed is better than just being depressed

>> No.54644560


Really? I don't see half of my generation failing..most own homes and are doing well for themselves

>> No.54644622

Get a better job and/or move to a more affordable area. This arrested development bullshit still falls on you, excuses be damned.

>> No.54644686
File: 182 KB, 627x511, Clickbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox News "opinion" piece giving viewers bad financial advice?
What possible incentive could they have to keep their viewers poor?

>> No.54644808

A true Chad among men.

>> No.54644818
File: 26 KB, 594x631, 1674336236435252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based boomer. I can confirm most of my friends are playing golf and about to retire.
you know what I mean when this board went to shit. It was so good until the zoomers and basedlenials came along.

>> No.54644820

I see more than 90% of my generation failing.
Depending on the country, I guess.

>> No.54644831

/thread and OP alongside boomer kikes can kill themselves I will pull the sinking ship down with me and there’s nothing you can do about it. You put me on this ship and you set me up where the boat would sink firstz

>> No.54644867

boomer parents who worked half as hard, gave ZERO decent advice to their kids, should absolutely be covering bills

>> No.54644878

I'm not even trolling. But I know the sigma grindset meme. Why do you people meme these things but do not enact them? Is it because of low testosterone? How is it so hard to pick up a full time job and stop spending so much money?
My nephew does not cook. He buys ubereats, No fucking wonder all his money is nonexistent.

>> No.54644911

LMAOOO cope and seethe cocksucker. I have zero expenses living with my mum and save all my money. I already have 25oz of gold stacked, ~$500k in cash and I'm not even 30. I have no stress, no worries and no troubles, but what I do have is a house I will inherit hahaha. I will absolutely not move out and I'm not dumb enough to be tempted out by pussy. There's a reason the eternal anglokike hates a man thriving while living at home with loving parents, but you're too stupid to see it.

>> No.54644922

I'm 24 and in the 95th income percentile for my age group last year. This year I'll likely be in the 98th percentile. I don't own a house but I could make a large down payment if I wanted to. Everyone I know who's my age and not making similar money is languishing in perpetual credit card debt and living with four roommates.

>> No.54644972


>> No.54644994

>actual boomer actually crying that if you just work 40 hours a week for 18 dollars an hour you can retire by 55

>> No.54645000

Fucking retarded boomers.
If you raise wages so that people could actually afford to pay their bills, they would!

But you won't, because that means less money for you.

It's like they expect people to work hard on merit and nothing else

>> No.54645017

I lift more than you, I work over 50hrs a week I have a part time job and zero debt. I don’t buy clothes or silly soigadgets, I buy food outside my house maybe once a week but because of the cards I have been dealt my net worth is only about 50k and I have to live with my parents. I literally can’t even afford to have a decent GF the actually intelligent valuable women are dating men who’s parents pay for their BMWs, they have their own nice places because their dads friend worked at this place etc. I didn’t choose this shit I followed my parents guidance and chose engineering and now I’m fucked and you niggers don’t even take into consideration the psychological barrier behind trying to push yourself into a better position when you’re stuck here with no breathing space, any little attempt you make just sets you back and all I can do is wait for you leeches to die and the system to change.

>> No.54645093

Dave Ramsey pays his kids' college tuition

>> No.54645106
File: 50 KB, 640x589, cdpwn5la45ua1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he cooks
>he doesn't grow and catch his own dinner personally
>he showers and uses washing machine instead of going to the river
>he has smartphone instead of just using smoke signals
>he buys drugs instead of gathering medical herbs and prepping them himself
>he buys clothes instead of hunting prey and using its skin

>> No.54645141

shut the fuck up whiner. 80iq spics are running their own businesses doing work you think youre above. why cant you do what they do?

>> No.54645144
File: 334 KB, 855x907, boomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like they expect people to work hard on merit and nothing else
They are actually diagnosable narcissists. They do not understand the concept that now that their parents are dead they have to be the parents/grandparents, they believed their kids/grandkids would fill the gap left by their own parents and give them money.

>> No.54645151

Why are family ties so fucked in the west?

>> No.54645157

>50 hours a week
>but broke
so you're a non white? Apologies, that explains everything. Ain't no white engineer here living with parents. The average wage is like $70k which is more than enough to get started. Unless you are some entitled new grad?

>> No.54645200

Low birth rates and suburbia killed it.

>> No.54645208

You sound like a pussy.

>> No.54645237
File: 99 KB, 728x745, 1681488760783475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo you cant allow intergenerational wealth!
>you need to pull up your boot straps and spend 30 years paying the banker plus tip
>your parent's should be consuming sports cars and vacation homes!
>Reee, why aren't you buying our bags!

Also this, cant buy what you cant afford. Don't car if you know what you got, not buying.

>> No.54645259

You are a tranny.

>> No.54645299


>> No.54645306

>LMAOOO cope and seethe
jesus christ you're a fag. go back to your twitch stream.

>> No.54645324

Did I accidentally go to /v/?

>> No.54645330

>He somehow made millions of dollars again being a real estate agent
money printing makes anyone seem like a genius on any financial market

>> No.54645407

social media, mixed mutts everywhere with no history or meaningful lineage, history being erased, nigger culture, whore culture, hoeflation, destruction of the nuclear family, total assault on white patriarchy, total assault and subversion of christianity, video gaming, lack of social connection, shekelberg and corporations divide people by class, income, gender, politics etc

>> No.54645586
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 1640651272886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well he is right, we should all put our big boy pants and stop relying on our parents to make investments. I mean, i've been making almost 20k per month thanks to investing on Dextools but that doesn't stop me from overworking my parents and living off them even when they think i don't have a job and im a total loser.
You've made me rethink my life choices anon

>> No.54645613


>> No.54645659

>don't give your kids money
>give me that money
classic poorfag grift

>> No.54645661

I have a low 8 figure nw
live with my parents and my gf
sometimes we live with her parents
not gonna buy your bags, I'll buy them off an auction on the blockchain, after you die boomers

>> No.54645665

No, this is /fit/.

>> No.54645672

/pol/faggots need to stop infesting blue boards.

>> No.54645737

Shit like this is why I laugh my ass off every time some retard brings up some upcoming transfer of wealth as boomers die.

Boomers have no wealth. They're going to spend themselves broke, taking fancy vacation and buying useless bullshit, going to the nicest retirement home money can buy until they expire following a series of expensive but pointless life-extending surgeries.

Future is the best.

>> No.54645761

How to invest in posh nursing homes

>> No.54645783
File: 145 KB, 442x455, 1585331566065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54645789

Sorry poor idiot i come from generational wealth. I get paid to be a neet until I’m done learning the business I’ll take over :^) sorry gotta go. Stacy wants me to take Her to the beach In my bmw then drinks at the bar

>> No.54645918

> If 50% of the population has this problem, it's probably not a disgraceful moral failure.
Most people are disgraceful moral failures

>> No.54645968

The goal of dividing people by every imaginable way to divide them is so obvious at this point. Occupy Wall Street and The Global Financial Crisis broke reality. Billions of dollars flowing into this social engineering horseshit.

>> No.54646052

>get "good paying" job thats only $5000 after taxes + tip
>house payment + insurance is $2500 for a house 3 hours away from work
wow great

>> No.54646079

Adjacent statistics like going to prison or having a substance abuse disorder are significantly less common. Most people don't succumb to shit that is very easy to avoid. Half of the 18-30yo population being unable to sustain themselves independently of their parents is anomalous.

>> No.54646111

Boomers got real estate for very cheap.

Now real estate is more expensive than ever, and the same boomers will not let anyone build new houses or change laws because it will reduce the value of their 2+ homes.

Ramsey should k ow this well, as he is a contributor to this, instead he wants to continue adding to his fortune by generating clickbait articles

>> No.54646562

Sitting in a class full of niggers does not make you smarter
Quite the opposite

>> No.54647016

Sadly this. I am almost a physician in Massachusetts and still live with my parents. Houses around Boston are so expensive it’s outrageous

>> No.54647084

my boomer parents got a free ride through life, inherited the equivalent of 2 million of todays dollars back in the 90s when they were just turning 40, leave the world a total shithole for their descendants. They wont die till im like 80 either

>> No.54647614

Easier said than done, so many people were brainwashed into thinking that college was the only option.

I know I'm speaking for most people in my age group when I say, if you went into the trades or the army you were looked at as a mouth breathing retard that would never be able to have a successful life.

>> No.54648833

I wish I used the money I lost.on crypto to go to college. I'm stuck in bullshit warehouse work now.
Maybe the tables turned and I'm poor enough to get gibs now.

>> No.54648912

literally living in my parents home and paying their bills because they are broke and so am I.

>> No.54648929

>just get a better job bro
thanks for the tip, I never would have thought about doing that on my own.

>> No.54648956

At least there were no immigrants in the Soviet Union. If only my country had been in the Soviet bloc, we'd be poorer but we'd have a future

>> No.54649032

>Everyone I know who's my age and not making similar money is languishing in perpetual credit card debt and living with four roommates.
That is my experience as well except in my case they also blew way more money on stupid shit. A a trip he had planned one day, the next went on a rant about how in debt he is and how he we should pay for his lunch, then the next day about the how much he loves his new macbook

>> No.54649070

lol are you really justifying uber eats + restaurants for every single meal as a wise financial decision?

>> No.54649097

>Faggot boomer calls me out for leaching

Cool story faggot couldn't hear you over my comfy.
Unlike most of the retards who listen to fag Ramsay, I out earn them and save more than them, I can afford to take more risk and they can suck my fat nuts.
Anyone who takes advice from this fat faggot deserves what they have coming.
Living with your parents is the most viable option

>> No.54649106

Join the military, get gi bill benefits, go to college and get an engineering or cs degree, get cushy 6-figure job with a defense contractor. See how easy that was? No reason to rely on parents.

>> No.54649156

>work for 80+ years
>reuse toilet paper when shitting
>always shower with cold water
>never support your children financially
what is this faggots problem

>> No.54649264

I never ask for financial support from my family.
I participate in airdrops and sell them once they start to pump.
Qualified for Sui and Chunks airdrop.

>> No.54649266

>half of people relegated to miserable wagie existence
Someone’s gotta clean the shitters anon. Never forget that.

>> No.54649279

80iq spics are not running their own businesses. no one with an IQ below 130 is running anything, let alone a successful business that's worth anything.

>> No.54649384

Sorry Ivan no one’s gonna but that shit lmao

>> No.54649726
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