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54637609 No.54637609 [Reply] [Original]

If pic related is such a solid investment, is something that everyone wants/needs and is desperately in need of supply, why does the market not fill in the supply/demand gap and why are we not seeing houses being built to satisfy that demand?

Where is the artificial constraint preventing houses from being built and sold at a level to satisfy demand, I'm not seeing it.

>> No.54637620

>Where is the artificial constraint preventing houses from being built and sold at a level to satisfy demand, I'm not seeing it.

Your problem is you're a moron

>> No.54637626


>> No.54637633
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>> No.54637641

thread ends here

>> No.54637668

Your medulla oblongata don't work so good

>> No.54637673

Houses = money
People wanting houses > houses available
Companies and contractors exist to make money
Companies + contractors + building houses = money
But they aren't able to do so, for some reason
House building should be the #1 job in America at this point but it's not. Why??

What is preventing houses from being built? Clearly the money and incentive is there.

>> No.54637682

I think the reddit-tier explanation is to complain about zoning but the real is is actually

>> No.54637689

>doesn’t understand delayed gratification


>> No.54637694

It's more profitable to build a bunch of shitty apartments and rent them out to retards

>> No.54637703

If zoning was the issue, with all the money to be made, surely someone with lots of money (who wants to make more) would lobby to have the laws changed to suit their money making interests, right?

I don't buy zoning being the issue. If zoning was the one thing stopping house builders from making money, then they would find ways around it or find ways to change it.

>> No.54637751
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Lack of skilled tradesmen, increased material cost, covid shutting the entire industry down.
Are you a bit special m80?

>> No.54637794

The federal government* shutting the entire industry down

>> No.54638371

Because they are using housing to force us to work, instead of putting a gun to our heads.
So that we can be "free".

>> No.54638514

Zoning laws

If you create too much houses, you end up with a favela

Thats why Poor's live in concrete blocks / rent and have to hear each other and see each other

And rich live in a detached house

Choose wisely

>> No.54638540

>Where is the artificial constraint preventing houses from being built and sold at a level to satisfy demand,

Because houses take time to build? They don't appear out of the air by magic. People who spend their whole lives in front of a screen cannot understand this.

>> No.54638566

illegal spic workers can build a plywood box house in a few weeks.

>> No.54638584

lmao because smart bizinesses don't fight against the current they would rather take advantage of the laws just like what's blackrock is doing right now owning legit everything

>> No.54638616
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>Where is the (((artificial constraint))) preventing houses from being built

>> No.54638634

It isn’t an investment. It’s a liability.

>> No.54638648

A lot of people's wealth is tied to owning a house, and banks create money through the debt they sell to the average person
>Residential mortgage debt in the U.S. totaled $11.18 trillion as of the first quarter of 2022

So I suppose the problem lies with whoever runs the banks.

>> No.54638649

If zoning laws prevent money from being made, how is it that money hasn't been used to influence and change said zoning laws to allow the earning of more money?

Isn't that the entire basis of lobbying?

>> No.54638672

LAND. You fucking mongoloid retarded fucks.

>> No.54638684

the fact is not everyone wants a house, nor should own a house. as a single male why the fuck would I ever want that monstrosity? do you know how much cleaning and maintenance is involved?

>> No.54638726


Here in Ontario, Canada, we physically cannot build enough units to keep up with demand. The issue isn't permits, zoning, or any bullshit (even though builders might bitch, but they only complain about zoning because they bought cheap, irreplaceable farm land that's very easy to develop) it's just there isn't enough warm bodies to do all the work. Canada imported over a MILLION people last year. How many of them, mostly being Hindus, Sikhs, Chinese, do you think will work construction? Construction guys don't want more competition anyways now that we can actually get paid properly.

In reality though, real estate is a giant pyramid scheme here in Canada. Pensions hardly exist anymore. Inflation ruins savings. Cost of living going up. The government won't dare do anything to pop to bubble because most of their voting base only has the equity in their home as any sort of retirement security. Real estate is the biggest contributor to GDP in this country. What a fucking joke.

T. Small time builder.

>> No.54638732

wrong. cost of residential new construction is generally $150-200/square foot, whether you're in bumfuck nowhere or in a more suburban area.

>> No.54638748

you faggots realize these laws are to stop overdevelopment right? you can't just put 1 million people into random towns without infrastructure to support it or schools. zoning restrictions protect residents.

>> No.54638775

Okay boomer

>> No.54638791

There are already more houses in America than people. The valuation swings are caused by only part of the country being considered a good place to live, and which part changing constantly

>> No.54638812

nigger i'm 29 wtf u talking about, my town is already filled to the brim, taxes are sky high and literally cannot be raised, schools are overflowing to the point to where they have to put trailers outside of them to teach kids due to people making illegal apartments. The town will not add more development for these reasons.

>> No.54638822

There’s more money to be made owning a majority of the available properties and renting them for higher prices than there is money to be made lobbying and building new homes to the modern standard. Also, like the other guy said, there are certain groups who don’t care about the profit margin so long as they make life harder for the goy… I mean lower class.

>> No.54638865

Very little cleaning and maintenance is needed, brainlet. I own a house and every dollar I put into it will be returned and the value is almost certain to rise in the long term. Every dollar of your $800-$2000/month cuck box will go into the pocket of a greedy landlord.

>> No.54638869


I live in one of the two most wealthy parts of the DC suburbs. Everyone wants a home here, ultra competitive but all they can do is existing tear downs for new construction. Zoning laws are purposely not a "pay up" bribe

>> No.54638877

>Just live in a plywood box bro

>> No.54638886

>too many people and taxes are too high
>can’t afford decent schools
This isn’t a zoning or overpopulation issue. Your corrupt local government is just stealing all of your money.

>> No.54638892
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>> No.54638903

I will never get bored of the cope on this forum. Better than any comedy

>> No.54638915

This. They don't want you to own property, they want you to rent it from them. There are no small, affordable starter homes being built in my city. Just shitloads of apartment complexes springing up everywhere, with the obligatory storage facility going up right down the street so you'll have a place to put all the shit that you can't fit inside your apartment.

>> No.54638927

>Where is the artificial constraint preventing houses from being built and sold at a level to satisfy demand, I'm not seeing it.
Because builders, what remains of them, can't. And without new people entering the industry (they aren't),it'll just got harder and harder with each passing year.

>> No.54639029

Except they can't. They can brick it, sure, and are very good at that, but any other labor related to house construction is beyond them.

>> No.54639070

Regulations, duh. They get tighter every year. There's also artificial demand created by baby shit easy financing in the US. Same reason college has exploded in price as well, we're letting dummies and poors get access to markets with state/taxpayer subsidized loans.

>> No.54639097

Most problems people face in life are literally just that they're dumb and haven't had sufficient good information filter through their bayesian inference.

>> No.54639359

Just because you live in a house does not mean you are rich.

>> No.54639391

>and the value is almost certain to rise in the long term.
What is your plan if it does not?

>> No.54639398

There aren’t as many single family houses being built and location matters, the most expensive SFH’s are in major cities where real estate is extremely inflated

>> No.54639411

you can own a condo or townhouse nigger. i own two homes and the upkeep cost is massive. you are copeing.

>> No.54639424

we have the best schools in the nation but they keep voting down another tax increase to build additions. why is it every underage incel on 4trans acts like they know everything

>> No.54639427

>why does the market not fill in the supply/demand gap
zoning laws, buildings code, taxes upon taxes and bureaucracy
government intervention at play

>> No.54639440


The US is a top 3 country in terms of expenditure per student, our educational problems are not financial. You can't throw money at a fucked up niggerized culture that quite literally holds educational achievement and ambition in contempt.

>> No.54639452

Zoning laws make it literally illegal to build homes in certain areas. Also material costs make it expensive. There's lots of demand but that demand doesn't have the supply of money that sellers demand. Goes both ways.

>> No.54639454

1. There is artificial constraint. There's also natural constraint in that they are not making any new land.
2. The demand is highly leveraged, since houses are paid for with mortgage debt. If we had a fixed money supply then new money wouldn't be flowing into houses all the time and creating an artificial demand (in dollar terms).

>> No.54639457

>Zoning laws
when i hear about this i imagine putting housing/apartments in commercial areas, but it turns out they want to just stack them on top of each other, like imagine living some place for 40 years to raise a family and constantly have another family right below you, like do you share a backyard?

>> No.54639466

Back yard?

>> No.54639479

There's more money to be made renting out forever.

>> No.54639485

you cannot read nigger. i said our schools are literally full. as in they need to expand.

>> No.54639487

Boomers and their red tape/zoning laws.

They do this on purpose to keep the supply low so they can get exponential returns on their equity year after year.

It's just boomers being narcissistic and greedy as always.

What's even worse is the HOA, which is another bullshit boomer invention. Combine the HOA with property taxes, and you pretty much don't own your home at all. It really belongs to the banks + HOA. The HOA can go "weh weh wah wah YOU AREN'T CLEANING YOUR YARD ENOUGH!! STOP MAKING THE NEIGHBORHOOD LOOK BAD!" They (boomers) do this because they're so damn scared about their property values dropping.

>> No.54639510

Richer than poo poverty cope renters though

>> No.54639522

The best universities in the world are in America and they're filled with American students.
13 doing 50 applies to education too.

>> No.54639523

> A lot of cheap houses in Detroit.

See now what the problem is?

>> No.54639535

>Narcissistic and greedy

Lmao I love when you post this. You sound so weak and crying

The strong devour the weak. Get with it. Shouldnt have messed around with bing bing wahoo for the last 15 years.

Now youre behind lmao

>> No.54639538

Those homes are owned. It's counting people's vacation homes.

>> No.54639559

I’ll sell it for what I bought it for, or worst case scenario, continue to live in it at basically no cost instead of rent cucking.

The “massive” yearly upkeep cost equal to one month of your rent?

Your schools don’t need more money. They need to spend money more intelligently. Even if they did need more money, building more homes instead of shitty apartments would invite more net positive tax payers instead of section 8 niggers to burden your community.

>> No.54639565
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>that poorfag on a 30 year welfare layaway plan who thinks he's a financial genius for being in the right place at the right time to capture a 3% rate
many such cases when it comes to """homeowners."""

>> No.54639603

>Retard neighbor never mows their lawn
>Attract pests
>Your home now has a rat infestation
>Keep a bunch of trash in their front yard
>Paint their house an obnoxious color
>Eventually try to sell your home
>Nobody wants to live next to a run down shit house
HOA are the only legal recourse you have against neighbors stealing your home value through their own negligence.

>> No.54639620

I'll have my house paid off in 3 years. Me and my girlfriend saved a lot for a deposit so I barely have anything to pay off now


>> No.54639635

OP has never heard of NIMBYs

>> No.54639636

>Snag a locker rate of 3% for 30 years
>Inflation is sitting at 9% (((officially)))
If you didn't own a home prior to QT and still missed out you're too retarded to be on this board. The mortgage is going to inflate away to nothing in 10 years.

>> No.54639661

>a woman's money is a considerable proportion of your deposit
ask me how i know you're a devastatingly poor white nigger, likely an hourly blue collar worker, living in a barely six figure plywood box in central nebraska or some other flyover shithole. go on, ask me.

>> No.54639680

>another low IQ retard making the "mortgage APY less than CPI inflation" argument

>> No.54639693

>That seethe
>When you're too poor/stupid to own property
>When you don't have a girlfriend/wife
>When you're poor and can't make good financial decisions


>> No.54639713

Can you explain why it's a bad argument?

>> No.54639729

i live in a house that i inherited and i invest considerably all of my $130k/year wfh salary. i guarantee that i have more money, make more money, live in a nicer house, and fuck prettier women than you. and yet i still care about the housing market because i'm not a sour, low IQ, white nigger crab-in-a-bucket loser who has a hard dick because he just BARELY, simply by virtue of being in the right place at the right time, got through the door on a 1100 square foot plywood box in some midwestern shithole.

>> No.54639737

I’d unironically rather lose a few grand on my home value when it comes time to sell because of shitty neighbors than have some power tripping boomer coming over to my house every morning with a tape measure to make sure my grass is trimmed and my vehicle isn’t too loud.

>> No.54639773

there is so much wide open fucking land
even more so in the US compared with Europoor

>> No.54639782

Got any reasons behind why you disagree? My mortgage is defined in terms of past conditions when money was cheaper. My rate will literally never increase. Inflation will keep raising, my salary has/will continue to raise along with it. In 10 years your rent will be priced appropriate to the new cost of money while my mortgage will remain locked in time. You're in a thread complaining about low housing availability and the high cost (relative to your wage) keeping you from buying what's available. So clearly you have remorse about missing a once in a lifetime chance at a house on free money.

>> No.54639785

You can’t shit on people who bought at low interest rates while talking up your inherited wealth and wfh position. It’s you who simply got lucky, not the people who saw historically low interest rates and jumped into the market unexpectedly.

>> No.54639787

the idea is that wages track CPI inflation and so CPI inflation > mortgage APY means that your wages will outpace your mortgage interest over time. meanwhile most people are getting 2-3% cost of living raises in today's environment, unless they're job hopping, and so the advantage is reduced considerably. if you work for a living then owning is almost always better than renting, but anyone who blindly parrots the "mortgage APY less than CPI inflation" is almost always an unsophisticated mental retard who should be ridiculed for their surface level understanding of basic finance.

>> No.54639815

You'll lose more than a few grand. You'll be lucky to sell at all.

>> No.54639817

i'm not going to babysit a retarded niggerbaby and hold your hand through excel calculations on an imageboard. also see >>54639729
>You can’t shit on people
i can and i will. i don't seek to make the lives of others a living hell. i don't mock others who weren't in the right place at the right time, like this >>54639693 miserable faggot retard.

>> No.54639854

Got it. Grand pappy left his money to a low information retard that would have been a rent cuck for all eternity if not for the inherited house.
And lower your tone when talking to me. I make a full 130k more than you and am also wfh. 360k if you include my wife's salary.

>> No.54639886

>$360k salary
>still making mortgage payments
yes anon, i'm sure you do.

>> No.54639902

Anyone with a brain will realize suburban house without HOA is worth more than suburban house with HOA. Where I live, the 2nd line of the listing tells you whether or not there's an HOA in the community where you're buying, nobody wants land jannies telling them they can't change the oil in their driveway or raise chickens.

>> No.54639907

Even at the expected fed rate of 2% annualized people still won. My wife bought her home before we met at 2%. Mine is 4%. We're both in high paying fields and relatively young so we're far away from our salary caps. You got lucky with an inheritance but anyone else missed the boat.

>> No.54639955

That’s quite an assumption. My parents neighborhood had a crackhead with a garbage filled lawn and nearly every house on the block has been sold for a reasonable price over the last decade.

So the only argument is that wages haven’t yet caught up with inflation? Maybe not, but wages at decent jobs are still rising faster than many new home owners interest rates.

You can shit on anyone you want, but you’re just making yourself look like an ass when you accuse others of luck despite your way of life having basically fallen into your lap.

>> No.54639979

No. I make 230k and my wife makes 250k. That is the two of our salaries combined are 360k more than yours. Why would we pay off the mortgage when the rate is so low? We'd make more just holding the money in a shared savings account that can easily net us 4% annual with zero risk. Combined FDIC limits are very based.
But no I'm not making the minimum payment. I actually paid a pretty big chunk and recast so my mortgage payment is about $500 less than standard rents in the same area.

>> No.54640181
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Okay niggers drop some nawledge pls
I'm on 20yo gage fixed for 10
1.5% APR for 10years
Minimum payments then gamble on cycle reversal or pay it within 10 years?

>> No.54640222

Zoom out on the housing interest rates as far out as you can go. Understand that interest rates being this low was a once in a lifetime event and we're literally never going back to housing rates being that low.

>> No.54640235

Boomers made laws to decrease the amount of houses being built in order to keep the value of there homes up.

>> No.54640622

Because there are nuisance laws that prevent new home construction companies from getting a footing. The ones that already exist are trying to keep prices high for greater return on investment.

It's like selling any other asset you hold a ton of. You don't sell all at once or you kill the price and end up losing out.

>> No.54640776

That's bullshit. Non-HOA homes are selling at a premium because there is more freedom and less monthly liability.

>> No.54640913

Selling to zoomers that are going to quickly understand that an HOA was the only thing standing between you and niggers that don't respect property value. I'm not saying every neighborhood needs an over zealous janny to kvetch about grass length. But good luck when your neighbor never takes care of their home and it starts to ruin your neighborhood. Everyone will sell around you and you'll get more niggers in their place that do the same. Compton used to be a nice neighborhood. Just saying.

>> No.54641012

Add raising of interest rates and you got it.

>> No.54641240

if everyone gets a house how will jews make money doing nothing collecting rent from their slaves?
if you ever wonder why some things are this or that way just think of a second who has what intention and interest and you'll unerstand

>> No.54641338

HOAs would be based if they were allowed to keep niggers out, unfortunately they do not do this so they're a waste of money.

>> No.54641400

Houses are constantly being built. There are American cities that have doubled in area despite having the same population.


>> No.54641432

Imagine growing up with other kids around you besides your siblings.

>> No.54641468

More bullshit. High home prices are the biggest deterrent to niggers.

>> No.54641470

There is a fundamental limit to how much suburban sprawl a city can sustain without bankrupting themselves. We have the ability to shit out houses ad infinitum, that's not the problem. We can't afford to provide endless suburbs with city-like amenities. Property taxes would have to be astronomical to sustain the endless growth.
Everyone ITT should read this link.

>> No.54641485

They can't say explicitly in the contract "no niggers" but that's effectively what they are.
>Cut your grass
>Don't have a bunch of shit in your lawn
>Don't have loud parties at late hours
>Don't have 30 cars in your driveway
>If the cops get called too many times or you break too many of these rules we can kick you out of the neighborhood
Who do you think would routinely break these rules?
Same thing applies to restaurants with a dress code. Who do you think rules against sneakers and baseball caps applies to?
And the price of those homes stay high when your neighbor isn't allowed to drag the neighborhood value down causing a chain reaction of white flight.

>> No.54641506

>nigger still buys house anyway and is a thorn in the side of the community for years before their house is foreclosed.

>> No.54641535

Doesn't happen if they cannot afford to live there in the first place. City/township code enforcement outlaws all the things that people claim they need to live in an HOA to prevent.

>> No.54641542

And without the HOA there would be no means of putting the lean on the property that eventually gets them foreclosed on. Look, you don't need to live in a neighborhood with an HOA. Be my guest. Just don't come crying here when Tyrone scares away your neighbors and you're left as the only white family on the block with an upside down mortgage in a bad neighborhood.

>> No.54641556

>BLM infiltrates your local government
>Sorry sweety we aren't enforcing those racist policies anymore
Good luck

>> No.54641589
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>There’s more money to be made owning a majority of the available properties and renting them for higher prices
this is probably not true, and just some random belief you decided to hold based on your current feelings.
>less housing = more money
housing is expensive because of a decade+ of low interest rates, the recent surge currency printing, and companies are probably still hesitant to build residential homes after the 2008 crash.

>> No.54641621

They are building as much as possible but they are also flooding our country with as much foreigners as possible. Canada had a 3% increase in population last year from immigration alone. 1 million immigrants for a country with only 30 million. If they keep this pace up Canada will be 75% brown in like 10 years

>> No.54641667

Anything to keep the social security Ponzi solvent.

>> No.54641688

Sounds wonderful. Those who do their research before they buy get rewarded.

>> No.54642000

>this is probably not true
Start a construction company and tell me about your massive profit margins. There’s a reason why people and businesses prefer to rent out existing houses over building new ones. With the current cost of materials, skilled labor, and government regulations, the choice is obvious.

>> No.54642942

Structural Judaism

>> No.54643215

the problem here is that zoning laws are largely controlled by local politics, while the type of huge conglomerate companies that have enough power to lobby typically operate on a state or federal level
the incentive for local property owners is to disallow development because it will cause their property values to continue to rise and prevent them from being displaced by bigger developers who can outcompete them on an even playing field

>> No.54643531
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>Where is the artificial constraint preventing houses from being built and sold at a level to satisfy demand, I'm not seeing it.

Single-use zoning.

>> No.54644012


Imagine having a mentality this shit and willingly being a slave to a HOA.


Man of sense, right here.

>> No.54644045


Pfft. Absolute horseshit.

>> No.54644149

i assure you that vinyl faux wood flooring you had installed is not adding value to your home .

>> No.54644567

A person could do nothing to their home besides basic upkeep which costs a whopping few hundred dollars per year and, if trends continue, it will be worth considerable more in 30 years than it is today, even after inflation is taken into account. All of that is before you even consider the hundreds or thousands of dollars per month a rentcuck pays that he will never see again.

>> No.54644760

>I love being robbed by my neighbors for the sense of (((freedom)))
Like I said. If you want to live in a neighborhood filled with Mexicans with 30 cars out in the yard and niggers that throw parties that end in gunshots at 2am be my guest.

>> No.54644837

>the strong devour the weak
>get with it
I don’t think you could have typed a more cringe post if you tried

>> No.54645448

>why does the market not fill in the supply/demand gap and why are we not seeing houses being built to satisfy that demand?

They are building houses and apartment complexes. But these things take time. Watching the housing market is like watching grass grow. The 2008 "collapse" started in 2007 and didn't bottom out till 2012. The markets this time could crab for the next decade like its nothing. Buy a house if you need it but don't try to time the market. Last time I checked matinal average rents are falling because developers overbuilt rentals. So you have some time to save for a down payment.

>> No.54645519

>do nothing to their home besides basic upkeep which costs a whopping few hundred dollars per year and, if trends continue, it will be worth considerable more in 30 years than it is today

A handful of markets, mostly hot cities, heavily skew the national average. Most locations it follows inflation though. The vast majority of boomers I know have houses that nominally worth more today but the equity they can extract from the property will buy about the same amount of goods and services it did back when they bought the house adjusted for inflation.

Location, Location, Location.

>> No.54645902

HOA cope. Code enforcement takes care of all of that.

>> No.54645929

If they build too much, it will collapse the price of real estate, which is also bad for builders. During 2008, excess inventory sunk many, many builders and we never recovered.

So they're incentivised to build just enough to make money without digging their own margin.

There there is the rep tape for new builds, and local politic involving zoning laws.

>> No.54645950

>ITT: OP discovers that there are no perfect markets, when all he really wanted to do was stroke his dick and pretend that you don't really want or need a house

>> No.54646312

Just like trespassing laws stop rogue joggers. Good luck.

>> No.54646367

>why are we not seeing houses being built to satisfy that demand?
Because everyone is terrified from 2008 where they built a bunch of houses preemptively and then got ass raped when the bubble popped. The only people pissed at the housing market right now are the tards who have sat on their hands for the past 5-10 years waiting for another muh real estate crash that's not coming

>> No.54646429

People would kill for an inflation hedge that strong. Even the gold bugs are down against inflation.

>> No.54646510


>> No.54646530
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just build more houses lmao
>Where is the artificial constraint preventing houses from being built
what fucking artificial do you even need
- first you need to find a fucking land, well good luck printing land at the rate of FED dollar prints
- land even has to be suitable to build
- let's now gracefully omit boomer and semitic tricks to get even a building permit
- then you do need a hookups like water, electricity, if not there are not any, well
best of luck waiting for a local gov to build it :^)
- then it takes 3 years to build an actual house with all the supply chain issues
By the time you even finish building a house, more rotten boomer hovels fall apart in the , so the supply plummets even more

>> No.54646555
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just think about the state of america and it all makes sense. First, "official" statistics, statistics from big organizations, are notoriously unreliable. I don't think the real demand for buying houses is as big as these statistics would have you believe. More and more young people are renting and living in apartments until they are 40 or 50. Instead of Building houses, the more priftable idea for property companies is to build apartments and townhouses and stuff like that. Housing prices and wages are not allowing people to buy homes like they used to. So even people who genuinely want a house cannot afford one. And also families are becoming less common all the time, as in married couples with kids. Families want houses but single moms and single dads usually get apartments. There are ludicrous laws and regulations for building houses that make it more difficult than it might be worth for these property companies and contractors. There are so many reasons, the complete list would be the size of the bible

>> No.54646636

>More and more young people are renting and living in apartments until they are 40 or 50.

I remember seeing a statistic somewhere that seems to have gotten buried that showed most of the homes purchased over the past several years were bought by current home owners. Basically implying already home owners were trading homes and buying second homes.

>> No.54646859

It's not about supply anymore, population growth is cratering, nobody is having kids. In 10-15 years demand is going to drop like a hot fucking potato, in 30 years it's going to be almost wiped out. All these morons who view homes as forever appreciating assets are about to get hard rekt if they hold for that long. That 600K investment property in 2023 is going to be a 300K bleeding ulcer in 2033, probably 150K in today's dollars because inflation is the only thing that will go up forever.

>> No.54646904

They’ll import 3rd worlders to prop up the bullshit economy by the tens of millions before they let the music stop.

>> No.54647133
File: 111 KB, 255x231, 1641874456395.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My only way of making enough money to get a decent roof under my head is to gamble away on Pool Party buy tons of Link or wait for BTC to go past 100k
back to the bone

>> No.54647532

I’ve been out of wiring houses for a year and a half now, but the problem was the supply chain. My trade for example, a roll of 14/2 which is standard in Canada to wire up plugs and lights usually were about ~$200 for a 500ft roll. At the peak of the covid nonsense it got up to $700 a roll. It then got to the point where the price didn’t matter, people started hoarding anything they could get from the suppliers. Now copy that to wood especially, and anything you need to build a house, or anything else these supplies can be used for and it became a massive problem that still hasn’t really been solved. Some thieves would go into our houses and just steal the 100 amp breakers, try to get a new one? Maybe in a year. Now the house won’t have power for a year. Even houses that were framed would go the whole summer without getting shingles on them because there were none. Then the wood gets moldy, electrical gets fucked, you have to start over again. 3 years later, there is somewhat more available, but the quality of all of these materials has taken a nosedive. Anything slightly specialized or replacement pieces for things are months out at minimum.

>> No.54647583

building a house is a lot of work, lets call that "barriers to entry" the real estate jew process also adds costs and red tape and more barriers, financing and credit scores etc, all barriers to entry, the laws of supply and demand are skewed in cases like this

>> No.54647584

its a location issue - the number of places people actually want to live is shrinking, not growing

you can literally still get a house for cheap in flyover america, but literally no one wants to live that life anymore. Even all the fags on here who just want a plot of land, picture themselves within an hour of a relevant mostly white city center.

>> No.54648381

I am trying to compare buying a single family house versus buying a single family residential REIT (AMH in particular).

Let's say I have 100k that I could either use for a down payment on a house or for investing into AMH.

House pros:
*Huge* tax advantages compared to REITs
More leverage (compared to AMH)
Not marked to market 6.5 hours a day 5 days a week (i.e. less perceived volatility)

AMH pros:
pays a yield
stock market liquidity
diversification across 50k homes in the sunbelt
professional management team

If I believe in the housing is supply constrained meme for the next 15 years as millenials enter and stay in peak SFR age, am I better off buying a house or buying AMH and renting?

>> No.54648505

The rate of growth is slowing in these countries as well. It's not negative but it is slowing

>> No.54648538

Yet here you are... Doesn't pass the sniff test hahaha

>> No.54648559

Retard, plots of land go for 700k in Canada. The houses part aren't that hard to build, illiterate farmers did it back in the day.

>> No.54649162

This, also there like only 5 main companies build apartment and they copy and paste the same 5-1 since it fits the basic checkmark across the country