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54635044 No.54635044 [Reply] [Original]

what networth would let me have children with the pic related womens chess grandmaster?

>> No.54635049

>non white

>> No.54635050


>> No.54635053
File: 406 KB, 1638x2048, 99725913-BD0A-4663-B6C6-20798C944A94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a fine genetic specimen. athletic with a high IQ. made for BWC

>> No.54635062

literally. Also, look at those fucking CHUNKY inelegant feet and that absolute man-face. I can see her father in that face.

>> No.54635073

strong feet. hakka ancestry. strong jaw. high IQ. tocarry bales of rice and stand a long time in front of stove

>> No.54635084

"womens" chess grandmaster is two full ranks below regular grandmaster
since she's mediocre at chess, you could probably nab her with a 90k income

>> No.54635091

You realize you're trying to sell an essentially man-ish bug lady to an effete caste of the most handsome, successful and Chad whites on all of the internet, don't you? Or is that the point? You will never, ever, have any of our seed. It's reserved for 10/10 WHITE qt's. Sorry not sorry gook.

>> No.54635103

Guaranteed she only started playing chess to meet white men.

>> No.54635113

why do gooks always have shit feet?

>> No.54635114

shame about the face, no tits and no hips and I'm sure no ass either. shame.

>> No.54635128

this is like one of the lowest of the low asian women

Why do non-asians always have this "look" they really like when they fetishize asian women. its always an ugly asian

>> No.54635136

i realize that after reading your post. yes.

>> No.54635178

>this is like one of the lowest of the low asian women

you are retarded

>> No.54635206

shes not cute. every asian i know looks like her. shes average at best.

women like these can only find husbands with non-asian men who can't tell how ugly she us

>> No.54635230

>Why do non-asians always have this "look" they really like when they fetishize asian women.

Not everyone. The North China / Ellen Pao look makes me diamonds for some reason.

>> No.54635248

>Ellen Pao
I unironically want to go to HongKong and Find a nice traditional wife and bring her back to america and start a nice family. American women are not for marriage

>> No.54635251

Three fiddy

>> No.54635256

>hong kong
>traditional wife


>> No.54635458

>women like these can only find husbands with non-asian men who can't tell how ugly she us

is this the ricecel cope. see a therapist

>> No.54635811

not everybody is a pedophile like you zhang

>> No.54635845
File: 579 KB, 1024x576, 1577338939637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gook goblin breeder

No thanks. There's enough of these bugs on the planet already.

>> No.54635875

lol this. i lived in Japan for past 5 years and i admit i might have found that kind of women a bit attractive before but now she just looks ugly to me or incredibly average at best. western standards for asian women are really really low for some reason

>> No.54635882


Imagine wanting gook children lmao

>> No.54636003
File: 77 KB, 934x768, EJ6qKw4XYAEsMPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 936 rating on chess.com and in my last game review the computer said I played at a 1450 level

I am African grandmaster level

>> No.54636027

>chess grandmaser

literally proof that it's all rigged bullshit. This typical 90IQ instagram roastie aint mastering shit.

>> No.54636036

>>women like these can only find husbands with non-asian men who can't tell how ugly she us
>is this the ricecel cope. see a therapist

you're both incel faggots that need therapy. lmfao.

>> No.54636043
File: 184 KB, 481x304, Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 00-06-13 _biz_ - what networth would let me have children with the - Business & Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real cope. The ONLY difference is makeup and lighting. The girls on the left are just as busted as the girls on the right. The girls on the right would look exactly the same as the models with make up, angles, lighting, and filters. Massive retard cope in this thread lmfao.

I had to double check, I thought I was on >/r9k/ for a second.

>> No.54636059

its fucking weird, if you live in any asian country for a year then she will literally look like any average woman off the street.

Non asians literally pick the bottom of the barrel because they can't tell asians apart.

maybe not that low but shes like 6/10 at BEST

nah just hang out around more asian women you blind fuck. you havent developed an eye palette to tell features apart. get cultured swine

>> No.54636079

>nah just hang out around more asian women you blind fuck. you havent developed an eye palette to tell features apart. get cultured swine

Yeah the retards with an asian fetish don't actually interact with asian women IRL. They're porn addicts that get addicted to the "asian" category on porn sites.

>> No.54636085

i fantasize about the girls on the right
i don't even fap to the fake looking pics on the left with the overexposed lighting and airbrushed soft focus skin all the asians seem to take

>> No.54636095

>i fantasize about the girls on the right

there is literally no difference.

>> No.54636096

Point is only Neets and incels settle for gook goblins who are genetically bottom tier.

A woman's value is determined by the quality of offspring produced. Asians are dysgenic bug people.

>> No.54636097

>6/10 at BEST

holy cope. the average woman is disgusting. she has a symetrical face and fit body and birthing hips.

>> No.54636106

>holy cope. the average woman is disgusting. she has a symetrical face and fit body and birthing hips.

lmfao anon, please, dark skin asians 5/10 max. She's lucky if anyone calls her a 4.

>birthing hips

Yeah...she's got curves like a refrigerator. We call them long backs cause they have no ass. It's all back.

>> No.54636113

thats probably why they all like that same look.

anyways shes not that ugly but i was just counterbalancing all the chuds in here that think shes some asian top genetics.

I have friends i treat like little sisters that look just like her

>> No.54636115

id tell her to take the makeup off and id lower the exposure and sharpen the focus on the camera so she doesnt look like ai art in her pics. they look better on the right is what im saying

>> No.54636121

anyways why get mad at white incels dating mid-tier gooks. its not like they were going to end up with a white chick anyways so its not gonna make a difference in caucasian birth rates.

>> No.54636123

bro she's built like a brick and has a generic asian babyface that she put some powder on....

Literally go to any asian gathering and you'll even see moms that look like older versions of this

>> No.54636129
File: 263 KB, 600x903, 1226829546326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i would just simp
>i would tell her shes perfect just the way she is
>i would tell her to stop trying so hard because here real beauty is natural

lmfao women hate this shit. They do all this work to look pretty and some faggot tells them it was all a waste of time. You're basically telling them they are too stupid to decide how they should look. lmfao i really hope this is bait cause you got me if it is.

>> No.54636139

fuck yeah the more average the better. i want chad to look at my gf and immediately move on without even talking to her or looking at her twice. why the fuck would i want a hot gf she would be impossible to hold on to. and since im a dumb white incel that cant tell asians apart she'll look hot enough to me.

>> No.54636142

fair. Godspeed anon. Take them and take care of them. mix the genetic diversity to form one superrace with all the dominant aleleleles

>> No.54636144

they literally are too stupid to decide how to look. not trying to simp i just think all the makeup looks clownish and the airbrushing asian chicks do in photoshop is frankly bizarre. i dont give a fuck what she thinks looks good

>> No.54636151

Go to some Asian Trance Event where everyone is rolling

or like a boba shop or nightclub that plays trance / house

Youll easily find many asian women dressed up who look like this, angry that no one is talking to them over the "hotter" girls

>> No.54636157

solid advice

>> No.54636161

>fuck yeah the more average the better. i want chad to look at my gf and immediately move on without even talking to her or looking at her twice

this isn't true at all. Men want other men to desire their wife. You sound like a repressed homosexual, honestly. If you don't want Chad to fuck your wife go marry a tranny.

>they literally are too stupid to decide how to look.

I think I understand now. Typical shitskin poster. Biz is all poo. All the way down. Streetshitters and shitskins shitting in these streets. Good day, sir. I am redeeming now. (PS chinks are all streetshitters, too....literally)

>> No.54636167

and often they LOVE white guys. these asian women who can't get asian men are the same as you.

They can't tell white men apart and if you have just 1-2 "chad" features you'll be fetishized by her

>> No.54636176

>They can't tell white men apart

they just don't care. They want half white babies. Having babies with a white man will elevate their status faster than any number of surgeries to fix their broken look.

>> No.54636178 [DELETED] 

Eliott Rodger

>> No.54636180

she literally looks like an average socal asian girl with a tan that exclusively and desperately dates white guys. i've seen many of these

>> No.54636185

perfect. i'm sold

>men want other men to desire their wives
ah ha, normies, lol

>> No.54636188

this is also true. ive seen some mid level asian women date/marry some absolute butt ugly recessed jaw, skinny fat, low test low paying job, blue jeans with a belt bucked into their shirt type white guys

>> No.54636192


>> No.54636340

this is now a chefjayvoo thread https://youtu.be/DUsmodTXRts

>> No.54636396

>>hong kong
>>traditional wife
A "trad wife" doesn't deserve a husband so retarded that he believes any square meter of Hong Kong is trad

>> No.54636508

Hong Kong was founded by the BR*TS as a place to push drugs from. It has never been "trad", it's as gay and pozzed as it gets.

>> No.54636620

>wanting to fuck chinese women
>wanting children with a chink
>wanting children in general

Things must be pretty bad, huh?

>> No.54636673

kek I noticed the feet too

>> No.54636725

qt waifu
qt hapa kids
would marry