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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 476 KB, 1913x1252, 1681535259820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54633191 No.54633191 [Reply] [Original]

>link pumps from $7.60 to $8.00
>link troons treat this like a 10000x
Lmfao we broke them Bobochads. We fucking broke them

>> No.54633223

you know its a bear market when they coom over a x1.1

>> No.54633235
File: 2.05 MB, 1684x1122, 4free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another day hunched over the old twitter screenshot and cuck meme generator, where I am paid up to $0 an hour to keep it all humming along

>> No.54633247
File: 170 KB, 766x1014, 1681433476720524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pay up

>> No.54633268

Pay. Up. Now.

Or we're turning your price feeds off.

>> No.54633344


>> No.54633689

many link cuckolds have killed themselves over the past year and there are many link cuck suicides to come
that makes me very happy

>> No.54633700

pay up

>> No.54633726


Enjoy the dump

>> No.54633823

i broke ur mom's back

>> No.54633836
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>i broke ur mom's back

>> No.54634494
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Isnt it time for you to go dilate?

>> No.54634507

Most pajeet fiverr filled shill campaign for Link yet.
Boards dead just nuke it.
Link niggers, scammers and schizos killed it
Those are all the same person btw.

>> No.54634510
File: 426 KB, 1074x950, 1681785552210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My btc doesnt need price feeds. Hows it make you feel to know ur shitcoin is completely irrelevent to the only crypto that truly matters. cant mess with the KING. Now call me daddy little linklet

>> No.54634607

I fully suspect SDL will get more price action than LINK during this bull run.
I might sell a tenth of it after some price action if some of you chumps wanna get a little LINK giving you returns in on some nodes when the stake.chain.link contract goes kaput
The idea of LINK winning, but staking spaces being limited and the LINK winners needing to fight over my assets for effortless staking space will only compound my own winning.
Also SDL is mentioned the thread will be deleted soon sorry.

>> No.54634872
File: 509 KB, 749x583, 1681787979016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Them link boys is gettin' a little too uppity round here for my liking

>> No.54635134

reminder that i bought the bottom almost to the top and sold the bottom

>> No.54635344

Every 20c is $5000 to me, and some guys have way more link than I do.

>> No.54635419

How do i calcute late that? My iq is 87

>> No.54635452

20c * your stack size
Or you can try different dollar amounts, just find something which is memorable to you.

>> No.54635538


>> No.54635590

I stole this oc and uploaded it to the ‘ooru

>> No.54635663

I never imagined the day when my relatively small stack would be considered LARP. Wait until you find out that with the USD/AUD exchange rate being so high and the extra staking rewards, it's actually a fair bit more than $5k for me now.

>> No.54635756

5000 / .2 = 25000(link)

>> No.54635810
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>> No.54635856
File: 113 KB, 716x602, 6A648B7E-AC08-4D21-A1C8-D5213A7EEC75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s

>> No.54635944

Pay up nigger

>> No.54636114

They've had 48 hours and this is what their "best" could come up with kek

>> No.54636131

I’m a 1000 stack link marine, but I always find these link chud memes fucking hilarious. Anyone got the one with the micropeen under the microscope and “+.03%” next to it. I almost shit my pants from laughing so hard. Still gonna keep buying link tho.

>> No.54636206

what part of NEVER MIGRATING did you not understand?

Fuck off I'm keeping my LPL

>> No.54636637

>more posts from eternally online fudcucks reminding me to buy more link
thanks guys i'll buy more link

>> No.54636707
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how's that paying up translating into link token price appreciation?

>> No.54636774
File: 117 KB, 791x1169, 1677206643074236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going pretty damn good, they keep having to dump Bitcoin to stop Link from pumping.

>> No.54636788

who's they?
what's the mechanism of price feed usage translating into token price appreciation?

>> No.54636789

I own btc and link and think they're both great and have their own advantages. That's not allowed on /biz though as you have to support a team or you're not in with the big babies

>> No.54636796


>> No.54636806

>who's they?
who knows

>what's the mechanism of price feed usage translating into token price appreciation?
What's the mechanism of Bitcoin usage translating into coin price appreciation?

>> No.54636836

>What's the mechanism of Bitcoin usage translating into coin price appreciation?
apples and oranges. next time just say you don't know

>> No.54636840

>apples and oranges
If you can't hold Bitcoin to the same standard, then you're using a double standard.

>> No.54636861

It's a pretty apt comparison. Speculation is the name of the game, and Chainlink had 2 price discovery moments (2019 & 2020), which were both kind of meh compared to other tokens. Not much chatter about LINK in normie channels since, partly because pumps against the market (which garner a lot of attention and can cause a snowball effect) are struck down.

>> No.54636880
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>> No.54636928
File: 54 KB, 733x706, 1680184180509952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chainlink is a erc20/677 premined token on eth. lobbing that into same category as bitcoin is dishonest and just goes to show how disingenuous you are.
that or deluded

>> No.54636942

>full-time fudcuck trying to call other people disingenuous after getting caught out with his double standards
lmao, even

>> No.54636970

>lobbing that into same category as bitcoin is dishonest
Only because it hurts your butt.

You say Link needs a mechanism to increase the token price, well then you have to explain the mechanism behind the price increases of Bitcoin and all other cryptos in existence.

>> No.54636994
File: 59 KB, 1004x1024, 1675954224922621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1billion erc20 premine is the same as 21m hard coded pow coin

>> No.54637031

>fudcuck doubles down on being disingenuous and starts moving goalposts as well
ok ill buy more link

>> No.54637033

That 21M supply represents a LOT more money.

So what's Bitcoin's price increase mechanism, anon?

>> No.54637039

The mechanism for price discovery is the same, no matter the underlying asset. You seem to think Bitcoin possesses some kind of inherent property that deservedly makes the price go up. You're pretty much the same as a buttcoiner, but on the other side of the buttcoin. They are incapable of seeing Bitcoin past the speculative price and think it should be worth 0. You are unable to see past Bitcoin's supposed inherent value and think it should be worth way more than it is now.

In reality it is a mix of both, where inherent value fuels speculation and causes the cycles we all know and love. There is nothing else making the price of a bitcoin go up, since the Bitcoin protocol does not employ any form of tokenomics.

You can keep flailing your arms and act like it is preposterous to even equate Bitcoin to other cryptos, but in the end they operate in the same market and are subject to the same human behaviors.

>> No.54637335

i hold 0 btc, i just used it as a reference for evaluating crypto assets price
eth has staking and evm code execution
btc has pow mining and close 0 hard forks
link has 1 billion supply that not even 65% released into circulation and biggest selling point of chainlink is price feeds right now and those are free to consume on smart contract level

my point, which all the seethers responding to my previous posts know, is that there's very little demand for the token until price feeds are refactored to something that gives the token more demand than the aggregation contract rewarding dons for price updates

>> No.54637415

>eth has staking
It didn't for its most explosive price increases.

>btc has pow mining
Link has node mining.

So what's BTC's inherent price increase mechanism?

>> No.54637649


>> No.54637726

>my point, which all the seethers responding to my previous posts know, is that there's very little demand for the token until price feeds are refactored to something that gives the token more demand than the aggregation contract rewarding dons for price updates
You're not wrong, but the point that is being made against it is that other cryptos don't need a mechanism like this to appreciate in price. Nobody seems to care that they do, Chainlink is held to a higher standard in this regard.

>eth has staking and evm code execution
>btc has pow mining and close 0 hard forks
Staking & mining are inherently inflationary so in terms of tokenomics they are a negative. Staking has a lockup mechanism which can be construed as being good for price action (by reducing circ supply) but BTC seems to be doing just fine without this mechanism, and ETH was pumping like crazy for years while it was still PoW and inflating pretty hard each year (with no total supply cap lmfao). These other 2 arguments (evm code execution for ETH and close to 0 hard forks for BTC) are just arguments for why people might speculate on these assets, they have no direct bearing on token economics. Chainlink has plenty of these arguments too, but as we noticed it matters little when the market is not willing to speculate on these properties.

>> No.54637785

Haha yeah, dumb linkies!
Buy a real crypto!

>> No.54637818
File: 260 KB, 750x500, 9B68AF96-1C14-4D7E-98F6-A341350326C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da Boss of dis family told you to pay up, so shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.54638075

I think it's about time you PAY UP

>> No.54638116

i actually agree with most of your points. my issues are 1) that vanity metrics like 500 gorillion dollars secured are used to argue the real value of the token and 2) no one here has done the leg work to research how price feeds works which leads them to refusing to admit that link token is not needed in the sense that they think it is (for price feeds specifically), namely aggregator contact paying DON nodes, not smart contracts reading price data

>> No.54638137

>vanity metrics like 500 gorillion dollars secured are used to argue the real value of the token
Well yes. Just like Bitcoin's adoption, transaction rate, security, ... are used to argue the value of the coin.

>token is not needed in the sense that they think it is (for price feeds specifically)
Even the "free" price feeds require the token. Every single thing nodes do requires the token.

>> No.54638243
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>> No.54638425
File: 2.68 MB, 1737x1005, 1680968191084432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask me how I know you're retarded

>> No.54638448

What's that supposed to be

>> No.54638460

Kek, based Serge.

>> No.54638462

>he's completely ignorant and retarded
checks out

>> No.54638474

Are you afraid I'm going to easily debunk whatever your point is or something?

>> No.54638476

>ITT: OP didn’t get the memo that the paid LINK fud got turned off and now realizes he was just following along with a bunch of Indians making $1.50/hr

>> No.54638487

It's a BTC miner chart. He's trying to make you feel stupid for not having seen this in a thread last week like he did.

>> No.54638499

>It's a BTC miner chart
lel that was my first guess.

So what's the point of posting a world map with Bitcoin nodes?

>> No.54638519

the point is that if you call BTC hashrate, adoption and security as "vanity metrics" comparable to chainlink's useless TVE/TVL you're a complete moron

>> No.54638544

>chainlink's useless TVE/TVL
If Chainlink's metrics are so useless, how come crypto relies on them so much that major banks keep talking about it?

>if you call BTC hashrate, adoption and security as "vanity metrics"
Well yeah, especially when you know that over 51% of BTC's hashrate is controlled by two (2) centralized entities.

>> No.54638549

In the before times long ago before there was a single block mined Satoshi paid his bills to teach the bankers a lesson about bail outs. His lesson was harsh but the bankers learned they cannot just print new currency units to solve problems. Based Satoshi taught us that solving all the problems of the world begin with paying your bills in a timely manner and end with cryptography.



>> No.54638576

>Well yeah, especially when you know that over 51% of BTC's hashrate is controlled by two (2) centralized entities.
and now the braindead shill resorts to blatant lies
that is simply not true and you're obviously confusing miner pools to individual miners, you absolute retard.
the chainlink network otoh is 100% depended on CL, an entirely centralized construct, and you know this and that's why the desperate gaslighting attemps itt

>> No.54638595

>if Chainlink's metrics are so useless, how come crypto relies on them so much that major banks keep talking about it?
there's not a single crypto which relies on "metrics", they all rely on "services", metrics are just marketing bs you retard
>aave is using chainlink price feeds cause of muh TVE!
the absolute state

>> No.54638617
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>blatant lies
>that is simply not true

>you're obviously confusing miner pools to individual miners
If you're a miner and part of a pool, you're not an "individual miner", you're literally part of an entity.

>there's not a single crypto which relies on "metrics", they all rely on "services"
I guess the number of Bitcoin nodes in the world is a "service" then, lol