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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54631918 No.54631918 [Reply] [Original]

>Y-ou're not fomoing in at 30,900!?!? you not buying makes me angry! what the fuck is wrong with you? this is the golden bullrun and you're missing out if you don't buy! you're a fucking retard! i'm fucking seething because you're not buying!

>> No.54631930

Lmao you didn’t buy at 15k fucking retard

>> No.54631942

Bulls can't seem to understand that 10k is programmed, it's destiny

>> No.54631945

They gonna be sorry as soon as altseaosn starts


>> No.54631951

where did the 10k meme come from anyway

>> No.54631963

I'll buy in at 10k

>> No.54631986
File: 1.23 MB, 2786x3215, buysilverbtcdead2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I buy in at 30.9, when it 29.5 and falling?

>> No.54631998

10k was indeed a retarded meme but nevertheless I think everyone underestimated how manipulated crypto is. The price was 15k for only like a day or two, then it remained at 16-18k for a month and then literally a rally happened. It went back up so quickly even with DCAing you missed quite some gains

>> No.54632075

>and then literally a rally happened.
>It's another Shoah

>> No.54632689
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The 10k bottom call came from /biz/. See:

Prior to the "15.5k bottom" the vast majority of bears on /biz/ said for over 2 years that the bottom will be 10k-8k.

If you aren't aware of that, that /biz/ bears predicted 10k-8k for 2 years prior to 15.5k, see: >>/biz/?task=search2&ghost=yes&search_text=bottom+10k&search_subject=&search_username=&search_tripcode=&search_email=&search_filename=&search_datefrom=2021-02-04&search_dateto=2022-11-07&search_op=all&search_del=dontcare&search_int=dontcare&search_ord=new&search_capcode=all&search_res=post

That search result shows posts mentioning the word bottom and 10k before the so-called "FTX dump" (after which when the price dropped to 15k).

The reason for displaying the search results that way is that paid shills claiming 15.5k was the bottom and saying it won't go to 10k, they're are now claiming the countless 10k on /biz/ were only made after that "FTX dump", which of course is totally false. Hence why the results are set to show posts before that event.

Scroll down to the bottom and click on the [+24] etc buttons to view older posts. Naturally when anons say "10k" they also expect a small dip below that, not for the price to stop at exactly 10k, and sometimes anons said 9k and 8k and 9500 etc, and also posts like "11k to 9k" etc, so that search result doesn't show all 10k-related posts that were made; only those saying specifically 10k. There were more 10k calls made on /biz/ than what warosu is capable of showing because many such posts were archived only on wakarimasen (warosu wasn't archiving during that time) and wakarimasen is down.

>> No.54632794
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>the 10k meme
>10k was indeed a retarded meme
Know what other number was called so often it was labelled a meme? 3k in the 2018 bear market.
The 3k bottom calls were so common that it was thought of by the seething baggies at the time as a "meme" which "needs to die". Picrel.

Here's a collection with over 60 screenshots of 3k bottom calls: https://a.cockfile.com/Arhzsu.rar
>inb4 you can easily make such a collection for any other specific number
Wrong. That's actually impossible. You can't find anywhere near enough posts calling for any other specific number to create such a big collection. Good luck making a collection with ~60 calls for "4k" or "5k" for example. You'd struggle and fail.

95% of the calls in 2018 by /biz/ bears were for 3k, not any other number (which you'd know if you were here). Hence why it's so incredibly easy to find huge quantities of 3k posts. You can find a few posts in 2018 for other numbers than 3k, but you can't find anywhere close as many posts from before Dec 2018 about "4k" or "5k" for example as for 3k.

And no, the "6k" """calls""" from when BTC already """bottomed""" to 6k don't count. The calls has to be from BEFORE the price target was hit. That's part of what makes the 3k collection totally unbeatable (aside from fact 3k was THE most common number called BY FAR), the fact that it's ALL calls from BEFORE Bitcoin dumped to 3k. And that's precisely what the 10k-8k calls have in common with the 3k calls: the 10k-8k calls were made for ~2 years BEFORE the "15.5k bottom" – as you can plainly see here, with this search result which limits the results to before the "FTX crash": >>54632689

>> No.54632810
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>2018 post: "Everyone on biz was saying Bitcoin was going to 3k"
Indeed. That's how common the 3k calls were, that it seemed like everyone was calling for 3k.

>> No.54632828
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>2018 post: "The number of people waiting for 3k were innumerable."

>> No.54632838
File: 38 KB, 850x242, 1666381590605822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2018 post: "Everyone called for 3k BTC. Everyone waited for their 3k bottom."

>> No.54632900
File: 139 KB, 751x455, 1662103206940771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bears again and again, on and on and on, confidently said 3k will be the bottom. And the baggies raged and moaned and cried and whined and tore their hair out. Collection with over 60 examples: https://a.cockfile.com/xHMcPT.rar

And guess what? Whoopsiedoopsie, the /biz/ bears were right! Picrel.

Moral of the story? It's unwise to ignore the bottom calls /biz/ makes, for /biz/ practically decides the bottom.

>> No.54632967

Unironically 35k EOM. The trend has reversed. We now have bigger rallies followed by smaller corrections.

>> No.54633052

15k = 10k after inflation tabulation

>> No.54633088
File: 42 KB, 487x406, 1664619533036016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time I have ever purchased Bitcoin was $100 of it through Binance when Bitcoin was worth $60000

>> No.54633246

tl;dr I cherry-picked a bunch of posts that 'prove' /biz/ bears were right(once). therefore this other group of cherry-picked bears saying 10k are guaranteed to be right despite all recent evidence to the contrary.

I honestly couldn't have come up with a shakier foundation on which to build an argument. bravo sir.

>> No.54633423
File: 140 KB, 406x422, baggie seething at 3k callers in 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cherry picked
Polar opposite. Because 95% of the calls were for 3k, not any other number (which you'd know if you were here). Hence why it's so incredibly easy to find HUGE quantities of 3k posts. "Cherry picked" would be going and screenshotting the tiny minority of calls; those that were for other numbers than 3k.

>> No.54633483
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>this other group of cherry-picked bears saying 10k
Ah, you mean the countless 10k-8k calls in the archives from before the "FTX dump"?


So now supposedly the 10k bottom calls are "cherry picked" yet earlier in this very thread 10k was called a meme: >>54631951 >>54631998 -- so, the 10k calls were so commonplace that it reached "meme" status, yet at the same time 10k is supposedly "cherry picked" implying any other number was just as common. The absolute level of reality denial, quite impressive.

>> No.54633777

ok, let's say that there was and is a consensus of bears on /biz/ at 3k and 10k respectively. even then your argument boils down to
>they were right once, therefore they will be right again

the fact that even your best case argument is this weak would further indicate that your analysis is also weak as it's coming from the same weak mind. that is to say, it's fair to assume you analysis is of data is just as dogshit as the framework of your argument.

this leads me to believe this is all an elaborate scheme to trick yourself first and foremost into believing you have not missed the bottom and the posting of this delusional rationalization is a desperate attempt to bulwark an internal delusional with external validation.

ask yourself: do you really care if you can convince me or other anons that BTC is going to 10k? it sounds like you don't. then what is the real reason you posted it? you did it for yourself.

>> No.54634698
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I bought at 17k and I'm in profit but hey I ain't gonna sell. In the meantime, I've been keeping my eye on a project that's looking to unify defi with tradfi. Sounds pretty fancy, huh? And you know what else sounds fancy? Making some sweet gains with MNI token. Yeah, that's right, I said it.

>> No.54634737

Based facts and evidence bobo. Unfortunately the seething mumus replying to you all bought at 55k or higher, no one with a low cost basis displays so much anger when telling others to buy.

>> No.54635068

this is a dead cat bounce

>> No.54636315

35k is not feasible anon. Why do you want to make yourself poor holding only BTC when the expected trend is on RWA and tokenization.

>> No.54636387
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I just fomoed 50k on XOR this month because charts looks bullish af, may Makoto and those silly japanese gods be by my side

>> No.54636652
File: 9 KB, 250x237, 1677600229794409s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, in your dream
This is me, i bought at $17k too
>MNI token
its ocean and ride in my case, the next thing i wanna do is to stake them.

>> No.54636658


next time don't listen to "financial youtubers" who tell you [insert random number] is the bottom

now pay up or be forever sidelined


>> No.54636766

>I have no idea what a supercycle is and have never heard of it
Newfag and trips wasted. Bravo sir!

>> No.54637154

10k is programmed. It will happen! THE RECESSION WILL COME

>> No.54637170
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>it just HAS TO OK
>source: datadash, bitboy, peter schiff, and bloomberg

>> No.54637171

I look like this and I say this