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File: 42 KB, 1024x658, Flag_de_Marina_Argentina_(1818).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54627208 No.54627208 [Reply] [Original]

Riddle me this /biz/, what are the financial downsides of packing up from the West and moving to the southern cone?

>extremely low cost of living
>fantastic food
>cute girls
>libertarian candidate (milei) might win the elections in october
>euro-style culture but in the new world
>citizenship after 2 years

Yes the economy is in a shit state, but I believe once you've hit the bottom there is only one way to go and that's up. I have reasons to believe that the EU/West is about to enter an inflationary deathspiral and what better place to weather that storm than a country that is already used to it?

>t. 25 year old, earning $15-$20k a month which from what I've read is enough to make me live like a king there

>> No.54627238
File: 440 KB, 1400x808, Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 18.43.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A Milei victory would be a plunge into the unknown for South America’s second-largest economy. A conservative economist and radio personality, Milei has little political experience. He describes himself as a libertarian and “anarcho-capitalist;” he favors a “watchman” state that limits its functions primarily to national defense and police services. Milei is influenced by the Austrian school of economics, with its emphasis on individual choice, and says he would “blow up” Argentina’s central bank and dollarize the volatile economy.

Yeah, I'm thinking based.

>> No.54627276

>out of the frying pan into the fire
kek good luck with that anon

>> No.54627314

Also been considering this. My wife is from Costa Rica so I’d at least have a head start in learning the language.

>> No.54627340

>extremely low cost of living
yeah because they have a third world currency
>fantastic food
lol no...unless you want to eat meat every single day
>cute girls
>libertarian candidate (milei) might win the elections in october
muh libertarian candidate will win the elections and fix everything...in 2 more weeks
>euro-style culture but in the new world
maybe 40 years ago
>citizenship after 2 years

>> No.54627363

wow. everyone that actually lives there always wants to move away. also the whole latam is fucked all shitholes where you get robbed and killed

>> No.54627384

>believing South American politicians will actually follow their stated position
They either morph into the stereotypical corrupt lib or use death squads on people, there’s no in between with them.

>> No.54627430

Yeah south America is a great choice, especially if you have money.

>> No.54627483

with burgers losing their standings in europe do to russia, its in the united states interested to stabilize south america, in stead of fucking with it constantly.
t. wanna go down there to start a cam girl studio

>> No.54627551
File: 86 KB, 1024x1009, 1650793475491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol no...unless you want to eat meat every single day

>> No.54627573

How can you look at what’s happening in Europe and your observation is that America is loosing its grip?

>> No.54627577

i'm movin to u r gay

>> No.54627578

china will get there first

>> No.54627622
File: 60 KB, 612x364, shitting-young-cow-on-the-bank-of-a-river-picture-id588966312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol no...unless you want to eat meat every single day
Pic realeted is my food shitting on your food

>> No.54627660

>He describes himself as a libertarian and “anarcho-capitalist;”

So he's just going to hand the country off to kikes entirely, sounds great

>> No.54627753

Before and after WW2 Germans would flee to Argentina. Nowadays Germans flee to Paraguay. Make of that what you will.

>> No.54627762

based do it anon, gods speed fren. enjoy the Iberian pussy and steak

>> No.54627789


>once you've hit the bottom there is only one way to go and that's up


>> No.54627857

uruguay is the same but better in every way

>> No.54627892

This post convinced me to go.

>> No.54628026

It's a third world country, economy is shit, cities are dilapidated, people may mug you and kill you, but hey girls are pretty, night life is fun and interesting, and people dress nice. As long as you hold dollars you are a king here whatever happens to the economy. You may even buy land and build way cheaper than you would in a 1st world country. Probably you'll need like 10-15k to buy decent land, and 40-60k to build a decent house
t. argie fag

>> No.54628074

No niggers may I add, maybe you'll see one or two selling trinkets in very specific locations if you willingly decide to go there, but that's it. No niggers whatsoever

>> No.54628120

where's the best place in south america to live and work? Or just places to invest

>> No.54628240

Like other anon said isn’t u-r-gay just as nice and a bit safer?

>> No.54628242

Paraguay seems great from what I hear.

>> No.54628283

Uruguay seems more developed compared to paraguay? And it's whiter

>> No.54628447

>vegetables are....LE BAD!
meatfags are obnoxious as vegans

>> No.54628514
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I would assume it is like Buenos Aires, whiter, less crime and low classes, but I really don't know. Marihuana is legal there and there is no inflation or USD taxes/restrictions, that's for sure.

>> No.54628520

if you are rich you risk getting murdered, although i hear argentina is relatively safe in comparison

>> No.54628576

if argensimian economy is prolapsing how come they don't migrate en masse like memezuelans do? are they also always 2 more weeks away from doomsday? in other words pure kike lies

>> No.54628596

It's because they look down on other South American countries. They believe they are superior because they are lighter skinned and more European in their culture.

>> No.54628637

Argentinans ARE niggers just light skinned ones.

>> No.54628688

People rather emigrate to Europe if that's the case.
This may be quite true, though- But Mexichangos like to meme male argies emigrate to Mexico to become waiters (since Mexicans like white and handsome features they don't have) while argie women going there become prostitutes (similar reasons)

>> No.54628719

They do, they are white so no one notices when they go to the US or south africa.

>> No.54629002
File: 51 KB, 448x488, 1639592934608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im thinking based. I was born in Argentina and the life when you're above 10k is king-like. You can afford everything, do everything and treat everyone like your bitches. We're still a bit underdeveloped in some things but eh, give it some time. Im currently in the process of only staking and participating in staking pools (Pool Party) but if i really wanted i could get a real job and make twice as much and live even better.
We welcome you here bro

>> No.54629080

that's the point the safe places are "expensive" a few mill for a flat

>> No.54629231

as opposed to all the so called liberal lefties?

>> No.54629379

njoy the hyperinflation, the curve is like the average nosey boludo's nose