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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54624994 No.54624994 [Reply] [Original]

Wait I thought Kleros court was a shitpost. Youre tellingme there are retards who think blockchain arbitration will be a thing?

>> No.54626688
File: 433 KB, 641x465, kleros59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I am here, and what do you mean

>> No.54628987

What the fuck were we thinking

>> No.54629075

We thought they had grand and noble ideas, that it would go to the moon because exchanges didn't control the token, but really they just took the exchange bribes and went partying in argentina not even caring about token value or building V2 that has now been "coming next month totally bro" for 2 years and told maybe coming in the middle of the next fucking year, AGAIN.

>> No.54629605
File: 12 KB, 300x168, tokelroscourt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54629716

>You have been issued a summons to appear in KLEROS COURT
>*Press X in the top right of the window*
Not my problem

>> No.54629812
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>> No.54629871
File: 245 KB, 1600x1065, 1657870951718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 kleros fud threads on the catalog
What the fuck is going on?

>> No.54629919

either kleros is going to pump so they're trying to fud down the price because they know something we don't. or kleros is going to dump but they know we're a bunch of contrarians so they're trying to shill us with fud to be exit liquidity. probably a whale or group of whales who hire shills over the internet and probably their 4chan operation is only a fraction of what they spend on shilling.

>> No.54629962

Dude, these fud threads have been made for years. Nothing is gonna happen, it's bagholders coping or trolls trolling. Kleros is dead, it's just a funny coin to fud because the idea sounds so retarded even though it also sounds kinda smart. the perfect midwit trap.

>> No.54629993


>> No.54630022

>a bunch of threads happen at the same time despite kleros getting maybe 1 thread a day usually
>just a coincidence bro

>> No.54630044

PNK is fine. It was fine years ago, and it is fine today. It will likely be fine tomorrow as well. See you in court

>> No.54630049

There's been a dozen instances of one guy making 4 threads in the span of an hour. Wouldn't rule out that being the case once again.

>> No.54630105

Yeah I still believe in it. It's not made for real court cases the use case is to settle disputes for online freelancers and merchants. It's a good solution. But needs wider crypto adoption

>> No.54630254

this thing has only ever dumped vs. bitcoin and eth. only midwits and newfags bought this scam