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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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545366 No.545366 [Reply] [Original]

So /biz/, what's your career and how much do you make?
Pic unrelated being a random picture I had on my phone

>> No.545369

Shameless self bump out of curiosity

>> No.545394

-$60,000 a year

>> No.545402

PND investor

already made my ROI and it's just beginning. Ah, being intelligent is nice. Time to kick back.

>> No.545404


$1680/month in unemployment benefits
$100/month in dividends

>> No.545405

PND hedge fund manager

around $1.2m/year

>> No.545423

Writer and Import/Export Merchant

Haven't been published yet though there is interest, and still waiting on my first shipment of phones and computers and a truck to drive it down to Guatamala with. The truck should be easy to find though, I keep checking classifieds and I'm expecting to see it come up soon.

-Expected novel income: 25k in year 1 for novel 1
-Expected profit on first shipment: 18k

I'm planning on doing two shipments in spring of this year with the second one being bigger than the first, so we'll see what happens.

>> No.545431

PND investor
300k starting

>> No.545488

Interested in this...

How can I get into the import/export world?
What has been your path? any helps/handicaps you had to face?

Where do I start from my position (nowhere, no means, middle class scum)

>> No.545499


I lived in the international dorm and was social enough to make contacts in dozens of countries on every inhabited continent except for Australia. I just sort of piggybacked on those because since I know people it's easier for me to get introductions and logistical help within the countries I am selling to.

>> No.545510

I buy PND and short PRAN. $30,000,000,000 starting.

>> No.545647

incomplete history is incomplete.

You started buying something and selling something, which implies some research prior buying the merchandise.

I was more interested in the whole storyon how an international merchan is made.

But whatever, my fault, for asking in 4chan...

>> No.545673


Here, let me write a book for you.

>Chapter 1: Anon lives in the international dorm
>Chapter 2: Anon discusses LLCs with friends and does research into starting businesses, initially the t-shirt business
>Chapter 3: Anon's Chinese roommate brings up import/export as something he wants to partner in
>Chapter 4: Anon's Chinese roommate's cunt of agf cuts off his Chinese roommate's balls, forcing him to go solo rather than with a partner
>Chapter 5: Anon does research into import/export
>Chapter 6: Anon does hours and hours of product research and price discussions with his network of contacts
>Chapter 7: Anon does math to figure out profit margins over time
>Chapter 8: Anon does paperwork
>Chapter 9: Anon gets seed money
>Chapter 10: Anon does even more paperwork
>Chapter 11: Anon prepares his first shipment
>Chapter 12: Anon spoonfeeds anon on /biz/

>> No.545745

College student
$60k a year from trust fund starting in January

>> No.545784

Investment specialist, 40k/yr plus bonus so ~50k.
Currently learning sql and other tools to apply as an analyst.

>> No.545790

Just enough for you to never ever have to do anything with your life other than spend that shit. Will the trust index your income for inflation?

>> No.545799


how long until book is finished?

>> No.545825
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>health inspector
>90k with some overtime
>work with my wife at night handling her practice
>extra 50k for the both of us
>wife makes 120k

The shit i've seen anons

>> No.545852

I have a BS in nutrition and I'm a semester from my food science degree, and you've got a nasty job dude, just based on what I've seen in classes dealing with governmental inspection/haccp stuff.

also, does the government actually have anyone that gets to inspect tailgaters and shit like that?

>> No.545857


We have people that do food trucks and food from home. I used to do food but got tired of it. I work in hazmat now. We are cowboys. A lot of shooting the shit until things get very serious. I like it better. Bombs and chemical fires are kinda scary though.

>> No.545861

Software dev

$80k/yr out of college, went to engineering state school in midwest, job is in midwest.

Got lucky if you ask me.

>> No.545863

you're crazy. give us some hazmat stories. had a guest speaker that was the state government's expert on bedbugs and she was telling us some of the nastiest shit I've ever heard

but speaking of food trucks, do those things print money or are they are nightmare for regulations and permit fees? I see them more and more and they seem like a good source of income to have on the side, but we haven't really learned about them at all.

>> No.545868
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>be still in training
>couple guys home sick
>get a call about a suspicious fluid
>go to bridge
>2 liter bottle of fluid next to a backpack sitting on the bridge
>suit up
>go over with sup
>cops actually come up to us and ask for id
>sup tells him to gtfo or die
>literally said get the fuck out or you die
>cop is stunned
>go over to fluid
>turns out to be a highly explosive liquid
>backpack has a bomb in it
>remove fluid
>bomb squad comes over and disarms the bomb in the bag
>would have been incinerated had that thing gone off when we were testing the fluid
>mfw driving home that day

>> No.545872
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another story

>go to office building
>rancid smell of shit like 5 blocks away
>employees all standing outside
>one guy who looks like dwight from the office literally covered in sewage
>turns out he was taking a shit and flushed
>stuff did not come down, it came up
>flooding entire office with sewage
>go in to the building
>sewage everywhere, flooding the bottom floor
>turns out to be a serious problem with city plumbing
>entire business had to move
>I heard all the employees got bonuses
>tfw you flush and the toilet explodes

>> No.545874

PND daytrader.

Don't really have a salary as it obviously varies but on a good day day trading while naked and fapping to chinese figurines maybe $20,000 weekly

>> No.545882


Digital hardware engineer (I design circuits and code Verilog. Protip: learn Verilog or VHDL)
$65K currently

Honestly, the pay is terrible considering my debt and my qualifications, but I'm sacrificing better opportunities for only $600 a month for rent for a 3 bed room 2 bath house that is 5 minutes away from my job right in front of a park. The job is fun and not too crazy. So I feel lucky, and try to live within my means

>5 minute commute
>$600 rent

>> No.545886

I don't even want to know this feel
shit so health inspection isn't far removed from doing hazmat removal? that's nuts man. do you ever have to go into hoarder's houses and shit

>> No.545894

College admissions officer

>> No.545911

Cofounder of data analytics startup company

$0 (effectively) because it makes more long-term sense to use profits to pay for a second employee than to pay myself; living off of what I made as a software engineer for 5 years

>> No.545912


second software engineer*

>> No.545929

Same thing except VHDL here. $90k but $1400 for a 2 bedroom apartment. 5 minute commute.

>> No.545930 [DELETED] 
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9k before taxes
Home Depot Cashier

>> No.545934
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$300 rent, 15 minute commute

I tried learning c# but I don't understand what I'd actually be doing with it.

Am I trapped guys?

>mfw I realize the picture I posted.

>> No.545935

Security Officer...

Sigh... I cant do shit.
Im going to the airforce for radiology hopefully

>> No.545937
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Aussie here. I'm going to tafe next year to do a cert IV in web based technologies and then a diploma in web development.

>> No.545938


Yeah we deal with everything. State and feds deal and supplement on some things. But local health inspectors handle tons of shit.

Basically we are environmental cops. One of the reasons I stopped doing food inspections is I had go Jon Taffer on fucking people and they got hostile. I won't ever do it again unless I can carry. I didn't feel safe a lot.

>> No.545940


>posts mlp image
>home depot cashier

sounds like you got exactly what you deserve

>> No.545948

You should probably just kill yourself now.

>> No.545953

yeah probably, I just play games when I am not working, I don't know what would be a productive alternative.

>> No.546013


>$300 rent

What sort of slum are you living in?

>> No.546085

$2.3m a year

>> No.546093
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stop posting mlp pics plz, nobody is gonna take you serious.

maybe you should first find out what u would be doing with c# and then learn it.
but i doubt you actually learned it since if you would actually learn it you would know the endless possibilities it has.

>> No.546132

40-50k/yr... Fluctuates.

Security Officer at night w/ benefits
Second job part time in control room / dispatching
About to get third job for $22/hr as a security guard doing high end work
Also make 1k for a days work four times a year.

I ain't making a lot, and some weeks I can be very busy, but I'm comfortable and happy.

>> No.546161

>Fine dining waiter
Over 70k a year

>> No.546178
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worst job ever. I used to do this. People get fucking trapped in this shit. It burns your soul real bad

>> No.546179

Student, studying IT + inheritance fag.
Have 3 town houses and half share in a shop all rented and paid off. ~$45 - $60K p/y from rent depending on expenses and tax..

>> No.546187

>CPA in real estate
>$65k + 20% bonus
>left a job right next to my house to come here
>it took me having money to realize lifestyle is more important than money

>> No.546208

why? are the customers that bad?

>> No.546332

You should be a Hedgehog OP, look how successful that little guy in your picture looks

>> No.546346
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God tier. You are a hero.

I know a ton of people who do near nothing but get benefits, and spend pretty much every day doing what they want.

If that doesn't collapse I too hope to achieve that someday, I am checking for disabilities and shit I can file for atm.

>> No.547706

What's a more sound career choice - professional liability or tax law?

>> No.548041
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Hotel security. Essentially I sit in a room with all the cameras and just drink tea, eat, and read all day. 8-5, 5 days a week. Making about ~70k a year

>> No.548043

-300,000 up to this moment
Building up a startup and not going well

>> No.548058

Engineer. 23. $81k.
Disappointed with my job. It's boring.

>> No.548061


Problem is my unemployment benefits will run out in 6 months, and after that I'm on my own. I have about $35k to my name, which is only enough to survive for maybe a year or two if I'm frugal. I could MAYBE get autismbux (I was fired for "lacking confidence and enthusiasm" and being "awkward") but I hear that's only a couple hundred $ per month.

Yes, my boss actually called me "awkward" when I was fired. What a self-esteem boost!

>> No.548073

Why not go to school? or relocate?

>> No.548074

Interested in the other side

How are you gaining interest in your novel? I'm writing now and would love some advice from someone further down the path than I

>> No.548088
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21. county college student and live at home.

literally didn't give a shit my first 2 years so my cumulative gpa is a 2.7, instead of withdrawing from classes i would just fail them. i guess that's on my record now forever so goodbye to ever attending a real college.

my dads company sends me a small check every month, comes out to ~6k per year after taxes lol.

and the worst part:

>tfw no gf

>> No.548098


>Why not go to school?
I've considered grad school, but I still have some debt to pay off from undergrad. It might be my last resort option.

>or relocate?
I'm in Chicago now, and although I kind of hate the city it's generally a good place to be for my industry (finance).

>> No.548243

Fuck it, I'm going to apply at some plants. Office job is just too fucking disappointing.