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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5461202 No.5461202[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

wtf is wrong with eartha kitt's daughter?

>> No.5461466

Wrong board you fucking nigger

>> No.5461510

biz is neo pol, deal with it

>> No.5461520

>implying there's a difference between /pol/ and /biz/

>> No.5461632

lol I'm mixed and sexier than any of you k=honkies fucks. you are dying breed and you white piece of fucks get sick easier than I do and I fuck your bitches shut the fuck up and buy ada or ill fuck another white bitch

>> No.5461706

Look at them holding all those cryptokitties

>> No.5461823


>> No.5461880

>implying /biz/ isn't /pol/ without flags

>> No.5461915

fuck of plebbit

>> No.5461917

>black people actually believe this
It’s adorable

>> No.5461944

you may make money but you will be forever a nigger
stay mad monkey

>> No.5461970
File: 317 KB, 640x450, C41003CE-2394-418D-A777-E8A743737E5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pol niggarets totally flooded this board while fegget Mod is a pol faggot himself totally on payroll
>Fuckking kek

>> No.5461988

Yeah, what you are is a mongrle with no true homeland and no ancestral belonging. Your genetics will never fit in wherever you go. The eternal outsider. Assuming you aren’t Asian/white. Northern hemisphere genetics are pretty interchangeable. It’s only as you go south they get more environmentally adapted resulting in greater diversity and as a result greater dependency on specific environments. You’re pretty fucked if you’re a pajeet, abbo, sub Saharan or other black mongrel. Sorry anon. You belong nowhere and you never will. It’s in your genes. Mixing subspecies rarely works.
Ooga booga.

>> No.5462082

got some deep issues anon feel bad for you

>> No.5462195

He's right, argue against literally anything he said

>> No.5462249

>ooga booga
and that's where i stopped reading.

>> No.5462373
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want some bananas, monkey?

>> No.5462416

Crypto will turn the alt-right into the new Jews.
Prosperity without the degenerate poz.

>> No.5462459

Man, I'm not even mixed but what did they do to hurt you anon? It's Christmas, why so dark and depressing?

>> No.5462497

Go back to whatever subreddit you came from in 2016.

>> No.5462524

>being this much of a newfag

>> No.5462558


fuck you

>> No.5462559

Fuck off to reddit, you sub

>> No.5462577

It literally is the wrong board, I'm all up for talking about race on /pol/ but this is my crypto board

>> No.5462605

/pol/ are a bunch of mensbians and filth incarnate

>> No.5462642

I've been here since 2005. I'm sick of you faggots shitting up every board with threads that belong elsewhere.

>> No.5462659

>implying hatred equals hurt
feces didnt hurt you but you wouldnt eat it for dinner anon

>> No.5462688

Man I would like to "pet" the kitten on the bottom right.

>> No.5462708
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how can I short this future

>> No.5462741
File: 29 KB, 310x427, downy junior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally confusing BIZ and POL
go back to pol you fucking blind faggot

>> No.5462767

People don't say things like that without hatred anon, you have a lot to learn about people it seems. You know what I mean.

>> No.5462841

>hello fellow oldfags

>> No.5462883

lol you're definitly butthurt

>> No.5462910


You seriously need to go back

Poltards are probably the faggots bumping pajeet pnd threads all the time, get out