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54610466 No.54610466 [Reply] [Original]

Just quit a 200k/yr TC very stable "programming" job where boss begged me to stay because all the new idiots can't do the work

I have ~50k monies to dump into shitcoins (or more bitcoin) and some runway for living

Making shitty charts and studying random shit because working at my last job made me dull as a fucking rock. trying to figure out where the world and markets are headed next.

pic. its my ta

internet computer

>> No.54610479

TA is basically economic astrology

>> No.54610481

>I have ~50k monies to dump into shitcoins (or more bitcoin) and some runway for living
Have you ever traded before? If not it's highly likely you will lose your money. My advice, trade with $5k of that money and see if you can turn it into $50k in 2 months.

>> No.54610489

i have 6 figs in cold storage, this 50k is for practicing trading. obviously won't all in my first trade

>> No.54610529

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.54610545

>200k a year
>job so boring it made him dull as rock
>boss begs some rock to stay for 200k
Do you know what narcissistic fantasies are? Stop looking at TA (you’re not)
And look into narcissistic personality disorder.

>> No.54610549
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Looks like bait but I will bite.

You are a moron if you actually quit your job to "study" trading. You should've tried it while still working your day job.

The only real studying you can do is going balls deep into accounting so that you can make sense of earning reports or quant research (requires some stats/discreet maths) and even that is just scratching the surface.

If you fell for this meme after watching youtube or reading medium articles you are a brainlet.

>> No.54610619

You should have just kept your job and dumped like 80% of your salary into the market... With that much money you could just put 1-5k in every single shit coin you come across and all you need is one of them to survive until the bull. No gay charts or day trading required.

>> No.54610622

Only way to make money with TA is have 10/10 luck, do insider trading, have a fast bot or selling TA courses and memberships.

>> No.54610623

yes i in fact have mental damage thanks for noticing

don't see how any of those facts u quoted is related to that tho

not bait, I didn't quit TO trade. Guess I wasn't clear. I quit the job cause it sucked, was training new hires all the time who would just get fired again and i would have to do the job they were supposed to.

Also a few other reasons related to my personal life

Been doing long-term trades on btc since the first china ban days, just have some free time now so i'm actually sspending time on it

>> No.54610632

I did that at this job for 5 years sir. its time to move on to the next

just buy the bottoms and sell the tops

>> No.54610651

Rather than ta use robot. Watching graph entire day is exhausting. Then just fill up your day with hobbies
Or you may beg your boss to hire you back.

>> No.54610662

All my friends who quit their jobs to become traders crashed and burned within 2-3 years. It takes only several bad trades to wipe out your principal and that's it.

The only reason I know that is because I am close with those people, all their relatives and acquaintances think they are still successful traders when in reality they had to go back to waging.

Think long and hard before going full-time trading, it's a cool sidegig but not at all a stable revenue stream. Get a WFH job and trade 2-3 during high-volatility hours. That's literally it

>> No.54610668

actually was thinking about making a chart bot for fun. probably wouldnt make any money off it but it would be cool.

I get a lot of emails from high freq trading firm recruiters so would be a good skill to have

No chance to beg her back for the job. i hated that job and wanted to quit for 2 years. miserable. only stayed for the check

>> No.54610672

You’re an absolute fucking retard if this is remotely true.
My POV: make 6 digits, chuck every paycheck into crypto and play long term
Good luck anon, don’t get fucking liquidated

>> No.54610682

I'm taking a year off working. So I'm just STUDYING trading for fun right now.

No chance of me burning through everything as I barely spend much. I was pulling in so much cash and i didnt leave my room for a year

also not emotional trader anymore. ive seen my porfolio move from 10k to 90k back to 10k in my early years of trading. doesn't phase me anymore

>> No.54610693

As I keep repeating - I didn't quit my job with the goal of becoming a trader. I'll be back to programming again in a year most likely, after redirecting and refining my skills to a field i am more interested in within programming

I trade on the side for fun bro