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54609559 No.54609559 [Reply] [Original]

>Lose half of your assets and your child
>Pay alimony and child support

While she remarries and does the same to the next guy
Kek. Men will never learn

>> No.54609566

Evolutionary drive and social pressure

>> No.54609584
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Give it all to your mother from day 1

>> No.54609593

Most western mothers would probably spend your money

>> No.54609603

because they want access to her pussy or they're lonely/emotionally weak. You'd be surprised how many men are completely putty in a woman's hands, even guys I had so much respect for let women completely control them, it's pathetic but that's what gives them purpose.

>> No.54609604

Take the Hookerpill

>tfw the only vice I truly have is to fuck hookers every once in a while

Gambling gets boring
Alcohol tastes like shit
Drugs were never my thing
Weed was never my thing
Clubs/Bars were never my thing

I just gained an interest in hookers in my late 20s and never looked back. It's fun to meet new hookers and then never meet them again and just go to the next one.

Quality varies but it's always nice to meet a new one. Most are very laid back. I even barebacked 2 of them lmao.

As a man in his 30s I stopped caring. I had sex before using hookers but this is just so smoother and less stressful to do.

>But you can get free sex bro

When you get older you will understand why old men use hookers. And it's not because it was a last resort. It's because it saves time and energy.

>But those whores have STDs

not any more than whores who fuck entire schools/cities/towns/neighborhoods of men for free on dating apps and instagram/snapchat/twitter/tiktok. This is what people will not tell guys to keep him pussy whipped. Of course they won't let guys know this. The mobile phone changed this forever so there is no more mystery or innocent regarding female sexuality. We know which men she's fucking and it's tons more than a street hooker because she finds them sexually arousing vs a whore who needs payment and many men will not want to. They deem it "pathetic". That means the rate of STDs are lower by proxy.

There is nothing like cumming in a hooker's mouth and then leaving like nothing happened. You don't have to text back or call unlike sluts on dating apps so you won't get #METOO'd.

I will be that old man who fucks young hookers while I watch the latest anime and play video games in an apartment and people will keep asking when I'm getting married

When you are "dating" someone you are spending money so she will have sex with you and STAY.

When you hire a hooker you are spending money so she will have sex with you and then LEAVE.

>> No.54609645

Kek. She was a post wall roastie back in 2018 itself. Hope she rots in hell

>> No.54609653

These simps should be gassed . They are a disgrace to mankind

>> No.54609670
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Same here anon, late 20s. I do hookers maybe once per week, works well for me. I usually find "the one" who makes sex feel like heaven and stick with her until she inevitably returns back to her home country. Then, I'll search for the next one.

>> No.54609734

You can say all this, but don't pretend that it isn't a huge indicator of status and don't pretend like it's easy to live totally alone

It takes a lot to get taken seriously if you don't have a ring on your finger

>> No.54609780
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Maybe you're right, but I don't care. I will not desperately settle for someone so I can tick off a checkbox for other people's appeasement (not OP)

>> No.54609815

None of those are true in community property systems when all your assets are separate. Even then, a vast majority of divorces are settled out of court generally not in favor of the person who filed for it. Basically just do due diligence and you're fine; the problem ultimately is the horrid lack of quality in women these days

>> No.54609877

>I usually find "the one"
What does this mean?

>> No.54609878

Not necessarily spend it but they would hoard it for power.

I fucking hate my mom she's a nasty bitch with 700k in assets but will fight you over not eating her rotten leftover food.
Same with my grandma, she has around 1m but will feign being old and poor to get free labor.

I'm well off thanks to grypto and just stunned that they live their lives like this it makes me sick.

>> No.54609946

some kinds of intimate but erotic activities are weird outside at least a short-term relationship

also you can't take them to family gatherings, company gatherings, or on dates with other friend-couples - people notice, and people gossip

hookers aren't my cup of tea since i'm "too proud" to indulge, and trashy girls from dating sites will fuck after a glorified fast food dinner and can be breadcrumbed for continued nsa action, but i get where you're coming from - dating and relationships are a hassle

>> No.54609997
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Because they are horny and think with their dick. It's why yellow fever exists. It's irrational.

>> No.54610017

I don't get the point of this picture. It's ugly or below average white dudes with ugly or below average Asian chicks. Most of them are within a point of each other on a 10 scale like you'd expect. It's not like it's a hot dude/ugly girl or vice versa. It's not necessarily yellow fever or whatever the white equivalent is, it's a bunch of people dating in their own league lol

>> No.54610046
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I want you to meet my son.

>> No.54610295

The biggest hurdle is that low IQ traditionalists cling to marriage even though it is also a captured institution. They understand what a functional system of enforced monogamy would look like, but they don't understand that with the current pool of people and the current secular legal system of the family and divorce court that this is impossible to get to. Because men act rationally.
Instead of looking to seriously reform the legal system they expect their men to just keep getting destroyed. It's demonic, they worship women instead of God.

>> No.54610500

>they worship women instead of God.

implying that this wasn't always the case. google "jesus side wound"

and tell me how christcucks haven't been worshiping women since day 1.

>> No.54610586

Maybe I can learn from your example one day.

I was the opposite and didn't care enough to lose my virginity, then I became a wizard and manifested wealth quickly after that.

I am wondering if I should still try out the experience one day or just stop caring and live the life of a monk until the end.

>> No.54610615

You only loose if you marry an un trust worthy whore. But you're right marital laws are an absalute joke. I still got married due to my Christian faith as I won't have kids outside marriage. Fortunately my wife is very trad and trustworthy though I can't say the same for all women

>> No.54610794

if you've always been content without it, by god don't disrupt the equilibrium by starting

>> No.54610814

Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing.

>> No.54610904

>Blog post to justify fucking hookers
Nice bait

>> No.54610934

In a sane world, brothels would be legal and the women who work there would be regularly tested and the whole thing would be regulated. Instead we have onlyfans and the booming simp economy.

>> No.54610973
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Brothels are legal, mate. What are you talking about ya fackin drongo?

>> No.54610979

Not in Burgerland.

>> No.54610989

Land of the free, home of the brave.
What would you rather, have australian style gun laws, or legalized brothels?
It's a tough one, innit?

>> No.54611045

Do the leafs have guns and brothels? That would be the best of both worlds.

>> No.54611054

That's a lot of dead hookers from brothel mass shootings.

>> No.54611069

Cute pink butthole with blue eyes

>> No.54611153

You know women also work right? Im going to marry a submissive one that makes more than me. If you marry not thinking exclusively with your penis, it can literally a passive income financially speaking.

>> No.54611377

The sad truth is that your mom is no different than the gold diggers you see outside, except she’s just older and relates to you. She has the same western woman mindset as the rest of them.

>> No.54611386

Balancing two working lives with children is chaotic and unatrual. Women are the heart of the family, therefore the heart of the house hold

>> No.54611678


>> No.54611690

The other day I said I that when I make it, I was gonna get a surrogate so I can have a son, and some anon gave me shit for it. Honestly Im not sure why he did that. Fuck women.

>> No.54611692

Both mid six fig/year. Combined incomes and keep buying rental properties. Working on a info product business together and YouTube in spare time. Pregnant with first chold. Her parents are loaded.

>> No.54611952

This. Marriage is dead, modern 'marriage' is nothing but a legal contract which fucks over men. Hell, it's probably better to just get the woman pregnant out of wedlock, or just get a religious ceremony and never register your marriage with the registry office.

I think divorce is much more likely if you marry but don't have kids (and your wife wants them). But then again there are plenty of instances of women divorcing their husbands despite having children, so take that with a grain of salt.

>> No.54611967

>esl phoneposting incel frog

>> No.54611980
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This will get absolutely fucking destroyed in court. His mother just MANAGES his assets while he is still the owner. Even if he gifted everything to her it would 100% exceed the legal exemption limit and he would pay 40-50% tax on everything above that limit which he has gifted to his mother. the govt will get the biggest piece of the cake and his ex-wife will get half of what remains. good job on this really, he played himself.

>> No.54611985

If the system was as rigged in my favor I'd do it too. It's literally free money for the roastie. Blame the government that made divorce rape legal

>> No.54611992

>bottom right
Look at her smile, how she's jso happy to be stuffed like a small pig.
Look at his satisfied smugness, he knows you want that tightness.

>> No.54611993

what do incel frog threads have to do with business and finance?

>> No.54612000

>better to just get the woman pregnant out of wedlock
My brother did that, had 2 children with a woman he didn't marry, she walked out on him and he now pays 1500 euro in alimony. There's no scenario where an uppity roastie can't destroy your life. Whores are the only safe option ironically enough

>> No.54612002

You kikes love to point out the asian part, while claiming the other part is white.
Yet all these insane bastards are ALWAYS part jewish, what a cohencidence.
It's almost like jews are Evil on a genetic level.

>> No.54612013

Trad larper give women even more power than the liberal larpers. At least liberals want women to be drafted along with you when a war breaks out, trad larpers want you to die for them while they still have the power to kill your kids and divorce rape you.

>> No.54612024

It's the only way to have a child that can't be taken away from you. My brother thought he had two children, he didn't, his wife did. He had nothing

>> No.54612064

Just don’t marry a shitty wife? Never had that problem

>> No.54612158

No because he already paid the taxes

>> No.54612396

there is a certain limit on how much you can gift to your family members tax free per year or every 10 years depending on the country, because he gifted his mother literal millions worth of money and assets he 100% exceeded that limit, thus creating a new taxable event. it doesnt matter if it was already taxed via income tax etc. if he didnt pay the gift tax he's fucked.

>> No.54612670

you don't gamble for fun you do it to make money

>> No.54612803

>random frog posting retard is an expert on Moroccan divorce law

>> No.54613615
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God wants you to be fruitful and multiply, and to kill adulterers anon. If you follow His law you will turn out okay.

>> No.54613637

He probably paid the gift tax

>> No.54613679
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>have yellow fever
>travel to east asia
>try dating
>girls are just... nice? Wtf I have been conditioned by shitty girls in america to expect to play this weird larpy competition that judt doesn't exist over here
I don't know how the anglosphere got so bad. The difference is really staggering, I had to unlearn so much game.

>> No.54613712

Yeah western moms haha. They're literally thieves.

>> No.54613742

Leafs have neither but they have legalized euthanasia to escape leafland.

>> No.54613759
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>> No.54613983
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As the Perennial Traditionalist school would say, the world is better and at a higher level when things are in greater tension

So a society, set up originally by heroes of the solar principle, which pushes people to realize their masculine and feminine natures to the furthest extent they can, and dispel as much of the promiscuity of the two natures that are naturally in all of us in our predeveloped state, will have better women and better men

When this duty to tension and segregation of natures is neglected or outright rejected as in the West, it becomes necessary for the two natures to intermingle in people as a defense mechanism
That is, a woman simply cannot be a traditional, kind, innocent, feminine, woman if her potential husband is a disgusting lazy slob who can't control his dick and wants to fuck anything
They will be taken advantage of, and consequently they must become more like men to defend themselves
The result of which being, men must become more like women as well, to make up for the hole of care left in society

This is why (and this is my opinion) in virtually all traditional literature as cosmogony from many many many different original cultures across the world there is the story of the rebellion of the Titans/Giants against the Gods

Though it's a lot more complicated than that, for this context, the Titans represent basically men of a society who, for a generation or two or three, coast on the masculinity they inherited and the lack of any serious competitors, whereas the Gods were aligned spiritual beings who strove for an even higher unity, tension, strength, beauty, and goodness; and the rejection of outcomes, the world of becoming, the material world, and the whole churning world that makes one fickle and tied to conditionality

If you look at the WW2 generation for example, they were already lazy, rapidly fattening, sports obsessed, materialistic, proto-coomers, even if they are seen as titans compared to the men of today

>> No.54614043

>Conservative women show off their chest

>> No.54614050

You can't get a religious ceremony without beign married in the state, thus nullifying its importance and making it an artifical contract. This is one of the root causes of modern marriage being shitty. Secularism just means the state gets all spiritual power.

Any church/religion that bows to the state and doesn't accept a couple that is willing to marry in church only is a fake one

>> No.54614059

Just a quick addendum, some countries do allow for marriage to be celebrated in a church and do not necessarily force you to marry in state. But this isn't the case in the west at least

>> No.54614065

> His mother just MANAGES his assets while he is still the owner

Wrong, it’s not his assets, it’s his mothers. His mother legally owns the assets.

>> No.54614111

The image is making fun of the conservative woman is beautiful and the leftist girl is ugly principle. While that is true, it shows how far gone society has fallen by showing two transgender men (the conservative one still better looking, validating the principle) disguised as women.

>> No.54614137

judging by how low the rate of reproduction is in developed countries that treat men poorly maybe they did learn

>> No.54614185

The marriage is as dead as the people who make it up. Love is a choice you make every day, even when your partner is making you life hell for a few weeks straight, months, years straight etc. Love of two is one, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. Men are just as guilty of rejecting this as women are, though women get greater benefit from it

>> No.54614209

Not if i pay 500 bux to some crackhead to stab her in the gut or douse her in acid.
Heh nothing personal wifey

>> No.54614218
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This isn't a problem with marriage, it's a problem with women

>> No.54614231

I'm sorry you grew up with shitty parents, or you're just entitled.

>> No.54614283

Chuds all look part jew. Course curly black hair, thick lips, weak chins, sickly olive skin. Nasal folds from a prominent nose and early onset balding. A weird self destructiveness.

>> No.54614376
File: 105 KB, 820x823, EB1B1C4B-6F4E-4B42-BA1B-5019FA43A5A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do autists bother about society?
>lose power and be demonized as incels
>see every principle turned upside down and worn as a hollowed out skin by virtue signaling narcissists

While (((psychopaths))) move on and do the same to the next society
Kek. Autists will never learn

>> No.54614487

this desu

>> No.54614537

It's sad how kiked marriage is now. If you go back only 20-25 years ago, it wasn't like this. You'd have to be clinically insane to get married these days. And bringing children into this world? Kek you're just evil.

>> No.54614546

So what will stop this insanity?

>> No.54614584
File: 49 KB, 720x960, EEBF6BAE-698D-4F4E-B75C-4683E9B932E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(you) will

>> No.54614615
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>Hello predominately white website, pretty please please stop breeding (unless its with an asian woman)
-this thread

>> No.54614618

Just walk away. If you aren't responsible for the world we live in now, then why would you beat yourself up over not being able to have a trad wife and a house and kids? We all just incarnate into a new life after this one anyway so who cares? That's what ((they)) don't want you to know because they want you to be as miserable as possible in this life .

>> No.54615296

Bet there is some tribe structuring involved, like he gets his salary paid to a llc and his mother is the owner of the llc, do you really think someone getting paid a million bux per month didnt hire a maximal jewish tax attorney

>> No.54615889

best country for divorces is monaco they've gone on record saying they want to protect men from gold diggers. That or arab countries obviously where adultery is still illegal though I don't know if they put in the effort to take care of foreigners.

>> No.54615924


It’s natural for men to want to be providers, a king of a household and sex, procreation.

Read about Samson and Delilah

>> No.54615938

I was with the same cute girl for 5 years and figured it was shit or get off the pot time
turned out well honestly