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File: 19 KB, 500x301, 2023-04-15_05-28-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54604599 No.54604599 [Reply] [Original]

Fedcoin is here, boys


>> No.54604906

Bump you ignorant retards

>> No.54604947

>The crazy bastards actually did it

>> No.54604955
File: 864 KB, 3776x1272, unicoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, i think its pretty funny that some unicorn related project basically was using this exact logo in 2022. i suppose it lines up well with clown world

>> No.54604966
File: 1021 KB, 1048x1008, unicoinofficial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw pic related is the actual logo for the project

>> No.54604974

What the fuck this is even gayer than trannyswap

>> No.54604975

literally looks like a shitcoin scam

>> No.54604986

official site https://unicoin.com/

>> No.54605077

that's the scam token site

>> No.54606578

bump bullish for pow

>> No.54606603

Not a fed coin, it's a one world government/WEF coin.

>> No.54606977
File: 393 KB, 2344x2341, 1680562676308776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and see you on the other side frens

>> No.54606996

>use our centralized digital currency so we can sanction you
um no
it becomes less risky to simply kill and steal at some point than become an eternal slave

>> No.54607025

>UmU coin

This timeline is cancer

>> No.54607095
File: 317 KB, 531x750, __nero_claudius_and_nero_claudius_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_pinch_nesume__c9ddc1bd7381b4bbc92b045d253c7130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually pretty interesting. It probably wouldn't be used by actual developed economies, but places with catastrophically unstable currencies could benefit.

>According to the DCMA, UMU/Unicoin is designed to be suitable for central banks to create retail (for use by the public) and wholesale CBDCs (for use by financial institutions.) It also claims to fix a problem: the slow, inefficient, and complicated process of international bank transfers.

>According to the release, banks will be able to link UMU digital currency wallets with SWIFT codes and bank accounts to process cross-border payments similar to SWIFT but over digital currency networks. This will be done at wholesale foreign exchange rates and with settlements happening in real time. This contrasts with the traditional model, where international bank transfers can take days.

>However, UMU will not be a legal tender for negotiating domestic prices or international trade agreements. Instead, it will function as a store of value, mitigate currency devaluation, and be used as a method of payment.

>UMU has premium exchange rates built into its wallet and can convert any settlement currency amount to the equivalent UMU amount. Its creators hope that one day merchants could accept UMU for the equivalent market value for their goods and services priced in any national legal tender.

>There are currently no confirmed partners, and the DCMA was not able to confirm which economies it has been working with.

>“The DCMA is under NDA with these economies,” said Hubbard. “However, our access is either central bank governors or finance ministers. I can disclose our largest commitments are with the African Union, who are introducing us to all governors on the continent.”

>“Because of politics, we’ve been asked to keep participation economies under NDA. In the near, we will be able to disclose our partners.”

>> No.54607877

got any bitchute videos on this or more fearmongering news websites? LMFAO

>> No.54607937

This scam again, lol. So cringe

>> No.54608017

And then there was nothing but panicked silence from the XRP and LINK bagholders as they realize their coins were just tech demos for the Fedcoin slavery to come.

>> No.54608455
File: 231 KB, 1284x1646, monero_surgeon_general's_warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It probably wouldn't be used by actual developed economies, but places with catastrophically unstable currencies could benefit.

I'd think more likely it would start of as a replacement for IMF's Special Drawing Rights system.

>> No.54608969
File: 226 KB, 2048x1676, apu_planning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is rolled out to replace the dollar or euro due to their collapsed purchasing power. What would be a good way to profit from the roll out.

One way would be to make leveraged asset purchases with fiat shitcoins, and then pay it back later when the new CBDC shitcoin is released and the old fiat trash has lost its value.

What other ideas do you have?

>> No.54609023

this is why chainlink is pumping because they need LINK to use this

>> No.54609039

there is no way in hell the new world fedcoin is called Unicoin

>> No.54609049
File: 14 KB, 220x300, trashy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the final mark of the beast
god speed anons. we are getting closer to the end

>> No.54609157
File: 61 KB, 920x613, 7+2_idiots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no way in hell the new world fedcoin is called Unicoin

Were you expecting something less stupid?

>> No.54609174
File: 163 KB, 1125x1043, 6B831672-9C63-4939-91CD-5C66D051D17B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, they let you take out a loan for it.

Also the data on coinbase says it used to be worth like $4. Whats up with that?

Buy in is $1000. Seems like a scam.

>> No.54609194


>> No.54609394

Lmao this can't be the main thing of IMF. This shit looks like some boomer tier scam. What kind of PR firm did they hire lmao

>> No.54609403

Uniswap kek

>> No.54609418
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, buy_the_dip_fool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Tyler fucked up putting a picture of Unicoin in his article and confused everyone.

Unicoin is unrelated to this new IMF shitcoin.

The new IMF shitcoin will be called UMU (Universal Monetary Unit).
According to the PRN article below, UMU is...

* Crypto 2.0
* Powered by AI
* A money commodity
* Functions to enforce banking regulations
* Banks can attach SWIFT Codes and bank accounts to UMU

In short, the IMF didn't create UMU, it's someone else's shitcoin, and the IMF is going to let that shmuck run the world currency for them because they had a nice powerpoint.

PRN News Wire Article: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/the-digital-currency-monetary-authority-dcma-launches-an-international-central-bank-digital-currency-cbdc-301793163.html

UMU Website: https://umu.cash/

UMU Network: https://unicoinnetwork.com/

>> No.54609507

Well it's easier to siphon money from a private company than from the IMF, makes sense to do it this way

>> No.54609522

lmfao this guy is actually retarded
he thinks the whole economy ""moving to a imf shitcoin"" equals a 5% price action in chainshit

>> No.54609552

Bullish for xrpee

>> No.54609572

CBDC is cringe

>> No.54609579
File: 3.69 MB, 480x358, sergeyvince.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly what i was thinking

>> No.54609669

no results found, sorry!

>> No.54609710


>> No.54609717

What you low IQ normies don't get is the currency we use now is for all intensive purposes, a CBDC, this doesn't change much.
If anything it will plant the idea of using something like Dogecoin or BTC in the minds of normies and speed up adoption of those quicker. Dogecoin will eventually win out imo. Denominator effect, look it up.

>> No.54609731

>intensive purposes

>> No.54609742

what's the ticker i'm goin long

>> No.54609745

>I took the b8 mummy!

>> No.54609764

Really miss their chance here, they could have called it UwU.

>> No.54609779

For the record, it's "for all intents and purposes."

>> No.54609996
File: 120 KB, 810x614, UMU Commands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commands available in the UMU system per the UMU whitepaper.

>> No.54610007

Creeptastic. Love the commie aesthetic