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54599387 No.54599387 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else considering the vasectomy pill?

Seems to be about the greatest financial decision you could ever make.

>women can't entrap you ever again
>you can coom balls deep, raw, in every woman

I mean really. It seems like a no brainer.

>> No.54599397
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I've fucked a bald woman

>> No.54599405
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The ability to have kids is a gift from God and you're a cuck if you voluntarily give that up even if you don't plan on having kids

>> No.54599414

I already have two healthy children and a beautiful wife. I'm considering it. I see no reason not to.

>> No.54599423

>making your balls less than a woman-life-wrecking machine

>> No.54599447

>unironically cut your balls off


>> No.54599458

Thank God they labeled left hand, I was very confused for a moment

>> No.54599475

I'm waiting for Vasalgel to be publicly available. Already dodged 3 abortions. Living on borrowed time.

>> No.54599476

Take it a step further and just chop your dick off bro lol lmao

>> No.54599486

i heard it's like tying off a firehouse with a twist tie and sometimes it ruptures

>> No.54599505

Thats cringe bro
>Be high IQ white man
>Go to third world countries and bleach every single woman you can find to spread white genetics in a world that is becoming increasingly niggerfied
>Her child which would otherwise be a 75Iq retard nigger is instead a 90IQ high class halfblood

>> No.54599515
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I would rather fomo that money on XOR instead of mutilating my own cock anon, at least my kids will be raised as rich unloved bois

>> No.54599635

I had mine reversed after living in SEA for a little while and realizing how easy and cheap it actually is to raise children anywhere but the shithole USA.

It costs like $100 a month to grow a human being here, and that's well fed clothed and taken care of. Miniscule cost.

Have a bunch now, no problems, no child support bullshit, just a bit of cash and cute happa daughters to visit occasionally and dote on.

>> No.54599641

Become a tranny at this point, cuck.

>> No.54599671

>women can't entrap you ever again
stop cutting balls n start using lawyers

>> No.54599684

If your skin is of brown shade, please go for it

>> No.54599829

oy vey, shekelstein

>> No.54599950

Have two kids, did it some years ago. Very small surgery, just hurt for a bit. Unlimited cream pies now, can recommend. Sex got even better.

>> No.54599988

Fuck that. Breeding women is the #1 reason I have sex. That's why I moved to the Philippines. I already have 4 babies with 4 different Filipino women, each on a different island.

Whenever I fly back to flip land I set my tinder and online dating profile as "bareback with creampie ONLY", and message anybody who matches with me "Let me cum inside of you". It takes like 30 minutes of swiping to find a fuckable date for that night.

Flip women are the sluttiest, most cum addicted, willing single mothers on the planet earth. They live to be bred, and the opportunity to have a white baby fucked into them is like a dream come true.

I get them into the bed, make them come, and get them to agree to bear my child before I nut inside of them. I have never had any of them ever get mad at me for coming inside, since that is the entire premise of our hookup. That they will walk away with a creampie from a white man.

You may not believe me, and you definitely won't believe this next part: I have even had several woman promise to meet me on the days they are ovulating, with their fertility cycle schedule all planned out and everything. Because they WANT to get pregnant by a white foreigner. I have even had an older white guy with a filipino wife message me and ask me to breed her, since he had a vasectomy and she was pestering him for a child. I did it.

The Philippines is a shithole, but for a white man who wants to COLONIZE brown asian cunt, it is the holy land and paradise.

>> No.54600000

Google PVPS. Not worth it.

>> No.54600016

While I know that you're just memeing, you're a terrible person.

>> No.54600019

No woman wants to touch my wiener anyway.

>> No.54600021

nah, that unironically lowers your test because semen should be exiting your body regularly. I've never met a dude who had a vasectomy that impressed me

>> No.54600041
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checked and wasted

>> No.54600052

Gonna do this after I have my third and final child. Birth control is fucked up for women.

>> No.54600083


> The opinion of the Panel is that chronic scrotal pain severe enough to interfere with quality of life occurs in 1-2% of men after vasectomy. Medical or surgical therapy is usually, but not always, effective in improving this chronic pain.

i'd take those chances for unlimited creampies desu senpai

>> No.54600095

Wait for Vasalgel technology.

>> No.54600106

what if they all died in a freak fire house next week. then what you stupid fucking retard nigger. WHOOPSIE GAME OVER SORRY I SLIT MY BALLS OFF LOL

>> No.54600112

Do you ever wonder if the (((Panel))) might not have your best interests at heart?

British Association of Urological Surgeons, patient advice reports troublesome chronic testicular pain which can be severe enough to affect day-to-day activities in up to 5% of vasectomy patients.

UK National Health Service says long-term testicular pain affects around 10% of men after vasectomy.

American Family Physician says "Recent studies estimate the incidence of severe postvasectomy pain syndrome to be between 1% and 6%.

11th edition of Campbell Walsh Urology (2015) cites 10% incidence of chronic scrotal pain caused by vasectomy.

European Association of Urology says "Troublesome chronic testicular pain is reported in up to 15% of patients. It can be severe enough to affect day-today activities in up to 5%.

etc.. Not worth it.

>> No.54600116

You been outside lately? Besides what about cancer is cancer a gift from god too?
Strongly considering it

>> No.54600120

why ? isn't it the same shit? it's getting your tubes tied vs plugging them up with gel.

>> No.54600145
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> Men who underwent vasectomy 10 to 19 years previously had higher dihydrotestosterone levels than age matched controls. In men who underwent vasectomy 20 years or more ago testosterone was higher than in corresponding controls. No statistically significant difference in luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone levels was noted between the men who had had vasectomy and controls.

Z N Mo 1 , X Huang, S C Zhang, J R Yang

>> No.54600169
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Based bleacher. Nice digits.
He has been pretty consistent with his story, first told months ago. I believe him. You are a jealous neutered cuck.

>> No.54600177

Having children is literally the only thing women are good for
If I want to cum I can do that on my own

>> No.54600178
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OP, you forgot this.

>> No.54600184

>be a deadbeat dad and create lots of single mothers to improve the world
ok lol

>> No.54600203



>> No.54600285

>plasma LH levels 1 year after operation were higher than previous levels
Hmmm, this implies some degradation in the function of the testes with respect to testosterone production. LH output is being upregulated as a compensatory mechanism to maintain testosterone homeostasis. Interesting.
However, your chinese study in the greentext does not come to the same findings of the australian study. So, I dunno.

>> No.54600295

>isn't it the same shit? it's getting your tubes tied vs plugging them up with gel.
In a vasectomy, the tubes get completely severed, whereas with the gel the tubes are unaltered. This allows for easy reversal compared with a vasectomy which requires microsurgery to reconnect the tubes.

>> No.54600317

Why are people so obsessed with having kids if we are sliding down into a fourth world jungle favela? Do you even understand that your children have like a 90% chance to end up as ghetto rats?

>> No.54600318

The world needs more white people. Blacks and asians should stop having kids.

>> No.54600556
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Carbon reduction team online

>> No.54600569

Imagine, just in Nigeria there is quater billion useless niggers. People who decided to give Africa to nigger plague should be held responsible for crime against nature because niggers give nothing but consume and pollute. At the same time nations like italians, koreans, japanese, irish, fins are almost extinct.

>> No.54600605

It's the most cucked onion decision you can make... it also seems to be right up your alley so go for it

>> No.54600675

I can’t take non breeding men seriously. You are worse than a purse dog, voluntarily spaying and neutering yourself. If you are non white by all means lob your balls off. If you are white you should be donating sperm in your country, and impregnating women in foreign countries like your ancestors did

>> No.54600684

I am incel so no need

>> No.54600830

OP is a genetic dead-end.

>> No.54601023

Just lose your hair and get fat.

>> No.54601046

then we're all going to see whats really up. that market correction is gonna be bitch.

>> No.54601049

Got a vasectomy in my 20s, now happily married and thankful for ICSI as I desperately want to have children very soon. Anon don't neuter yourself. Your entire mental state changes at around 30-- The biological clock isn't just for women. If you don't have anyone else warning you of this in your life than please listen to me. You will regret it. Don't do this to yourself.

>> No.54601076
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>we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we're both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i'm fuckin JACKED man, i'm gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.54601169
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>> No.54601376

Lmao'd at the picrel
Literally me

>> No.54601512

cancer is part of the curse that came after man sinned. God's first commandment was "be fruitful and multiply". It was only afterward that Adam sinned and the curse came onto the world bring stuff like cancer. So yea that guy is 100% right. And you are a cuck if you voluntarily give up that ability just because you are afraid of women

>> No.54601661

Is there really just a perpetual population of juveniles with no plans on having a home, family, being responsible, that just want to blow through cash all day like an obese kid at a candy store? like is that your ideal life? just fucking buying new things ever week?

>> No.54601691

I'm 35 and I have never wanted children and still don't. I'll probably get a vasectomy this year. I think it's fine once you're 30+ unless you intend to breed 20y/o women until you hit 60.

>> No.54601695

holy kek my sides

>> No.54601699

Yes. This is most people in their 20s. I don’t blame them, seeing peers sleep train their babies into a blob of unloved mucous on their iPads and then sending them to commie boot camp, I mean public school, I wouldn’t want kids either.
Get a good mom as a wife that would kill anyone trying to stick needles in their kids and protect them from the woke virus and you’ll have the best life you can imagine

>> No.54601704

>Is there really just a perpetual population of juveniles with no plans on having a home, family, being responsible, that just want to blow through cash all day like an obese kid at a candy store?
Yes, they're doing what they've been told by media.

>> No.54601708

Oh look another manchild. Go back to your video games child

>> No.54601713

i will never get the mindset of someone undergoing a dangerous medical procedure to lower their ability to function
who cares if you're 20 with no perspective, or 40 with 4 kids. it just seems like a terrible risk:reward equation no matter how you look at it
if you want to nuke your fertility, just start taking rapamycin. at least you might get anti-aging benefits out if it

>> No.54601733

poverty is a habit/mental illness no amount of government spending can fix

>> No.54601777

Just get a burner phone and keep traveling. She'll never find you, and you can leave you seeds all over the planet.

>> No.54601820

I thought about getting one when I was younger because I was scared of getting someone pregnant, but I didn't need to have one. I vastly overestimated how popular I would be with women.

>> No.54601846

Don't worry, they'll spermjack you in your 30s and 40s, claiming ovarian cancer. Then, opps-miracle baby, anon! It's a sign from God.

>> No.54601898

Im 39 and about to have my 4th kid. 2 of my kids are adults.
im getting a vasectomy this summer. Vasectomies are for people like me. To get a vasectomy to prolong childhood into your 30s is the ultimate cuck move.
My kids cost a lot of money but have brought me way more joy than the money would have. Money is a means to an end. I still got plenty of tail and lived very comfortably.

>> No.54601964

>scared of getting someone pregnant
This is problem modern onion nu-males. They are risk adverse pussies. Go ahead all you vasectomy onion boys and cut of your balls, you didn't have any to begin with

>> No.54601988

why would i mutilate my own body for coomer fantasies? Also a vasectomy will not prevent you from getting sti's so whats the point.
Kind of funny how biz laughs at men chopping off their dick, but mutilating it is fine.

>> No.54602167

take the venom out of a snake and what do you have...... a nice belt ?

>> No.54602179

Lol your brain is rotten to the fucking core

>> No.54602180

I have seen about 10 different variations of this picture but this one is by far the laziest

Not even an original concept and the same joke is used twice in the first two boxes lol. Imagine killing off all chance of progeny to marry a woman that boring and banal

>> No.54602204
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Yup this, plus freezing sperm just in case.

>> No.54602205

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.54602249

The doctor will just dumpster your sperm and use his own. You’re a fool to trust a doctor doing ivf or iui

>> No.54602273

Don't trust the stupid doctors, you're probably infertile to begin with. I went to a vasecto nigger for a quote and he looked at my balls then said he can't do it because the tubes are too short and I need to go to a hospital to get it done. I have a big one, that's not the problem. I think it was just so I fuck off.

>> No.54602282

I'm 30 now

>> No.54602558

Working on my second kid, but I'm getting this done immediately afterwards. Gotta stop the bleeding at two kids. Any more and I'll be wageslaving forever

>> No.54603081

Yes, I don't want children or a wife, but I decided to wait for vasalgel. Not that I expect to want to reverse it, it's just peace of mind. The idea of getting snipped bothers me.

>> No.54603113

Frankly the idea of any sharp object around my cock and balls scares me.

>> No.54603156

slide that fucking thread, all fields

>> No.54603205

If you're vaxxed, then yes get snipped.
If you're unvaxxed, keep yourself intact.

>> No.54603250

Stfu chirstcuck. Fuck your Jewish nigger God Yahweh. Back to pol faggot

>> No.54603513

my dad got one and he said afterwards to never get one. They mess you up.

>> No.54603526
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If you weren't so scared, you'd be more popular with women.
I have 4 kids. Having a girl swoll up with your baby is the best feeling in the world. It all works out. All the people you see in the world are the result of someone being man enough to get her pregnant. All the parents' lives aren't destroyed. That's the most harmful lie society tells you. Not having a family weakens you long term.

>> No.54603614

Yahweh lied to Adam and Eve, claiming they would die if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If that were true, none of us would be here.

>> No.54603763

Old fag here, I'v considered it but never had the balls to commit. Pun intended.
I dont want any more children, got 2 teenage kids by another mother.
Having to use condoms is shit, as my partner came off the pill, so the thought has crossed my mind..

>> No.54603785

Every bitch has been on BC since they were 10. The damage has been done and it’s catastrophic, yet will continue to get even worse.

>> No.54603856

Wow you’re a real weirdo aren’t you

>> No.54603938

If i get a vasectomy, how will i be able to impregnate your wife, your sister, your daughter?

>> No.54604001

freezing cum is a scam that only desperate people would try i.e. men with testicular cancer

>> No.54604033

vasectomy don't prevents STD's rtetard, stop dating whores and get a nice woman to raise a family

>> No.54604091
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Yeah man definitely a good idea. As a jew I don't want to bring any more children into this hate-filled world, especially with antisemitism on the rise. All good liberal men should get this procedure done

>> No.54604142

I have a friend who is still in pain from his vasectomy that happened 18 months ago. It is so bad that online communities form to cope with it and he is actually going to have to go and get the surgery reversed somehow.
DO NOT opt for these types of surgeries unless you really have to. There is no guarantee that the surgery will not cause lasting harm.

>> No.54604172

Reddit used to have a default reddit called r/Childfree and it was basically just a circle jerk of people hating children and resenting why their parents would ask them when they were planning to have children. It was a total psyop for white midwits to normalize snuffing out your bloodline so you can consoom more.

>> No.54604181

Ever since someone pointed it out I can’t get over how ‘trump’ is on a separate sheet, meaning this guy probably reuses his ‘white men against’ sign whenever he wants to get up to a bit of Semitic Sephardic shenanigans

>> No.54604206

That subreddit is my go to when I want to rage.

>> No.54604258
File: 316 KB, 1577x2418, What the fuck did you just fucking say about me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*blocks your path*
>puts hand on own nose
>uses other hand to curl sideburns
>>shalom Joseph!
>walks away

>> No.54604309

It's profoundly insidious to include "childfree" along with other sensible default reddits such as news, jokes, sports, jokes etc. How in the fact can they get away with trying to normalize things like "atheism" and "childfree". Reddit is secretly a very disgusting website.
You can get banned for making fun of women/women's rights but they also host all sorts of misogynistic violent rape porn.

>> No.54604336

Haha that's a very good point. Truly they are a conniving people

>> No.54604350

It's a great way to save money in your 20s and die alone in your 50s with a bullet in your brain.

>> No.54604585

trips of truth
this what I did when I backpacked around asia
probably have a couple of little bastards running around in a few different countries I've never met

>> No.54605946

Only makes sense for POC. White men need to reproduce. No brainer

>> No.54606257

Just pull out. Need to coooom, just end by a little buttfucking.

>> No.54606376

> t. white trash

>> No.54606377

Plebbit is a few blocks down

>> No.54606451

Getting a vasectomy was one of the best decisions I ever made, but I'm also an ADHD and Bipolar neurodivergent autist. It's best for everyone that I don't reproduce.

>> No.54607083

One can try heating their nuts for a couple of weeks if they want something reversible. Then you can creampie into 30 plus roasties that are trying to spermjack you.

>> No.54607208

>this kills the crab

>> No.54607223

you are a jew

>> No.54607245

>The ability to have kids is a gift from God
Life is trash. You're ruled by jews. It's only going to get worse. You can also get stabbed/shot by a random low IQ retard. You can die from miserable diseases. You live in a world filled with whores as well meaning no loyalty, no quality women, and high divorce rates. You're also a victim to genetics i.e. if you have below average or average genetics, you're fucked. World is going to hell. Life is a curse, not a blessing. Especially so if you're not rich and live as a wage slave bitch

>> No.54607302
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