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54602251 No.54602251 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't drank in two weeks. I'm starting to think alcohol is a scam and I won't go back. Why do we pay to get brain damage?

>> No.54602275

to get pussy

>> No.54602284

I went a month without alcohol and caffeine and it was the best I’ve ever felt in my life. Then I had a coffee a couple weeks ago and that led to a beer later that day when I went out with friends. Now I’m drinking beer and coffee again, and while I don’t feel miserable, I definitely don’t feel as present or conscious as I did off the stuff. I’m gonna stop again tomorrow

>> No.54602290

>Why do we pay to get brain damage?
most people would kill themselves

>> No.54602304

self harm
which is not good

>> No.54602331

HOW ABOUT YOU USE SOME CRITICAL THINKING AND MAKE YOUR OWN FUCKING DECISIONS. literally a universal principle. sometimes you have to pay attention to the opinions of others because you have to coexist with them but the rest of the time you should make your own decisions and not give a FUUUUUUUUUCK.

i don't drink.

>> No.54602334

after more than 97% of the people in my city got vaccinated over obvious fraud and deception I totally blackpilled myself on shit like alcohol and quit. It's been over 15 months now and it feels great. I will never have a hangover again or have to rely on alcohol to give myself dutch courage

>> No.54602343
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I just had a hearty lunch of fried eggs and sausages with some mustard, cheese and bread.
It was filling but a bit lacking in vegetables. So I got a glass of nice strong merlot and it fired up my belly real nice, now I have lots of energy for the afternoon session.
0.75L bottle I opened yesterday and it will last me the entire weekend.
Gotta be experienced and wise about the quality, and even more about the quantity.

>> No.54602358

>i don't drink
no one cares what you do or don't do

>> No.54602369

This. The self productivity is amazing when you wake up everyday with a clear head.

>> No.54602406

you can drink (like anon said above, wine with food) and still wake up with a clear head. if you're not waking up with a clear head for any reason that you caused yourself, I pity you

>> No.54602551

Alcohol should only be consumed on rare occasion in good company when you're in a good mindset. Other than that, it's a waste of time and money. I was a hardcore alcoholic for years, quitting was the best thing I ever did.

>> No.54602719

Oh weird, I had a dream about this and if you don't stop tomorrow then you'll be in a fatal car crash so you better stop

>> No.54603362
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>> No.54603376
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>feel extremely depressed by the weight of time
>go outside and jog for 30 minutes
>feel unreasonably okay with everything
Exercise is the natural, free high.

>> No.54603388

>quitting was the best thing I ever did.
That's what they all say and then they end up having way less fun in their lives than when they drank.
Absolutely massive cope, can't even relate to what you're saying.

>> No.54603417

Alcohol is fuzzy. Less focus is less pain, but yes you are paying to make yourself dumber in both the short and the long term.

>> No.54603442

How can I be less autistic in public without alcohol? I tried phenibut but that’s also addictive

>> No.54603501

I'm about to quit because I can't find my favorite German wheat beer and I just can't drink anything else. It's been 3 weeks and everyone is out of it, even bevmo.

>> No.54603519

alcohol is a scam and a meme. congrats for finding out