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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54593433 No.54593433 [Reply] [Original]

All of my friends are introverts and their social skills are poor, but at least they make up for it by being smart and great with computers (they're all software devs). What about me? I have poor social skills but I'm not smart. I tried to learn to code and I'm too fucking dumb. I can't figure this shit out. And I can't even go into something like business because people can tell from the first interaction that I'm a fucking weirdo. I don't have any strengths.

I just wanted to go on a rant here and see if anyone could relate.

>> No.54593453

fuck these demoralization threads, just kys unironically. i stole your pepe btw.

>> No.54593595

I wasn't trying to demoralize faggot

>> No.54593606

Better luck next life.

>> No.54593644

>he hasn't taking the night shift security pill

Oh no no no no

>> No.54593656

At least you have friends

>> No.54593676

Yeah I have a cousin same age as me (mid 30s) but he works a high end software dev job on 300k. He spends all his time inside on the computer playing video games like me. The main difference is that he owns a house and lots of crypto and I don’t own anything because I am too low IQ to get an education so I just NEET it up.

>> No.54593680

What's the point of friends. You just talk about bullshit and it's all so fickle. I had great friends, one was like a brother to me, but over time we all just grew apart and i realised all that life is about is making enough money so you can stay away from people and their problems

>> No.54593685
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i have same problems. at least i have neetbux.

>> No.54593768

if you have no morals then grind talking to people until yo become normie sales.

>> No.54593814

Just a coping mechanism until death

>> No.54594126


fuck you OP
try being 5'4" as a man in the US.

you faggots think your life is hard?
think you missed out on life?
you have no idea what life is like as a turbo manlet. being disrespected and ignored is just a part of my existence.

>> No.54595027

just buy chainlink. you'll have more money than them

>> No.54595050

I'm an introvert with poor social skills and high intelligence and I'm an MD/PhD. Academic medicine sucks and clinical medicine is excruciating and depressing. I wish I had become a SWE, I really enjoy programming. As for the OP at least you got your birthright of free time during juvenile health, right? This is the most valuable thing there is.

>> No.54595077

I'm 6ft2 and slags want to be with me, guys want to pick fights with me, also my spine aches. I think it would be best to do without a physical body, you are closer to that ideal than me.

>> No.54595085

How long have you been trying to learn to code before coming to the decision that you're too dumb and what have you been trying to learn?

>> No.54595119

Also codes are for ants, that's why everyone goes to it and its a pajeet industry. Take an actual engineering course (software engineering isn't engineering).

>> No.54595130
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get a grip fren unironically. There is literally someone out there that would give everything to be in your shoes never forget that. Be thankful for what you have and dont waste your time comparing yourself to others. Learn to be content study philosophy take care of your health mentally and physically. And stop crying on a indonisian basket weaving forum...

>> No.54595468

are you seriously sad because you wont be a office wage cuck slave ? do you really think the screens jew is a nice job? LMAO. it gets boring really fast, and then it becomes stressful and it SUCKS. screenjew jobs are HORRIBLE. don't be sad, really, you dodged a bullet.

>> No.54595478

its pointless. aquintances is where its at. friends is something for children.

>> No.54595503

Have you considered transitioning? It’s a good path for failed males

>> No.54595535
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iq not same as visual memory. visual memory predicts mathematics skill as well as programming career possibility



visual memory test

you can have good verbal memory but poor visual memory. or other way around. inherent talents predicts career possibilities. creative people tend to have good verbal skills and poor visual memory (schizophrenia or ocd for example inhibits visual memory but not verbal memory) but impaired visual memory means these people have increased creativity as high dopamine impairs memory but enchances creative thinking and iq

>> No.54595584

Have you tried becoming physically attractive? Could offset some of the pain.
(When did captchas get this hard?)

>> No.54595597

Same here bro. No talents to speak of.

>> No.54595601

This is literally me but also I'm ugly so I can't even enjoy the carnal pleasures and mires people get.

And even at online games which is one of my only hobbies, I'm utterly mediocre despite having spent thousands of hours.

>> No.54595632

They're automatically generated by AI. They started creating bot threads here in 2019 because literally nobody visits this board, and the catalog used to fall to only 7-8 pages.

>> No.54595664

I need a reroll

>> No.54595696


Literally me.

>> No.54596326

>Level 11
it's so fucking over

>> No.54596793


>> No.54596897

I got a 9...

So where do I go from here if coding isn't in the cards for me.

>> No.54596950

Did it 3 times and got 10,12,15
Probs bullshit and luck based

>> No.54596968
File: 81 KB, 640x480, Your_Breeding_Partner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are in luck young man. This woman's father is rich as fuck, put a baby in her and you have it made!!

>> No.54596979
File: 81 KB, 234x243, 764373461639856568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just start trading bitcoin bro(can trade other stuff if you want too) trading isn't about being high iq most of it is just psychology. All you have to do is study hard and backtest your strategy on the chart then mechanically executing your strategy with no emotions.
Start with watching these 4 parts:
then you can start to watch videos from krown(start with the pinned video it's important to understand how to execute)
Krown explains all the basics of TA and a lot of stuff.
After studying all the things said above you can start paper trading, do it untill you are profitable then you can start making money and become rich because trading has very good scalability.
Also you should always look for more candlestick patterns, or whatever to have more information so you can form a better strategy.
You should also stop thinking you are dumb, i don't know how it works but your beliefs influence reality in a a way.

>> No.54596993

you sound perfect for crypto. now go down to uniswap, give it a firm handshake, look it in the eyes, and dont take no for answer

>> No.54596996

Also don't pay money for trading courses and stuff like that you can learn everything for free.

>> No.54596997

Friendship is the only real treasure in this life along with laughter. Fuck money and love. But above all fuck jannies and kikes

>> No.54597053

I literally started a swimming course because I wanted to meet people, it worked a bit, now I have 3 new friends, still I feel weird for wasting my VINU money on this

>> No.54597147

>when did captchas get this hard
You just got dumber

>> No.54598031

I can program and trade and honestly trading is just way more fun for me but the big problem with trading is that you need a decent amount of money to actually make a living from trading alone.

>> No.54598049

>he can’t find an incel bitch
>he can’t get her drunk and flood her fallopian tubes with semen

Anon, I….

>> No.54598087

>What's the point of friends. You just talk about bullshit and it's all so fickle.
> * spends 18 hours a day worthlessly pooosting on a childrens cartoon forum
now thats a purposeful life, you retarded loser

>> No.54598103

women can't be incels

>> No.54598762

I dropped out of my coding course and got demoralised because I thought I was dumb. Turns out I wasn't dumb but my lecturer was an unhelpful dickhead that made learning difficult. Decided to teach myself for fun and what do you know? I'm working in tech now. Chin up lad you can do it

>> No.54598787

>Take an actual engineering course (software engineering isn't engineering).
I would if muh actual engineering paid well

>> No.54598893

how did you learn, what online courses helped you that you would reccomend?

>> No.54598909
