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File: 309 KB, 1221x546, based wv pioneer chad life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54588122 No.54588122 [Reply] [Original]

that feel when

>> No.54588128

>population 2000
>bumblefuck nowhere

>> No.54588143

You guys seem to forget one thing about moving out to the middle of nowhere

You dont just lose all the bad things of living in metro areas, you lose all the good things.

>> No.54588151

What’s up with so many flyover hillbillies on this board? Nobody wants to live in your shitholes

>> No.54588152

name one
based, can shoot my guns and don't need to deal with women voting democrat

>> No.54588155

niggers with guns next to you

>> No.54588163

wv is one of the whitest states

>> No.54588172

Yeah, some of these places can’t even get broadband.

>> No.54588183

I had to google what wv means. That’s how irrelevant it is

>> No.54588185

retards said the same thing about bitshit back in 2014

>> No.54588202

>Access to all kinds of services within 15 minutes
>Dont have to drive 2-6 hours to get to a hospital
>Property goes up at a much higher % closer to the city than it does further away from the city, so better capital appreciation on your property
>Dont need a car / Dont need to spend shit tons of $$ on filling the car up
>Dont need to drive X hours everyday to get anywhere
>All the best jobs are near the city
>Female population (aged 18-30) is much higher in cities (young female population is basically non-existent outside of cities)
>Pain in the cunt to order online and get anything delivered when you live outside of the city/suburbs in buttfuck nowhere

There is endless reasons why.

Moving out to the middle of nowhere unless you're some guy like Garand Thumb who runs a Youtube channel and makes millions of dollars living out in the middle of nowhere filming stuff for his Youtube business, then yeah, I wouldn't recommend it..... moving out to the middle of nowhere is basically giving up on life, the fuck are you even going to do?

>> No.54588229

Don’t forget raising kids. They’re basically under house arrest because of no cars till 16 and cannot socialize properly.
Those flyover town are only good for retiring at 60 and slowly dying
What’s that supposed to mean? Wv is the next new york or something?

>> No.54588247

>Those flyover town are only good for retiring at 60 and slowly dying

I would say thats not even true at all.

Old people need consistent access to medical services.

What are they going to do? Be 65 years old and driving 6 hours every week to go see a doctor? lol,

>> No.54588299
File: 71 KB, 600x800, harry-potter-sonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought it sorry anon

>> No.54588302
File: 254 KB, 1211x955, 1624345357444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is worried about only 2000 people around
>he don't even know 25 different people in his entire life

>> No.54588303

More like BEST Virginia

>> No.54588319

Those are both great bonuses.

>> No.54588331

Do negroids live in rural areas? Thought it was almost exclusively an urban jungle race.

>> No.54588334

>the rentoid squeals in confusion

>> No.54588336


>> No.54588340

Very few good things. Shit internet (and even then, it's a maybe) and convenience. What else am I missing?

>> No.54588344

>muh heckin city slicker rent pods and their heckin civilization
it’s one pol sperg

>> No.54588347

>I showed how retarded I am to prove a point

>> No.54588349

Just live right outside a city, but not in the suburbs. There are plenty of farmhouses just outside the city that I live in and they are only a 5 minute drive to the local grocery store and still get good internet too.

>> No.54588358

Only really in the Deep South.

>> No.54588363

>They’re basically under house arrest because of no cars till 16 and cannot socialize properly.
This is one major downside, yes. But even it is a blessing in disguise. Your children aren't exposed to the evil spreading from cities like LGBT ideology. I would think rural schools wouldn't be pushing tranny and CRT shit as much too.

>> No.54588372

Lol. Lmao.

>> No.54588377

yep it’s the same /pol/ sperg. you have no kids chud you aren’t even 18. your life experience is fed to you from russian bots on 4trans.

>> No.54588381

>>muh heckin city slicker rent pods and their heckin civilization
If you think moral degradation and depressing living conditions as rentoid or suburbanoid in the ant colony is le peak civilization then I truly feel sorry for you.

>> No.54588387

I'm 31 and have a family. I'm not sure where you get these silly ideas but it looks like a lot of cope. What did I say that was wrong?

>> No.54588391

if you think living in your cuck pod trailer in methville alone while sitting on 4trans all day is heckin based and trad you huffed too many russian bot farts

>> No.54588403

>YOU DONT WANNA PAY 2k A MONTH FOR 300sqft?!?!?!

>> No.54588405

you are encouraging people to ruin their lives like a subhuman and shit up the board every day with your depreciating methville moneysinks that no one will want in 2 years when the covid market hysteria is over

>> No.54588412

>I need external validation about the state I live in
Anon, I....

>> No.54588418

>spewing literal russian and chink propaganda tailored to and distributed by chudcels on 4trans /pol/

>> No.54588424

You fucking reek of copium lmao. Enjoy your pod, niggers, and trannies while I enjoy being a married homeowner.

>> No.54588429

Meth isn't a big problem in my country thankfully. I hadn't considered that about the US, surely there are rural areas in states that aren't meth filled shitholes. I still don't see how the city is better, you trade meth for crack and fentanyl and crazy niggers all over the place. Then unless you're very wealthy you're relegated to renting, usually a small apartment in the middle of a concrete jungle. I got lucky and have a good job so when I did live in the city I had a decent apartment with a nice view but there's no such thing as a view as nice as you get outside cities in cities. The only real benefit to cities is the night life and the convenience of everything being closeby.
"You're a heckin pol chud!! I have no counterpoint!!" response.

>> No.54588430

we own two homes just outside of nyc. posting your worthless meth boxes because they are cheap (valued low for a reason) is pure cope. you are priced out and copeing, not me.

>> No.54588442

>n-no! You!

>> No.54588456

keep spamming meth boxes to cope lol

>> No.54588464

I think you have me mixed up with another poster because the vast majority of my posts are about investments. Only reason I'm making these posts is because the discussion is between the pros and cons of rural vs urban life.no one is going to ruin their lives moving to a rural community, that's absurd. If you're moving to a rural town, prices in two years won't matter, odds are you're trying to escape the city. Who buys a house as a primary residence and sells in two years. Utter buffoon. You're sitting crying over 'le heckin' pol', a board that seems to live rent free in your head and is your one and only cope response to everything you disagree with. I'm thinking the things you accused me of, like being under 18 and childless were actually projections. Stop being a little bitch.

>> No.54588478

This. He's like "you might possibly occasionally deal with a methhead in the rural area"
>meanwhile cracked out niggers and LGBT flags all around you and if you can even afford a property it's a cookie cutter house with 800 square feet of land.

>> No.54588489

>speaking in mkultra memes exclusively
kill yourself when you realize how badly you fucked up by falling for the city escape meme

>> No.54588493

>Low IQ overly emotional response
Yep, knew it was an under 18.

>> No.54588498

>provide your own services
>stay healthy by eating homegrown, hunted and fished food
>property value either explodes, or never goes up which means your taxes stay low
>having a car is what makes you above third world status, so apparently it's a bad thing for a europoor, we ain't fags here
>don't need to drive anywhere because your homestead is self sufficient and you can make money trading assets, farming or anything else online
>jobs are never good, you only work a job because you are forced to do so, if your property tax is 300 dollars a year, you no longer need a job, but debunked a few lines ago
>female population is what makes an area degenerate, communist, gay, and full of low iq savages
>oh no I have to wait 2 more days for my package to arrive

basically you're gay and retarded

>> No.54588505

see posts like this are pure cope. i live 10 minutes from manhattan. i have never seen a homeless person in my town in my life. my town is 90% white and children walk and play outside and in parks alone. you are coping and trying too hard to fit in with the rest of the chud lords.

>> No.54588510

>Dont have to drive 2-6 hours to get to a hospital
All one or two times this happens in literally 5 years?
Rest of the points are as idiotic.

>> No.54588514

assuming population growth of the fag east coast area on a 50 year time scale, west virginia is the secluded wyoming and colorado estates of the east coast for the rich and famous

>> No.54588517

>just die bro
lol underage chuds are so funny their complete lack of real world experience shows when they act like they have authority

>> No.54588522

create your own job, also even a minimum wage job allows you to live like a king

>> No.54588526

Trust me no one want to live I'm cities either

>> No.54588533

And then you find out the house is in a 55+ only community fuck Zillow

>> No.54588534

>own nothing and be happy goy! you just need $300 and to live in the middle of no where with no one and nothing. it’ll be so heckin based and trad.

>> No.54588537

im long on bakhmut real estate
market has nearly bottomed out, will only go up after 2024-2025

>buy when there is blood on the street, even if it's a river of blood

>> No.54588541

>letting demonic jews control you with infinite fiat printing that doesn't even make sense anymore, and just because muh numbers are bigger you refuse to take the easy life

good one

>> No.54588542

is that why most of the people live in cities and people are willing to pay top dollar to? is that why no one will buy your meth box on 10 acres for 80k? my garage is worth more than that.

>> No.54588556

half the people aren't paying shit and are living off welfare, the other half are women, and other assorted retards

basically the cattle of humanity, with a few actually free men

>> No.54588557

so that’s what it’s about then for you? taking the easy lazy way out? lol okay enjoy not owning anything and growing turnips bro. reality will sink in within a month.

>> No.54588558


You've been crying about another board for several posts now and you're going to call my post cope? Seriously? How are you lacking this much in self-awareness... Crazy.

Living outside the city limits is wonderful but land there is also typically crazy expensive. Most people aren't going to be able to afford that lmao. Just outside the city (ideally 30 mins) is ideal, the city PROBABLY won't consume that area, at least not for decades.
Is this town big or something?

I also live about 10 mins from my city but it's absolutely rural. That being said, if I could get a killer deal 6 hours away I'd take it since I can work remotely, it would largely depend on the internet. Not everyone wants to live the way you like to live lmao. I'd rather save an assload of money and buy a property outright and live a quiet, peaceful life. I'd want more land than OP's property though and ideally be outside of the town itself.

>> No.54588567
File: 139 KB, 584x858, a history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

living a life as a free man and not a slave, as our ancestors did for thousands of years before central banking

>> No.54588570

cope nigger. most rednecks are on welfare. real estate value is a function of desire. no one desires your shithole that isn’t indoctrinated by russians on /pol/.

>> No.54588580

>no u
Typical. If you're under 65 and need a hospital regularly you're doing something wrong.
>Just die
t. doesn't exercise and eats poorly.
That explains it.

You're a legit retard. I wish I'd realized this before making legitimate responses but I thought you were just deluded, not actually stupid.

>> No.54588582

stupid people are stupid

I don't care what stupid people think, otherwise I would be liberal and a faggot

>> No.54588587

>reddit spacing
not reading all that shit nigger keep trying to convince gullible retards to move to flyover shitholes lol
woah soooo deep bro. jesus christ you cringelords need to kys

>> No.54588594

>russians on /pol/.
Pol really does live rent free in your head... How pathetic.

>> No.54588599

ok slave

>> No.54588600

>Muh heckin LIBRALLS
holy shit go back

>> No.54588601

There are plenty of cities across the US that have large acreage land in rural areas and are within 30-45 minutes of a city that has all the necessities. It’s not always an ‘either this or that’ situation my niggers. Kentucky had some decently priced listings back in 2021-early-mid 2022, but I haven’t kept up with it recently, so not sure how much that’s changed, if at all. I’ve been looking into this for a few years, but I’m too much of a poorfag to pull it off.

>> No.54588606

You wouldn't understand if it you did, like every other time.

>> No.54588607

>16 posts
>bringing politics into a discussion about homeownership
Why do anons come on here and freak out that some people don't want to live in cities? I live an hour outside of a metropolitan area and most of the towns around me are semi-rural and small towns of less than 100,000 people. I love it.

>> No.54588613
File: 477 KB, 828x948, A4E41532-5F50-4814-B528-74073275FB04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54588621


>> No.54588624

to 4chan, yea I'm here, fag

>> No.54588627

reread OPs posts he is a chud from /pol/ seething about muh heckin niggers muh heckin libralls muh heckin trannies muh heckin BASED TRAD METH TRAILER PARK

>> No.54588628

Starlink is 100$ a month...

>> No.54588634

Anon, getting this upset on an anonymous image board can't be healthy.

>> No.54588637

100 a month is a lot in methville where wages are 7.50 an hour

>> No.54588649

starlink has its own problems but whatever, people act like wv is desolate but not really, the middle of nowhere in the desert or alaska is really a challenge

>> No.54588651

>If you don't want to live in the city you must be a /pol/ chud
Flawless logic, I'm moving back to the city. Thanks anon for the insight.

>> No.54588661

are you OP, nigger? I know you are seeking attention because you are surrounded by nothing but meth heads but that’s your problem.

>> No.54588664

work for like 3 years in fag liberal utopia and then retire for life, that's my plan basically

I do have a lot of things rooting me in a blue state financially that it would be foolish to leave atleast until I get my shit together, but once I do, then there is no real reason to stay

take my hard earned money and live as a free man riding financial bubbles, literally outjew the jew

>> No.54588676

lazy nigger lol you are clearly underage.
>i’m going to retire at 18 with my heckin tradpilled wife in our based trailer it’ll be soooo heckin BASED

>> No.54588683

ok keep working slave, I don't really care, I love myself

>> No.54588689

>working means you’re a slave
lol i make tons of money faggot i’m not a slave. you are wanting to be a slave to some meth box in wv. pretty cringe.
>i heckin LOVE myself
jesus christ kys

>> No.54588709

you can also make tons of money by not being a slave and lowering expenses

which is the whole point of my post you dipshit

>> No.54588745

set some real goals in life nigger not to be the cheapest jew in town

>> No.54588777

You never leave your room anyway, if it has fiber internet I bet move tomorrow.

>> No.54588792

you can make more money by cutting expenses, than by muh hustling and being a goycattle slave

>> No.54588811

no you objectively cannot lmao. keep it up with the cope.

>> No.54588825

Took a shit and showered, and I come back and you’re STILL seething. Jesus Christ. Get help

>> No.54588830

people who bought bitcoin at 1 dollar as neets made more money than every goycattle tard who worked for the last 10 years straight

>> No.54588923

i did the same exact thing nigger, I am not seething I am mocking poorfags and their methboxes. I do the same to link baggies.

>> No.54588941

>this very small group of people hit a jackpot and thats how I justify being poor and aspiring to live in a shithole
you are erratic and keep jumping from one goalpost to another.

>> No.54588960

>emulate success vs emulate failure
>I guess I choose failure then because peer pressure is the most important thing in my life

good one

>> No.54588998

what the fuck are you talking about nigger? living in some meth town in the middle of no where is objectively failure.

>> No.54589038

>I'm not seething!!!!
>27 posts by this ID, soon to be 28

>> No.54589052

>replying back and forth to people
>must be seething
kys nigger

>> No.54589101
File: 474 KB, 1248x853, lincoln square condo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just not a rural living guy, at least not yet. My fiancee and I both work in a city center and I haven't made enough to retire yet

Something like this is what I have
>5 min walk to gym
>5 min walk to grocery store
>5 min walk to shops/restaurants
>5 min walk to neighborhood bar
>5 min walk to train to work (then 20-25 min train ride to office)

Obviously not the living conditions for everyone (many of you clearly prefer space/isolation to proximity) but this is where I like to live. 90% white and very safe neighborhood (yes, safe, in chicago, the entire city isn't a warzone) too. Really good public schools here as well.

Not for everyone but this condo is pretty similar price and size-wise to the one I own and it's really nice for my stage of life.

>> No.54589108

buying a cheap asset is something jews do all the time, but today, it's totally so uncool right

>> No.54589127


>> No.54589129

>HOA fee
I'm thankful the house I purchased didn't have that. I've heard multiple anons state Chiraq is super segregated, can you explain that a bit?

>> No.54589141

I've got some cheap dogshit to sell you bro.

>> No.54589221

literally mad at buying low and selling high, the biz trademark

retarded faggot

>> No.54589237

you don't know my state of mind nigger, I am laughing at you, not mad. I inherited two homes, for free, in the most desired city in the USA.

>> No.54589251

>outs (((himself))) as someone who "got ahead" by inheritance
Can't help themselves it seems

>> No.54589253
File: 101 KB, 792x713, chicago racial makeup 2000 to 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm thankful the house I purchased didn't have that.
HOAs are hit or miss but in a pre-war small condo building it's easier to control. For example I live in a 3-flat building so I'm literally 1/3rd of the HOA. The other two families who live there are really nice people as well and we get along - so I scored. Others aren't so lucky. My HOA fee covers
>landscaping/snow removal
>covered parking
>general upkeep expenses (roof, common areas, etc)
and the real kicker for illinois
>property taxes
It's a co-op so our property taxes are based on the full building's value and is MUCH lower than what would be assessed on a single-family home, for example. Most people in Chicago end up paying 1.75 ish % and mine work out to be about 0.5%, so it's an amazing deal.

>I've heard multiple anons state Chiraq is super segregated, can you explain that a bit?
Yes, it is. Extremely segregated. Google "every map of chicago is the same" and you'll get a clearer picture of this.

And the really unexpected part is that the white population is actually growing rapidly, and the black population is shrinking (160k in the last decade I believe). The city is becoming wealthier and the fastest growth is happening downtown or downtown-adjacent (loop, river north, south loop, west loop, etc).

>> No.54589254

you're paying taxes out the ass because of stupid ass boomers then

enjoy retard

I too will inherit property but it is rural, cheap and within an hour drive of a huge metro area

>> No.54589271

Fascinating anon, thanks for the details.
>HOA covers electricity, heating, water, landscaping, parking, upkeep, and property taxes
Damn it seems like you're actually getting a decent deal out of it

>> No.54589276

I'm white
>within an hour drive
>paying taxes
with rent

>> No.54589294

>Immediately deflects to "I'm white"
A common deflection tactic. They always identify that way when it benefits them. Please direct your impotent seething elsewhere, which is odd coming from someone who allegedly has so many benefits in life.

>> No.54589298

wow so you're 1k positive per year on that trade

>> No.54589305
File: 1.62 MB, 3400x4400, chicago population change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also see this on a population change map (gonna apologize in advance for the retard that made green = loss and red = gain). Almost all of the population loss is in the largely poor and black south/west sides whereas all of the gains are near downtown (wealthy working professionals) and the north side (wealth + largely white).

If that trend continues, and it really seems like it is at this rate especially as RTO picks up, along with the major headwind of younger people wanting to live in a more urban setting, I have a really good outlook for the city as a whole.

>> No.54589308

Ah yes, another Chicago vs. West Virginia thread.

>> No.54589316

trade? I told you it was free. Given that each home is valued over 500,000 USD I'd say I made out fine. Rent is 2k over the tax bill.

>> No.54589318


>> No.54589319
File: 859 KB, 840x1024, 3lg4781ejhe91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.54589321

The question is, how fun is it to visit those dark blue areas (south central Chicago)?

>> No.54589323

gonna backtrack - common area electricity. I still pay my unit's electricity separately. also has a nice alarm system for all doors that we each pay into as part of the HOA dues

>> No.54589334

rent is 2k over the tax bill per year, so like I said about 1k positive per year, wow, incredible

>> No.54589338

I couldn't care less about west virginia dude. If you want to live there go for it, and I'm not trying to convince anyone living here is a good idea either. live where it makes the most sense

>> No.54589354

Those are highways so alright I guess?

>> No.54589360

Sorry I was referring to the first map>>54589253

>> No.54589372

What is agender? Are they just making shit up now?

>> No.54589377

People always argue about giant cities vs rural nowhere, but small cities/large towns were always my favorite places to live.

>> No.54589397

>Are they just making shit up now?
The moment they tried to brainwash you into thinking that there are more than 2 genders and that men can be women.

>> No.54589406

Yeah I really like smaller cities as well. If you can reasonably work remote or get a good-paying job in that city, it's worth it to live there 100%.

>> No.54589407


That's where I am now. Larger town within short driving distance of big metro is the peak situation.

>> No.54589522

Yaaass like the diversity and lack of parking

>> No.54589732

females hate rural areas with a passion.
rural areas are a contaniment zone for men

>> No.54589777


Yeah but if you find a hot diamond in the rough female in a rural area and you're even moderately well put together you've got a great chance as there isn't much competition

>> No.54589800

i’m talking about PER MONTH you mongoloid. tax bill for the year is 11k

>> No.54590233

There's really no reason to go there. Think about the last time you visited the really shitty part of whatever city you live in; that's kind of the mentality I have.

When I lived in Atlanta there was no reason for me to go to the shitty parts; in Chicago there's really no reason I'd ever be in englewood / austin / chatham etc.

That's not to say there aren't nice parts of the South side. Hyde Park is great, Birdgeport is actually really affordable and relatively safe, bronzeville is gentrifying, etc. Those are actually the areas my startup is invested in right now.

>> No.54590785
File: 160 KB, 1200x720, 3326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't own nothing, goyim.

That communist shithole is going squeeze you from all directions until the last remaining portion of your wealth erupts forth like a ripe pimple and communistJews will be waiting there to catch the harvest.

A majority of NY commercial real estate is under water, much of that inflated "value" is being used to collateralize yet other liabilities. When it unwinds, the grifters who run the government will have only one remaining source of revenue that can't escape the state... property taxes.

>You will walk away from said property in debt, in dismay and under armed escort.

>> No.54590857

>10 acres
Holy shit yes please

>> No.54591270

as a bong that looks comfy asf, guns and land and internet you are sorted

>> No.54591377

not needing a car is a big plus
just about the only one though

>> No.54592319
File: 44 KB, 635x383, 1679370771047446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lived in SF-LA-San Diego-Minneapolis-Nashville-Sacramento-San Jose
There are no good things about metro areas aside from restaurants
Have also lived in towns with population of 100. Smaller is better by nearly every metric

>> No.54592335

there's nothing good about metros anymore

>> No.54592354

yeaaah i'm going to call bullshit on that
>all spic cities
there's your problem. try a real city in the north east.

>> No.54592382


I legitimately do not feel safe living in/owning property in metros anymore. I was in a midwestern mid-major during all of the riot shit in 2020 and watched as people marched by my house and marauded the downtown without any pushback from the mayor or police. First time in my life I realized I could legitimately get raided and be disallowed from protecting myself by the people I took for granted and expected to do the bare minimum. Leftist big city governments are utterly insane now and there's no telling how the next round of shit stirring will go. No thanks.

>> No.54592407

The only respectable women I’ve met in my entire life were from rural areas

>> No.54593043
File: 1.28 MB, 620x953, FD8F91C2-CA1F-4EC5-8BBE-294E591FF789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
