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54588484 No.54588484 [Reply] [Original]

do you blame your parents for your lack of success?

>> No.54588512

Nice girls, would!

>> No.54588520

Perfect cattle

>> No.54588581

why they look like that

>> No.54588751

I blame the Jews.
Thanks for your interest.
Please hit subscribe.

>> No.54589689

I used to, and I told my father this. He basically told me to quit bitching.

Now I have accepted my fate and am willing to take my destiny into my own hands, I don't care. I will work hard and use my energy to become successful.

>> No.54589903

100%, anything i've done has been fully on my own accord, my parents never encouraged me to try or go the extra mile with anything, they never contributed or guided me or displayed any interest in supporting anything i did

now i'm older i see they're lazy and people of total inaction, they sit idle on their phones and complain about being poor and bored yet refuse to act, it only serves as motivation for me to push forward and ensure i don't be anything like them

>> No.54589918


>> No.54590453

If anything, I blame my mother for constantly gaslighting me as a kid and making my autism character flaws that much worse.
It's been a struggle trying to trust anyone ever again.

>> No.54590531


>> No.54590540

Right half is getting absolutely MOGGED here.

>> No.54590541
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>> No.54590563

not at all.

>> No.54590583

They certainly didn’t set me up for success. However, I’m grown ass man now and understand that I’m the only one responsible for my failures and successes. Not the guberment, not my shitty parents, not China, but me nigga. This is my world and it is a reflection of me.

>> No.54590662

Good goy

>> No.54590694

Even the small hat wearing, hand rubbing tribe is not responsible for my mindset. That’s me nigga. They don’t have shit to do with me being a good man or not.

>> No.54590727

Your childhood plays a large part in determining success, and your parents play a large part in determining your childhood.

>> No.54590736

My Dad is the typical boomer. 4 marriages. 4 sets of kids. Keeps upgrading houses, cars, motorcyles.... he is also a former convicted freon who did 4 years for fraud. He has charisma which is why despite his narcissistic behavior he gets away with it and my siblings adore him.
My mom is also a narcissistic boomer. But the most miserable person you ever met who always intersects a negative thought in every moment.
All boomers are narcissistic that's the one thing I can verify. Even good families. The generation simply doesn't understand anything beyond Greed. Greed of Self

>> No.54590751

For my INITIAL lack of success, sure. They pushed my hard academically but never really spent time sitting down and talking about how the world works from a practical standpoint or giving me any real lessons about wealth. So I went to college burned out and thinking I’d be fine just skimming by the rest of my life and am only just now at the end of my 20’s realizing I’ll be broke and perpetually in debt if I don’t stop collecting paychecks and start building real income.

>> No.54590764


>> No.54590767
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Not at all. In fact, I attribute my success the way they raised me. Thanks, mom and dad!

>> No.54590775
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Seething bugman ESL spotted.

>> No.54590806

Nah, my parents were both boomers and they spent our whole lives being financially focused and responsible despite making lower middle class money. My dad had to become the head of his family at about 30 or so when his dad passed and his brothers just started drifting through life, my mom was in a family of 8 who, despite being relatively well off, had to be very careful about spending.
All in all I lucked out big time with ky boomer parents, the most extravagant thing they ever bought was my dad’s motorcycle, which he maintained fairly well and sold after about 10 years of joyriding. Glad they’re doing well and they’re even willing to pay off my college loans since we all agree it was basically a massive waste of time that I could have spent doing something practical.

>> No.54591035

Good goy

>> No.54591450
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Nah, they also had a shitty upbringing. I blame myself some days for being too weak or to stupid. But then i congratulate myself with a pat on the back each time one of my dextools gems go up. So you know, i take the good with the bad

>> No.54591465

No, my parents are awesome.

>> No.54591472

I blame my lack of success on not having a father and my mother not caring about what I do. I realized that the game everyone plays sucks and so-called "successful" people are stressed out and unhappy. I don't know why I would be doing that especially if I don't have anyone I'm supposed to please.

>> No.54591483

t. actual jew

>> No.54591500

womb to tomb failure spotted

>> No.54591628


>> No.54591659

Yes but it’s also good to cut the dead weight and move on. Getting healthy is your own journey

>> No.54591839

Good goy

>> No.54591860

I literally had the best parents and I'm still a failure. I guess something is still reversible at 28

>> No.54591890

Holy fuck. Imagine ever hanging with these dudes ever. I assume maybe 1 or 2 of them will grow up and realize they were douchebags but holy shit...I would absolutely tongue each of their little virgin booty holes. But NEVER would I hang out with them.

>> No.54591900

Good goy

>> No.54591919

Good goy

>> No.54592105

I hate you so much, I want to physically assault people like you

I was an A student, i was in AP classes, I wanted to be an architect. I worked so hard because my parents were junkies, I hated them and I wanted to make it even from a young age, my dad left and I found my mom dead when I came home from school at 14. My drunk aunt and uncle couldnt be bothered to take me to school often enough so I eventually had to drop out, abandoning everything I worked for. I moved out at 17 and got a job as a line cook at olive garden and daydreamed about what my life could have been. I learned Calculus, I took AP Bio, I was able to build a robot and code it's functions in C. I was probably one of the select few students who kept the lights on at that inner city dump. Every day I panned up some shrimp scampi I stared into the fire, thinking why me, why would God hate me like this? There isn't a god, because no god would ever allow this.

Eventually I swallowed any bit of negativity I had and started saving money like mad. I said I can do this, I can make my life better, I just have to want it.

Now I'm 30 and in 2 years I should finish my degree, and hopefully yearn to get into robotics. But this journey was not easy, in fact it was more difficult than 95% of the people I converse with on a daily basis are even capable of comprehending. I personally paid for my community college classes, out of pocket, no loans, because the loans are for the real deal, the university. The level of effort the past 13 years have taken is something people cannot even understand in conversation. I've been off and on homeless and sometimes I don't have a car and have to walk. The thing I have going for me is this life of hardship and struggle. Even if you get your shit together, don't bother, because when I get into that interview room, they'll remember me, they won't remember your fucking name.

>> No.54592119

Are these my waiters?

>> No.54592238

110% agree. My parents sabotaged me all the time.
stepdad would purposely make it know he never gave a rats ass about me. Mom would see me just as a kid from the previous dude. "A dog that needs to be properly trained" her words. I can never tell my parents how much I make or what my credit score is or they'll shit bricks, and it's not impressive at all. They just seem me as some "dumb naive kid"

Never finished college, never saved for retirement. Constantly buying lottery tickets, bills and bills that could fill up trash bags.

Crazy financial decisions during a booming economy. Here I am having to be a Marco economist / business analyst / full stack developer / auto mechanic / financial analyst just to be able to work a meager job in a dying economy.

>> No.54592260

i am successful and happy. but i blame my parents for the time when i was unhappy as a child because it made it harder for me to become a good successful person

>> No.54592313

I don’t seethe about it anymore, but yes it is inherently their fault, either from bad/no parenting or from choosing to breed with defective genetics.
Mostly the latter.

>> No.54592338

>when I get into that interview room, they'll remember me, they won't remember your fucking name
Nice blog post and I appreciate your effort considering how fucked up your family is but this line is pure cringe. You're going to be a new hire literal who like everyone else coming out of school. Nobody gives a shit about you until you're at least senior level and over 35, but since you're starting late it's probably going to take longer desu.

>> No.54592366

t. burger talking about hardship
your 17 yo job as a line cook probably earned you more dollars than 80% of the population even medics and engineers.
Stop being a crybaby

>> No.54592400

that would be dumb because my parents could also blame their parents for their lack of success.

>> No.54592422

6 > 2 > 4 > 5 = 9 > 8 > 1 > 3 > 7
9 > 2 > 5 > 4 = 6 = 7 > 3 > 1 > 8

>> No.54592427

yep in the end its all grandpa's fault.. or was it great grandpa's fault?

>> No.54592494

No, I thank them for my abundance of success.

>> No.54592502

You should be able to be the parent you wished you had.

>> No.54592541

nah I’m breaking the cycle by not bothering.

>> No.54592681

My parents gave me advice that would've been great if someone had said it to THEM in the 1970s. It wasn't the best for me, honestly. I can't blame them. In the span of 20 years we've become foreigners in our own country. I don't understand my own culture anymore. I have nothing in common with people my age beyond the superficial. No regular person could have forseen this, and even if they could, would they have even known what to tell me? I'm living it and I'm not even sure what the right thing to do is.

>> No.54592720

Yes because they won't let me get my inheritance early because they know I'd buy crypto with it. I could 10x it in literally a year but they won't let me.

>> No.54592725

Yes, my mother was/is mentally abusive which has left me mentally fucked up.

>> No.54592739
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Yes. If I had a kid, they'd be a millionaire before turning into a teen because I know what went wrong and know how to avoid the pitfalls. I don't want a kid though.

>> No.54592764

I feel the same way. I love my folks, but they actually grew up in a functional society, and their perspective of achieving success was still stuck in 1982.
>No I'm not going to buy a "starter house" like you could in the early 90's.

>> No.54592793

retard logic.
>your life isn't as bad as a third worlder therefore it's a good life!
Stop being retarded

>> No.54592894

I went to high-school with a kid who's parents were rich. His parents were pretty strict, and had a bunch of rules for him and his brothers
>1 hour of screen time a day max (they didn't have smartphones either)
>1 hour of studying a day minimum in addition to homework
>had to take the AP version of a class of it was offered
>had to do one sport and one "serious" after school club like band or debate club
>had to volunteer and get a job every summer
And guess what? He got a free ride to an Ivy league school where he got a law degree and his brother got a Ph.D in aerospace engineering

The blackpill is that 95% of our success in life is determined by our habits formed at a young age and 95% of those habits are fostered by our parents. People naturally seek the path of least resistance. If your parents are ok with you cutting class and smoking weed all day, that is probably what will happen to you. There are some who succeed despite having idiot or absent parents but these are a small percent of people who are the smartest, most driven and so on

>> No.54593004

i never said its a good life, just not as bad as he paints it

>> No.54593077

And that’s why I have no respect for anyone whose grandparents have a college degree unless they started a groundbreaking company or something. Their path of least resistance has all PMC shit built in.

>> No.54593152

i dont really seethe about it but i have never seen my dad read a book or even attempt to learn anything new in life since ive been born. the only thing he ever does is watch sports and listen to boomer rock. im actually quite envious of his boomer life. hes never given me any sort of financial advice and i dont even think he has ever invested money in anything, not even bonds. but he still managed to buy a house and pay off the mortgage, and basically thinks life still works as if it is like the 70s/80s, even though that type of life just isnt even possible anymore.

>> No.54593179

Not exactly. I've accepted that they contributed significantly to fucking me up, but I've also accepted that it's my responsibility to unfuck myself.

>> No.54593287

i believe there is a common belief that goes something like your work ethic is basically set by age 14ish if you are happy just sitting around playing vidya all day you arent ever really going to just find a drive in life

>> No.54593326

> There are some who succeed despite having idiot or absent parents but these are a small percent of people who are the smartest, most driven and so on

That would be me

>> No.54593352

Objective the cutest one is the shortest.

Why does god hate us?

>> No.54593401

Lmao good goy

Hope they draft your ass and you die in a trench for this country.

>> No.54593506

Cryptocoins don’t count.

>> No.54593585

Those are some shitty parenting boomers I'm telling you, they would have achieved the same things if they didn't do all that stupid shit.

>> No.54593652

Yeah this desu it’s all genetic

>> No.54593839

Why didn't you enlist the first chance you got? Half the guys in the service come from poor white trash families in flyover shitholes. That route would've made your shitty journey slightly less shitty. Also while it's good you've learned to use the darkness as fuel, you can't just expect others to understand and give you what you want. No one likes an angry person with a chip on their shoulder no matter how justified they are.

>> No.54594476

congrats anon on leaving your parents, but opportunities come when you meet people who are worth something, not simply because you did all the effort in the world just to get to some point. so, start networking ASAP.
also... I'm ignorant, but I'm not sure robotics is a good career right now

>> No.54594541

The fact that you don't realize how wrong you are proves you aren't going to make it

>> No.54594547

partially, yeah

>> No.54594575

>The fact that you don't realize how wrong you are proves you aren't going to make it

>> No.54594585

Imagine a Coin Machine, that doesn't make coins.

It doesn't make any cents!

>> No.54594587

>but opportunities come when you meet people who are worth something, not simply because you did all the effort in the world just to get to some point. so, start networking ASAP
And the carrot infront of his face keeps going

>> No.54594618

Yes, my mom married a total scumbag that never saved any money and only cared about himself. Thank god my mom made a good salary and was good with money, otherwise we would've been fucked. Haven't talked to my dad in years.

>> No.54594672

This isn't typical in any generation. You have a really fucked up family kek

>> No.54594688

Strictly speaking, it's possible to improve your discipline late but like most things it's probably harder to do.

>> No.54594709

Covid revealed the cracks in the Boomer foundation, if they weren't visible before. The first generation raised entirely on a Jewish cathode ray tube. No matter how honorable and hardworking they and their ancestors were, they didn't have the foresight, imagination or willpower to understand what had been done to them. They were offered a fat bribe, and they took it.

>> No.54594739

>Le "If you work less than 100 hours a week, lower your tone when speaking to me" fag is mad.

Kek I don't know a single person that took AP classes and shit that isn't still living with their parents. I had a 2.3 gpa in school and I'm more successful than all those fags. Not my fault that you fell for the good grades meme.

>> No.54594845

Yes. They set me up with the basics but didn't follow through. I made mistakes, but it would have been unreasonable for them to expect me to know what I was doing at the time, and they should have stepped in with understanding and support. Either they didn't pay attention or they didn't care, in the moment, but it's clear that they understand what happened in retrospect because they corrected themselves for my younger siblings. However, only one has apologized (the one who can't meaningfully help save keeping me from being homeless and starving).

>> No.54594865

Alex don’t be such a bitch. Grow up and maybe you’ll get some bitches on your dick

>> No.54594868

Yeah, they do fag.

>> No.54594898

Hey I went to an Ivy league and I'm still shitposting with you guys.

>> No.54594902

>This is my world and it is a reflection of me.
That just sounds like solipsim honeslty.

>> No.54594912

>That just sounds like solipsim honeslty
It’s the final redpill

>> No.54594941

don’t worry bro, i took AP classes and I’m “overemployed” making over 200k still putting in less than 30 hours a week comfy at home. your post is extremely vague so keep coping. a 4.0 in high school is extremely easy to get without trying so a 2.3 means you’re pretty much borderline retarded.

>> No.54594969

they definitely didn't sabotage me with any malicious intent, i just clearly have really lazy, pathetic parents that never had any ambition themselves

so when it came to growing up, there was no support or encouragement to pursue anything myself; even talking to them about anything i like they barely pay attention, just the kind of people that are incapable of having any conversation with that isn't about whatever boring shit happened at work; dinner times were always dead silent as a result

having no guidance or support made me a bit of a late bloomer, i ended up going to college only a few years ago and i'm almost 30; i realised that i definitely didn't want to live like them though, no excuses, no scrolling through bullshit on my phone all day and feeling sorry for myself "oh i don't feel like it today, i've worked hard enough lately!" none of that bullshit, i only get older by the minute and then i'm dead, why sit around doing fuck all?

i know for a fact that if i have children i'll be ensuring they pursue something, and try multiple things in efforts to find something that may really stick with them and give them purpose; i don't care if it inconveniences me or costs money, if i ever have children i will make sure their youth is full of creative exploration

i wouldn't say my parents are evil or that i hate them for what they did, but i know that they are a burden due to their own laziness and cutting them out is a necessity; otherwise they'll only continue asking for money

>> No.54595254

Divorced when I was 10
Dad used to own 6-7 properties, somehow all goes to my mother, she sold them all and gambled away in the stock market with small caps, in todays valued at at least 4 mils usd
life goes nothing but downward from that point on
I want an end

>> No.54595324

Nope. They paid for all my schooling and helped me out a ton getting my working life started. My sibling was special needs so I had to adapt to be self-sufficient at a young age. I place the blame on k-12 schools for being utterly useless at teaching anything worthwhile. I'm glad the bat aids finally exposed schools for being glorified daycare centers. A lot of my less academic inclined friends would have benefited from exploring non-college careers, but can't have any children dropping out of the academia ponzi!

>> No.54595376

A lot of copium ITT like:
>don’t blame anyone else, you’re the only one responsible for your own success
lol, just lol at that midwit copium
your parent’s genes, education, wealth etc. are the biggest predictors of your success
so if they fucked up, you are unlikely to succeed and it’s right to blame them
BUT, crucially, that doesn’t mean you should just give up if you’re born to shitty parents. you can still try to make it, but things will obviously be much more difficult for you

>> No.54595378

Too based nigga way too based I see you watch the thinking ape

>> No.54595510

>because when I get into that interview room, they'll remember me, they won't remember your fucking name.
There won't be an interview for me, because I know the father of my friend has already secured my job.
DESU you should have found a middle class or rich friend, you probably developed a lot of useful skills they would find invaluable and they in return would have let you skip a lot of that bullshit.

>> No.54595559

You will never be a Rabbi

>> No.54595564

The greatest combo is when you have rich parents that are social butterflies. They build a large network of friends and business connections so their kids can walk into a good career right out of school. Unfortunately, my father was socially retarded and hated people, and when I became an adult, I found out that most of the adults when I was a kid thought he was an asshole and didn't want to bother with him.

>> No.54595574

Your dad is a retard

>> No.54595587

Don't listen to third worlders lecturing you about being grateful. You have a right to demand better of your nation, thrid worlders are just lazy and incompetent.

>> No.54595589

Cope, my parents were social butterflies and I still ended up a NEET

>> No.54595680

You are going to rope when you find out how shit wagie life is nowadays
Education being a pathway to success was rugpulled shortly after you were born

>> No.54595756

I supposed I could. But what good would that do? They didn't make my bad decisions; I did.

>> No.54595855

Are you me? My parents had a lot of money since they were boomers, but they were terrible with it. Never invested in anything good, bought tons of shit they didn't need, which they then didn't ever use, and never sold until it got ruined somehow. Never motivated me, guided me, supported me or anything. Didn't help that I was a middle child and older brother was given at least some amount of responsibility and younger sister was the "baby girl" who was coddled, babied and supported. They outright neglected, gaslit and shamed me constantly. I'm only successful because of my own efforts, but I wanted to be further in life at this stage than I am, with more money, but also memories and experiences to look back on with joy and contentment, not bitterness and anger.

>> No.54595858

This too, that anon seriously needs to find friends fast, not party friends, but ride or die kind of friends