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File: 112 KB, 1091x681, monero market cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54587925 No.54587925 [Reply] [Original]

retards are missing out on buying the world reserve currency

>> No.54590031

this fr fr

>> No.54590055
File: 1.25 MB, 1500x1230, 1615217313166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wagie friends too busy buying overpriced graphics cards, shoes, and other shit they really don't need

>> No.54590063
File: 173 KB, 1062x384, xmr .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin will be extremely secure with astronomical fees and high block size in 2140 and monerofags will be all dead

>> No.54590093
File: 36 KB, 968x646, 1622356365808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humanity wont make it to 2140, lmao

>> No.54590104

yeah sure npc

>No tail emission = Bitcoin is fucked

Right now, at the current hashrate, miners break even on energy expenses at a BTC price of $22K. Post 2024 halving, that break even point, at the current hashrate, goes up to $44K. If BTC does not go to $44K, miners will be unprofitable and hashrate will have to drop (miners going out of business) to reduce the cost of securing the network, also reducing the security.

If you know anything about the power of 2, you already know that things get very big, very fast. If we’re 3 halvings into 32 total halvings, then the estimated break even point for miners at current hashrate going into the last halving would be:

$22,000 * (2^27) = $2,952,790,016,000 per BTC

$2,952,790,016,000 per BTC * 21 Million total Bitcoin = $62,008,590,336,000,000,000 BTC Market Cap

The block rewards shrink so fast that after enough halvings Bitcoin would eventually require a $2.95 trillion price per Bitcoin and a $62 quintillion market cap to sustain the current cost of $7.15 billion/year.

Even if these numbers were somehow realistic, can you imagine securing a $62 quintillion market cap on only $7.15 billion/year of hashrate? LOL.

And that’s assuming energy costs do not increase at all over the next 120 years, which they will.

So basically BTC mining will eventually become so unprofitable the hashrate (network security) will shrivel up UNLESS it is subsidized by BTC transaction fees.


>> No.54590124

Monero is a 2017 shitcoin

>> No.54590302

yeah shut the fuck up desperate schizo with 2 digits iq everything I've said is correct


>> No.54590322

Two things wrong with this.
First, if miners drop out then difficulty is reduced, which means less cost to mine.
Secondly, Moores law has held since the 1950's, with computational power doubling every 18 months. Processors are getting more powerful at a much faster rate than bitcoin rewards are halved.

>> No.54591537

this is absolutely stupid did you even think 2 secounds about what you just said?

>if miners drop
yeah if the drop out it's easier to attack the network and miners drop out and enter the network based on how profitable it is, it will always be like that

>Moores law
processors gettings faster doesn't have anythign to do witht his because it's completely irrelevant because when technological advances make miners faster they also make a potential attackers faster so it evens out

bitcoiner npc moment

>> No.54592724

lol the recent legislation will make the buying and selling of XMR a felony u idiot.
have fun in prison getting raped.

>> No.54594135

Sounds like a bunch of bullshit and a (you) problem

t. maxi

>> No.54594183

XMR is useful but it is a shit hold. Use it as a currency but don't buy monero as an investment.

>> No.54594718

You'd be better off buying doge if your plan is to make money
I have been all-in monero for short stints and it wasn't with the intention of holding if you catch my drift.

>> No.54594900

buy icp faggot

>> No.54594942

What legislation is that?