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54577663 No.54577663 [Reply] [Original]

A 100 thousand dollar a year salary(top 10% income) barely gets you a 1 bedroom apartment in top tier cities in America nowadays, what the fuck happened to this economy?

>> No.54577686

Back to multi-generational households

Hope you have a good relationship with your family

>> No.54577700

This must be a psyop why do you do this?
What 1 room costs 5k a month?

>> No.54577744

>just spend 100% of your income on rent
Dumb faggot

>> No.54577883

>top tier
Name one

>> No.54578035

My and my significant other make about $400k in combined income and can’t afford a house where we live. Sure, we could move to a shittier area in the same metro area, but I don’t see the point of working 40 hours a week just to afford a house in a craphole surrounded by Mexicans and blacks. I also dont really want to leverage all my money to buy a house I cant really afford, putting down a massive down payment for the privilege of a 30 year mortgage and paying property taxes. Like what’s even the point of such a long term mortgage? So I can “own” a house for a few years before I die of old age? My eventual plan is to save my money and move somewhere cheaper far away from here.

>> No.54578096

Just save 90% of your income for like 2 years and then move to Maine. You could buy a house outright and have enough left over to be semi-retired.

>> No.54578172

We both have jobs that are semi remote (some office days required). I think our eventual goal would be to both work remotely full time and then move away. Houses are cheaper in smaller, rural towns yeah, but there’s no work there unless you’re a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or someone involved with local construction or real estate, which in smaller towns tends to be extremely nepotistic.

>> No.54578262

if you're semi remote youre qualified to be fully remote. its a tough market but remote jobs are out there. even if you take a pay cut on paper changing locations can still give you a big raise.

>> No.54578349

Yeah that makes sense. Currently I’m a little reluctant to change things up since in the past couple of years I’ve finally done well in my career after years of struggling, so I didn’t want to jump ship to something else immediately. Cost of living sucks in urban areas, but I also dislike spending money so I end up saving a lot of what I make. I also want to have kids in the next 2-3 years, don’t want to move them once they’re old enough to have friends (which is something that happened to me when I was growing up), but also the idea of raising children in an urban area and subjecting them to the scholastic settings of such a place seems unconscionable to me. There’s also the problem that, while I dislike the region I live in, it’s where all my networking connections are. Guess I will have to figure it out eventually.

>> No.54578407
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>what the fuck happened to this economy?
Trump did this.
and youre a antisemtic racist nazi incel if you think otherwise.

>> No.54578584
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>> No.54578748

Kill yourself you'll never be able to succeed. I made 45k a year in southern california and still could afford to support my wife and child while paying a mortgage on a 400k condo. Now I make more obviously but I easily save 4-5k a month.

>> No.54578764

Sneedville Tennessee

>> No.54578778

Inflation, wealth consolidation, excess labor, a system built on unsustainable infinite growth

>> No.54578802

>400k mortgage = $2300/month + $500 HOA fee + homeowners insurance = $3k/month

So....you had $1000 (before any other taxes like mello roos or other scams) per month BEFORE taxes? In the highest COL area in the world?

Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.54578883

Take home was around 3k. Mortgage was 1600, HOA 250, property taxes 400 a month and insurance I got the absolute basic for 150 a year that did not cover anything but checked the requirement for the mortgage. Our grocery bill was 400 a month. That all adds up to $2650 for living expenses, the rest went to various expenses, and we saved 50-100 a month.

>> No.54578896

they do to your economy what termites do to your house.

>> No.54578909

its really just zoning laws, wage growth has kept up with every other inflation, water food energy etc

>> No.54579927

I’m not going to kill myself. And good job buying some crapbox condo. You can’t even provide a real home for your kid and they’re going to go to a public school and come out as stupid as you are.

>> No.54580039
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Bullshit. Even if it were true, just don't live in the biggest cities, dumb frogposter

>> No.54580444

Muricans, that happened, also, everything is getting astronomically fucked, that's basically why I got the fuck out of muh country and moved to a low cost asian country kek, I can literally walk at night with no risk of getting mauled by a thug cuz they thing AM the thug, soon I won't have to work thanks to gpt and other stuff and that's making me kek even harder, seethe more burgerfag

>> No.54580488

pretty sure 100k isn't top 10%, i know plenty of idiots making 100k, even in the midwest

>> No.54580491

You're gonna get killed by a trans asian bitch

>> No.54580497
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Where's that, just tell me

>> No.54580502

>asian country
>no crime
You're not in Thailand nor Indonesia kek

>> No.54580504

You should definitely kill yourself kek

>> No.54580512

Americans didn't do shit, it was their government kek

>> No.54581423

omaha: fat people
LA: slightly fewer fat people
if living in flyovers is so great why are you all so fat?

>> No.54581489

the economy is screwed since the day you could earn an exorbitant amount with fictitious currencies, I mean, that's why I'm letting HAMI take half of my salary, I'm going to take advantage of the absurdity of the economy to live comfortably

>> No.54581947 [DELETED] 
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>> No.54582046

$400k/year you guys should be able to retire in under 10. You don’t need a house.

>> No.54582079

Bullshit. 100k after taxes is like 5700 a month. If you can't find an apartment on that I'm not really sure what you're spending your money on. Back when I just made 100k my rent was maybe 1800 a month. I think prices are still comparable.
But the moral of the story is that rentoids are bad with money.

>> No.54582102

>5.7k will force you to spend 100% of your income on rent
Even applying the 30% rule you'd be able to find a place with rent around 1.7k a month. Unless you live in New York or San Francisco in which case 100k isn't a top tier salary anymore.

>> No.54582131

>Like what’s even the point of such a long term mortgage?
Best hedge against inflation that will ever exist despite what goldcucks want you to think. Assuming you can afford the payments, your monthly payment will only ever decrease while the value of that money also decreases. If your mortgage is $1500 today it will be less than that in 20 years plus the value of that $1500 will be trivial. Consider the boomers that bought 5 bedroom homes for 20k.

>> No.54582148

the currency was devalued

>> No.54582175
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Just print more apartments (what poors call "flats")

>> No.54582200

>Mexico lite
>Fewer fat people
What is this cope? LA isn't LA from the 80s anymore. It's hell and you know it.

>> No.54582238

I like some parts of coastal cities but I don't get the pretense about being fat. When you're "not fat" because only 1/4 of your population is obese, as opposed to like 1/3 in the south it doesn't really mean much. Plus the mountain regions and some Midwestern cities are full of thin white people mostly except the extra niggy parts.

>> No.54582422

turns out "top tier" cities are stupid trash made to make you poor for life, surprise!

>> No.54582552

50 years of skyrocketing housing prices. 40 years of inflation that exceeds CPI, which is a metric manufactured to make things seem less terrible than they are. 30 years of outsourcing. 20 years of jobs being automated at an increasingly rapid rate. 15 years of the middle class never recovering from the last crash but employment statistics being manipulated to craft the appearance that it's all clear. About... I'd say 30 years of predatory lending practices by credit card companies. Uh... 40 years of HMOs and insurance companies fucking everyone who ever got sick ever. About 40 years of tuition skyrocketing at 7% a year even at public universities while scholarships were axed or left at the same amounts. About 30 years of major retailers becoming increasingly monopsonistic. About 20 years of behind the scenes collusion to keep wages low in "high paying" jobs. Generations of nepotism and cronyism insuring that the highest paying jobs are occupied by people with rich mommies and daddies and only their closest friends or fuck buddies. About 40 years of union busting, but that mostly got done in the 80's so it was more like a decade of union busting that slowed down about 30 years ago. A corporate culture that only rewards those who come up with increasingly underhanded ways to fuck over everybody and everything except the short term profits of the shareholders.

Does that sound about right or am I missing some shit?

>> No.54583062
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idk, i don't trust dollar anymore, not even gold
i'm just grinding a lot of XOR until things gets better, still waiting my sora mastercard tho

>> No.54583063
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Boomers last hurrah before they cash out for good and the entire country shuts down from the unrecoverable damage they've done