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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54573228 No.54573228 [Reply] [Original]

/biz favorite child, admired by jannies and mods, feared by fudders and loved by d0br0s.

Are you gonna buy dip?

>> No.54573513

Stfu pajeet no one buying your ded coin

>> No.54573532

>Stfu pajeet no one buying your ded coin

No ded here, sers

>> No.54573538

just you wait, once we hit the bull proper and bnb starts to go up the fomo will be blistering
until then price action is irrelevant

>> No.54573557

When the FUCK is this thing gonna do something?

>> No.54573575
File: 1.01 MB, 1162x962, Screenshot 2023-03-17 at 5.44.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still got a way to go. But a coin like that will. I mean they influenced the memecoin landscape to this day. No reason why not.

>> No.54573650

>literally the best token ever
When BNB pumps. Soon^Tm

>> No.54573940
File: 2.25 MB, 1232x2060, Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 10.27.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there is one last trial of faith before it booms, just to shake those who can't wait.

Time to slurp, reflections will be good.

Safemooners are starting to catch up to it

>> No.54573985

Daily reminder if we hit 1b the marketing wallet is going to get over 5m just from a few anons alone

>> No.54574027

2 more weeks. But no really, probably never, or like 2 years from now if BNB goes apeshit. It's never going to have another run up on it's own like it did before, not when total daily liquidity is like
a thousand bucks or so, old whales aren't buying back in anymore.

>> No.54574064

I got 6 digits out of d080. Why would I buy back in now?

I'm gonna do what the market does, trickle down from the top, back into do8o.

Still top 50 right now, wanna get back way up the ladder.

People have no idea how market works and they're afraid d080 is forgotten, it's not.

>> No.54574087
File: 694 KB, 1242x1621, 4E82FA3C-39CA-4AE5-850D-BDDB86E2E36F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 years from now if BNB goes apeshit.
If only you knew. Pic rel

>> No.54574304

i bought another 100 dollarinos earlier wagmi

>> No.54574431

This will be the next memecoin that unironically turns complete poorfags into millionaires. $500 right now is worth $5,000,000 at peak of the bull run

>> No.54574460

you have to be more convincing, nobody is going to buy like this. advertising is the job you signed up for, do it properly

>> No.54574481
File: 27 KB, 800x450, 97117B35-3C26-4A97-AC63-2F47598EA931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna copy and paste what I wrote in another thread:
1. Liquidity is chunky as shit
2. Whales selling barely makes it flinch and bnb pumping btfos the sell anyways
3. Liquidity to market cap ratio is very near each other aka basically the equivalent to being a bottom (basically)
4. Most of the top 10 wallets are dead adding to the insane burn (44% but with dead wallets might be closer to like 47% or some shit. The reflections they earn are basically all burns).
5. Wallet allocation is fucking insane
6. Dog meme coins always pump. Doge for instance has been alive since 2013. They are a staple
7. Bnb reaching eth's previous market cap from last bullrun = bnb doing a 10x from here. Imagine for the bsc shitcoins? Now imagine the most stable bsc shitcoin?
No brainer

>> No.54574500
File: 355 KB, 1242x1275, 984F4ACA-0A56-418A-8D7E-50B84EFB17F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. Here you go-> >>54574481

>> No.54574521

Checked and based. I don’t understand what stops people from realizing how insanely bullish that ratio is

>> No.54574591
File: 185 KB, 360x395, 1681393644835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most and that also includes me would've aped in into this and i quote "community coin" had we and that also includes me not know that only one person owns the all the official dog website, telegram, reddit, twitter, youtube... hell even the llc is also owned by that guy meaning you can't do shit before getting an approval... doesn't sound much like a community coin after everyone and that also includes me knew about this
imagine if that one guy goes rogue it's over have you guys not considered the severity of this? most and that also includes me of course do have and this is why it's over

>> No.54574625
File: 275 KB, 1074x1432, 623FF9CE-54F0-4474-A59F-35DF985E21FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the future heh

>> No.54574649
File: 371 KB, 948x964, 79BF7EEC-3159-4004-B40A-A4172A9380F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, Dan

>> No.54574800

Hi dan or amy. You're a loser. Keep talking into your Dubu chat making unfunny jokes about ducks because Justin loved that duck butt sticker. The theory that you were placed in position to sabotage doge8onk seems true.

>imagine if that one guy goes rogue it's over have you guys notconsidered the severity of this?

Please enlighten me. He's gonna do what to the locked liquidity and contract?

Also enlighten me on what did this guy had anything to do with doge8onk success in the first place while you are at it.

>> No.54574897

based and b0nkpilled

>> No.54575044

I'm Ronald Trump and I approve of this memecoin

>> No.54575150

Just bought more

>> No.54575210

50b eoy fuck jannies