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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54570191 No.54570191 [Reply] [Original]

He’s right ya know

>> No.54570256

Who cares if you're long?

>> No.54570270

Lemme guess.... You're a gme holder.

>> No.54570289

I just want my fellow /biz/ brothers to get the timing right.

>> No.54570382
File: 108 KB, 720x561, 1668433615682374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone with english as a second language what the hell does OP's picture mean? I can't understand even half of it

>> No.54570395

europoor here, I couldn't understand it either

>> No.54570409

he was right about the other 256 crashes as well.... legendary autist

>> No.54570472

The real hits start when the medium term government debt starts rolling over, same with business. Everyone’s riding on borrowed money right now, consumers are riding 2% mortgages, businesses are riding 0% corporate borrowing, governments riding 0% bonds. When the economy actually has to borrow money again and be productive is when high rates start to hurt

>> No.54570476

Translation: They’re raising interest rates to give themselves enough room to cut them after they’re destroyed the economy. Inflation is not their concern at all.

>> No.54570485

just google the terms you don't understand. he's just saying that the fed is planning for the next recession by getting rates high enough so that they can come in and save the day again with free money and dropping the rates to 0

>> No.54570492

I almost caught myself being a retard thinking they wouldn't drop rates to 0 again. But this is MMT Federal jew reserve we are talking.

>> No.54570520

i think they won't cut to 0, that was ben barnanke's legacy and it was not a good one. powell has always been hawkish but chained down by politics. obviously shorty thinks otherwise. doesn't matter if you know how to make money in any outcome

>> No.54570545

>hollywood movie talk is the boomer version of millenials and zoomers pretending everything is star wars and harry potter

yeah man, the fed is gonna BLOW UP the economy and WIN THE DAY like D-DAY!

>> No.54570579

so inflation is here to stay, the poor get poorer and the rich get richer

what's the way out, if I'm currently poor? crypto? buy more stonks? gamble on shitcoins?

>> No.54570581

If rates hit 0 again I'm taking a huge loan "to start a business" and fleeing the country. Smell my ass.

>> No.54570628

playing minecraft.

>> No.54570654

>what's the way out
Work and buy shitcoins
Why not take the loan now and buy the bottom? 2023 is you last opportunity to fill your bags before the crack up boom

>> No.54570668
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>the crack up boom
If this dude was right, just early, I will lose my shit.

>> No.54570671

O'Hare Play is the only way out.
>gather all of your life savings
>do an extremely risky trade with high rewards (or just buy low cap shitcoin)
>it works congrats you made it
>it rugs you will still be a wageslave except poorer

>> No.54570697

>thinks he can escape the long dick of the IRS
You're gonna end up a prison rape statistic... sad!

>> No.54570722

There is unironically still hope yet, I'm not the average /biz/ broke wagie.

If rates go back to 0% and the delusion is allowed to continue the only institution with any authority left will be the US military. Have fun getting drafted for WW3.

>> No.54570780

I borrowed my tits off at 2.5%, bought the most home the bank would allow and two new cars. I won't be buying anything for a long time. My family is in 100% recession-proof jobs which are also union. All we have to do now is let inflation turn our debt into a joke. I've even got enough silver to pay two years worth of our fixed-rate loans, so I can't be liquidated. Some people get fucked, and some people fuck bitches. This board is 99% NEETs who cannot accept that they have to get an unskilled job, so they jack off to nihilism, the sky is falling, bullshit and/or buy doge coin. Don't hate me because I tel the truth.

>> No.54570807

>Have fun getting drafted for WW3.
I’ll be in El Salvador before I go fight a Jewish banking war

>> No.54570877

Is that what we're calling bobos these days?

>> No.54570965

The Fed has no intention of fighting inflation, rather they're pessimistically squeezing retail out of the markets to buy up assets cheaply.

>> No.54571347

You're the first person on this business and finance board I've seen play inflation to his advantage, good work

>> No.54571413

I strongly believe that inflation can be a good thing for wealth creation. You just cannot be at the wrong place at the wrong time. For example, retiring on a fixed income... you'll get wrecked by inflation. Instal commercial fire sprinklers for code requirements? You just rise prices, no big deal. The biggest advantage to inflation is that makes debt go away. The jews are doing it to erase/default on the USA's debt. Think about, if that fuking piss crotch jew yellen prints are cunt out (say she prints 10 trillion in the next 5 years), then our dollar goes down in value... and our debt gets paid off. You'd think that would fuck us, but it won't, because everyone else's currency also sucks ass and is over printed. You go to gold standard? Well, there's an answer to that too. Nixon got us off the gold standard because gold was being taken out of the USA. The gold standard is a loser in a global economy. The policy is to have the biggest military in the world. Then you just make up whatever bullshit you want. You think china is going to fight us and win? Nope. China missed their chance to fight us, now they are losing fighting-aged men faster than Russia did in 1941, purely to old age. They are done. Meanwhile, the USA has energy, a workforce that is replaceable with infinite Hispanics (who are 50% better than Africans and only 50% short of Whites). The USA is going to have AGI, which will be bigger in its impact than the Internet was for its time, and faster. We have SpaceX too. The future is bright for the USA. People don't trust China, and for good reason. Chinese people are bug slaves, and their collectivist Borg society was on full display during the covid lockdowns. No one wants that. Granted, I hate the jew-infected tranny shit-show this country has become... but there is nowhere better to move right now. You could say Switzerland or Norway, or Iceland... but those are liberal places, and liberals want to die from immigration. Singapore is next best

>> No.54571537

he says the FED is a cutie

>> No.54571571

dump on the plebs. shake em all out. and then massive pumpa.

>> No.54571914

>The Fed has no intention of seriously fighting inflation. The 50BP rate hikes are only there so that they can get to a higher interest rate before stocks and people get into trouble. The QT is being done for the same purpose: to get the balance sheet down, so they can cut rates and increases the balance sheet size to pump financial assets later (the "monetary bazooka"). When it does, it can "ride to the rescue" again and save assets by pumping more money into the economy.

>> No.54571925

But why are they trying to destroy the economy! The only reason to do it is to crush inflation

>> No.54571940
File: 63 KB, 602x666, 1679834584186208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it

>> No.54571993

Fed is reacting as if this will be a normal recession and are preparing to kickstart it. I don't think the usual tactics will dig us out this time around.

>> No.54571996

Tldr 2 more weeks and a lot of cope. China will take over the hegemony

>> No.54572008

>make loans painful
>retail dumps because loans are painful
>((())) buys cheapies
>loans become ez mode again
>retail goes back in to market

>> No.54572043

The Fed, which is short for the Federal Reserve, is a group of people who control money in the United States. They have a plan to deal with a problem called inflation, which means things cost more money than they used to. The plan involves slowly raising interest rates by a small amount and also reducing the amount of money they have available to lend out quickly. They want to do this before the stock market and regular people who buy things can't afford to spend anymore. But, the Fed is also getting ready for a backup plan in case things get worse. They want to be able to provide more money to help the government if it needs it.

It's important to note that trying to profit from the situation described in the scenario can be risky and may not be appropriate for everyone. However, one way a regular person could try to benefit from this situation is by investing in assets that historically perform well during inflation, such as commodities like gold, silver, or real estate. Another option could be investing in companies that have pricing power, meaning they can increase the prices of their products to keep up with inflation.

Excessive inflation or hyperinflation can be devastating to the economy and society as a whole. In this scenario, prices would skyrocket, and money would rapidly lose its value. Regular people would struggle to afford basic necessities like food and housing, while businesses would have a hard time staying afloat. To protect themselves, individuals could try to invest in assets that hold their value better during inflation, like real estate, precious metals, or even foreign currency. However, it's crucial to keep in mind that hyperinflation can be unpredictable and difficult to prepare for, so seeking professional financial advice is highly recommended.

>> No.54572079

b asado

>> No.54572138

It's telling that the only way the government can bring americans together is repeating talking about world war 2. The more corrupt and power hungry the US government becomes, the more disenfranchised americans turn to communism and fascism because boomers burned the latter behind them and telling people to "pull up their boot straps" and man up has run out of power on zoomers that have nothing to live for besides their favorite eceleb making a video about current thing.

>> No.54572337

Peter Zeihan is a faggot and probably a Jew and glownigger mouthpiece, but he's not wrong/lying about everything.

>> No.54572354
File: 95 KB, 663x701, 06A3DB47-C8DB-4CB6-8C56-31A7C04C73A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most boomerist mutt post I’ve ever read on 4chan

>> No.54573531

You started losing me at
>China had it's chance etc
and then I stopped reading at
>85 IQ hispanics will maintain and prosper the country