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54560842 No.54560842 [Reply] [Original]

be brutally honest, is it safe to buy back in yet?

>> No.54560852

Bitcoin yea probably. Alts seem like they’re going to have a tough time.

>> No.54560895

It’s never safe but it was wise at $15k

>> No.54560902

>Alts seem like they’re going to have a tough time
ok BTC dino enjoy your 2x best case scenario

>> No.54560935

Any price under $1,000,000 is safe to buy bitcoin, everything below it on CMC is totally fucked though. I do expect a correction to 24k at some point, it's been straight up since 15k and it's sort of pissing me off. I continue my weekly buys regardless of price, though, and I'd suggest you develop a bitcoin strategy instead of day trade open scams and dog coins your way to zero.

>> No.54560999

my alts are up noob

>> No.54561056


>> No.54561132

There are no alts that reached their 2017 all time highs against bitcoin, there is no alts chart that isn't trending to zero against bitcoin. None of your chosen microcaps will ever moon. You will have less bitcoin three years than if you just bought bitcoin with all your funds today.

If you're a newfag reading this, start buying bitcoin, get a job, and keep buying bitcoin. If you fall for this alt coin bullshit you will never make it.

>> No.54561190
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Here's a preview of your net worth over the next four years on bitcoin versus your net worth on revenge trading new alts pajeets push on /biz/ and minting new nfts

>> No.54562154

Until the halving BTC usually perform better than altcoins. It's possible to outperform but you're playing against the odds

>> No.54562176

based beyond belief

>> No.54562302

BTC and ETH, yes.
Everything else, I aint trustin that shit. Do yourself a favor and don't take advice from Scamming Indian Sirs

>> No.54562339

This is the best advice on /biz/

>> No.54562357

If you really really really want to be sure, I'd go back in as we approach 69,000. Just to be super safe.

>> No.54563130
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It depends on what you buy anon.
If you don't feel comfortable DCAing in your main bag, then you might reconsider your portfolio.

>> No.54563180

>btc almost doubled from it's November lows
>you could have done the same gain with Tesla or even more than doubled with Meta somehow in the same time frame

>> No.54563593
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dunno about bitcoin but im planning to buy NLT (nilo) once that releases and more fantom (ftm) because i do believe we are in the beginning of a new bullrun

>> No.54564132

With prices as low as MATIC, LINK and AVAX, why shouldn't you? Even if you are just a wagie, how much could you lose?

>> No.54564330

The x100 moonshot you're looking for is bitcoin anon, it's really that simple and anyone telling you bitcoin is "too expensive" is in the same breath trying to sell you their bags for your bitcoins. Bitcoin is literally too cheap for even most small institutions to adopt, much less nations and sovereign wealth funds. It's literally programmed to go up forever. Bitcoin could only be usurped by some sort of programmable matter.

>> No.54564419

agree with avax but fk others

>> No.54564441

This is great advice but I would say take a small % of funds and play some alts, THEN take the profits and rotate them back into BTC.

The small % won't matter to you if you get rugged but let's say you did hit on a 100x, that buys you a bunch more BTC.

>> No.54564442


>> No.54564459

Doge, ada, Eth and Chainlink massively outperformed Btc. Cope and seethe

>> No.54564460

Bitcoin is going up forever, anon. You can literally just save money in bitcoin and you don't have to listen to some faggot on a podcast bring on paid shills on behalf of projects they printed out of thin air and gave to their buddies to find a chair to sit in when the music stops.

This altcoin shit is unhealthy as fuck and is more or less the same as any other basic gambling addiction. If you're balls deep in this garbage you need to take a step back and reevaluate anon

>> No.54564478

Literally none of those coins reached new highs against btc this cycle

>> No.54564479

It's backtesting the original breakdown area ($30000-$32000) right at the ECM benchmark week. It's literally the least safe time to buy. It will never reach this high again.

>> No.54564510
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>It will never reach this high again

>> No.54564637

Alts are all absolute vaporware don't do a fucking thing. the only use is bigger gains relative to btc to buy more bitcoin but that has more risk

>> No.54564657

you're a gigantic moron and faggot with reading issues

>> No.54565282

My main bag is mostly ETH and a couple of privacy tokens. I'm as confident as a tiger.

>> No.54565604

Based, Sylo did a massive run up which I TPd without hesitation.

>> No.54565635

I wouldn't buy before the shanghai upgrade

>> No.54567051

hell no brother

>> No.54567286

No, you are too early. It will be safe to buy back when we are at around 70k$. Thanks for playing anon

>> No.54567401

PoolTogether is your best bet for 100-1000x this bull run

>> No.54567643

I never sold. bought more alts, HBAR and ORE and I'm hodling. the bullrun is just around the corner.

>> No.54567649

we're about to enter a recession. fuck no

>> No.54567655

well depends on the narratives though, DiDs and AI are based.

>> No.54567660

>> he doesn't buy whennever he gets a paycheck. i've been buying since 2017. one more pump and I am free.

>> No.54567702


We've been in a recession since the COVID lockdowns, the only reason it's not """ofFiciAL""" is because the FED printed a gazillion extra dollars, which artificially increased GDP statistics, by devaluing the USD.

>> No.54568000
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I bought BTC back in since 20K, UTK at 8 cents, DOT at $5.8, but no worries anon you can wait till 100K before you buy back in

>> No.54568327

You missed the pump already

>> No.54568401

Never too late to get ORE, HBAR and ENS

>> No.54568700

Good call on UTK, $2 is the goal

>> No.54569459
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I would say try to buy cheap things like vinu and then take advantage of the next pump, go in small steps

>> No.54569733
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Check-em. Only alts I need going forward?
Checkems and PEPL.

>> No.54569736

>What is doge

>> No.54569737

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.54570676

if you didnt like the price at 15k, what makes you think 30k is better?

since you're too dumb to DCA when the price goes down, you're probably just better off setting up an auto buy to get $100 of bitcoin every week and check back in 5 years.

>> No.54571241

77% Yes
23% No

>> No.54571281

You telling me you didn't bought when it was 15k and decided to buy after X2 of the price?

>> No.54571339

I turned 50k into 1m with a shitcoin on Coinbase

>> No.54571396

Is it safe? Look at the fucking hashrate. You couldn't mine bitcoin at these prices.

>> No.54571582

>Alts seem like they’re going to have a tough time.
Because you are dead blind on ARB, ATOM or CYMI that's shaping the crypto payment world... Everything is almost primed.

>> No.54571644

Someone explain this checkems shit to me please. The chart doesn't move on it and there's no tg. Wtf is it

>> No.54571654

the brutal honesty is that no one has any idea

>> No.54571696

It depends on your budget at the moment, you may still have some time to make bags. I would recommend ETH and AVAX. Don't make it up out of there.

>> No.54571702

dead dino tech that is a beta test

>> No.54571766

Totally safe anon

>> No.54571777

How's it dino tech? Explain this to me. Bitcoin is the perfect balance of the trilemma dilemma and what you think is "new" or "advanced" tech are simply protocols that sacrifice one aspect of the trilemma to appear "better".
None of the cryptos come even close to bitcoin in terms of network effect, development or capital invested. There's literally trillions of dollars wrapped up in bitcoin, worldwide.

>> No.54571809
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Don't focus on the price too much but rather focus on hashrate and understand what this number actually represents. You see there in 2022, even though the price collapsed, the hashrate continued to grow. What does this tell you about bitcoin?

>> No.54571858

This has to be a troll.

>> No.54571879

Fuck off boomer
Granted you're correct if one were to buy any random alt, however anyone with a brain can pick ones that will at least track if not outperform BTC

>> No.54571883

You are late

>> No.54571896

He's making a point, just in a smart ass way.
Everyone who bought in at 30k can get off the bus now and break even. Everyone that bought at 15k can take profit now. All miners that need capital can dump their bitcoin now. All the leverage is gone. So what is the price action telling us?

>> No.54571908

Tells me that mining technology is getting

>> No.54571910
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>dino tech

Kill yourself retard

>> No.54571926

>hEs MaKiNg A pOiNt

What the hell do you even mean? Total loser strategy you have.

>> No.54571970

Start here.... (and Check-em)

>> No.54571973

Unlike Ethereum, where a few insiders who acquired tokens for nothing, then set up validators on AWS to scam users for MEV, Bitcoin requires actual capital investment. It takes a great deal of effort, capital and energy usage to produce Bitcoin. And throughout last year, miners were adding more hashpower, in race against each other, even though the price was beaten down. We are reaching a point beyond pure speculation but have come to a point where, if you aren't mining/acquiring Bitcoin, irregardless of the price, you are going to be left behind. Again, there's nothing else out there that is experiencing this phenomenon.

>> No.54572169

Op, if you are afraid to buy at this level, you could always hedge against the downside by buying an options contract.

>> No.54572272

Why shouldn't I just go buy some and wait?

>> No.54572298

You should do that too if you believe in the project, but it looks like there's no liquidity available yet. I'll be there buying with you. And PEPL too.

>> No.54572954

Safe to buy whatever the fuck you need to. alt season is yet to start, why not help yourself? there are a ton of magical projects on polygon, matic, mni, opacity, aave. all undervalued atm.

>> No.54573190

I FOMOed, time to sell now I guess

>> No.54575087

This is just the beginning Chad, and I'm getting positioned for the altseason move with gems like Senate for governance, and Sylo before its delegated staking program gets implemented.

>> No.54575948

you dca into bitcoin but it is worth trading alts for higher gains you cannot get any meaningful returns from bitcoin unless you are will to wait 100 years now it is worth taking the risk on some of these 1000x shot mooncoins in my opinion

>> No.54577867

Still waiting for that ETH price drop but gonna keep slurping those cheap lowcaps MINA,RAIL and SCRT.

>> No.54578298

Wagmi bro, privacy chad here.

>> No.54578576

DiD projects are already gaining traction, best to consider after AI.

>> No.54578669
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Sold my AVAX for QANX and ORE, bags are getting filled.

>> No.54578753

Do you think the shangai update will affect the price of ETH or I should still be on my privacy coin cruise.

>> No.54580623

Research is what brings that confidence bizfag. Recently I've also spotted innovation in the metaverse as well, with a platform that bridged VR contents to backseat passengers on road trips for entertainment.

>> No.54580925

That looks good anon but I'm looking forward to UTK new tokenomics 2.0 as I have opted to meta stake my LP tokens to capture maximum yield, position and diversification among several assets within the ecosystem via MaiarExchange.making me feel so horny lol

>> No.54581063

This looks good but I think am going out of town am not ready for some scary stuff

>> No.54581284

Don't be a lazy anon go get useful and done die posting as Web3payment got some juicy staking features, with better APY returns on the MaiarExchange platform, I've made more income through stakings, since bear market began.

>> No.54581293

holy fuck how slow are you?
just buy arb and doge in equal weightings and you outperform btc kek

>> No.54581336

Yea anon XRP got some sweet honey pussy with the price of ot project it sure going to gain traction

>> No.54581455

You sound great anon but looking at the recent price of UTK as the making up for some of the losses caused by the bear market.
The launch of the xPortal card and increased activity in xMoney could be get biches so horny