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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54558093 No.54558093 [Reply] [Original]

I fell for the l2code meme and got my degree and dev role, but 3 years into the job I feel like my mind is breaking down from the soullessness. It doesn't pay too well since it's my first job and I have no drive to continue to learn anymore and can't job hop since the stuff that I'm doing is kind of outdated. What other careers can I look at that don't involve hours and hours of trying to figure out solutions to problem I don't care about? Some people in the past suggested to try to monetise a hobby but my only hobby outside of work is painting (not really a money maker) desu I spend more time on art than on my actual career.

>> No.54558100
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t. low IQ

>> No.54558104

They screwed us anon. They only pushed for l2code so hard because they intended on taking the cream of the crop only. Just look at the layoffs. You're lucky to have a job as sad as that is to say. It's a churn and burn and unless you're the cream you are gonna burn.

>> No.54558222

I felt the same and I quit. Currently getting neet bucks and when they run out I'll be a shop clerk and live the simple life.

>> No.54558493

I'm just dumping paycheck after paycheck into BTC until whenever the next bullrun ends and then just dump it all and quit everything. Life feels like one big scam.

>> No.54558519

You should try to code anything for yourself earlier, you will see it's highly mind occupying, you will think about the code all the time.

>> No.54558599

I can't think of anything I want to code for myself, but I have hundreds of ideas of what I want to try drawing/painting. The frustrating thing is that I originally wanted to be a concept artist for video games and got memed into software dev because my entire family said I need to choose a proper career instead of following my dreams and I thought it was an ok compromise since I could still make games or something. Fast forward 7 years I'm stuck in a finance firm fixing some huge codebase so boomers in another country can manage their retirements, my entire team is comprised of indians that speak poor english and my hate for the industry is reaching boiling point.

>> No.54558614

You need to change jobs. It's perfectly fine to not love your job, and only seeing as a way to support your real vocation (painting in your case). I'm sure you can find another dev job which you won't hate, and which can give you more money and more time to spend on painting

>> No.54558617

for me it's the amazon delivery life now. Have been considering to become a truck driver as well so everyone leaves me the fuck alone most of the time. I don't wanna have anymore meeting and woke shit in my life. Also as a trucker I probably don't have to pay rent and just sleep in my truck or motels.

>> No.54558895

Can you just start making small indie games as a side project? You already know how to code and you have artistic aspirations(+AI to guide you) so you can start making your own stuff in your free time and once it starts paying off, you can quit your shit job for good

>> No.54558908

Can't you just ask GPT4 to make your code so you can relax?

>> No.54558912

Yeah op graphical game design isn’t that bad of a career path if you work will smaller teams. I’ve heard the big teams under activision for example are a nightmare

>> No.54558936

You just have to find the right job. There is nothing better in terms of comfyness/money-effort ratio. I can rot in my flat all week writing sometimes only like 100 lines of code. I can get up and leave any time of the day if I don't have a meeting. I don't think I could do this in any other job.

>> No.54558945

You won't know when it ends lol. Better make an exit strategy boyo

>> No.54558981

You should be job hopping you dickhead. I learned to code 3 years ago and changed jobs 6 times, each job was a new challenge and i learned what i could. I have tripled my salary since starting.

>> No.54559011

>muh high IQ is predicated on finding soul in everything and not enjoying the simple beauty of art
end it

>> No.54559609

Yeah, but it is unlikely to be now or in the next few months unless some white swan event occurs speeding everything up.

>> No.54559621

honestly become a high school teacher

yes pay is average

yes students are shitty

but go in with attitude of not caring and doing the minimum.

You get summer holidays and at least can relax not worrying about upskilling or ai taking over

>> No.54559624

GPT5 will write those 100 lines of code in 2 seconds. Tick Tock code monkey.

>> No.54559627

>get shot by black student

>> No.54560675

All this FUD about tech layoffs and muh ChatGPT is going to replace all programmers in 2 weeks shit is going to make tech salaries moon more shortish to medium term and then this board will seethe and start posting asking the best way to learn to code again lmao

>> No.54560721
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This time time bros should learn to stop posting day in the life videos and trying to teach everyone and their moms how to code
Every other high paying profession like doctors and lawyers gatekept hard. Coders are the only people making themselves cheap and obsolete