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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54560222 No.54560222 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54560251

>2011 $50, 2023 $25
>2011 $1, 2023 $25,000
really makes you think

>> No.54560257

yeah yeah you made me lo

>> No.54560265

A hedge against inflation just flew over my house

>> No.54560276
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Feels good man

>> No.54560296
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Wtf bros

>> No.54560313

regression to the mean

>> No.54560321
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And the window closes. This shit is going to be so awesome watching people crash the LBMA and Comex!

>> No.54560340

silver will never break as they are keeping it artificially down until shit hits the fan

>> No.54560349

reminder that JPM will simply print more futures and tank the price below $25, shorting SLV is free money

>> No.54560380
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>reminder that JPM will simply print more futures and tank the price below $25
That stops mattering when the street price completely decouples from the exchanges price. If I can sell 1 ounce of silver at a coin shop for $500 then why would I care if the futures price is $10?

>> No.54560469

And the miners will sell at the real physical price too then.

Going long silver miners is going to be the big payday

>> No.54560887

i said to short SLV retard, not to borrow physical
nobody is paying above spot to buy back your silver anyway so your point falls flat

>> No.54560917

I’m willing to pay 1% over spot for anything that isn’t a wiener

>> No.54560926

It’s time

>> No.54560927
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You can literally sell it a flea markets for a premium, retard. Do you idiots not understand that you can trade outside of your virtual world?

>> No.54561065

I'm not bringing a 100oz bar of silver to a fucking flea market, lol

>> No.54561099

that’s because you don’t have a 100 oz bar

>> No.54561100


>> No.54561565


Makes me think ones on the way up the others on the way down.

>> No.54561581

Shit will never hit the fan

>> No.54561593

I like how the thesis for silver is mad max world and in mad max world I take it down to the flea market or sell it on ebay lmao

>> No.54561622

I'm also told how the power is going to go out and how silver, now with absolutely no industrial use as a result, moons somehow because roving gangs of niggers suddenly become Mises heads after the collapse

>> No.54561659

Ironically silver can be used to create solar panels thereby restoring power.

The absolute state of cyrptonerds

>> No.54561683

The unironic silver crowd is just literally too poor and stupid to bother talking to honestly

>> No.54561752
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QRD on silver OP?

>> No.54561763

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.54562106

you can still buy a phone charger for under $250
you can probably buy some nootropics to improve your memory for less than $250 if you just forgot

>> No.54562161


>> No.54562280

Go back to plebbit, faggot

>> No.54562587

That’s because flea markets happen on Saturdays and you have commitments at the synagogue that day.

>> No.54562647
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>> No.54563971
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imagine being in a bear market for 13 fucking years
how do silvercels even cope?

>> No.54564506

Silver is money

>> No.54566089

>asset traded for 1000s of years, countless conflicts over, etc
>asset 'created' a decade ago

>> No.54566198

>imagine being in a bear market for 13 fucking years

Bitcoin has not beaten inflation since December 2017, that's over five years...

>> No.54566360

by spamming their stack in /pmg/ 24/7

>> No.54566429

what are you talking about lol. buying undervalued asset is the whole point of it. buy low sell high, it's not really that difficult.

>> No.54566531
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I'm not clever to understand what bear market fucking means. I stack because a bunch of satanic pedos are in charge or our currency and they're doing a control demolition with our currency before they bail on us for China and I'm not going to hold fucking paper that will either have no value or turned into digital bullshit! I grew up playing SWG I know the fucking real value of digital bullshit. If it's not in my hands then I don't have it from the start!

>> No.54566676

Its a manipulated market you fed stooge.
Every time theres a major silver trade you fuckers use your bot to dump thousands of dollars AGAINST silver to keep the price low.

Seen it happen in real time more than once.

>> No.54566759

2 more weeks until the "street volume" overtakes comex paper volume

>> No.54566767


>> No.54566786

JPM does not need a bot to double spend their paper silver
you retards will never learn

>> No.54567652

Whatever you say fed shill in 10 years you'll be dead or in prison and I'll be proven correct again.

You scamming boomers NEVER learn.