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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54556913 No.54556913 [Reply] [Original]

Thousands of twitter users. Ouch. The culties dont do so well when they leave the moms basement of the internet (biz)

>> No.54556933
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>asset goes down 90%
>you can stake at 4 %
>loss is now only 86%

Congrats on that, seriously

>> No.54556960

rewards come from vcs who fund the projects that sign up for the build programme in exchange for priority access to chainlink feeds n stuff.

chainlink is basically a transfer of wealth from VCs to NEETs. No other token does this.

>> No.54556963 [DELETED] 
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>> No.54556967

chainlink is an embarrassment
a travesty
everyone who owns chainlink is a cuck
THAT we know

>> No.54556971

thats a redditor

>> No.54556990

these posts must be on autopilot now.
They dont want you talking about
15 minute cities
The coming dystopia nightmare powered by AI and blockchains
Making the most of you pod
I doubt there are real anons on here anymore. Everyone is moaning about being tired because of muh repetitive may mays

>> No.54557000

Are you saying I should sell? I can see you’re obviously trying to help me out here

>> No.54557009
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Take it easy on him, I cant even imagine how hard it is to think with that cage thing on. Must be pure agony.

>> No.54557019

checked. buy sell who gives if you can't leave your sector anon. that's the problem. they have you in a loop thinking and talking about one thing while they do many things and you dont notice because you are so focused on something else

daily reminder even the BTC whales were locked down or executed on a beach in some third world shithole. You are not special for owning a token. Decentralization does not protect you. In fact it is easier just to kill you and your family and leave the attn loop intact

>> No.54557032
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No preference. If you sell tho you prob cant get in on the lawsuit when they arrest the team. Also you may face cult backlash similar to scientology

>> No.54557064

who the fuck cares about some twitter handle words.

here is a few red pills again
everyone was locked down during covid.
they can do this again and again
with 15 minute cities they will have an easier time doing this
no amount of money will free you unless you are prepared in advance to live beyond the boundaries for a long period of time
at least a year maybe longer. definitely longer than two weeks
they will reduce energy consumption which means they can create scarcity around any commodity or utility in any sector at any time
they dont even need to find out who the individual is that is writing things like this
they will just blame a sector put the word out and watch as citizens go door to door to self police the thought criminals
You write something on the internet your sector is blamed. produce utilities and other commodities suddenly stop coming
normies go apeshit and hunt you down and lynch you in the street
then they cover it up
consumables return and so does order
but you and your family are dead
but at least you can bike from your pod to work right?

>> No.54557081

chainlink ruined everything

>> No.54557106

So one token cult is better than another coin or token cult? But they are all cults and they all were locked down including the whales that all worked from home coping and pretending they are still important.
Picture this. You have billions of token X but you still had your movements restricted because you are a powerless slave and not part of the club. They do not want you in their club. Even the whales that delight in dumping le LINK or whatever distraction number / asset had zero power during COVID lockdowns
All the bullshit counter cultural crap shoved down my throat was lies

>> No.54557113

BTC ogs and ETG whales the most powerful people in crypto were all powerless against the government and the one eyed cult anon

Do you really think you have any power because of some numbers in a machine?

>> No.54557120

Unfortunately nearly everyone has forgotten. I have zero respect for my fellow man any more since most of them caused our suffering. A wood cabin far the fuck away from everything and a rifle to make the last stand when they inevitably knock at the door

>> No.54557191

Avoid 15 minute cities at all costs anon I pray every day I can escape with my family and get myself enough land and water to survive off grid

BTC cucks are desperate for that grid. They had ten years and trillions in gains to figure it out but now we have sectors inbound and blaming a whole sector then turning off the consumables will quickly provide incentive for people to blame each other and do the elite's bidding for them.

You saw how people reacted during covid when bs like toilet paper was taken away. what will happen when they turn off the power or the water and issue a warning notice for wrongthink?

>> No.54557257
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You know, for somebody who doesn't think reality matters, you sure spend an awful lot of time fretting about it." true detective

>> No.54557277

So in the future it will be one sector (15 minute city) united by place and since everyone has the same thing everywhere no one has a need to travel. they will push local diverse cultures everything you need right at your doorstep then once every accepts it and they will because normies always do what the feeder tells them to do
then there will be those who rebel. they will not care about the individual they will blame the whole sector and sit back as the self organize against this threat
because it brings back their precious material things
but there really doesnt need to be a real threat
an imagined threat works better
sector 777 is under lockdown because of threat x and the media hypes it up and people do what they are told even if they dont believe it
just like the police executed unlawful laws during covid lockdowns the kind that are being thrown out of court as illegal right now
The police will enforce any and all laws regardless of how moral or immoral they are.
People died because they couldn't get beyond the perimeter of the lockdown zone.
People will die because sector 777 the citadel doesn't have a hospital or the AI working there was sabotaged by glow niggers
The problem that crypto is trying to solve seems very insignificant compared with all of this. BTC is probably the worst example as they have the most resources to do something next to the ETH commies who could bend over and take 15 minute cities because it comes with a free funko pop and lego set
Fucking linkies are trapped by an oppressive tradfi realm that will stall for years and a blockrealm so caught up on control they forgot they were lockeddown as hard as the no-coiners

>> No.54557291

Its what you make of it. I see a lot of crypto searching for problems to solve that seem like distractions when you consider what the elite have planned for the next fifty years
When your miner is turned off because universal energy restrictions go live will you still believe you are part of some counter cultural movement?
When the banks are bailed out again and again will you go back to mining because it hurts the banks?

>> No.54557296
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Yeah everything blows, we get it. Whats your point dude

>> No.54557351

Go back to pretending to fud post link then faggot like a number going up or down will protect you from any of this
Our children will suffer because of our lack of initiative today
stick your head in the sand
what else could you do?
buy land?
maybe they will need to confiscate land like they did with gold back in the 1930s
Maybe just maybe you will get a free pod
Maybe you will get a bullet
who knows anon
maybe you should just keep pretending there is real attention around some token
and that that token going up or down will protect you
maybe some other token or coin will protect you hey its just like your favorite video game anon
remember the good times when you could just kick back and play vidya watch a movie and be comfy
but you dont leave home anyways right?
and you have your special mark in your wallet
different marks for different folks
and you know you just know that you will be able to buy freedom one day if you just hodl on
because an energy cult is hurting the government by paying more on their electricity bill
this is very progressive anon
at least you are beyond the fud/shill matrix now
what would the smiths think of that?
You know Smith? Tubal Cain?

>> No.54557357

nigger nigger nigger lol

>> No.54557359


>> No.54557387

Link is fucking terrible I. Hope the shills leave

>> No.54557395

hey who shit my pants!

>> No.54557436

Time based capitulation of the last remaining retails

>> No.54557464

>Comparing to sol

The fuck? Why is that jew coin still even relevant.

>> No.54557470

hi pigeon ilu

>> No.54557472
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Just signed anons

forget about this

hey look a 7

Do we still like masonic 7s in link threads or do you not like the connotation anymore?

>> No.54557481

I-isnt that a good thing?

>> No.54557483

Its like building 7

Chainlink is like these things

Hyped up to control a small group of people then dissolved once it has no purpose anymore

Defi house of cards is a lot like that too
and now with the plans for energy consumption throughout the next few decades BTC fits that bill too.

>> No.54557511

thread theme song


>> No.54557517

You're the anon spamming threads about paying taxes on energy bills from mining BTC to end the fed, you don't offer much in the way of solutions, but I appreciate you bringing up these issues.

>> No.54557519

Everyone they could convince to take an untested vaccine because they were taught to trust smart people exactly like we are taught with LINk and Arbitrum but have a look at the Arbitrum fuck up recently
The problem is thinking these people are better than the rest of us when they are just in a club and they don't want you in their club. They want you trusting them
trust us anon we are computer/medical/whatever scientists
Sergey has the audacity to rub it in your face
But the BTC maxies keep consuming energy from a grid that will be controlled in the future to keep you down because you won't go in the pod

Just get in the pod anon stop noticing things

5G is still active. Medical experiments still running.

Hey side note ever wonder why people get angry at sporting events?
Ever wonder what equipment is hidden in the good year blimp?

that's another experiment for another day though

>> No.54557527

come sail away
come sail away
come sail away with me

>> No.54557546

Glad someone is reading them anon. The BTC cultists will not answer my simple questions.

I don't know. Like I said land. water. space. the more space you own the more control you have

But you are always paying to exist on your own land and that land could be confiscated like gold was or if there was another war the soldiers would eat all your crops and destroy everything
another threat might be land requisition for another purpose and just like COVID slaves do not have a choice and nothing will protect you.

I believe we really are slaves. Born into a contract we do not understand and have no say in.

I don't think paying more for electricity will solve any bank bail out issues though
and I do not think ETH chainlink or any other coin or token will provide any of us slaves with freedom

I think the freemasons trained us with video games to value arbitrary coins and tokens because they have an in game value and that value can be exchanged more or less freely but its all in game

if you understand that you have to see we are being played

>> No.54557553

You would then be at the mercy of international laws and whoever else is out there. Water world is a good example of this and you would need to be well prepared and have foreknowledge of a lockdown and have time enough to gather supplies for a year or two if you do not intend to dock

>> No.54557592
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Just curious, what makes you spam all this in a Link thread. Slow night on pol?

The way your posts read, its a little too try hard. You want to come off as edgy and the slightly unhinged schizo guy, but its just not authentic. A wanna be gangster to use the parlance of our times. You ever considered just getting laid?

>> No.54557597

and on being played. BTC ogs who "have power" and "are powerful" self police the other tokens like the normies would be doing in 15 minute sectors.

So in the current situation we are jumping for LINK because it is low hanging fruit but the earlier buyers with greater resources prefer to jump for BTC or ETH or whatever because they have been trained to value a certain token and are happy to leave others in the dirt.

That's self policing for the industry. Regulations not needed in this case and not in 15 minute sectors. They just turn off the resources inbound or in the case of link everything moons except link

Self policing. Powerful right?

>> No.54557605

>attack the author
sorry newfag this is an anonymouse forum you cannot do that here.
Go back to spamming your for/against link threads for engagement farming. 2018 most link threads were about schizo breadcrumbs and survivalist talk

>> No.54557619

imagine putting money in this retarded shit

>> No.54557642

I think you're overestimating how powerful tptb are. Such a system would be extremely vulnerable to sabotage, the indoctrination needed to support it beats what China has going for it. Also it would only be possible in very densely populated cities full of bug people, there simply isn't infrastructure to pull it off in the countryside

>> No.54557685

>calm as hindu cows people stayed home for years after getting an untested vaccine
>and now everyone needs to forget so we can rewrite his story as the victors
Preliminary tests have already completed anon and the people found it acceptable and signaled their willingness for further trials [to be conducted in isolation only reaching local news or some tiktok videos]
>the indoctrination needed to support it
they have until 2050 anon they think long term and roll out slowly. COVID they did multiple things at once gauged reactions and now they need to sneak these things into the public
QR check ins, vaccine passports, medical lockdowns, areas under quarantine, ...

15 minute cities are the goal in my opinion.

>Also it would only be possible in very densely populated cities full of bug people
Canada, North America, and Western Europe all have this Australia and New Zealand too.
>there simply isn't infrastructure to pull it off in the countryside
if 90% of people are under control in urban areas the other 10% can be controlled through other means
The point is to get the bulk of the population under control for the planned depopulation agenda
AI will be instrumental in replacing people on Zoom calls within large businesses like a cancer eroding organizations in a controlled way. they are not needed anymore none of them and robots will farm the food
robots will be the new slaves. we are not needed anymore

>> No.54557886

Pay up

>> No.54558020

are you retarded
the freemasons conditioned us to value a debased currency known as the us fucking dollar

>> No.54558038

Yes and just when you have jumped for enough arbitrary coins they roll out the new tested CBDC system and heavily restrict the access from shitcoins not needed to CBDC and there is no fiat only CBDCs and your new pod hope you enjoy it faggot. Just like how no one got to invest early in AI and AI is now a winner meanwhile blockchains languish

>> No.54558102

so I've read all of your Adderall fueled rants ITT and I completely agree. But you never mention what can we do about it?

>> No.54558203

You sound a bit demoralized, if it were too late they wouldn't be throwing everything they have at us to demoralize us, "us" being people who just wanted to grill and have a good time.

>> No.54558226

Though as a WoW player, I agree there was a lot of social engineering experiments that went into WoW outside of farming gold. I'm sure plenty of troons arose out of WoW, when I was a kid the thought of playing a female character wasn't preferable, unless she was naked or who boobs bounced around, but then I wasn't focused on the game.

>> No.54558237

My prime solution is based around the American 1A:
>bring awareness to problems
>defend your right to bring awareness to problems
It's none of your fucking business.

>> No.54558245

I hold Chainlink and I am not a deranged tranny who hates Chainlink. So there is at least 1 of me!

>> No.54558255

Cheers m8, I think LINK is a major cause of derangement in autistic circles, we have to remember there is a life outside the screen though, "we" being real people, but also discord troons, they should remember that too.

>> No.54558274

You are a mentally ill doomposter. You think you are a woke genius because you found out fiat money is a scam ?? Schizotard go back to pol we are here to make money not morals. We are no different than your freemasons that you are fighting in your midwit mind. You are a poor dumbfuck who have no value in the system. You provide no value even if you only use hard currencies you would have been still poor. Get your shiny boomer rocks get your moral high ground and fuck off to pol.

>> No.54558282
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He does bring up some good points about CBDC's

>> No.54558285

What fucking value do u bring?

>> No.54558374

Saving you from an obvious demoralizing retarded cunt.

>Ever wonder what equipment is hidden in the good year blimp?

This mentally ill ranting retard thinks there is an equipment on a goodyear blimp that makes you compliant or something ?

I know these retards who think they are smart talking on a high ground while believing blimp ads being something else. I saw hundreds of them on pol muh 2 weeks muh QAnon. Muh 5G. You dont like US gov. MOVE OUT then.

>> No.54558381

Please just shut the fuck up.

>> No.54558424

>dev nft
c'mon linkies the new /biz/ coin is right in front of your face

>> No.54558426

I knew I hit a nail on the head when out of the woodwork you arrive to single out one offhand remark kek thanks anon
So the film series which you can torrent is called the Cremaster Cycle and it in one of the rituals involves people in a blimp controlling people on a sports field. Yeah they must have some special equipment to influence behavior with frequencies or something man
>But you never mention what can we do about it?
I mentioned land but there are caveats involved. I think its better to be flexible when it comes to living arrangements. I don't think anymore normal folk will make it from crypto. Next meme run some actors will pretend to make it then disappear after losing it all
Just when you think you are winning and everything is lined up to fall in your favor it all comes tumbling down. Many such cases unfortunately. COVID lockdowns were an eye opener

>> No.54558454

All of this is true but a pit fall that knowers fall into is that their time frames are way off. None of this shit is coming any time soon so you might as well make as much money as you can while you still can and only focus on that for now. It's the goal but it is decades away at the soonest.

They only run the covid psyop once every 100 years after all. Last time was the Spanish flu.

>> No.54558471

>Chainlink had the most engaged, loyal, and positive community in crypto

Chainlink always got the most fud out of any crypto in existence, ALWAYS

>> No.54558487

Kek I doubt this will happen in my lifetime but I still bought a tiny homestead just in case.

>> No.54558496

Somehow they lost the og's. Most are still holding, but the meme magic is gone. It was the perfect chaos when they never posted or engaged and the public discussion and sentiment was organically formed by the community. Then they brought in new linkies whose job was to create order in chaos and that failed. Probably it was inevitable, the organic and creative way has to go and a more managerial way has to take its place when the community went from thousands to tens or hundreds of thousands.

>> No.54558514

>the public discussion and sentiment was organically formed by the community
Yeah, in the form of a neverending deluge of fud.

>> No.54558542

Originally fudding was a joke and a display of unwavering confidence. It was a genius tactic that was counter to the groundless hype that most projects wanted to build. It was a powerful experience to discover chainlink when it looked like it was purposefully being kept away from people's eyes. It attracted the independent and intelligent enough part of crypto. Then the marketing kicked in and the original community was rugged in a sense. I still think it had to happen, but they probably could have done better

>> No.54558555
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>Originally fudding was a joke
You're an idiot.

>> No.54558565

Can someone show me in the original white paper where it says part of the Chainlink mission is to make Chuds rich?
You're owed nothing.

>> No.54558578

Fud will continue until price improves.

>> No.54558584

These posts are from 2020 anon. I'm talking original as in 2017-18. Back then it was a joke and counter psychological shilling for those who were able to look beneath the surface

>> No.54558605

>Fud will continue until price improves.
Link spanked the entire market for two years straight between 2018 and 2020, and the fud was just as bad as now.

The fud was always bad, but it got extremely bad after Google Cloud in June 2019.

>> No.54558626

If you were around and it wasn't a joke to you then we of course have to conclude it wasn't a joke to everyone. Imo it was generally understood as a joke. We shouldn't complain about the price either. We have has like 6 years to accumulate. You've been putting in your monthly buys, right anon?

>> No.54558637

Nobody spamming "fake partnership" or "token not needed" was joking.
As soon as you tried to engage any of these posters, they would go on for many hours and dozens of posts vehemently thrashing Chainlink.
If you think otherwise, then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.54558667

You thinking it wasn't a joke doesn't mean it wasn't a joke to others. Spamming that shit was a joke to some. You were being trolled anon. Maybe you were even talked out of your monthly buys. I personally think token not needed is still a funny joke, especially since it may end up being true

>> No.54558676

"Fake partnership" was eventually repeated by actual Google employees and Bloomberg.
Even if you intend for something to be a joke, it simply isn't when the consequences are very real.

>> No.54558696

Sounds like a pretty based joke to me. All in all I think Chainlink has done amazingly well. They are hiring the smarter google employees and the token has made normal wagies millionaires many times over. All you had to was to listen. What are some of the things that you're not happy about with Chainlink?

>> No.54558700

>Sounds like a pretty based joke to me
If your intent was never to make any money, sure.

>> No.54558723

What do you mean? Link went from 9 cents to $50. You had to put in less than $2000 to become a millionaire. We had like two years where we had the change to accumulate at around 20 cents. The ones who believed in link and wanted to make money had a once in a lifetime opportunity. What was your strategy during that time?

>> No.54558746

I mean what more could you ask? It was all laid out on this forum. The instructions for getting in to the ICO were here. Also all the detailed explanations about the tech with literal infographics. Even the early trading advice (sell sibos) was solid if you listened. People were helping you out to buy on etherdelta. Literally you only had to listen

>> No.54558755

>What do you mean? Link went from 9 cents to $50
Quant went from 20 cents to $400
BNB went from 10 cents to $600
Doge went from 3 to 6,000 (shifting decimals)

All in the same timeframe.
And they all have zero utility compared to Link.

>> No.54558773

Yes in hindsight link wasn't the best investment you could have made, but I believe it was the best risk/reward play ever. And 9 cents to $50 isn't exactly a bad thing. Why are you making all these negative remarks? Are you mad about something the link team or someone on this forum has done to you?

>> No.54558777

well with inflation at like 20% it makes zero fucking difference now doesn't it. take your negative interest rate and fuck right off while random coins moon x20 or 50 left and right for the last years.
this. the collapse is coming and soon we are all gonna fuckin die waiting in bread lines in some open air concentration camp because we're all forced to share a bunk with idiots that have no concept of morality or society and can't think past 5 minutes into the future. literally the end is coming. the CEX will turn off the price-brakes just as the collapse happens to further distract right before they pull out the internet and power and call it an attack. stock up on water and food and be safe

>> No.54558780

>in hindsight link wasn't the best investment you could have made
Link had all the makings of being the absolute best investment on earth.
But when even Bloomberg is telling people some of the greatest endorsements (Google Cloud) are "fake", then there's really no chance of having gains like Quant, BNB, Doge, ...

>> No.54558810

>when even Bloomberg is telling people some of the greatest endorsements (Google Cloud) are "fake"

I hope you will find peace with Chainlink and the jokes that have been made during the years. When I'm having difficulties I like to go for a run, lift weights, meditate and spend time with family and the few friends that I have

>> No.54558812

kek, screwing you out of money is "based"?
You have self-hate issues. You're a beta who doesn't actually want to make it.

>> No.54558828

>nOOO you can’t buy Link because le ebil WEF conspiracy means even if you get rich it won’t matter because of a 15 minute city!!!!
Get the fuck out of here. Least creative fud attempt I’ve ever seen.

>> No.54558843

For me it was a ritualistic way to portray extreme confidence in what I was doing. I made it while making a mockery of Bloomberg and what it represents. I also don't think in terms of these made up categories. Ps. Token not needed

>> No.54558850

>it was a ritualistic way to portray extreme confidence in what I was doing
In other words: "normie money not needed!"

>> No.54558855

ofc the immoral zogbot is seething at gold, just like his jewish master teached him
You are not only worthless, you are a problem.

>> No.54558866

You should get your act together. Start by going out right now, run a little, do 3x max rep pushups. Buy some more link. Cook yourself a healthy meal. Get your sleeping routine in control. Start waking up at 6am. Being as happy and healthy as possible is the most important thing

>> No.54558870

Also that
Check em anon. Do it anon. I believe in you and I love you

>> No.54558874

I lift, engage in team sports, have a full social life, two kids, a loving and hardworking wife, a nice house (adding a swimming pool this spring), etc.

I like myself, which is why I don't try to undermine my financial efforts.

>> No.54558884

Bros nothing you guys say matters because 15 minute cities. We should actually just all kill ourselves because elites want us to live in 15 minute cities

>> No.54558896

Good for you then! Congrats! I still think you should stop writing bitter posts on 4chan. I'm sorry if the jokes got to you, but what's done is done and Chainlink is in full marketing mode now.

>> No.54558899

lmao of course this thread turned into schizo ramble

anyway that the dude that posted that chart in the OP holds six figures of LINK

>> No.54558901

>I'm sorry if the jokes got to you
They didn't get to me, they got to the price of my investment.

>> No.54558902

You sound like a couple of guys who really enjoyed your lockdown and would be thrilled to have another. No one is correlating fud posts on /biz/ with BTC taking a fat shit everytime LINK does something
Regardless it does not matter as you me and the other guy are all slaves with no hope of escape. Religious exemptions don't mean shit and most of the wagies got the vaccine n never complained when two more weeks turned into two fucking years. Go for a run he says oh too bad bro your sector just got locked down and someone said nigger so the power is cut enjoy it. Chainlink ETH BTC does not protect you from this. Silver Gold Stocks NONE OF IT PROTECTED YOU FROM ARBITRARY LOCKDOWN
some anon said they only pull this one every hundred years nigger fuck off they do this all the time with different viruses every election year usually only the bugs react to it like birdflu.

And to the nigger who posted muh m
15 minutes cities don't buy chainlink buy chainlink buy crypto buy whatever the fuck you want just don't expect to make it or have any freedom the next time the government is convinced by actual cultists to lock everyone down

>> No.54558923

these cities will be a thing but they will only be a problem for the poorfags who were too dumb to buy LINK or get into Crypto, in fact its already the case.

A poorfag without money or the ability to make any cant really move anywhere or do anything but sit in their shitty one room apartment and get shitfaced off cheap drugs like alcohol while getting blasted with cheap entertainment waiting for their gibsmedat from the Gov.
Meanwhile the rich people, even during Covid Lockdowns were able to do whatever they want and buy all the experiences they want, travel anywhere they want and do whatever.
Also the Covid vaccine genocide and sterilization is not a bad thing, they only culled the most useless, most annoying people. Literally just killed or crippled all the People I hate anyway and the world is a better place now.

>> No.54558930

Bro literally mine BTC because it stops bank bailouts because you are a sovereign citizen and don't pay tax and decentralization something means that higher electricity bills ackually harm the banking kikes
For ten fucking years I've had to listen to this shit by boomers convinced they did something because hey bro the world is so much better now but numbers went up so haha us bitcoiners win!
Did they ban bank bailouts because of higher energy consumption yet?

Did OG trillionaires get locked down with the rest of us cattle? Sorry whale you are not in their club and never will be ha ha ha

>> No.54558935

Alright. I'm sorry I made a joke that got into the price of your investment.
I actually agree with most of what you're saying here. I didn't take a single shot since COVID wasn't a serious disease to young people and there are always many unknown unknowns when you combine multiple complex systems. Seeing the whole world overreact was a very important lesson tho

>> No.54558939

Gold is a great investment the immortal investment. Problem is we die. Im not gonna sit around and wait 10 years for a 2x. Boomer Shiny rock collector. Zoomers who bought at 16k BTC is up 2x in 5 months. Keep waiting for your 0.3 percent gains while the death approaches.

>> No.54558951

I also don't like lockdowns and never participated in one. Don't plan on doing so unless there is a real dangerous disease around.

>> No.54558962

That is the biggest load of cope I have ever read before in my life anon holy fuck

>us token collectors will be safe because umm ITS THE FUTURE
no we were trained to value arbitrary tokens and coins by playing video games it is no coincidence that MArio and SONIC make an appearance again in the media. Masonic ring any bells?

>the rich are actually the good guys because they can afford to present themselves that way!
Rich and poor were locked down and you couldn't do shit without the vaccine
The only people that had freedom of movement were the vaxxed

>I don't like annoying people I hope they die
Pleased when someone richer than you declares you annoying because you said something they didn't like or because you made a face at them or some shit
where does it end when you let someone else decide your fate?

You might find yourself among the culled trusting them like that anon

>> No.54558973

Just kys anons look at this moralizing individual surely he couldnt have an agenda of radicalizing and demoralizing you and make you kys. Surely he is just warning you right right ?

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.54558987

Life is good anons. Thinking the world will end is part of being human. Others get it more than others, but probably all of us are familiar with feelings of hopelessness. Ignore the abstract fears and enjoy the life in paradise because that's what it is. Don't give in to the fear. Love is the answer

>> No.54558991

>no we were trained to value arbitrary tokens
its called MONEY and Crypto is Money.
>Rich and poor were locked down
Lmao no, it didnt stop me from doing anything and I'm unvaxxed and crypto rich. It was only restricting for poor people like you so thats why our experiences differ so much.
>Pleased when someone richer than you declares you annoying
Never happened because I'm not like you at all.

>> No.54559002

Im just talking hiistory nigger and extrapolating from there hell they poison the food and water supply locked down the healthy to trick them into taking some new experimental vaccine and you think some magic internet tokens are going to deliver you freedom on a silver platter

When has technology changed the standard eight hour working day in one hundred years?

How does a coin that forces you to pay a higher energy bill influence government or bank policy?

How does a closed system that seems to not want to use external data open up the world to blockchains?

In what ways would interconnected sets of databases change government policy the next time shit hits the fan and they need to cover up some Epstein and Maxwell type shit?

I struggle to see how any crypto helps the average person except for the early adopters and guess what with Chainlink it didn't even matter that much because inflation literally pryed the wealth right out of my pocket

>> No.54559012

kill yourself nigger
look at this nigger trying to change history because he can lie and pretend his experience was not altered by government action healthcracy
>no death threats
because you have no friends no interactions with other people
>no changes to work bro I literally just trade XD
you must eat lots of Grubhub too right?
How many triple cheese burgers have you consumed today based goyslop enjoyer?

>> No.54559051

lmao this poorfag retard doesnt even understand how Bitcoin works.
I'm not lying, I'm serious. Life didnt change much for rich people like me during Covid.
I was still able to do whatever I wanted to do and the restrictions were only for the poor and useless such as yourself.
>you must eat lots of Grubhub too right?
wrong, again I'm not poor like you. I can afford the best ingredients and I have a nice big kitchen to cook for myself and my family.
Its funny tho how you project your love for goyslop on me. goyslop is for poor people like you.

>> No.54559071

Different people in different places pay money to different utility companies some of which are public and some of them are private. And this pet rock thing is supposed to be a currency but its not really accepted anywhere and most people do not use the blockchain itself directly but the miners who pay tax on their electricity bill are really doing serious damage when they do bro :^) trust me
How does this influence government and bank policy again?

kek and how did you leave your home to go to wholefoods to shop for quality ingredients that you don't grow yourself?

Are you sure you know what's in those quality ingredients?
Did you wear that mask made by sweatshop Indians when you drove your Lambo to wholefoods?

>> No.54559074

he's easy to spot. he's a dedicated thread derailer. i filtered him as soon as I saw the first post and 27 pbtid.

>> No.54559079
File: 234 KB, 2000x1334, genslered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for another SerGAY dump on chained baggots.

You think you got problems now, you will long for these simple days..

>Smells like unregistered securities up in this motherfucker...

>> No.54559090

What else is there to talk about LINK related?
>oh bro just wait big things are seriously happening its the future
>latest thing can also mean big things for this industry because ITS THE FUTURE

remember that one interview chainlink and some ex nasa guy from celsius or whatever and the interviewer kept asking questions around TEH FUTURE and that's all it was like real high quality stuff for 30 minutes on what could happen and when you go back and discuss what DID happen its considered FUD and some rich fag has to come in to debate how much better he is on /biz/ of all places because here is where shit meets wealth a happy place

>> No.54559100

>government takes away your freedom of movement
>but bro some token is an unrestricted security you better watch out its IMPORTANT
>CHINA BAN BTC MINING AGAIN OH NOES how will they survive without the energy usage and tax?

>> No.54559106

>Different people in different places pay money
you are very slow to figure this out. explains why you are a poorfag tho.
>but its not really accepted anywhere
too dumb for even a simple google search?
>and most people do not use the blockchain
dont care what most poor people like you do. not my problem.
thing is I can use Crypto wherever I want, swap it into any currency I want and buy whatever I want and I can use it global.
>that you don't grow yourself?
bold of you to assume I dont.
>Are you sure you know what's in those quality ingredients?
yes I can read
>Did you wear that mask
never had to wear one, these are for Poor people like you.

>> No.54559113

>a list of wild assumptions with zero substance
Wow this post offers nothing of value whatsoever And niggers consider me the derailer

>> No.54559115

keep going with your poorfag ramblings, I do find them very amusing.

>> No.54559124

I know a trillionaire like you would but the topics of today only concern the poorest of poorfags like me who really struggled during lockdown and struggle still today. Do you know about the struggle?

>> No.54559127

Tell me about your poorfag struggles.

>> No.54559131


>> No.54559139

Tell me about how much better your life as a richfag is bot

>> No.54559168

I already did, so not only are you poor but also with the memory of an insect.
no wonder you cant figure out how to make money during a time where its extremely easy to get.
I foresee the next step of your life is becoming a homeless person.

>> No.54559188

You said you ate food. Everyone does that.

Being homeless is based. An estimated 30% of all people aspire to leave their homes and become homeless. I do not know what impact this will have on property prices in the future.

>> No.54559193

The last time BTC was sitting at $30,000 mark, LINK was sitting respectively at roughly $20, but it's at $7. What gives? Even ETH is sitting roughly where it was the last time BTC was sitting at $30,000.

>> No.54559213

>Being homeless is based.
the copes poor people will tell themselves. funny.

>> No.54559218

Both of those coins didn’t get inflated like link

>> No.54559222

umm no every rich person i know has no need of a fixed address and they easily avoided all lockdown restrictions. You sound really mad you are not in the know

>> No.54559228

>every rich person i know
you dont know any rich people, you are poor.

>> No.54559230

Market cycles anon, don’t expect things to work logically based on past performance. Just 2 more weeks

>> No.54559240

Well no that was your assumption

>> No.54559334

Fudders tongue my anus

>> No.54559368

chainlink has way more adoption, a far better team, more features, swift near confirmation than in 2020 and yet it was $20 then and really high against btc and eth
there's a reason why this space is brutal and most don't last. just look at how many ethtards didn't make it through 2018 and 2019 and then the covid crash. they went from $1330 to $80

>> No.54559406

They didn’t need to wait long, link is the longest running scam with a cult

>> No.54559905

Cringe. Linkies pivoting into self help gurus because the price isnt going up is pathetic. Guys like me have been doing all of that since middle school you little fucking twerp. Now where is the fucking money

>> No.54559921

You realize parts of the US didnt even lockdown right? Where I live literally nothing changed. You must either be in pussy ass Europe or a lib state. Pussy