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File: 14 KB, 538x567, 456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54555974 No.54555974 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a teacher. I hate it. I fucking hate the shit out of it.
I can't do this with my life.
I am going to put 100% of my paychecks into btc and Link from now on.
I need these gay internet coins to save my life.

Pic related, that is what my job is, only it's less dignified

>> No.54555979

Learn to code

>> No.54555992

I have been practicing but have no practical idea how tf to get a job doing that.

>> No.54555995

you're a good doggo
* pets and snuzzles *

>> No.54556001

What do you hate about your job? (Except paycheck)
Why did you even pick teaching as a career path?

>> No.54556002

How much do you make? In my state teachers start at like $65k

>> No.54556010

I don’t think I’d like being a teacher but I am in tech and hate it as well. Good jobs probably don’t exist. You either are a normie and like working or you understand it’s slavery.

>> No.54556011
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Being a teacher in today's age is the ultimate redpill. If you don't get redpilled by the jewishness of teaching admins, today's kids, their shit behavior, and the fact that admins demand you take a nigger beating while smiling, then you simply are too far gone and cannot be redpilled.

I'd rather break my back digging ditches than try and "teach" a classroom full of screen addicted, psycho faggots and niggers.

>> No.54556035

You'll make more money finding the next 5 small to mid cap level stocks that will lead the market for the next decade plus and put your paycheck into them. Much higher probability than any crypto.

>> No.54556050
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You know anybody who got beat up by a student?

>> No.54556062

Me too. I tried to learn to code but I'm too dumb. Are there any IT careers that pretty easy to get into?

>> No.54556157

I do not like that I feel the majority of my job is just wrangling terrible personalities. I've worked as a laborer in the past, and while that was back busting work, it was less "stressful". Keeping people in line is not something I'm great at, and not something I enjoy doing, either. I have no idea why I thought this would be nice.
A few have been hit, but I won't go into detail.
Sitting around wondering about what jobs I could do otherwise, it really made me think of the "those who can't do teach" line. I really just feel devoid of worth.
That might be right. I just need to study it all more. At least I will have the summer off to spend my time fiddling with stocks and crypto during the day.

>> No.54556364

become an international teacher, anon - go to china, save ridiculous $$$ with a stress-free job and bang chinese hotties

in b4 chinesium, dog-boiling, muh xinjiang

>> No.54556374

How many child trannies are in your class

>> No.54556379

How long you been at it. Teaching seems so soul crushing all my teachers looked so defeated

>> No.54556520

I quit teaching after I used the computer lab to mine Dogecoin all summer. WAGMI friend. Quitting was the best thing I've ever done. I work in crypto for a large company and tripled my salary from what I was doing before.

>> No.54556537

all the dumbest cunts i went to school with that didn't end up druggies or in jail became teachers. teacher is the new "i'm not a failure" larp. ain't no one buying it. get a real job.

>> No.54556564

Genius move

>> No.54556765

Also former teacher here
i went into counselling psychology, now studying to get my PhD. Its peaceful,, quiet, reflective, and 90% of the people you help greatly appreciate you
I actually liked teaching and working with teenagers, just couldnt stand the libtarded commie fag education system

Let me guess, you are an american teacher in a particularly melaninated school? Just get a new job. leftist recruiters love seeing "teacher" on a resume, trust me. It (usually) means you are a good shabbos goyim

>> No.54556790

Or, what this anon says, If you really cant think of a different job, go be an international english teacher for a couple years. One of my online friends who loved teaching just not teaching in Weimerica taught english in Japan and got a Masters/eventual PhD in TESL and is now a professor at a large japanese university. he got the waifu and everything

>> No.54556800

I am considering different options for sure. Looking at a CDL, code bootcamp or to get some kind of office job for real retards (sales or w/e).

>> No.54556812

less dignified than a janny? how? at least you get paid

>> No.54556859

Code bootcamp can be beneficial, the problem that most grads don't make their projects.

Also get a couple of cloud certs if you decide to go this route, deploying your code is expected from developers. There are vouchers on linkedin for AWS 100% off cert exam if you complete AWS's free online courses (~70hrs).

Good luck dude, I am an engineer who went into development

>> No.54556882


>> No.54556899

I remember in 10th grade one kid just spent the entire period moaning in a girl's voice and telling the 60 year old physics teacher how sexy he was while the teacher pretended not to notice the entire time. Same teacher got punched a week later.

I honestly can't imagine a more miserable job. You're entire profession just consists of you taking unspeakable abuse from kids like 30 years younger than you. If you really want to "teach" then just become a tutor or get into a really posh private school with <5 students per class otherwise just spare yourself the unbearable grief.

>> No.54556912

That’s the joke

>> No.54556916

die immediately

>> No.54556924

That's roughly where I'm at, except I'm not 60. I'm at the tail end of my 20s and want out before the very last bit of fire left in my soul is extinguished.

>> No.54556937
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Awooo~ no reason to be so mad anon, *nuzzles* why dont you try some puppy cuddles and see if that calms you down, im a registered service dog iykwim :3

>> No.54556939

O-oh. Well that isn't very helpful. I'm glad this anon was here to offer more helpful advice >>54556859

>> No.54556950

If you're in your 20s then you're nowhere near irredeemable. Just pivot into something else and on your resume talk about how much your teaching experience made you "massively elevate my communication skills and showed me how much I love working with people."

>> No.54556955

OP how long have you been doing it? might be worth to stay for the retirement benifit? you have summers off so you could theoretically work summers and make extra income.
Also just put in bare minimum, I remember having teachers that only did a few classes in high shcool and were home by like 1PM
Not a bad gig if you can find something on the side to stack some assets, either stonks or crypto

>> No.54556959
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>> No.54556972

>he doesnt know the fur market is one of the most luctrative and you can extract hundreds of thousands of dollars from autistic furries
NGMI anon

>> No.54556975

aww >w< turn that frown upside d-d-down
*gives huggies wuggies uwu* :3

>> No.54556976
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OP, what do you teach? Grades and subject? I used to be a small school 6-12 band director in Texas and later was a high School computer science teacher. Both jobs are absolutely mental but the band directing was an absolute waste of my life in my twenties. I now make 200k a year in tech sales, so if I did it, I know you can too. Try.

>> No.54556984

i've been subbing while working on my IT degree and i haven't had an issue with high school kids so far. whether they do their work or go on their phones idgaf. i just work on my assignments and learn coding.
middle and elementary is a different story though. some of those brats need beatings.

>> No.54556997

I am aware of the benefits of the job.
The pension is the major attraction. But that means I'll be doing this until I'm in my 60s, and that would really, really suck.

>> No.54557002
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The abuse part is real. Abuse from kids, abuse from their parents, abuse from administrators. All on a miniscule salary.

>> No.54557028

If you leave before you get pension you can usually roll the money you contributed into an IRA. That's what I did. Check with your local PERA to find out how.

>> No.54557033

>I am going to put 100% of my paychecks into btc and Link
Go ahead lad. BTC is accepted,but not Chainlink shilled by benzofags. Instead keep it in stablecoins, SpoolFi can help you secure it risk wise.

>> No.54557035

Subbing is paid hanging out. It is not the same job. You don't really have any responsibilities, and so don't actually need to *exercise* authority, and therefor you don't have to constantly put up with exactly that kind of bullshit ad nauseum.
I was a sub when I started and that job is actually nice, but the pay doesn't exist.

>> No.54557038

yeah, in that case I would say do as other anons have said, learn2code or go to colleg for some other work.

one thing on the learn2code, not to discourage you but the market is oversaturated as fuck. pick a niche and really put all your autism into it, if you dont show a passion for it and a deep knowlege you may have a hard time landing anything much better without a degree to be honest.

t. Took the learn2code pill and got lots of certs, ended up landing shitty software support eng jobs that made me want to die every day.

>> No.54557057
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My TRS contributions were so small after 5 years of service literally just withdrew them at a 10% penalty and threw it all into crypto. I would rather die than either enter a classroom or a band hall ever again.

>> No.54557080

Yeah the abuse does not fucking end and I really, really hate having to just take it. I do teach HS but won't say subject.
Yeah that much I'm familiar with through friends in the industry, which is why I'm also looking at just being a trucker. Simple job for a simple man. I don't expect I'll ever get married so an OTR job would just be an adventure for me.

>> No.54557097
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I actually taught college I'm China for a year and that job was AWESOME. It was 2.5 days of work a week with no office hours. You should look into that. Truck driving sounds tough

>> No.54557108

>I do teach HS but won't say subject.
Why? You already declared you are lower than an unpaid internet janitor. Is it art? Foods? Home ec?

>> No.54557127

Burnout Software Engineer here, I could offer some advice if you want. I recently quit my job to find a easier full remote job like IT support or something. I have a shit ton of savings so I can wait just fine for another job.

If you're a teacher wanting to transfer to tech may I know your age first?

>> No.54557131

Trucking wrecks your body though. Coding is still the better option, especially if you specialize a bit.

>> No.54557143

>I'm also looking at just being a trucker.
honestly anon, something to be said for manual labor, I discovered a passion for working on cars, currently I buy shitboxes with blown engines and cheap milage, flip them for about 3-6k per car, takes about 7 days of labor worst case, usually 3, I find it so much more fulfilling than IT work

Good luck anon, figure out what makes you money, fuck those little shits honestly if you have that long to go, take the dive and just do it.

Every time I have made a major change in my life like that I have not regretted it, do it and trust in the universe, see what happens, you will find enough to eat and drink and a place to sleep no matter what, sounds like hippie bullshit but its true.

>> No.54557146

And your location too btw. Just a general area like a state would be helpful.

>> No.54557182

>Every time I have made a major change in my life like that I have not regretted it, do it and trust in the universe
There's something to this, I have had similar experiences with making major changes in my life that led to good things. It's kind of Boomer logic, but listening to your gut will typically reveal the correct path to follow.

>> No.54557187

very true. i get asked whether i want to teach after i finish my degree and i'm like fuck no. i can see the appeal of teaching but i enjoy technical work and problem-solving and hate having to manage other people. praying to god i get a wfh job in IT in the future.

>> No.54557207

teacher is one of the best professions since you are capable of sexually abused barely legal schoolgirl

>> No.54557213

kek, so true. God have a job is gay.

>> No.54557225

sweet. I'm headed to Vietnam in August.

>> No.54557232

I'm paranoid.
Maryland, but willing to travel the east coast.
I may look into English teaching, but how tf somebody just learns Chinese on the fly is beyond me. I'd look more at South America.
But yes, the fact is I do like a physical job. Teaching has rekt my body a lot worse than physical jobs ever did. I used to be in shape and eat healthy, now I am an alcoholic, my guts are a disaster, and my muscles have atrophied away.

>> No.54557233

Buzz off Patel.

>> No.54557244
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Gm ser very funny

>> No.54557265

You don't need to know Chinese to teach English in China. Search for Dave's ESL Cafe job boards and you will see job listings. Have fun!!

>> No.54557283

the incels on this website would go crazy. girls walking around with their tummies showing, wearing short shorts, wearing form-fitting clothes, showing cleavage. it's ridiculous schools allow some of this stuff.

>> No.54557294

>my guts are a disaster, and my muscles have atrophied away.
Trucking is not going to help on either of those fronts. Comfy office job with a good salary, reasonable hours, and a gym membership seems a lot better, from my perspective at least.

>> No.54557310

I'm also at the tail end of my 20s and looking at becoming a trucker. I have close family members who do it and make close to six figures.
They're car haulers though. So you spend more time loading and unloading, but there's more money in it.

>> No.54557325

When I was a local trucker (home every night) I could do 1/2/3/4. Got close to 3 on the bench. But trying to think of the logistics, you're right, OTR would make gym-going impossible.

>> No.54557329

large majority of foreign schools not only expect but demand the english teacher only speak english in the classroom
so as far as the job is concerned, you dont need to know any of their language

>> No.54557354
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>I am going to put 100% of my paychecks into btc and Link from now on.
BTC is based. Link is fucked

New utilities are out there anon. Even NFTs have a subcategory now called NFE. Integrated by MNICorp. Gives you good yield for what you hold.

>> No.54557372

I'm BTC and ICP. Nothing else

>> No.54557381

Risk management needs to be taken into account. When there are values for RWA tied to tokens via collateralization, and on defi, it makes things easier. We're getting there.

>> No.54557393

Car haul sounds intimidating!

>> No.54557396

Good for you anon. Diversification is key. New and better innovations will always come. You can choose to stay stagnant.

>> No.54557435

Look into after a few years of being a trucker, if you do go that route. It keeps you engaged with a little bit of physical activity, so you'll probably like it a little more.
Just load up your cars, strap them down, then drive. Not much different than being a normal trucker

>> No.54557495

I quit 1 semester into my MA for school counseling. The actual help that I want to provide students is buried beneath a load of red tape of the school board and policies. The entire education system is pozzed, not that thats anything new. The major thing I learned is how many go into this line of work with an actual passion and interest for helping students, then you realize most of them are shit heads, and the times you do want to help will end up either backfiring or will get you thrown under the bus for something. The system basically kills the passion anyone had and makes them reinforce the very same system they wanted to dismantle.
>Want to help students
>Stressed from paperwork, angry parents, school board who is breathing down your neck, heavy work load, etc.
>"Hold on, some kid an hero'd?"
>Time to put all your plans behind and set up a mental health week(s)
>"Sorry Timmy, I can't help you right now you'll just have to wait."
>Become pessimistic and jaded
>Start seeing students with a slight bit of contempt within you for making your job hell
>Realize youve become part of the problem
>Become trapped because you went into debt to be here
Many people dont realize that a good majority of teachers and school staff, even the shitty ones, at one point wanted to make a positive impact on their students. You either end up a cynical bastard, a punching bag, or a classroom dictator over time. Very few are able to weather through the decades long storm. If youre having second thoughts now, then you should be looking for something else.

>> No.54557542

Okay. Here's what you need to do. Look up Service Based Companies/IT Consultation Companies like Accenture, Deloitte, Capgemini, etc. they will give free training and pay you so they can place you with their clients after.

What's the catch on these companies? I'm from the Philippines, they made me sign a 2 year bond although I don't think it exists in the USA because bonds are not enforceable, even here.

You won't really have any freedom to choose your projects, you're gonna to take what's available, but it's all in the tech field.

Full remote doesn't exist anymore in these companies it will either be hybrid or full office based now. So you're gonna have to move, you're in maryland so you'll have to move to New York for Accenture and Capgemini, Deloitte is in Texas I think.

If you're internally trained in these companies the promotions are frequent since they prefer you over outside experienced hires.

Although, if you want to take advantage of your previous work background, you could probably apply there as a manager already, although this is highly unlikely assuming you don't have any tech background, it's all about how you finesse the interview.

I've had managers before that didn't really know anything about tech but I find since they don't have technical knowledge, they were taken advantage of by the developers, spewing out bullshit during meetings when they haven't delivered their tasks yet/properly.

The reason I asked for your age first is because tech industry prefers younger folks, if you're in your late 30s or 40s no one will hire you for entry level or mid level anymore, at that age you'll have to be aiming for managerial level if you've been in the industry for that long.

>> No.54557544

It really does suck because the people who want to go into teaching are usually the ones who don't have the strong personality type. Instead of being in a nurturing and educational role, youre just an authoritarian with standardized tests to review with the option of your own personality sprinkled in. Going through my SC program it was discussed frequently how classroom management(discipline) wasnt nearly covered in teacher programs due to them not wanting aspiring teachers to have a stigma against their own students, yet when the classroom is out of control the teachers usually resort to flight, fight, or freeze in the given situation.

OP, coming from an anon who got out before it was too late, Im telling you to find something ASAP. Go be a forest ranger or something less stressful. Im saying this because you dont want to end up being the punching bag or the cynical authoritarian. Always remember there will be some roastie who throws chairs at her 4th grade students to replace you. Passions and money will come along the way, just dont lose your sanity.

>> No.54557584

this is why I went into regular psychotherapy counselling instead of school route after working in a high school for four years.

School counselors aren't even "counselors" as much as they are administrative bloatware who shuffle papers and encourage confused young girls into becoming gendersexualqueerpolysperms. The ideological insanity taught in public schools is absurd and made me hate my coworkers far more than teenagers who obviously will act out when fed the goyslop. Good intentions or not 90% of teachers are absolute NPCs, and the ones who go on to become vice-principals/principals are just psychopaths with a self-flagellation fetish

>> No.54557614

UwU I want to put it in your boypussy and knock you up with HIV uwu

Breed my strain in your aidswomb uwu~

>> No.54557625

Yeah I was hoping to help more kids in a school setting, but if anything I should have been an MFT in a school setting which is pretty rare. And yeah I really couldnt deal with the ideological clash between my roastie cohort and me trying to keep my mouth shut. They looked at me like some sort of pet killer for suggesting trade school be an option for post secondary and no encouraging kids to go immediately into debt even if they dont know what to do. Its also my fault I didnt do enough research to see the actual counseling we do is few and far between, and on top of that it is often solution based as in "quit crying and do your work" type counseling. I unironically thought I had a chance of not shoving every bit of globohomo agenda down student's throats, but I realize thats an uphill battle I won't win.

At least now i work as an over glorified high paid premium tard educator. My case load is pretty easy and I probably get a higher base pay rate than actual special ed teachers.

>> No.54557626

Bet you learned a lot about how and why niggers are niggers pretty damn quickly.
How were you before you started teaching?

>> No.54557705

an internship in college. I am 100% serious

>> No.54557725

>he fell for the meme
There are no good jobs left m8. Everything is nepotistic, automated, or shipped overseas

>> No.54557742

Imagine taking a third of the year off for school holidays and still complaining. I hope the zoomies xir you to death.

>> No.54557798

I quit working started to bag crypto.
Especially NFTs these days by just holding Goons NFTs I am generating good passive income.
I sit on my ass and these work for me.

>> No.54558106

imagine spending your entire day around prime pubscent girls radiating mating hormone at peak volume
you just need to be clever enough to spot the girls who are different, then it starts with homework questions and ends with her choking on your dick on a saturday night in the privacy of your home.
most of them are too shy to talk about it afterward. best case scenerio she has daddy problems and gets addicted to your dick, worst case she suicides. nothing to worry about

>> No.54558238

Been reading too many jap doujins huh?

>> No.54558273

If you're in America then I don't blame you for being shitty, my uncle, on the other hand, is a performing arts teacher here in Australia and is making bank. Maybe try coming here and working.

>> No.54558291

>Especially NFTs these days by just holding Goons NFTs I am generating good passive income.
This is not true.

>> No.54558433

Bro, the kids don't deserve you

kids are the problem, fucking pussys being offended by everything and knoing NOTHING

well ... easy times make pussylike ppl!

just remember the Fonzi days

>> No.54558476

Yeah the problem with teaching is that there will always be assholes, there will always be spoiled little shits thinking too highly of themself. If you are some nerdy introverted goody two shoes then teaching isn't for you. You're going to need to be an asshole to the little wannabe assholes, you're going to need to hard discipline the spoiled shits. I imagine that with the liberal bs teaching doctrine of today this kind of stuff is impossible, making teaching anything other than small amount of smart, quiet and empathetic kids too hard.

>> No.54559635

It's a fact check for yourself.

>> No.54559675

I make 65k and I literally just look at nice cars, write them up, keep my workers working, and that's it.
Probably the easiest most relaxed job I've ever had.
I can leave whenever I want too. Nothing holds me down

>> No.54559679

>pic related, that is what my job is, only it's less dignified
Not true, the school janitor has a better job than you do.
He can take drugs and mop floors while listening to music on headphones, and he probably makes about the same as you do.

>> No.54559682

can you get a job at an all white private school? or sell tutoring services part time while you go back to school for a career change, or explore adjacent careers?

my high school spanish teacher left teaching after a decade to become a teacher's union representative. a coworker (i'm an accountant) at my old job left teaching middle school after 4 years to retrain as an accountant. i also met a medical device sales rep at my old job who was formerly a high school science teacher.

>> No.54559690

Sup Brandon. How's Massachusetts?

>> No.54559719

If you are normal enough to teach people go to the SEA and teach engrish.
Not even kidding you will be treated like a celebrity especially since you have teaching experience as well.
I would do that if I wasn't a sperg

>> No.54559757

>implying you can't come to the job completely fucked up on xanax as a teacher

>> No.54560013

Just go move to a white conservative area and you can enjoy being a teacher again. If you take a job at a private school that doesnt accept any state funding you can do whatever based shit you want. Everyone is too afraid to speak up bc muh cancelling, but goddamn communists are ruining the west right now

>> No.54560102
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Hey, I wagecucked my way into hell too. I've had 2 months off with full pay now until i could start a new job. I'm also going all in on BTC for 10 years, fuck it. Hope you find your way in life friend