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54555966 No.54555966 [Reply] [Original]

The government farms us just like machines farm humanity in the Matrix

>> No.54555981

That’s the ultimate goal. We are to be harvested like Jupiter Ascending which the wachowskis made as well

>> No.54555983

How do I break free?

>> No.54555985

that's because the matrix is pseud garbage.
human history is dystopia
technology is freedom

>> No.54555998

The government is only allowed to treat their citizens the way they allow them to. Cuck citizens are to blame for this. Talk to any of the older generation and they'll blame a political party or whipper snappers when it's their mental slavery causing everything wrong in the world.

>> No.54556137

The machines were pretty fucking stupid to use humans as batteries when they could have dug some geothermal shit or nuclear. Hell, those fuckers could probably invent fusion.

>> No.54556165

Economic growth comes from a technology interacting with the 3 factors of production: Land, Labor & Capital.
You are not Land or Capital.

>> No.54556199

They harvest our time and effort through taxes and inflation i meant.

>> No.54556209

Technology really is freedom….that is until the kikes figure out how to profit from it.

>> No.54556276
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>> No.54556293

Yeah, that was kind of the point of the movie. Good job

>> No.54556304

FYI (((they))) trooned the wachowskis out as punishment for making the matrix. Careful.

>> No.54557426

It's been a while, but what were the machine's opinions on humans? I don't really remember much malice. Did they not just think they were doing the right thing by not killing humans, in which case they may as well use us as batteries?

>> No.54557636
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Agent smith goes on a tyrade how humans are a virus to morphheus in the first movie

>> No.54557647

Jupiters ascending was a shit movie but it was one of the biggest card tips over the last 20 years in cinema.

>> No.54558931

And the government are a collection of crypto jews.

>> No.54558982

no no sweaty shh shh

>> No.54559361

not the government but the big tech companies, their main goal is for you to use and consume their content be it social media with tiktok/instagram or media with Youtube/Netlfix so they can sell that data to advertisers and profit

>> No.54559370

Corporations are extensions of the government. It’s all connected

>> No.54559377
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>> No.54559378
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The truth shall set you free (in general; I don't have some specific truth to tell you).

>> No.54559382

>In Time (2011)