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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54555111 No.54555111 [Reply] [Original]

Does this violate fiduciary responsibility to Anheuser Busch's shareholders?

>> No.54555137

I bought pbr today to cope instead and wow it hits I only needed 3 beers instead of 6 talk about value thanks dylan

>> No.54555148
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Chuds are so fragile

>> No.54555168


You lack self-reflection, otherwise you'd know how much of a faggot you are.

>> No.54555209

question is: is this good business practice
answer: no

>> No.54555226
File: 1014 KB, 1248x2400, chud_evolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Chud thread

>> No.54555242

I would say so. I can't drink this stuff and if it was the only beer available, I'd quit. I only drink real German wheat beers.

>> No.54555253

women are such bad CEO's KEK, i should check her early life section too

>> No.54555257

me and my tranny friends have been drinking nothing but bud light and anheiser-busch products since this broke

>> No.54555271

you will always be a shit colored parasitic insect

>> No.54555280

Beer makes your body produce estrogen. I don't get why they're so mad at this tranny. She basically did exactly what every beer drinker is doing except it's a faster process kek

>> No.54555281

Probably, but they can just plead stupidity.

>> No.54555290
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Keep seething over cans snowflake

>> No.54555343

for each person that boycotts bud light, 6 trannies will now be drinking it. cope and seethe

>> No.54555362

>trannies drink a lot of beer in support of this
>all the trannies get fat
>none of the weirdos want to fuck them anymore
>they all commit sudoku
Kek what a genius plan by AB

>> No.54555365
File: 517 KB, 760x704, tranny spinner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's go back to the 1950's and lock these freaks behind bars.

>> No.54555379


>> No.54555395

Fucking kek

>> No.54555409

These jews are thinking in 3 dimensions while chuds are still in 1 dimension - "trannies bad"

>> No.54555410

which is better, the boomer-genx demographic that drinks the most beer but is dying out, or their kids and grandkids that drink a shitload of beer, have daddy's money, and will be living past 2030?

You guessed it. Companies don't really much care what old white guys think anymore. They're not the future. They're not even the present.

>> No.54555414
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Why are chuds like this? Low T?

>> No.54555431


>> No.54555452

I don't think they even care about profit at this point. Jews often see more value in propagandizing a population than bringing in revenue. Even if just to show their power and laugh. Like the Joker, when he burns the mountain of cash.

>> No.54555455

based af

>> No.54555469

imaginary numbers arent even real

>> No.54555538
File: 3 KB, 124x124, 1653596492951s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chuds are a small dying breed. They're outnumbered by normal people who don't care about this either way

>> No.54555543

does anyone on this board drink bud light? surely not, who fuckin cares lmao

>> No.54555549

That's 100% a woman.

>> No.54555588

i used to drink it but im not going to anymore if boomers in bars think im a tranny for drinking it and bully me

>> No.54555612

I drank Michelob Ultra, recommended it to people but not anymore
Everyone I know has also switched from drinking anything Anheuser Busch

>> No.54555632

the disgusting troons piled into this thread faster than you can say suicide

>> No.54555702

Haven't touched Bud or light in a decade, its trash.

I could argue it makes a lot of sense for them to market to liberal(non-white) youth, as their mostly white working class customer base abandoned them with the rise of craft brews.

>> No.54556139

yeah but if budlight can fall whats next? pretty soon there wont be a single stock you can invest in that doesnt support trannies and thats the point