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54552588 No.54552588 [Reply] [Original]

Wait, you guys aren't actually racist, are you?

>> No.54552600

I'm not. I think racism is for retards

>> No.54552601

nah nigga

>> No.54552611

Checked. My racism is just memes Glowniggers.

>> No.54552617

of course not, nigger

>> No.54552618

Literally everyone is. Especially those who say they’re not.

>> No.54552621
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only anonymously

>> No.54552624

racism is retarded but I can absolutely understand it when your only exposure to different groups of people is negative.

>> No.54552625 [DELETED] 

This. Period.

>> No.54552633

I'm only racist because it triggers glowies and trannies. I'm not even white.

>> No.54552639

I'm not. I still find it funny here though but i hope the others aren't really racist and just trying to be funny

>> No.54552642

I have nothing against any individual of any kind, unless they behave like assholes or are violent, etc
If you're a good person, you're good to me

>> No.54552650

Yes I am a racist, I don't say racist shit in public but I think like a racist and am racist in private with people I trust

and everyone else thinks like this btw

>> No.54552652

I mean I really hate niggers

>> No.54552666
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I prefer to call it pattern seeking.

>> No.54552698

I actually hate most people regardless of their race, especially people i consider inferior to me (so most shitskins).
anyone with the slightest sense of aesthetics will admit that non whites are ugly as fuck, in my opinion, niggers are not even the ugliest, its middle east people, and slavs. now even though they are generally inferior some individual non whites are based, some i even consider my equal.

>> No.54552699

No because racism is a crime and crime is done by niggers

>> No.54552720

i reject your linguistic framing of in group preference

>> No.54552732

It's not me who is racist, it's them who are black

>> No.54552738

My sister is married to a non white individual. While disappointed, she is my sister and learned to gradually accept him.

>> No.54552783

I am racist against the Chinese.

>> No.54552854

I judge people based on race if I don’t know them personally, so by most people’s standards yes. You’re not actually delusional are you? You can recognize that there are inherent differences between races in terms of human nature right?

>> No.54552929

Dunno. I grew up in "diversity" and it was fine. I live in a white area now and it's pretty damn nice due to being low crime. Is it racist to think that living around old rich white people is comfortable? I also trust the hard working browns from south of the border. They all plan to move back after saving enough American money to live like kings over there. Poor people are worse then not Poor people and I've had whites dry to break into my car as much as other "diversity". Rural fags or those who only live near section 8 are overly spooked. Old Rich is best. Living near young rich means being near their drug dealers and other scum.

I work with a lot of South East Asians and they are great. I think I'm only unironically racist to JEETS due to them always trying to scam me and staining their immediate surroundings with their stench.

>> No.54552947

You don't have to be black to be a nigger
That's the most important lesson I've learned from 4chin

>> No.54552968

1990 racism: referred to the descendants of slaves facing systemic oppression by visual cue
2023 racism: le mean words

>> No.54552984

Everyone is a racist and there is 2 types of racist

1. The racist

2. The racist who pretends to not be racist

Being racist is literally part of your DNA

>> No.54552994
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Nein, nein.
Don't worry OP.

>> No.54553001
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>> No.54553015
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I'm not racist. I agree with the liberals on many things nominally ("you're human regardless of ethnicity", etc.), but still think that they're severely deranged.
To clarify: derangement is an attitude, not necessarily a set of factual claims. For instance, I can be persuaded that there is structural racism (if you're black, people either think you're a criminal, and they do act on that belief too, e.g. the police profiles you, or they treat you as some mythical "magic negro", which is little more than the inverse of the negative discrimination - but in either case, they don't treat you as human, and this does have negative psychological effects), but not that it's some sort of "sin for which White people must be hated".

>> No.54553053

not racist, just don't like 'em. simple as

>> No.54553109

We're racist but we're also brown ourselves. The duality of man

>> No.54553406

Checked and I hate the antichrist

>> No.54553424

First year?

>> No.54553442

Nigger that's a big ass parenthesis

>> No.54553447
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I don't think you understand OP.

I browse /biz/ to make enough money to exterminate a considerable amount of niggers on the planet. Currently my estimate is at $50k for a hit on a single person. The US has around 47 million niggers in it, so I could kill about 10% of those with a net worth as high as Elon Musks.

>> No.54553466
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Check-em. I seek patterns on the charts, like checkems going to the moon.

>> No.54553473

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.54553476

Race realism is a necessity for a man in current year.
Naïve faggots with their head in the sand pretend that an all out race conflict doesn't happen every day.

>> No.54553492

Nobody here is "racist" anon, we just have prejudices against people of different races

>> No.54553500

Chuds are subhuman

>> No.54553517


>> No.54553535

No, but it's what everyone else does here

>> No.54553547

I love everyone regardless of race.
The only real racism I feel is for Scamming Indian Sirs. But that's not because they're from India. It's because the wicked paths they have chosen.

Just thinking of all the pajeets who scam the elderly over the phone or all the shitcoins they shill on /biz/ everyday. FUCK YOU BASTERDS

>> No.54553557

On that note, is "pajeet" a racist term?
Kek I should probably stop staying that

>> No.54553563

This. All the talk is irrelevant when you have to actually live in the real world and get by.

>> No.54553571

I was never anti-semitic til I lived with Jewish people; I was never homophobic til I made gay friends; I was never racist til I moved to a black/hispanic neighborhood. Tolerance is something you can only have in a heterogenous high trust society. Reality destroys it.

>> No.54553576

Sorry about that, I can't exactly structure my sentences according to convention while still conveying the precise meaning. I'm some sort of logic-schizo for whom this is important for some reason.

>> No.54553605

i'm not too keen on coalburners and afro apologists

>> No.54553617

I'm racist against chainlink holders

>> No.54553664

Cool cool

>> No.54553713
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I just hate niggers and Conservative Christians (aka jews)

Black people- ok
Mexicans - ok
Asians - ok
GINGERS - B===========D

>> No.54553715

are checkems racist?

>> No.54553730

you would be too if you lived next to detroit for 35 years

>> No.54553736

Only towards frogs

>> No.54553737
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Checked and extremely

>> No.54553740

Wow, zoomers are actually not racist? What a bunch of hopeless fucking losers.

>> No.54553752

no im not. i make fun of racists because theyre probably look just like the chud meme guy and they dont got anything going for them so they pretend their skin color makes them cool.

>> No.54553777
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It's strange how America being a "post-racial society" still does nothing but talk about race, but instead of it being about how good white people are and how bad brown people are, it's reversed.

It's important to realize that even if you aren't tribal about your race, others are, and they will use it against you. There's no point in playing by rules made specifically to fuck you over

>> No.54553779
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>> No.54553829

>t. nonwhite married to a viet or a flip

>> No.54553891

I just say stuff for the shits and giggles m80

>> No.54553910
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I identify as anonymously decentralized; my skin is green harkening back to the OG green faced anon in a suit and I appear as a frog, symbolizing my ascent into darkness and the gollum-like transformation I have achieved.

>> No.54553947

I believe all people deserve a fair chance but I would also launch a nuclear bombardment on three continents.

>> No.54553961
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>> No.54553983

kek. This. My mom told me she wasnt racist so I asked why she chooses to live in a predominantly white neighborhood. She had no answer but insisted it had nothing to do with race.

>> No.54553985

I'm not racist. All people all over the world have exactly the same cognitive capacity. While it might apply to all other known mammals there is no such thing as subspecies in people and these subspecies clearly differ exclusively in phenotype.
This is the basis of my next argument: Everyone should be treated exactly the same, both on an interpersonal level and in front of the law.

>> No.54553994

I judge people as individuals. Therefore, by today's standards, I suppose I am racist.

>> No.54553999

>newfag finally realizes skin is just a color

>> No.54554006

>All people all over the world have exactly the same cognitive capacity
kek, so what is the niggers' excuse for never using it?

>> No.54554026

no because I don't consider jews human

>> No.54554062
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i look like this. take a guess

>> No.54554125

In the system of colonialism if you're smart and capable your goal is GTFO, if you try to change things in a colonial nation you die.

>> No.54554138

Haha, no (yes)

>> No.54554148

some say all white people are racist just by being white, some say cultural appropriation is racist, some say typing the word nigger and hitting post is racist, or that noticing official fbi crime stats is racist. but no, i'm not racist

>> No.54554175

I have no problems with anyone but african Americans. The other races are normal mixture of good and bad people and good and bad cultural traits.
Im not like running around burning crosses or causing problems, but i go way out of my way not to interact with blacks between the ages of 10 and 50. i went to a school that was 80% black and worked in a large factory for a few years, which was 98% black.
My wife works with a lot of Africans from africa, and they are normal people. Our africans are the worst, though.

>> No.54554177
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No, we still jerk off to gooks here unlike /pol/tards. We also secretly want to be like the j00s. We're not a fan of the blacks tho, but I think that's all the boards.

>> No.54554290

According to modern standards, yes. According to the original definition, no.

>> No.54554298
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>> No.54554313

>jerk off to gooks
memes aside, this. i'm not a stormfag at all and is open to racemixing. just don't like pavement apes

>> No.54554522
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wait you're not actually brainwashed, are you?

if its accurate and has value idc what label your jewish lords call it

>> No.54554615
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>> No.54554636

no but I'm starting to believe that there is a difference in skin colors, reading retards over and over again makes you fuck in the head, I was even thinking of leaving my hami bags to run away naked to the forest

>> No.54554667

Everyone except mongrels.

>> No.54554673

i take offence to that.
i'm very racist, i just don't need to show it all the time because i'm not insecure in my racism. i can act non-racist without being non-racist. i can feel comfortable talking to a black person (not that i would, but just for example's sake) without having to show my disdain for him, this wouldn't take away my racism.

i'm 100% racist
i don't need to prove myself

>> No.54554676
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>> No.54554687

Nah, but I am classist.

I respect people that get up and work everyday to provide for their family.

The two groups of people that do not do this are:
The ultra rich
The ultra poor

>> No.54554701


>> No.54554785
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no, you're a cringe college age (read: brainwashed) retard

or jewish i never can tell age with that lot

>> No.54554807

My brain was made to seek the patterns and patterns are all I am seeking

>> No.54554819

Racism is a spectrum. Like the rainbow there are many flavours to racism. The beauty of the rainbow comes from the seperation. It is only natural for races to be separated. That way we keep our uniqueness and I don't have to deal with third world chinks, poos and niggers stinking up my white country.

>> No.54554922

So you got a problem with retards, huh faggot?