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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54552386 No.54552386 [Reply] [Original]

Doomers completely BTFOd. We are currently in the greatest economic recovery our country has seen in generations now that the adults are back in charge. Sorry conspiratard extremist there will never be an economic collapse.

>> No.54552454

This woman is either insane, a liar or both.

>> No.54552469

just trust the authorities, chud

>> No.54552477


This reminds me of the shit that Bush and Greenspan were saying in 2007. It is a last effort to pump bags one more time before the big drop


>> No.54552478

Yellen also thinks people hate the IRS because they don't have enough resources to be effective, not that they take people's money. That old Jew is retarded.

>> No.54552480

They're called jews

>> No.54552487

this word is problematic, you shall be investigated for thinking about this

>> No.54552495

So both?

>> No.54552517

It's not if you use it in the right context. Learn to do the right thing, chud

>> No.54552525

How is this fucking critter still alive. Im gonna manifest its death tonight. Screencap this I’m gonna use magic

>> No.54552685

>The goverment simply kicks the can indefinitly
>peeps actually jump off buildings out of despair
Kek, lmfao even.

>> No.54552702

>jew lies to save face
Wow what does pilpul mean again

>> No.54552716

The economy is exceptionally safe and exceptionally effective

>> No.54552950

I think I will put my trust in the economic experts than the chinese cartoon enthusiasts from /biz/

>> No.54553048

"Stable and resilient" is their new double-speak. Meanwhile, the biggest heist in history occured right under our noses. SVB depositors robbed the FDIC blind. Consisted of large VC funds, mainland Chinese depositors, Prince Harry, and vaporware tech companies, and Gavin Newsom. The FDIC is a bit like social security in that regard, it will no longer be there for when ordinary middle class Americans actually need it. Hence the bank shooting, I hope sent these too big to fails a message. They can't keep getting away with this, can they?

>> No.54553114

>hence the bank shooting
What banking shooting?

>> No.54553118

Assuming troll, but are there still people out there who legitimately trust their governments this much?

>> No.54553155

It's a goof on the vax, you dip.

>> No.54553160

Why shouldn't people trust the government?

>> No.54553165

lol no.

>> No.54553173

Bearish for Bitcoin.

>> No.54553183

There are less than $110B in the US treasury.

>> No.54553822

There's one word for that

>> No.54553830
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Haha yea...

>> No.54553834

That money is earmarked for Ukraine.

>> No.54553944

She sounds just like whitey from 8 crazy nights

>> No.54554031

50% tesla
50% bitcoin

>> No.54554096

The economy is to a large extend faith based, they know this. Of all the tools in their toolboxes, in their toolshed, saying shit is the only thing that is free and probably the most effective tool they have anyway.
so of course they will say the "economy is strong" or whatever - regardless of whether they believe it to be the case or not.

>> No.54554116

billions will eat fresh

>> No.54554147
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Ol' Yellen figured out that as long as she doesn't say anything negative about the economy, the computerized trading systems won't dump everything.
meanwhile central banks are gobbling up all the world's gold for pennies while JP Morgan artificially suppresses the value of metals

>> No.54554151
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Whats the level of the strategic oil reserve?
30%? 40%? Its been tapped for close to a year now.

>> No.54554185

>anti-Semitism +3

>> No.54554203
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>> No.54554216

Do Americans really still need the vaxx?


>> No.54554286

Someone should go through old news articles and see if the Fed was peddling the same lies during the 2008 crash

>> No.54554306
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Verification not required.

>> No.54554494

Why would the Fed lie?

>> No.54554506

The new secular religions are a giant mistake. I say this as a person raised all Jesus-y, the parallels are insane.

>> No.54554520

>We are not at war with eastasia

>> No.54554527

And don't forget the orange chicken from Panda Express!

>> No.54554900

anyone else feel that the conspiracies started when the day of the funny towers happened? before that we only had myths, even I could say that the whole government is against me because I still can't make it with my hami bags, we are all schizos on the inside

>> No.54555039

Hey knock it off with the antisemitism. Take it to /pol/.

>> No.54555997

She's not wrong as unemployment is still quite low. Until that happens, fed will continue to raise rates and bear market will continue.

>> No.54556037

Those numbers don't include people not looking for jobs. And wouldn't you know there are plenty of people not looking for work.

>> No.54556058
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can somebody please make a demonic AI render of the ghoul

>> No.54556060

Iunno job market seems fine. I got fired a couple of weeks ago and have been interviewing non stop. Def not as good as last year but very very good.

>> No.54556070
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>claimed 5.9% and above interest rate is a thing

>> No.54556077
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Liberalism is the mental disorder that believes the economy is booming under Biden but somehow simultaneously doing poorly because of Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

>> No.54556085

>obviously performing exceptionally well
Just like how everything is fine

>> No.54556108

>Yellen also thinks people hate the IRS because they don't have enough resources to be effective, not that they take people's money
For every dollar spent on the IRS to chase down corporations they get five dollars back.

>> No.54556115
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Leftards actually believe this.

>> No.54556119
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Companies have millions of job postings for the positions that do not exist or the company does intend on filling at all.
Millions of young people just gave up and moved in with their parents and going NEET.
Shit is all whack. Production and demand in certain industries has been going down for the past 3 years yet the gov is screaming about employee shortage.

Ask any of your of friends who are looking for a job what it is like. Ask any of your employed friends if it is a good to start looking for a job right now. You will get your answer

>> No.54556255

Interviews don’t mean you’re going to get hired.
But enjoy your months of interviews, one might lead to a real job that doesn’t underpay and overwork you.

>> No.54556412

Enjoy getting btfo

>> No.54556439

I figured, by my 700th application. Finally got a position. All you have to do is keep applying, which takes like 3 hours a day at most to do 50 or so.

>> No.54556470

Nigga ain’t nobody gonna watch no 4 hour video

>> No.54556561

>Establishment kikes lying about the stability of the economy
>Internet trolls lying saying they believe them
It's all so tiresome...

>> No.54556583

I called the FBI on you
not even joking

>> No.54556669

>April 1st 1
>le epic ecoonomy is b00ming gois!

>> No.54556703
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>> No.54556733
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>> No.54556981
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in the same way, doomer fud on the internet costs the miserable and worthless NEETs posting in on /biz/ nothing

>> No.54557569
File: 288 KB, 1169x1209, 8A6664B1-2B23-44EF-8BD8-F5CBA7085193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust these experts too

>> No.54558053

They're just transitory and as the President said, trans is the heart and soul of the American project.

>> No.54559278

absolutely based and beautiful

then check out this timestamp where they buy bank of england shares with a 200 year old stick

>> No.54559287

everything they say is designed to be a soundbite to soothe boomer cattle. they arent meant to be taken literally

>> No.54559310

Yes they are called Scandinavians

>> No.54561442
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Telling the truth would only have exacerbated an already bad situation

>> No.54561884
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my god, this son of a bitch actually did it.

>> No.54562128

>the greatest economic recovery
>country hadnt even recovered from 2008

>> No.54562253

Shes a jew, so most likely both.

>> No.54562263

Its performing well in the sense it has not crashed and burned during the transition period we are in. We dont have people starving or suffering en masse due to economic and financial issues, sure it sucks for poorer people and everyone sees the price of food be increasing but they are still able to survive this. And yes this is the great reset, a new world awaits us all.

>> No.54562666

Oy vey what you mean, goy?